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Difference Between Me And My Mun(mind)?


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myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ]

maerae man raam naam nith gaaveeai rae |

O my mind, sing continually the Name of the Lord.


Sangat Ji in this shabad if we are singing to our mun, who or what part of ourselves is singing the shabad?

What is the difference between me and my mun?


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In simple terms - 'munn' or mind in this pankti refers to that part of you that says "go on, stay in bed a little longer." The part of you talking is that voice inside you that says "get up! have ishnan and do your paath".

The actual definitions of what makes up a 'jeev' are a bit complicated, but someone who knows might post something later.

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  • 2 weeks later...
myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ]

maerae man raam naam nith gaaveeai rae |

O my mind, sing continually the Name of the Lord.


Sangat Ji in this shabad if we are singing to our mun, who or what part of ourselves is singing the shabad?

What is the difference between me and my mun?


Dearst Guru pyare jee,

wE ARE NOT AT ALL CABABLE TO do anything to answer only thing but dhan dhan paar braham parmeshar, dhan dhan satgurujee 's kirpa we can share u this wisdom of only thinker only Gyan Prabh Akal,

Mind is entity which seprates the soul from the God and Mind is part which again unites us with God this all world and haapening are directly and indirectly illusion of Mind only which God wants us to relaze that By slapping loving he wants to tell us show us that mind and soul is different that he wants us to show what real love is this is his khed he is in search of himself we do not exit anywhere this is his kirpa that mud toys like us are part of his didine game which takes us to eternity and towards blissful state of Sat-Chit-Ananad which also is from mind when mind stops thinking the absolute slience stage is reached then the separtion becomes unity and this soul which is attached with a tool mind ( which have lot of calculation inside it) becomes zero than gets add us with 1 becomes orginally ultimatly 1 + 0 =1 , but how to become zero means hw to slience mind which keeps on talking keeps on sending innumerous sms at each point of time is to meditate means to concentarte whenever we are in concentration of anything our mind releases less thought and we get fun from it , it can be watching TV, Movie, Reading book, Filrting , Having sex but this all which takes us to fun of mind is temperory and hence slience is not acheved and again we in state of calcultions, calcultions about relationships , calculation about happening and when we cannot reach output that is generally confusion or worry after short happiness , so Guru Mhahraj Paar-Braham Provides us cheat code to get out of dream states of sleeping and awakenings by sending us his Light in form of Guru's these Guru give Naam medicine which takes us further to follow Gurmat, Not Man-Mat and reduces the thoughts of mind happy or sorrowful by using Arrows of Naam so Naam is cheat code to get out of Gamers Game this Naam is only Gurparsadi means given by Guru paar baraham parmeshar and that also from one from whom it has to be recieved means " Purab Likhat Likhe Gur Payyeya Man Har LIv Mandal Mda Hai, Kar Sadhu Anjali Pun Wada Hai , Kar Dadout Pun Wada Hai, means if it is destiny then only we can have this amolak ratan of naam by whose power mind dies and soul again gets merged into selfless one Sat-Naam Sat-Naam Sat-Naam Sat-Naam Sada Sada Sat-Naam. so Dear friend try to pray for Gurparsadi Naam and u will surely get it As u are destined to get , " EK PENDA JAYE CHAL SATGUR KOT PENDA AAGE HOOYE LAET HEY " MEANS if we take one step froward towards Guru , Guru comes taking one crore steps . so Dear lovable form pray for love and if u have more thirst to quench u can visit www.satnaam.info which will take towards truthful way of killing our own self , which is the cause of seperation coz Guru Tells us ' AAP GAWAYEEYE TAAN SAH PAAYE " Means moment we lose self we will find him close to us we will pray to God-Guru to Bless u with Naam Sat-Naam Sada Sat-Naam.

Dhan Dhan Rahoo Sad Chardi Kalan te rahoo Sada sukhi ho jaoo.

just a pakhandi, manmukhi,kaami,krodhi-lobhi-mohi-ahaankaari Nij Paap. Sad Kar Sat-Jaap.

