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Sikhs Attacked At Patna Station By A Bahmanvaadi Mob

Guest PunjabSingh

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Leaders shouldn’t be voted in they need to prove and show the sangat that they are up to the task by what they do in the real world and by there actions.

So I don’t expect them to do much. It our own fault our infrastructure to communicate to the outside world during media blackouts have not developed or changed since 1984.

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Translation of the news from Punjabi to English as best I can try sentence by sentence is below.........

TOPIC:: Group of People Equipped with Weapons, cover the whole Patna railway station in Bihar. And then they beat Sikh travellers


(Chandigarh 17 December Satnam singh). The life of Common Sikhs venturing outside Punjab is not safe after the events of 1984 in today’s India. Today also Sikhs can be named terrorist and then can be beaten up even in the presence of police. A sad incident of such kind happens in the state of Bihar , which is ruled by the Akali dal (badal) partner BJP on 26th November 2008 with the Sikhs travellers who have went to the birth place of guru gobind singh ji. This incident was told by old couple Kulwant singh (74) and Nirmal kaur(62) who lives in Dera Bassi district, Mohali ,Punjab. They said that they were just when stepping down in Patna railway station on 26th November from the train(named) Akal Takth Express , a group of Bihari people, equipped with sticks and stones , start picking “ sikhs only” from the train and start beating them. The Biharis were Shouting “ Sardars are terrorist” . In this beating many old Sikh male members and Sikh women got badly hurt . Also their luggage was lost. The couple said the incident happen in presence of local police. Police did not try stop any of the attackers. Old fellow Kulwant Singh told that the couple face too many sticks. Nirmal kaur is even today lying on the bed only. Kulwant Singh try to tell us the background of the incident. While people stepping down from the Akal Tatkh express. A local person named “Vinod Sharma” got in argument with a sikh traveller from Punjab. When Vinod Sharma try to grab the beard of sardar. The Sardar slap the face of Vinod Sharma. Vinod Sharma immediately get out of the railway station get team up the local people. The weapon equipped biharis cover the whole railway station. At that time total number of Sikhs were 40 to 50 in number. Out of which the number of women and children were greater in number. The Attackers keep beating sikhs without any fear for 15 to 20 minutes, while the railway police or any local people did not come in aid of Sikhs. Sikhs travellers themselves only try their best to save from angry attackers.They told that sikh travellers try to went to local police station for help. But the local police persons were behaving with hate only. The local police person says “ sardar Sahib, right now I am taking a bath, once I wear my uniform, then I will do some action”. During this attackers also cover the GRP police station. Also IPR police force was also in place in the railway station. It is only when the incident’s news goes to 1 km away local police station. The police persons come. But by then the attackers have left. These police persons only take the injured sikhs to local Gurudwara. Injured sikhs get the medical treatment and local committee was informed..Local committee members make efforts, thus GRP police’s DSP and few media persons come to take photo graphs & statements from the injured Sikhs .

Kulwant Singh have demanded from prime minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and railway minister Lallu parsad yadav

To take strong action on the attackers, so that in future such incident is not repeated again. He also make appeal to Punjab Chief Minster Parkash Singh Badal to be in touch with Chief minister of Bihar Nitish kumar so that the justice can be given to the injured people.

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Translation of the news from Punjabi to English as best I can try sentence by sentence is below.........

TOPIC:: Group of People Equipped with Weapons, cover the whole Patna railway station in Bihar. And then they beat Sikh travellers


