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Sikh Freedom Fighters Who Were Martyed


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after meeting bhai randhir singh in jail, bhagat singh became full singh and kept full rehit..... and he even asked jail authorities for amrit but was refused to... same happened to sukha and jinda 6 decades later

their's no hard evidence for this, but when he was fighting for freedom he was atheist and a huge follower of lenin and russian revolution.

He could of started believing in god or died athiest

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Bhagat Singh the martyr is known to all and one in India. He had through his dauntless courage shaken the British imperialism in India. He was hanged to death. He had to trim his hair to change his identity during the freedom struggle to avoid arrest. When he was waiting his death by hanging, in the Lahore Jail, he met Bhai Randhir Singh, a devout Sikh, who also happened to be in the same jail at that time. Bhai Randhir Singh told Sardar Bhagat Singh that his sacrifice for the nation was all right and he would ever be remembered with respect by all his countrymen but to receive honour for him in the court of the Guru. Bhagat Singh was much impressed by the arguements put forth by Bhai Randhir Singh. So he performed ardas (prayer) in the jail and started growing his hair. He thus became quite joyous and optimistic in his last days. Pritam Singh, in his article entitled "Randhir Singh Banam (versus) Shahid Bhagat Singh" published in Punjabi Tribune, dated 27 June 1995 says that after this Bhagat Singh fully respected the sanctity of his hair. When Bhagat Singh was hanged on 23 March 1931, his hair on the head were 6" long, and those of moustaches and beard were also intact. According to Pritam Singh, this was confirmed by Bhai Natha Singh, a Granthi of Kasir, who had offered ardas at the time of cremation of Bhagat Singh. Another evidence given in support of the above contention is a phtograph of Bhagat Singh which appeared in the Blitz of 29 March 1948. In that photograph Bhagat Singh is shown handcuffed and chained. He had sufficiently long hair which were tied in a small knot. The photographer had taken this snap just a few days before Bhagat Singh was hanged.

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wow mandeep..observing your anti-UK historical posts.. i hpe ur not living in UK

So to live anywhere you have to be a proper brown nose to the host community and suspend the quest for historical truth in case it is offensive to them??

Revolutionary, you are a lame revolutionary!

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wow mandeep..observing your anti-UK historical posts.. i hpe ur not living in UK

So to live anywhere you have to be a proper brown nose to the host community and suspend the quest for historical truth in case it is offensive to them??

Revolutionary, you are a lame revolutionary!


I dont care if its offensive to them.. the problem is: We should concentrate on the Present issue rather than diving into the past to create enemity from the past. Now they give us independance to wear kirpan, give us democratic rights, fair system of benefits etc.

We gained independance from them.. We've made it.. Let's gain indepedence from the chains of society they binds us down right Now.

Don't deny history, but let present take a priority in our way of thinking.

Thanks for the insults tho

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When I look at Sikh history. I see the downward slide from the moment the Sikhs lost the AngloSikh wars. After that the Sikhs (or Khalsa to be more specific) ceased to be able to militarily protect Sikhs. The mass disarming was probably the biggest reason why. What happened afterwards was a slow and gradual change where weapons became symbolic rather than practical. The SIkhs that were armed (i.e. in the British forces) didn't manage to protect Sikhs from the mass slaughter that took place at partition....and so forth

Another overlooked fact is the loss of wealth from Punjab after "annexation", dude this was no small amount!!

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wow mandeep..observing your anti-UK historical posts.. i hpe ur not living in UK

could you give me an example of the anti uk post???

wow mandeep..observing your anti-UK historical posts.. i hpe ur not living in UK

could you give me an example of the anti uk post???

and by that is how are my threads anti uk??? The truth is anti uk?

wow mandeep..observing your anti-UK historical posts.. i hpe ur not living in UK

So to live anywhere you have to be a proper brown nose to the host community and suspend the quest for historical truth in case it is offensive to them??

Revolutionary, you are a lame revolutionary!

lol you put it best, i hate ppl who suck up.

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