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myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ]

maerae man raam naam nith gaaveeai rae |

O my mind, sing continually the Name of the Lord.


Sangat Ji in this shabad if we are singing to our mun, who or what part of ourselves is singing the shabad?

What is the difference between me and my mun?


Mind And Desire

Oh Dear Dhan Dhan veer ji please accept our pakandhi Dandout in ur feet and go through below article.

Like the Chinese saint who said that in this life he’s a man, in lucid dreaming he becomes a butterfly. He comes out of the dream and asks “What is true? The butterfly becoming a man, or the man becoming a butterfly?" That’s when you know, all is mind. The creation and Creator is one mind, mansorvar. (universal mind of God). But when it comes in matter it goes away. So how do get out of matter? By becoming desireless, then your mind is out of matter. Mind is always out of matter.

Without desires, the wish’s and all that which goes towards Maya all die. Now what he gives you is a body of God. Now what do we do? We see, think, feel, sleep, eat, <banned word filter activated>, drink and piss God. I’m nirgun, sargun (The Creator in pure spirit is called Nirgun. The Creator permeating throughout His Creation is called SarGun. And the Guru is the one within whom the Creator and Creation becomes One. Illusions of the mind have been defeated, only leaves God) . Theres no bharam (doubts and illusions) in me.

So what was the bharam? Desire created Moh Maya (family attachments) is the Bharam. Illusion. Get out of it. Then everyone says: “Baba ji, how do we control the mind”!!! (Just get out of illusions - convince the mind there is nothing but God in me, around me, doing everything to everyone.) Kill your desires, eliminate ‘me, me, me,’ then its only ‘you, you, you’. If ‘me’ has left you (from within your mind) then its only ‘you’. Now God has come to abide with my mind. (Baba jee laughs).

These (slandererous) people in the temples, they really have no brains!! I have travelled through the entire scriptures. And have eaten all the divine pearls of wisdom all the pebbles, diamonds and rubies. Only the one who has tasted it knows it. That’s why God’s closest name after Truth is ‘munn’ (MIND).

These people in the temples, the committee people who branded me that I control people using ‘mind control’, well they are not listening to the scriptures. “oh subh mann mahe, subh mann uss mahe”. God resides in all minds, and all minds reside within God.

Because they go to the Temple and they never analyse the scriptures. So what is righteous living? Live without desires and be happy with what he gives you and what he makes you do. Kill the desires, its all God.

So how you going to get free of maya? Kill the desires. Be happy with what he gives you. Don’t even have desires for a daughter or a son. See as ONE. Don’t even have desire for food. Kill your desires and you will see God’s will. You go the wash room its Gods will, but you say its my own. Because you are saying this mann (mind) is mine. “eh mann mera hai” - this minds mine!

And what is the saintt saying? “I have to become You. My mind is Yours, body is Yours, my form is Yours, eyes are yours, everything I have is Yours Lord.”

Nothing is mine! (desire free). Because the “ma” (me) part is an illusion. (everytime you say, me, i did that, i'm the best). Get out of this illusion. But you cant get out just by saying "I’m out of this illusion". You have to start with meditation, that’s where it started from. God came out of His own meditation and He imagined this universe. (Imagination led to maya)

The 8.4 million life cycle, ''boom'', it came into existence. By imagination this creation started. And for example, by imagination you create a house “hey, I want a five bedroom house”. “I want these clothes”. Imagination produces (worldly maya) results. So get out of the imagination, then maya decimates and your mind becomes stable. You're aiming to burn the desire in your mind, kill the desire, its bhagati (devotional loving worship of God).

Kill any part of maya, then you're in bhagati. Now, how do you live the will of God? God is Truth, so do Truth. Lets say, for example, you don’t want to do Truth, that means you don’t want to do bhagati. But I’ll tell you something, just kill your desires (and you will find that) all (that remains) is Truth. Got it? Noboby knows that….its simple as that. Understand?

