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Khalistan - Some Misconceptions


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Awesome kavishri

A word of advise for those that shake. Sing the Bani of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib ji Maharaj.

I'll dowload it and watch it. Maybe it will inspire me and fill me with the fire that is needed. I still say we should not trivialise and simplify shahaadat, and have this romanticised, idealised perception of martyrdom. It's not as easy as people assume it to be.

That's all I've got to say about this subject for the moment.

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Big words. Give your head and I'll follow.

To want to see another one of our brothers dead - even in the glory of shaheedi - is one dead Sikh too much. If we keep fighting until the death, there'll be none of us left to live in the "promised land". We have more tools at our disposal than what our ancestors had. Whilst there is no greater glory than death, surely it's time for a new approach. An approach that involves life instead of death. I'm sick of being surrounded by the foul stench of death.

Those that bang the drum for self-sacrifice and shaheediya, give your real name on this website and go give your shaheedi. What are you waiting for? Then we'll know you were serious and your words were not hollow.

I wrote a whole paragraph and you attack me on one line interesting. We had a peaceful protest against Nirankari's and we ended up with 13 Shaheedi's on Vasakhi 1978. We wanted Anandpur Resolution (Equal Rights for Sikhs) and we end up with Operation Bluestar so tell me exactly how is peaceful ways working out for you? Lets forget about 1970's and 1980's and come to 2009 we had Ludhiana Riots in which sikhs went to protest peacefully and guess what more sikhs died. What tools do you have at your disposal? We are not going to have many sikhs left for the "promise land" if they are dying from drug's or commiting suicide. If you have a better approach then what i wrote then please come up with it instead of attacking me on here and i am willing to listen you instead of attacking you.

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Now You would need copies of Hari Singh Nalwa , Akali Phoola Singh and Ranjit Singh to strike fear in the hearts of pathans / Muslims if you would like Sikhs to still dominate inspite of being outnumbered by Sullas and Bamans

We don't need them and majority of muslims and hindus want peace and don't know whats going on in today's punjab and will throw there support behind us.

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No-one is attacking you. I regret if it seemed that way. I would not do that. My frustration was more to do with the discussion rather than any one person.

I have no solution. We've all discusssed this subject to death. It's actually becoming a frustration for me. I feel sympathy for those that have to live the horrors of the past, every single day of their lives. I just think we need to stop and think before we begin encouraging each other to die glorious deaths whilst we sit behind our computers in anonymity, knowing full well that the chance of us seeing "action" is slim to zero.

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Reveal to the world what your name is, pick up your sword or your AK-47 and then go kill who you need to kill in order to make this a reality. I'll follow you until the end.

No? Then it's all empty words and false bravado.

What exactly do you want sikhs to do so we can live in peace and continue to promote sikhi please tell us your views?

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No-one is attacking you. I regret if it seemed that way. I would not do that. My frustration was more to do with the discussion rather than any one person.

I have no solution. We've all discusssed this subject to death. It's actually becoming a frustration for me. I feel sympathy for those that have to live the horrors of the past, every single day of their lives. I just think we need to stop and think before we begin encouraging each other to die glorious deaths whilst we sit behind our computers in anonymity.

Well it seems like i am being attacked by you and you offer no solution of your own. We have lived horrors in the past and we are still living them today which people seem to forget and also it is rarely reported on news sites. According to savepanjab.org a sikh farmer is commiting suicide every 1/2 hour and the water we see in punjab is going to be finished in 15 years. We got Sikhs that are high on drugs and killing themselves and majority have cut there hair or are have hair and are busy getting drunk. We are only going to get somewhere when 25 million sikhs say they want equal rights and want a free and independent Punjab or Khalistan and are willing to fight for it and i will also fight for it. India itself only came into existence because people fought for it and it was actually promoted through newspapers with ideas of how they wanted India to be from indians that lived in canada or usa at the time. We are sitting on computer discussing or arguing how we want Khalistan or Punjab to be so we can agree or disagree and educate people on the idea of independent Khalistan or Punjab.

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Actually its not a stupid idea since that is what Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Punjab was based upon and muslims were the majority and sikhs were the minority and were able to practice there religion in freedom without being killed. If you ask any muslim from punjab or sikh or even hindu they will say that was the best period in time for Punjab

I've known loads of Pak Panjabis. They don't feel like you've indicated above. You are being unrealistic. If anything, they are generally proud of getting their own nation. Quite a few of them see the Sikh raj as a period of shame - when kuffrs managed to get the better of Islam and dominate Muslims.

Plus given how a lot of them treat Sikh girls in the diaspora, good knows what they'd get up towards our community as a majority.

As another poster commented, it was only the threat of violent retaliation from Singhs that kept them in line in the past. In today's context, there would probably be loads of Muslims that would attack a kuffr run Panjab with suicide attacks, terrorism etc. to achieve their freedom. Who needs that?

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I've known loads of Pak Panjabis. They don't feel like you've indicated above. You are being unrealistic. If anything, they are generally proud of getting their own nation. Quite a few of them see the Sikh raj as a period of shame - when kuffrs managed to get the better of Islam and dominate Muslims.

Plus given how a lot of them treat Sikh girls in the diaspora, good knows what they'd get up towards our community as a majority.

As another poster commented, it was only the threat of violent retaliation from Singhs that kept them in line in the past. In today's context, there would probably be loads of Muslims that would attack a kuffr run Panjab with suicide attacks, terrorism etc. to achieve their freedom. Who needs that?

I have a muslim friend who actually thinks Maharaja Ranjit Singh's rule was great for muslims. I don't think currently going by the news most muslims are happy with Pakistan they have there own issues they are dealing with. I am sure not all Hindu's are happy with India since India does not cater to every Hindu's needs. Most in both countries are sitting in poverty.

We never threatended muslims with violent realiation i know they looked up to the singhs but we gave them high paying jobs and freedom and that is the reason they helped us keep the Mughals and also the British from invading us. We actually gave them there independece and good jobs that is the reason they stuck with Khalsa Raj otherwise they could have easily turned against us had the Mughals tried to invade us or the British when Maharaja Ranjit Singh was alive.

In the previous Khalsa Raj they could have done easily suicide attacks then against us but did not. In the end it all comes down to for people two things money and freedom if they have that then majority of the people of that country don't do anything to disrupt it.

You actually made some good points in the post and probably the only person that actually told me why its a bad idea for Punjab with explanations.

What do you think we should do to fix our current issues? Do you believe in Khalistan or India?

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We don't need them and majority of muslims and hindus want peace and don't know whats going on in today's punjab and will throw there support behind us.

Is that why many of these hindu asserted that their mother tongue was Hindi and not punjabi when it came to division of land on the basis of Language Spoken in the erstwhile years

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