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Are You Indian? How Do You Know?

Mehtab Singh

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see Bro,

Read article, i can post it , but it is too lenghty and boring,The author raised many valid points

Can you give answer to them?

Question : do you agree with Dayanand Saraswati or not?

I dont want to offend so i give full target id.

If i want to offend i will only give lines without target.

Ok now thing is very clear, when we have doubt we consult bani.

I will only accept your point if you provide me with exact page number from any prominent Hindu Granth.

I think it is a valid statement.

Just give me name of Granth (Some prominent) and its page number.

Which refererred to people living in India as Hindu.

I will accept :)

Just one thing what does Kush meaans in Hindi.

One person was saying it means genocide and Hindu-Kush gets its name when Muslim murdered innocent Hindus. It is not offensive but just want to know it.

You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

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You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

I am not a Hindu .. worthy or unworthy !

though I have many grievances against many people of many different religions .. I do not tar everyone with a broadbrush and categorize. We must be compassionate towards every human being just as our mother was compassionate towards our mistake when we were young.

Please do not indulge in hatred. No one is willing or capable to argue with someone who spreads hatred.

this is Kaljug .. and hatred comes naturally just like other kaam/paap/negative emotions.

So keeping these in check is what makes us human and differentiates us with non-human.

Dayanand Saraswati:

Hindus ~ Slaves .. well there were a lot of slaves taken after each of Abdali's invasions. And if I am correct it is the Sikhs who stopped this slave trade by disrupting the slave wagons.

there is a very strong difference between Hindus and Muslims during ancient era. In that Hindus kshatriya/warrior class had a 'code of warfare' where they did not hurt the non-combatants or enslave them.

In fact it was quite common during those days to see two Hindu armies fighting while the farmers went about their business of farming peacefully in the field alongside.

there is also a tale that Bakhtawar Khilji who attacked Bodh Gaya was in fact welcomed by Buddhist Monks who thought that he was just another Hindu ruler (no CNN/Fox News those days) and it would be business as usual after they had welcomed him.

But Mr. Khilji just went in and chopped off the heads of those monks who were waiting to garland him. :<Edited>:

So muslims in that era specialized in behaving like barbarians in the true sense of the word.


Kush means mass death/genocide. Many times bandi (slaves) from Indus belt could not pass over the Pamir mountains due to its inclement weather and their own state of undernutrition and starvation. So many a person died trying to make it in slave convoys to Central Asia.

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Guest peacemaker
You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

After our few pm chats, I thought we came to an understanding. You knew I would read this and yet you say such negative remarks as this?! You can do all the research you want and I may not know as much about politics in India as you do, but I see what is before my eyes very clearly. I really want to know why you don't like Hindus or Indians or even "modern sikhs". I sense much trouble in your life, Eshani.

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You are a worthy Hindu, nothing offensive very few in your race present today, rest are useless as most modern sikhs.

I really want to know why you don't like Hindus or Indians or even "modern sikhs". I sense much trouble in your life, Eshani.

Ok Bro _>Modern Sikhs are those born in great akali families whose both parents are Sikhs, some are amritdharis. they have cut hairs , take drugs and all time run after girls.

I beat one.

90 percent of Sikhs in Punjab and most in west are such.

Who think religion is nothing.

I have so pain when i see Sikhs having Amritdhari parents roaming for girls.

90 percent Sikhs don't know names of 10 Gurus.

I just want to say there was nothing against you or any individual it is against the majority of todays Sikhs.

Sons of Great warriors who are lost.

I am not good in debate its pain in my heart that take forum of words, i don't write with brain but with my heart.

Modern Sikhs -> i used for Sikhs who cut or trim beard, roam for girls, take drugs or drink, and are no way resemble our ancestors.

even if you love India, i am not against you until you are not doing above things.

I never say anything to you, just few problem with some nihangs.

Take lightly everything have fun, improve understandings it is all. :)

See if i can praise raju, i have no intention to hurt you.

I really care for all true Sikhs who really have feeling to walk on path shown by our gurus.

I respect people who respect there religion as well as other.

I have no feeling for Sikhs who do wrong actions.

How do you get idea that i target you?

Which line.

After our conversation it was over from me , it was just with sher-e-moreau.

Let God give us strength that we learn to live in his wishes.


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Sorry bro, I am in field in which i have to made large assumptions so it has become my way of life.

My assumptions are mostly right.

But it is only assumption based on facts.

raju cant me Muslim, Christian.

It can be jain or buddhist.

You have good knowledge of Hinduism.

probability you may get it from parents

Conclusion you are hindu or have adopted it.

Above is technical understanding we use in coding.

I was wrong, so so so ;;;

I hope you can give me name of Granth(prominent) and page number.

See its logical bro.

See i am not taking it personal, you should enjoy and learn.


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Sorry bro, I am in field in which i have to made large assumptions so it has become my way of life.

My assumptions are mostly right.

But it is only assumption based on facts.

raju cant me Muslim, Christian.

It can be jain or buddhist.

You have good knowledge of Hinduism.

probability you may get it from parents

Conclusion you are hindu or have adopted it.

See i am not taking it personal, you should enjoy and learn.


So basically you have said I'm lying.

And then you asked me not to get personal and 'enjoy' and 'learn'.

Sorry bro, I am in field in which i have to made large assumptions so it has become my way of life.

My assumptions are mostly right.

But it is only assumption based on facts.

I don't care.

it seems you can't your facts nor your 'assumptions' right. :rolleyes:

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Eshani, you're just making yourself look stupid now. Quit while you're ahead. How do you know what Raju is?!!! Just by their name?!!

Eshani just can't believe that someone with a 'Hinduised/Indianised' name can be anything but Hindu.

Eshani .. the word root is Esh ~ Shiv

Eshani .. of Shiv.

So is Eshani a Hindu ?

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So what you say??????

If one know too much about Sikhism, then one be Sikh or convert to sikhi. i think

so your logic

If one know too much about Hinduism one can be a Muslim. Happy now

I never quit. Only people who are not sure of themselves Quit.

Eshani, you're just making yourself look stupid now. Quit while you're ahead. How do you know what Raju is?!!! Just by their name?!!

Eshani just can't believe that someone with a 'Hinduised/Indianised' name can be anything but Hindu.

Eshani .. the word root is Esh ~ Shiv

Eshani .. of Shiv.

So is Eshani a Hindu ?

Ok i will change my name to GurBaksh Kaur, happy now.

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