For example, someone says “Oh I cant do Truth”. I’ll say “can you do one thing at least? Have no desire for anything." Are you happy? Are you happy in peace? (Being in peaceful happiness) ...even that is truth. (When you're in peace, you dont hurt anyone, dont do any untrue deeds and mind is stable). Simple as that but hard to earn.

You know why it is hard to earn?

For example your are a jatt (farmer caste) but have (karmic) due’s with a chumar (so called low caste) that will take you to that door. (Eg You always desired to marry another Jatt to keep your parents happy. But karma makes you fall in love with a Chumar and you start trying to overrule your karmic dues by saying "I am a Jatt and she's a Chumar, we can never get married." So now you lose the game, as you dont see as one "ik drisht - single vision" which will lead to unhappiness).

Now you have to conquer your own caste system. That part is hard. Ok? For example, you’re going to your scriptures and your doing prayers. Your scriptures take you to a saint - one within whom God resides. If you truly believing your scriptures then you will learn that the saint is good. (But you may belong to Narrow-minded religious people and have been taught not to believe in present time Saints. But your karmic dues is leading you to the Sant. So now the hard part for you is to overrule your narrow-minded religious people man-made beliefs and follow your destiny. Then you are earning Truth. That is hard).

But narrow-minded religious people have fed hatred of the living God in saint's heart in the Temples for the last 50 years. Narrow-minded religious people have sown more hatred more than any other group.

H : I was reading the history of that groups founder. Everyone around him during his lifetime was blissed out. Because of the fact that they had him with them. He was inspiring them. He was a living saint for them. But they killed that for everyone else afterwards. (By saying you only need the scriptures and not a living saint!)

Baba Ji : They became “oochay soochay” ("higher and purer than you" attitude) the worst thing. (We are supposed to become lowest of the low and eradicate ego, not become highest of the high because of pride of being religious!)

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myry mn rwm nwm inq gwvIAY ry ]

maerae man raam naam nith gaaveeai rae |

O my mind, sing continually the Name of the Lord.


Sangat Ji in this shabad if we are singing to our mun, who or what part of ourselves is singing the shabad?

What is the difference between me and my mun?


You are not your mind.

You are not your mind

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Mind And Desire

Oh Dear Dhan Dhan veer ji please accept our pakandhi Dandout in ur feet and go through below article.

Like the Chinese saint who said that in this life he's a man, in lucid dreaming he becomes a butterfly. He comes out of the dream and asks "What is true? The butterfly becoming a man, or the man becoming a butterfly?" That's when you know, all is mind. The creation and Creator is one mind, mansorvar. (universal mind of God). But when it comes in matter it goes away. So how do get out of matter? By becoming desireless, then your mind is out of matter. Mind is always out of matter.

Without desires, the wish's and all that which goes towards Maya all die. Now what he gives you is a body of God. Now what do we do? We see, think, feel, sleep, eat, <banned word filter activated>, drink and piss God. I'm nirgun, sargun (The Creator in pure spirit is called Nirgun. The Creator permeating throughout His Creation is called SarGun. And the Guru is the one within whom the Creator and Creation becomes One. Illusions of the mind have been defeated, only leaves God) . Theres no bharam (doubts and illusions) in me.

So what was the bharam? Desire created Moh Maya (family attachments) is the Bharam. Illusion. Get out of it. Then everyone says: "Baba ji, how do we control the mind"!!! (Just get out of illusions - convince the mind there is nothing but God in me, around me, doing everything to everyone.) Kill your desires, eliminate 'me, me, me,' then its only 'you, you, you'. If 'me' has left you (from within your mind) then its only 'you'. Now God has come to abide with my mind. (Baba jee laughs).

These (slandererous) people in the temples, they really have no brains!! I have travelled through the entire scriptures. And have eaten all the divine pearls of wisdom all the pebbles, diamonds and rubies. Only the one who has tasted it knows it. That's why God's closest name after Truth is 'munn' (MIND).

