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Its Going To Tough This Summer In Britain!


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It is never tough, all this is is just the world play of God, it is all drama. And whatever God does accept that as good and for the best.

You always post things about economy, it is as if we can't live without money, the way you make it sound is as if we are all going to die. It is all just worldy drama, it means nothing. Don't dwell on it too much.

Only God is tough!

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It is never tough, all this is is just the world play of God, it is all drama. And whatever God does accept that as good and for the best.

You always post things about economy, it is as if we can't live without money, the way you make it sound is as if we are all going to die. It is all just worldy drama, it means nothing. Don't dwell on it too much.

Only God is tough!

Man, I have had enough of this "naxalite" sikhi of yours. If thousands of sikhs loose their jobs(which many have) etc will u feed them ???????????????????????? Will u support their young kids ?

There is a thing called MENTAL PREPARATION. I had a junior who worked like donkey to get his degree and worked like donkey to earn money in MNC. Now he has lost his job and IS SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION. HIS KIDS ARE CRYING and his wife IS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A RICH GUY.

Will u feed his young kids WITH UR NAXALITE SIKHI ???????????????????????????????????

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It is never tough, all this is is just the world play of God, it is all drama. And whatever God does accept that as good and for the best.

You always post things about economy, it is as if we can't live without money, the way you make it sound is as if we are all going to die. It is all just worldy drama, it means nothing. Don't dwell on it too much.

Only God is tough!

Man, I have had enough of this "naxalite" sikhi of yours. If thousands of sikhs loose their jobs(which many have) etc will u feed them ???????????????????????? Will u support their young kids ?

There is a thing called MENTAL PREPARATION. I had a junior who worked like donkey to get his degree and worked like donkey to earn money in MNC. Now he has lost his job and IS SUFFERING FROM DEPRESSION. HIS KIDS ARE CRYING and his wife IS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A RICH GUY.

Will u feed his young kids WITH UR NAXALITE SIKHI ???????????????????????????????????

Why should bad things happen to someone who doesn't deserve it? Actually it doesn't otherwise the universe would be unjust, and if that was the case we might aswell all go and commit suicide. But no! everyone will receive the fruits of their actions. It is the law of karma. Do you really think God wants us to suffer for no reason? Whatever happens accept that as GOOD.

Do not question the parameters of God, what he is doing is for the best. If some people will starve, it is because God wants it that way. If you gave people food and shelter, even if you saved the whole world, you still would not please God. The fact you believe you have the power to do something, makes you sound quite high up and you call yourself a "sant". We must consider ourselves the lowest of the low.

If you have a problem, tell God, what can mere mortals do. We will just cock up everything. You think we need to plan? Wrong, through meditation on God, comes intuition. With intuition we will know what to do and it will be done.

Don't give people false hope, instead if you want to do something, tell them to beg from God, and God will give. If people starve and they never contemplated God, it is what they deserve. You are trying to resolve things via your own i ntellect. Know that human intellect is foolish and can never be trusted. Even when something seems right.That is why there is a code for humans to follow, this helps shed ego too.

We will be engaged in whatever God engages us in. He is the puppet master, we are his puppets. All we can do is realize the truth, and stick to it. You talked about mental preperation, only worship to God makes our own minds "prepared" and stable. How can you be stable thinking about starving people? They will get fed, according to their pre-ordained order from God. Don't worry about.

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no offence xHarinder_Singh but you should change your name to Chicken Little because your last couple threads have all been "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!" :rolleyes:

Relax Singh.

Harjeet Singh has the right idea, IMHO. Whatever Waheguru does to me, you, or this WORLD is, has been, and forever will be for our own good.

You need to develop a sehaj avastha a little bit more. Whether you win a million dollars, or your file for bankruptcy your mind shouldn't be phased by any of it.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there will be civil war, and there will be violence in UK and maybe the world will go down in a great ball of fire. In the end, we all end up doing in ardaas in front of Guru Sahib to save us. That's pretty much all we can do, no? hmrY vis ikCu nwih

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no offence xHarinder_Singh but you should change your name to Chicken Little because your last couple threads have all been "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!" :rolleyes:

Relax Singh.

Harjeet Singh has the right idea, IMHO. Whatever Waheguru does to me, you, or this WORLD is, has been, and forever will be for our own good.

You need to develop a sehaj avastha a little bit more. Whether you win a million dollars, or your file for bankruptcy your mind shouldn't be phased by any of it.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there will be civil war, and there will be violence in UK and maybe the world will go down in a great ball of fire. In the end, we all end up doing in ardaas in front of Guru Sahib to save us. That's pretty much all we can do, no? hmrY vis ikCu nwih

Dear Veer,

you are right that everything is in the hands of Waheguru, at the same time this world is a DYNAMIC(NOT STATIC) drama and keeping knowedge of events happening around u is not a bad thing. I just posted this so that sikhs in Uk can remain a bit vigilant that there might a tough economic/political time ahead. Rich bankers in UK are THIEVES and have ruined the life of middle class and now the middle class might get violent and come on streets.

