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Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I took some time out for this place a few months and and was glad to return becasue this place has helped me so much in Maharaj's Sikhs..........but recently ive noticed the amount of racially discriminating threads............MAINLY relating to Hindus etc etc and SOME sangat here seem to feed of them............so i just wanted to highlight a few things

By posting racial hate on and internet forum u think God cant see what you are doing? do you think you are safe hiding behind a computer screen, yet when Dharamraj comes to settle your account, WHich computer screen u gonna hide behind then?

Before people start jumping on the "It the mods fault cos they dont moderate properly" bandwagon let me remind you that ONE is responisble for their own actions..........the mods are not responsible for the hatred and vulgarity of whats in your mind...........if you have issues, Guru Ji has given us sangat, bani, bana, simeran......any one these will help you see whaeguru in all.................

GURU TEG BAHADUR JI gave his life for these people you guys seem to hunt on a daily basis!! WHY? in the name of humanity!!!! if sikhs loose their humanity who are the low caste, down trodden persecuted people going to turn to? A sikh may not follow the beliefs amnd ways of other religion but WE or NO ONE ELSE have the right to persecute, riddicule or mock what waheguru gave them!!!

Sikhi teaches you about compassion, forgivness, tolerance...........this seems to be loosing all credibility in this day and age

This makes me so angry because you turn the reality of our Father Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji into a JOKE!!! His Sikhi into a JOKE!!!

Dont hurt your jeevans and ur kamai by bowing down to kaljug and its evils ways......see waheguru in all..........but first and foremost find waheguru in yourself..........

bhul chuck maafi

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

"edited to add word "some" bolded in first paragraph"

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that depends on what you define as racist..................forgive me i may have sounded harsh but being anti hindu/muslim etc etc and "bashing" of other faith threads i constitute as being racist.........this may not be the opinion of all...............but its mine :)

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Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I took some time out for this place a few months and and was glad to return becasue this place has helped me so much in Maharaj's Sikhs..........but recently ive noticed the amount of racially discriminating threads............MAINLY relating to Hindus etc etc and sangat here seem to feed of them............so i just wanted to highlight a few things

By posting racial hate on and internet forum u think God cant see what you are doing? do you think you are safe hiding behind a computer screen, yet when Dharamraj comes to settle your account, WHich computer screen u gonna hide behind then?

Before people start jumping on the "It the mods fault cos they dont moderate properly" bandwagon let me remind you that ONE is responisble for their own actions..........the mods are not responsible for the hatred and vulgarity of whats in your mind...........if you have issues, Guru Ji has given us sangat, bani, bana, simeran......any one these will help you see whaeguru in all.................

GURU TEG BAHADUR JI gave his life for these people you guys seem to hunt on a daily basis!! WHY? in the name of humanity!!!! if sikhs loose their humanity who are the low caste, down trodden persecuted people going to turn to? A sikh may not follow the beliefs amnd ways of other religion but WE or NO ONE ELSE have the right to persecute, riddicule or mock what waheguru gave them!!!

Sikhi teaches you about compassion, forgivness, tolerance...........this seems to be loosing all credibility in this day and age

This makes me so angry because you turn the reality of our Father Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji into a JOKE!!! His Sikhi into a JOKE!!!

Dont hurt your jeevans and ur kamai by bowing down to kaljug and its evils ways......see waheguru in all..........but first and foremost find waheguru in yourself..........

bhul chuck maafi

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


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Its a beutiful world full of a combination of political & spritual life for a person ..lol

In a way I find your spritual avasta in next level so thats y I feel you find any political threads(as per your description) as racist or offensive to you(many of them become offive to me too at times). Infact I also feel that the heading of the other thread is a little harsh as it is grouping entire hindu community in bad light.

I give you an insight of life in India..its very normal there to become a laughing stuff in a majority or in a meida where you dont fit in as SIKH and sometimes its also not true.

I am trying to find a balance everytime when I comment related to topics of Hindus(Some of them are understanding and are friends while others are not)

I respect your views but I am firm on my questions too because I am not at your level.

My my opinion Sikhs, Muslims & Hindu groups deserve criticism at times ;)

Sorry for any dustakhi


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Guest peacemaker
Maybe its just me but I haven't come across any racist threads/posts.

I haven't noticed any either under any definition of racist one might have or I would've surely stepped in.

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lol waheguru this isnt about avastha or anything, im just saying that where people should be coming to a sikh forum from guidence and inspiration like i got from the sangat here when i first came.........we too should continue to ensure the quality of what we post is upheld to a good standard

many posts that i have read regarding this issue have been either deleted simply bcos of what statred off as an innocent discussion or debate, has turned into a twisted battle away from the purpose of its origional intent or purpose............im not saying that everything is perfect and there should be no arguments etc..........(cmon i dont spend THAT much time in la la land :D ) but when replying to a thread especialy one dealing with a sensitive or religiously/culturaly based theme.................certain members jump in with our prejudices and flawed arguments and forget that many of the members here are under the age of 18..................it this realy the example we want to set of them...................those of you who have not seen these threads (peacemaker i AM surprised as this is like you 2nd home :D ) consider urselves lucky and be glad u aint seen them..............

No of us are perfect on this forum, we all have faults and flaws and when people come us, we should not attempt to h=jjudge but advise in an appropriate and sensible manner.........ridiculing and mocking people....................intentionally or un-intentionally is not showing the correct message............we as sikhs............whereever we are in our spiritual journey (a sikh being a learner) should always remember that when making a comment or response..........we are not mocking the very compassion and humanity that lives inside us at the expense of others feelings and thoughts..........

Maybe my choice of title was a tad inappropiate...........but hey it got people to look didnt it? :p

if i implied that i was referring to every member on this board tham plz accept my sincerest aplologies.........that was not definatly not my intent :)

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Guest peacemaker

JustMe, all of that is fine, but then, this begs the question as to why don't you get involved in all of the "racist" threads right when you see them on the forum? Don't wait for the mods to come, police the forum yourself since you seem to know what is best for all of us here. :)

I'm not saying this is an excuse, but it is right around the time of the Anniversary of Operation Blue Star, so maybe some people are getting very emotional on certain issues, which quite possibly could be mistaken as racist.

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