(Chandigarh 17 December Satnam singh). The life of Common Sikhs venturing outside Punjab is not safe after the events of 1984 in today's India. Today also Sikhs can be named terrorist and then can be beaten up even in the presence of police. A sad incident of such kind happens in the state of Bihar , which is ruled by the Akali dal (badal) partner BJP on 26th November 2008 with the Sikhs travellers who have went to the birth place of guru gobind singh ji. This incident was told by old couple Kulwant singh (74) and Nirmal kaur(62) who lives in Dera Bassi district, Mohali ,Punjab. They said that they were just when stepping down in Patna railway station on 26th November from the train(named) Akal Takth Express , a group of Bihari people, equipped with sticks and stones , start picking " sikhs only" from the train and start beating them. The Biharis were Shouting " Sardars are terrorist" . In this beating many old Sikh male members and Sikh women got badly hurt . Also their luggage was lost. The couple said the incident happen in presence of local police. Police did not try stop any of the attackers. Old fellow Kulwant Singh told that the couple face too many sticks. Nirmal kaur is even today lying on the bed only. Kulwant Singh try to tell us the background of the incident. While people stepping down from the Akal Tatkh express. A local person named "Vinod Sharma" got in argument with a sikh traveller from Punjab. When Vinod Sharma try to grab the beard of sardar. The Sardar slap the face of Vinod Sharma. Vinod Sharma immediately get out of the railway station get team up the local people. The weapon equipped biharis cover the whole railway station. At that time total number of Sikhs were 40 to 50 in number. Out of which the number of women and children were greater in number. The Attackers keep beating sikhs without any fear for 15 to 20 minutes, while the railway police or any local people did not come in aid of Sikhs. Sikhs travellers themselves only try their best to save from angry attackers.They told that sikh travellers try to went to local police station for help. But the local police persons were behaving with hate only. The local police person says " sardar Sahib, right now I am taking a bath, once I wear my uniform, then I will do some action". During this attackers also cover the GRP police station. Also IPR police force was also in place in the railway station. It is only when the incident's news goes to 1 km away local police station. The police persons come. But by then the attackers have left. These police persons only take the injured sikhs to local Gurudwara. Injured sikhs get the medical treatment and local committee was informed..Local committee members make efforts, thus GRP police's DSP and few media persons come to take photo graphs & statements from the injured Sikhs .

Kulwant Singh have demanded from prime minister Manmohan Singh, UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi and railway minister Lallu parsad yadav

To take strong action on the attackers, so that in future such incident is not repeated again. He also make appeal to Punjab Chief Minster Parkash Singh Badal to be in touch with Chief minister of Bihar Nitish kumar so that the justice can be given to the injured people.

Thank you for the translation Bhai Sahib Jio. :TH:

Pathetic state of the so called 'biggest democracy of the world.' Its only a matter of time B4 Bharat Mata gets whats coming to it... But it would be better for all those being oppressed from coast to cost, from border to border if it was sooner then later.

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going off topic slightly.

Sunnybondsingh84 Veer, where's this quote from

"All I want is Justice for my brothers and sisters who have suffered the Hindu Terrorism, which is not possible in this Hindustan. For our Gurus have also said, to tyrannize is a sin, BUT to withstand tyranny is sinister. So Khalsa Ji, be ready to punish these tyrants with your own hands. "

Veerji, I found this quote by a Singh on a youtube video, and because I agreed very much with it, and it also suits me/my ideology i put in my sig....

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I could get into trouble for saying this, but I am going to say it anyways. This is the very first time I am going to say something of this sort, so please forgive me if I sound crazy or violent.

Sahib-E-Kamaal Sri Guru Gobind Singh Jee Maharaj Sachay Patshah said "ਚੁ ਕਾਰ ਅਜ਼ ਹਮਹ ਹੀਲਤੇ ਦਰ ਗੁਜ਼ਸ਼ਤ ॥ ਹਲਾਲ ਅਸਤ ਬੁਰਦਨ ਬ ਸ਼ਮਸ਼ੀਰ ਦਸਤ", meaning "When all other methods fail, it is proper to hold the sword in hand". Look around you. Every single issue that we are facing as a community today has passed the "last option" finishing line way behind. Whether it is getting justice for the victims of 1984, or the turban issue of France, or the rise in hate crimes in US, things are reaching a point of "enough is enough" and the patience of Sikhs as a community is reaching its brim. When I read about Sikhs getting attacked in US, whether it is an old Singh who has a swollen face and a fractured nose, or a high school teenager who has bruises and cuts in his face, or a little girl whose ponytail gets chopped off, and then I see our Sikh organizations trying to convince these retards that we are not Muslims/Arabs/Afghans, I feel ashamed. When I see the media showing a sad looking old Singh with a swollen face, or a teenager almost crying with blue scars on his face, I feel ashamed. I feel ashamed to see that this community of lions, born from the Sarbloh Khanda is bloody advertising itself as being a group of chickens who are begging not to be attacked. Who are begging not to be hated. Who are begging not to be stared at.

On Jan. 17th this year I nearly got assaulted by an insane retard who thought I was a Muslims/Arab/Afghan. I reported it to the cops, they did nothing. I contacted Sikh Coalition who tried their best, but the cops did nothing. In fact, Sikh Coalition was more concerned about my safety than I was myself! You know what I told my dad? I told him, dad, so far you've been reading news headlines about an old Singh who has a swollen face and a fractured nose, or a high school teenager who has bruises and cuts in his face, or a little girl whose ponytail gets chopped off. I am telling you, if someone dares to touch me, you will read in the news that some retard attacked a Sikh, and the Sikh fought back, and the attacker has been crippled for life. I am not going to get beaten up like a dog because I am not one. My dad, as any dad, freaked out thinking I had lost my head, which I had.