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no offence xHarinder_Singh but you should change your name to Chicken Little because your last couple threads have all been "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!" :rolleyes:

Relax Singh.

Harjeet Singh has the right idea, IMHO. Whatever Waheguru does to me, you, or this WORLD is, has been, and forever will be for our own good.

You need to develop a sehaj avastha a little bit more. Whether you win a million dollars, or your file for bankruptcy your mind shouldn't be phased by any of it.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there will be civil war, and there will be violence in UK and maybe the world will go down in a great ball of fire. In the end, we all end up doing in ardaas in front of Guru Sahib to save us. That's pretty much all we can do, no? hmrY vis ikCu nwih

Dear Veer,

you are right that everything is in the hands of Waheguru, at the same time this world is a DYNAMIC(NOT STATIC) drama and keeping knowedge of events happening around u is not a bad thing. I just posted this so that sikhs in Uk can remain a bit vigilant that there might a tough economic/political time ahead. Rich bankers in UK are THIEVES and have ruined the life of middle class and now the middle class might get violent and come on streets.

Alright, my bad then. If the aim of your post was just to inform your fellow Sikhs of "tough times" ahead then it's all good. It just seems like your posts are meant to incite panic. I guess I misinterpreted. :rolleyes:

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it is a massive problem. but once again i see our great community sticks its head firmly in the ground and mutters 'in god we trust'. this is why i hope things get really bad, to wake us up. especially the ostriches out there.

Veer, my father told me that during the peak of sikh freedom struggle in 86, the GOI had planted/bought some sants in Punjab who used to do parchar that " bass sab kuch naam hai, naam ton binnaa dargaah vich sazaa he milde hai". I mean like these sants KILLED the spirit of people to fight for justice. If some bholla innocent youth got a bit garam and wanted to fight against oppression, these sants used to insult/critisize/ him in very CLEVER WAY " vaddaa ayiyaa dusthan nu maran vala, first japp naam and clean ur sins of past lives, then Guru jee will automatically tell u how to fight against oppression, ur useless aggression can spoil bhagti of ur fellow singhs".

I am not saying that the present situation has any similarity with 86, but i just think sikhs need to be a bit more STREET SMART. If a tough economic time is coming, may be show strong unity in Gurdwara Sahib, use DASVAND SMARTLY to help families who lost jobs, teach gatka to teenagers and women, cook cheap and simple langar (instead of satifsyting ones jeeb). If the economic situtation gets really bad, buy some land about 50-70 km away from city and build one big hall for sangat and cook very very simple langar like daal, roti.

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no offence xHarinder_Singh but you should change your name to Chicken Little because your last couple threads have all been "The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!" :rolleyes:

Relax Singh.

Harjeet Singh has the right idea, IMHO. Whatever Waheguru does to me, you, or this WORLD is, has been, and forever will be for our own good.

You need to develop a sehaj avastha a little bit more. Whether you win a million dollars, or your file for bankruptcy your mind shouldn't be phased by any of it.

Maybe you're right. Maybe there will be civil war, and there will be violence in UK and maybe the world will go down in a great ball of fire. In the end, we all end up doing in ardaas in front of Guru Sahib to save us. That's pretty much all we can do, no? hmrY vis ikCu nwih

Dear Veer,

you are right that everything is in the hands of Waheguru, at the same time this world is a DYNAMIC(NOT STATIC) drama and keeping knowedge of events happening around u is not a bad thing. I just posted this so that sikhs in Uk can remain a bit vigilant that there might a tough economic/political time ahead. Rich bankers in UK are THIEVES and have ruined the life of middle class and now the middle class might get violent and come on streets.

Alright, my bad then. If the aim of your post was just to inform your fellow Sikhs of "tough times" ahead then it's all good. It just seems like your posts are meant to incite panic. I guess I misinterpreted. :rolleyes:

Are u people that DUMB that you will get tense, worried, panicked at posts of mine writtten in mediocre english in a bit immature and childish manner ??????????

You people lilsten to the stuf that politicians/BBC and other media(who are puppets of rich bankers, drug lords) and then u can get panicked by a cute DARVESS, saintly, innocent bachaa like me. You people live in a very practical western world and even act smartly with ur colleagues, relatives, fellow sikhs and yet u can be panicked by a childish SANT like me on internet.

Instead of getting panicked, u shud sponser me to UK, buy me some land and a nice car and open up a deraa for me and do my marketing as the "saviour of burning world".

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