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Parsang: Mast Pheel (intoxicated Elephant)

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PARSANG MAST PHEEL (Intoxicated Elephant)

The story of Kesri Chand Pheel i.e. elephant (Pheel) of Kesri Chand is one of the most interesting and lesson-teaching story from Gur-Itihaas (Guru history). During one of the Anandpur Sahib battles involving the hill chieftains, the battle between king of Kahloor and Sikhs is of great importance. The following story is based mainly on accounts of battle written by Shiromini Kavi – Sirimaan Maha Kavi Santokh Singh Chooramani.


With increasing power of Sikhs under the leadership of Siri Guru Gobind Singh, after the shahidi of Siri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, the hill chieftains felt threatened. They thought that Siri Guru jee had imperialistic aims but they did not know that Guru Sahib never had such thoughts. Vaheguru has already bestowed Siri Guru jee with “Abichal Raaj” (eternal kingdom). Yes, Guru Sahib did set his eyes on uplifting the downtrodden people who had been living at the lowest step of ladder due to low caste, poverty and religion. Ones who became Sikhs of Guru pulled themselves out of poverty, and strains of low caste. Some high caste hill chieftains felt threatened by this.

Secondly, the hill chieftains felt jealous of royalty of Guru Sahib. Guru Sahibaan after Siri Guru Hargobind Sahib lived like kings and their grandeur, splendour and majesty overshadowed the hill chieftains. This resulted in many skirmishes between Sikhs and hill chieftains.

This story is from one of such battles between Sikhs and hill chieftains. The battle between Sikhs and Bhim Chand the king of Kahloor was on. Sikhs were besieged in their fort – Lohgarh and army of hill chieftains had surrounded the fort. They could not get in as the fort was very strong and the Sikhs repulsed all their attacks on the fort.


A Gupp-Halkaara (spy) came to Siri Guru Dasmesh jee and said, “Prabh jeeo, whatever I have heard with my ears and seen with my eyes, I am going to narrate. Last night when the Sikhs attacked and destroyed one of the positions of the enemy, Bhim Chand was greatly agitated by this. He held a meeting at night while devouring dinner. Bhim Chand challenged his generals and warriors to do something to break into Lohgarh fort. At this time, Kesri Chand pledged that next day he would break open the main gate of the fort with his elephant. This elephant is one of the most powerful one and will be totally covered with steel shields. Kesri Chand has avowed that he will not show his face to his people if he fails to break the gate”.

The Gupp-Halkaara continued, “O Prabhu, the elephant is very powerful. He is so powerful that he can uproot a fully grown, big tree in just one strike. There is no other elephant more powerful than him. Please do something to stop this attack.”


Siri Satguru jee kept quiet after hearing this. He just closed his eyes and went into Naam trance. The Sikhs who were sitting around got very worried. Everyone just started thinking of the next move. All eyes were set on Satguru jee. Just then, the well-built, son of the Amritsar Masand - Duni Chand walked in. He was just huge. He was tall and his chest was wide and strong. Both of his legs were heavy like elephant. Duni Chand’s huge stature was not because of fat but by hard work and was pure musle. He worked out extensively and ate well and as a result of this he built a very powerful body. He used to visit sangat regularly and was known to accept heavy gaphaa (large quantity) of Karah Parshaad. He normally used to listen to what Guru Sahib said and obeyed hukams of Guru Sahib. He was the son of Salo Masand of Siri Amritsar Sahib. He had never been put to test by Guru Sahib and had recently been at Anandpur Sahib along with a jatha he brought from Siri Amritsar Sahib.

Siri Guru jee opened his eyes and his gaze of grace (Nadar-e-Karam) fell upon Duni Chand. Guru Sahib lovingly said, “Guru Ghar has an elephant like Duni Chand. What is the position of Kesri Chand’s elephant in front of Guru’s elephant – Duni Chand. Duni Chand the Guru’s elephant has obtained personal strength of the Guru. Who can then move him? Duni Chand will destroy the enemy elephant in no time. Tomorrow we will prove to the world that Guru’s elephant is stronger than Kesri Chand's elephant that’s going to attack us.”


Everyone heard Siri Guru jee’s bachan and they all looked at Duni Chand. Duni Chand really looked very powerful to them. Siri Guru jee did these bachans and retired to his room. In few moments, everyone else too went to their chambers to retire. Duni Chand was stuck there and could not move. The idea of fighting the powerful and intoxicated elephant of Kesri Chand scared the wits out of his mind. Duni Chand, due to the sprouting of some bad karma from his past, could not bring faith on Guru Sahib’s bachans (sayings). His lips became dry and he was moving his tongue on his lips to make them wet. His breathing became heavy and fast. His cheeks and face became pale. He was thinking, what feat is Guru trying to play with him. He had such fear of dying at that time and without dying he died. His heart was overcome with fear.