These people in the temples, the committee people who branded me that I control people using 'mind control', well they are not listening to the scriptures. "oh subh mann mahe, subh mann uss mahe". God resides in all minds, and all minds reside within God.

Because they go to the Temple and they never analyse the scriptures. So what is righteous living? Live without desires and be happy with what he gives you and what he makes you do. Kill the desires, its all God.

So how you going to get free of maya? Kill the desires. Be happy with what he gives you. Don't even have desires for a daughter or a son. See as ONE. Don't even have desire for food. Kill your desires and you will see God's will. You go the wash room its Gods will, but you say its my own. Because you are saying this mann (mind) is mine. "eh mann mera hai" - this minds mine!

And what is the saintt saying? "I have to become You. My mind is Yours, body is Yours, my form is Yours, eyes are yours, everything I have is Yours Lord."

Nothing is mine! (desire free). Because the "ma" (me) part is an illusion. (everytime you say, me, i did that, i'm the best). Get out of this illusion. But you cant get out just by saying "I'm out of this illusion". You have to start with meditation, that's where it started from. God came out of His own meditation and He imagined this universe. (Imagination led to maya)

The 8.4 million life cycle, ''boom'', it came into existence. By imagination this creation started. And for example, by imagination you create a house "hey, I want a five bedroom house". "I want these clothes". Imagination produces (worldly maya) results. So get out of the imagination, then maya decimates and your mind becomes stable. You're aiming to burn the desire in your mind, kill the desire, its bhagati (devotional loving worship of God).

Kill any part of maya, then you're in bhagati. Now, how do you live the will of God? God is Truth, so do Truth. Lets say, for example, you don't want to do Truth, that means you don't want to do bhagati. But I'll tell you something, just kill your desires (and you will find that) all (that remains) is Truth. Got it? Noboby knows that….its simple as that. Understand?

For example, someone says "Oh I cant do Truth". I'll say "can you do one thing at least? Have no desire for anything." Are you happy? Are you happy in peace? (Being in peaceful happiness) ...even that is truth. (When you're in peace, you dont hurt anyone, dont do any untrue deeds and mind is stable). Simple as that but hard to earn.

You know why it is hard to earn?

For example your are a jatt (farmer caste) but have (karmic) due's with a chumar (so called low caste) that will take you to that door. (Eg You always desired to marry another Jatt to keep your parents happy. But karma makes you fall in love with a Chumar and you start trying to overrule your karmic dues by saying "I am a Jatt and she's a Chumar, we can never get married." So now you lose the game, as you dont see as one "ik drisht - single vision" which will lead to unhappiness).

Now you have to conquer your own caste system. That part is hard. Ok? For example, you're going to your scriptures and your doing prayers. Your scriptures take you to a saint - one within whom God resides. If you truly believing your scriptures then you will learn that the saint is good. (But you may belong to Narrow-minded religious people and have been taught not to believe in present time Saints. But your karmic dues is leading you to the Sant. So now the hard part for you is to overrule your narrow-minded religious people man-made beliefs and follow your destiny. Then you are earning Truth. That is hard).

But narrow-minded religious people have fed hatred of the living God in saint's heart in the Temples for the last 50 years. Narrow-minded religious people have sown more hatred more than any other group.

H : I was reading the history of that groups founder. Everyone around him during his lifetime was blissed out. Because of the fact that they had him with them. He was inspiring them. He was a living saint for them. But they killed that for everyone else afterwards. (By saying you only need the scriptures and not a living saint!)

Baba Ji : They became "oochay soochay" ("higher and purer than you" attitude) the worst thing. (We are supposed to become lowest of the low and eradicate ego, not become highest of the high because of pride of being religious!)

Maharaj ji,

your article is flawed in many ways...

...the gurubani has all the answers to a man's doubts

...then why confuse the sangat with such articles.

why dont you attach yourself to bani...japji sahib, rehraas sahib, sukhmani sahib....all Questions about the munn and mukh will be answered.....only by the lords grace you wont have any more doubts.

His true lovers, the beautiful saints and mahapurush's can help with the understanding of his Naam.

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