You want justice for 1984? You think a court will get you justice? You want to wear the dastaar in France? You think all these petitions will help you out? You want hate crimes to stop in US? You think all these awareness campaigns will help? Upto an extent all of this WILL help, but what after that? How long will we weep and wail and whine about 1984? How long will we beg France to let us wear the dastaar? How long will we advertise ourselves as chickens and beg to be spared alone and not bullied/attacked?

We have to teach a lesson to all those who think we are chickens. Paper work is not helping us. Petitions, meetings, campaigns are not helping us. It has been 7 freaking years since 9/11, and even now if people don't know about Sikhs, its not totally our mistake, it is theirs. Don't become a victim of a hate crime and come home crying all bruised. If you have to, make sure the sucker who dared to touch you goes back home with missing limbs as well. It is high time these racist retards were shown their aukaat. It is high time these people were shown that Sikhs have had enough, we don't want to wait for your law to pass a decision, we will give our decision the moment you dare to touch us. What do you think the kirpan is for? The whole damn world starts banging its head if a Sikh wants to wear a Kirpan, where are they when a Sikh gets attacked? How many more hate crimes do we have to suffer to prove to these monkeys that this is EXACTLY the reason WHY we NEED the Kirpan!

As for these Biharis, well, they totally forgot about the Biharis in Punjab. They are also forgetting that if any of the Sikhs attacked had even tried to retaliate, then the entire state of Bihar would have fallen short for them to run for escape. I am telling you guys. Any time a Sikh gets attacked in any part of the world, it is because the attacker knows FOR SURE that he will get away with it. DO NOT LET HIM GET AWAY! If you know that the law won't help you, well, it won't help him a lot either. So why not do the decision yourself and respond with 4 blows for each blow you suffer!

What is the purpose of this long message? I don't want to read any such news in future. Next time someone dares to touch your daara or dastaar, make sure he can't touch anything for the next few weeks. I am not advocating violence (trust me I am not), but what other way is left? You will wait for the cops to come and tie your dastaar for you? Or will you wait for a court judge to sign a damn piece of paper and give you an apology and tie your turban for you in court?

So what is the solution? Some Sikh organization needs to tell ALL those who are making life hell for Sikhs. Tell them in a loud, clear and firm tone, that we have had it! We cannot and will not wait for you to do justice. Justice delayed, is bloody freaking hell justice denied! If your law won't give us justice, we will take it in our hands, so either take charge of the situation in time, otherwise don't blame us if we take charge of it in our own way. We have been trying more than our level best with compassion to tackle all such situations, but it is not helping us out. At some point in future, we WILL HAVE TO take a more aggressive (no not violent) stand.

Please forgive me if this message sounds like promoting violence, but I am honestly tired and frustrated, and I have had it! I am sick of reading about Sikhs getting beaten like dogs and then showing their wounds with sad faces, and giving everyone a chance to laugh at us like we are chickens. NO! NO! NO! This has to stop. We will HAVE TO take an aggressive stand towards all the issues we face. This doesn't necessarily mean that we always pick up swords and deal with the situation with a hot head. But we have to take steps that "strangle" those who make our survival a pain. It can be economic/financial, but you have to pinch those who pinch you. Don't always get pinched and cry about it. No one will help you. Gurujee said "Koi kisay ko raaj nah deh hai, jo leh hai nijj bal se leh hai" (excuse the spelling errors), this applies even in this case. Stop begging for justice! Get up, fight, grab and win it!

bhull chukk maaf

~ Mehtab Singh

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I was right after orissa its Sikh turn. Lets attacked hindus when they are on the way to naina devi and durgiana mandir only then they will understand.
Attacking innocent pilgrims won't leave any difference between Khalsa and dusht. The main point of my message is to break those hands that touch our beard/turban. Khalsa has never and will never harm any innocent.
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If it is any consolation, the Biharis were not stopped by the police at the station, but made a run for it when one Singh finally took out his sword and made the mob scatter. At least in India you can be shastar-bar-tayaar, unlike in some Western countries.

But a Sikh should never proclaim it was due to a lack of shastars that he was beaten - use the strength in your limbs - even a baby struggles and fights for its first breath, use the community - Gurudwaras should be focal points for collecting jathas of young men like the olden times when troubles kicked off and a point had to be made. Like my grandfather used to say about the partition in 1947 - "they kill one of yours, you kill 2 of them...." ...That is how the quom will preserve its ank.

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