He started thinking of getting out of this trouble. Till late night he kept on thinking and could not sleep. He was thinking that next morning Guru Sahib was going to send him to death chamber by sending him to fight that mad elephant. The best resolution was to get out of this place. He thought that many Sikhs too were probably feeling stuck in this battle and were fighting reluctantly.


Duni Chand went over to see Bhai Daya Singh, late that night. He looked very worried and said, “what is the Guru doing to the sangat? So many Singhs have died. Everyday so many Singhs die fighting the enemy. I am not the only one who is worrying about dying. Many others too are thinking the same thing. I propose that all Sikhs should have a maslat (meeting) and decide on ceasefire and peaceful resolution to war. Send a peace proposal to Bhim Chand, first thing in the morning and this way bring peace in the valley. If Guru accepts this proposal, then alone will I stay here; otherwise, why should I just waste my life by dying like this?”

Bhai Daya Singh realized that this Sikh was faltering from the righteous path of Gurmat and addressed him as follows, “Guru is all powerful and will do only good. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen in the hukam of Vaheguru. The Turks are not greater than Guru. All are in the hukam of Guru and are just playing their parts as per hukam. Whatever hukam Guru Sahib is ordering, just obey the hukam. Whichever path Guru Sahib is asking you to walk on, just walk there.”


Duni Chand did not like the reply of Bhai Daya Singh jee and then went over to Bhai Dharam Singh, Bhai Mohkam Singh, Bhai Sahib Singh and other prominent Gursikhs but he got similar answer from all of them.

He became very desperate and went over to the dera of Bhai Uday Singh. He expressed his reasons of stress and worry to Bhai Uday Singh. His face had turned very pale out of worrying and he said, “why have we adopted our own destruction? What is the point of getting cheered by sangat when you are going to die? Use your intelligence and get out of here. You all will be saved if you listen to me; otherwise every one of us will perish here. I don’t want to die before the day of my death. What is my age? I don’t deserve to die so early. I will surely die tomorrow fighting that elephant but remember that you all too will die in the next few days. We still have time. Try to convince Guru Sahib to stop this war and if he does not listen to us, then we should resolve to leave this death-place and go home to our parents.”

Bhai Uday Singh realized that Duni Chand had been overcome by the fear of death. He spoke very lovingly to Duni Chand and tried to pacify him as follows, “O Duni Chand, why are you becoming so weak. From generations you have had Masandi in your home and you have been nurtured and grown by Guru himself. Your family has lived off Guru’s money for generations. Your family has been preaching Sikhi to Sikhs for generations. Just look at your family history and tradition, and then make a decision. How bad will it look if you back off. Our happiness and sorrow is with Guru Sahib alone. Guru Sahib has his hand on our heads. We need not fear. If Guru Sahib is asking you to fight the elephant, then he will bless you with the power of many lions. How can Guru Sahib let you down. If you are defeated, then would it not be the defeat of Guru Sahib himself too? How would he not keep your honour, which is essentially his own honour? When you will kill that elephant, imagine how much glory you will obtain. Guru Sahib will make you win giving you his power and then all the glory will be yours, all credit will go to you.”

Duni Chand got upset hearing Bhai Uday Singh’s reply and said, “What good will the honour be to me if I die in the hands of that mad elephant. I don’t understand why Guru Sahib has started all these fights. His father, our previous Guru, Siri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib jee did not do any battles. It was so good back then. Now ever since the Guru has gained some strength, he has started many battles. I collected so many Singhs from Majha region but I did not know that I had brought them here to die.


Bhai Uday Singh tried to give him good advice again but all in vain. Bhai Gurbaksh Singh was sitting near Bhai Uday Singh. He addressed Duni Chand lovingly as a brother, “O brother, why are you getting so weak minded? Have some faith and don’t be scared of death.”.

Hearing Bhai Gurbaksh Singh address him, Duni Chand right away moved closer to Bhai Sahib and said, “O Bhai Sahib, look what Guru have we established (He was under fake impression that he i.e. the masands had established Guru Sahib)? I brought so many Singhs from Majha region and now they are all going to die here. You and I have been so close for so many years. Great trouble has befallen upon me. You must help me to get out of it. Let’s get out of here. This Guru does not have any qualities of a true Guru. Let’s get out of here and go to Kartarpur to meet Dhir Mal and establish him a big Guru. Let’s take all sangat to him. Establishing Guru is in our hands. So much sangat is behind us and whomever we recognize our Guru will be accepted by sangat. You too come with me and you will get very important position there. Money will not be a problem either.”

Taking a pause, Duni Chand continued , “If you don’t listen to me, great calamities will befall upon all of you. Today the gate will fall and all people inside the fort will be put to sword or taken as prisoners and sent to Delhi. You too come with me. Singhs of Majha are with me.”

Bhai Gurbaksh Singh was very upset when he heard this and replied, “O stupid Duni Chand, the illusion (maya) of Guru Sahib is very powerful. You have fallen trap to the maya and have resolved to giving very bad name to your family and to your father Bhai Saalo. You yourself are going to fall in hell and you want to take me with you too. It would have been better if your mother had given birth to a daughter instead of a coward like you. You have uprooted the root of Masandgiri (the practice of masandi). So much Gurbani is being recited here. How will not Gurbani paath bring positive results? One last time, I am advising you not to give back to your Guru. Guru Sahib will never let you die. Have faith in Guru Sahib.”


Unfortunately for Duni Chand, he stayed adamant and did not listen to advice of all prominent Gursikhs. He came back to his dera and collected all his friends and sangat that came with him. He addressed them on similar lines as the Sikhs previously described and convinced many stupid and faithless Sikhs to leave the fort with him. Duni Chand planned to climb down the high walls of the fort immediately and leave for their homes. He collected ropes from somewhere and kept the strongest one for himself since he had a very heavy body. Very carefully he and others started climbing down the high walls of the fort. Though Duni Chand was quite careful in climbing down the high wall still the rope broke and he fell down heavily on one of his legs and broke it. He felt great pain in his leg but out of fear of waking the enemy, he kept the sound low. His friends who had agreed to leave with him carried him away. They arranged for a chaarpaayee (Indian style bed i.e. manji) and carried him to Amritsar Sahib. All through the way, he cried “Haaye Haaye” due to the pain in his leg.


Singhs got up at amritvela as usual and sat on their aasans, meditating on the divine Naam. Then wearing Shasters (weapons) and Khalsaayee Bastars (Khalsa attire), Singhs came in sangat and listened to Shabad Kirtan with full concentration. Guru Sahib arrived with baaz in his hand showering divine nectar on his sangat through his divine eyes. After the completion of the congregation, thundering sound of the Ranjit Nagara could be heard all around Lohgarh. The enthusiasm in Sangat was amazing to watch. Siri Guru jee sitting on his throne was gazing at the chardi kala Sangat and noticed that certain Singhs of Majha like Mattu Singh were missing.

Just as Guru Sahib was looking for missing Singhs, two Singhs came and informed Guru Sahib after doing Namaskaar, “Prabhu jeeo, Duni Chand has ran away taking his sangat with him. Since you had asked him to fight the powerful elephant, he was under great stress and has run away to his home, last night.”

Listening to this, Siri Satguru jee said, “Where can one run away from Kaal (death). Where he has run away, there too Kaal is on his head and will take him with him. Those who have run away from Guru, fearing battles and death, will stay in this fear all life. They will be engaged in battles all life and will get food only after fight.”


Having escaped death in Siri Anandpur Sahib, Duni Chand was now overcome with embarrassment in Amritsar. People would come to him and ask about the battle and Duni Chand felt embarrassed telling them that he had run away from war. People there yet did not know what Duni Chand and his companions had done. Many of his companions were already feeling remorse for letting down Guru Sahib and running away from war.

Duni Chand instructed his relatives to not let anyone meet him. He told them to tell people that he had hurt his leg and wanted to rest alone. He was feeling great pain and was doing Haai Haai all the time. One day he went out on nature’s call and was bitten by a Cobra. Within small amount of time he was gone. He died as a bemukh.

People talked ill about Duni Chand after he died. They condemned him for giving his back to the Guru. His family felt so embarrassed that they could not show their face in sangat. Two of his grandsons Anoop Singh and Saroop Singh felt so bad that they resolved to clean their family name and headed towards Siri Anandpur Sahib to fight alongside Guru Sahib. Many from Majha region joined them to fight for the sake of Guru Sahib.


1) Duni Chand had such a strong body but he was a coward. Having a strong body does not mean that one is a warrior too. To be a warrior, the most important requirement is a strong heart (Sher dil, brave heart).

2) If Guru Sahib orders us to lift a 20 kilo bucket, he makes sure that he gives us power to lift 40 kilo. What's required is faith in Guru Sahib. Guru Sahib asked Duni Chand to fight an elephant. Before asking him to do so, Guru Sahib must have given him power of many lions, as Bhai Uday Singh said. Alas, Duni Chand did not have the required faith.

3) If death is to come in obeying the hukam of Guru, then this death cannot be escaped by not obeying Guru Sahib's hukam. If only Duni Chand knew that his death was imminent and running away from Guru Sahib would not save him. Obeying Guru Sahib's hukam may have saved him from death and if he had died obeying Guru Sahib's hukam, he death would have been remembered as Shaheedi.

4) If we are incapable of obeying a hukam of Guru Sahib, we should at least not discredit that hukam like Duni Chand started badmouthing Guru Sahib's strategies. In today's life, if we are unable to obey a Hukam or keep a rehit, we should at least not try to prove that such and such rehit is not a rehit itself. If we can't keep Sarbloh Bibek, at least support the ones who keep it. If we can't keep amrit vela, at least don't try to prove that there is no such thing as amritvela (e.g. Ghagga trying to prove there is no such thing as Naam Abhyaas or amritvela).

...to be continued with Bhai Bachitter Singh's saakhi of beating the elephant.


Kulbir Singh

vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

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