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A Few Reasons For Khalistan


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A short term viable solution for Indian unionists and Khalistan supporters would be the Vatican city style Khalistan state within the territorial integrity of the Indian Union. The long term solution will be to convert inhabitants of south Asia to Sikhi but this is a slow and long process taking decades then there will be no need for bloodshed through military or secessionist means to achieve a Khalistan as most of the region would be full of Sikhs and will rule accordingly.

Getting support from China would also add weight to the Khalistan cause. They are a neutral power who are not pushing their communist ideology on Sikhs nor trying to taking over the land. If Sikhs are able to get military aid and support from China then Khalistan can become truly independent but it will take alot of shaheediya for a concept we have not worked through yet.

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we already have our own media we have youtube, websites, speakers and movement. As for using chemicals for and western farming we need to adopt some modern techniques for working with agriculture. As for cancer this is to do with poisoning of water supplies and afghanistan war with nuclear dust blewing forth, the biggest problem is water supplies and how we deal with that. However all of Indias water supplies are poisoned even out of punjab people are dieing of cancer. As for brahmins what can a brahmin do if singhs jump up and down call themselves jatts or tarkhans or so forth, forget these silly things and marry into singhs. Give the respect to other caste backgrounds if you want your sikhi to live be proud your children marry into Sikhs. As for fertility of seeds of farms a good farmer would test products which are new and if not good they go back to the old things we can grow crops from older crops. We can deal with cancer on a global scale, the person commenting on cancer in these videos is not aware of how cancer is caused, the problem is even steel mills and other chemical factories who dump into water supplies. As for age decreasing is also to do with alcohol binging people used to make there own organic alcohol in the past which they had in moderation, we need to get rid of alcohol. As for schemes they are also to even hindus, hindus have a huge population which they want to deal with. We have loads of sikhs who are doctors who can deal with it.

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Also just because nehru is a prick to sikhs doesn't mean all hindus hate sikhs there are some who favour us and we could help them become the head of india even form parties our own breaking with haryana was mainly down to tensions and racism which grew after 1984 this anti-sikh view came about as people felt sikhs were easy to target. May I remind you even in Guru Nanaks time sikhs were hated by hindus for not following the caste system anyone who rejects it gets treated that way, however since hindus were being oppressed by muslims back then they couldn't do much as for auranzgebs time a common enemy was felt so a union and alliance formed as was in the british time, now Hindus rule by majority and protected by armies with sikh officers they treat us like this, why aren't sikh officers in the army protecting sikhs, why do they favour hindus even there own houses and homes can be targetted. As for maharaja ranjit singhs time many hindus took the guise of sikhs and attempted to bring in brahmin-vaad, why bring in rituals? Because in the core of hinduism with the caste system it is atheistic you don't need to do hard practice or pray much hence they liked the idea of paying a brahmin to pray for them kind of like how we pay gianis to do ardas and we follow our own caste on the side. If we unite with all those people against the caste system we can outnumber hindus with a global presence.

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Also just because nehru is a prick to sikhs doesn't mean all hindus hate sikhs there are some who favour us and we could help them become the head of india even form parties our own breaking with haryana was mainly down to tensions and racism which grew after 1984 this anti-sikh view came about as people felt sikhs were easy to target. May I remind you even in Guru Nanaks time sikhs were hated by hindus for not following the caste system anyone who rejects it gets treated that way. If we unite with all those people against the caste system we can outnumber hindus with a global presence.

This is why Dal Khalsa is following a very bad model they seem like they are in pockets of mullah-wad pakistan who use that kind of model of ethnic / religious cleansing. When the opposite is true, in Sikh history it has always been in the interests of Sikhs to convert Muslims, Hindus to Sikh's not to create hate for them. The dal Khalsa are trying to make enemies of Hindus and that is not Sikhism. Sikhism is about getting people together and working together and creating a just society.

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Guru ji said "

rwju n cwhau mukiq n cwhau min pRIiq crn kmlwry ] raaj n chaaho mukath n chaaho man preeth charan kamalaarae ||

I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dayv Gandhaaree on Pannaa 534

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As for sikh parchar it is allowed in india we broadcast amritsar through india, we give leaflets, we give lectures katha, we are allowed to do missionary work but it doesn't work for many. Some don't find the idea of kesh practical many sikhs themselves struggle they want to be heros and not saints. Those sikhs who go on stages claiming to be saint warriors don't have a very saintly conduct let the best preaching of sikhi be in your own action and lifestyle. Live sikhi and people will follow you that is the power of truth, sukh and shanti is what everyone wants.

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in 1984 even some sikhs did bad things we have records from even sant jarnail singh but some are made takhian it might be easy for us to say they are no longer sikhs but with hindus it's hard if nehru does bad things is he no longer a hindu he did things that brahmins are not allowed to do he drank, smoke and lived a bad hedonistic lifestyle like an english man as did his descendants this hindu thing is a shame and cover up we know it's fake they have hallow hindu faith themself but there hatred for sikhs is solid as is with other people, this hatred is present for other minorities sikhs also get suppressed even in other muslim countries treated worse then in India, in christian countries we live with some dignity but even some people are turning that aswell if we look at france with turban ban or turban checks.

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Guru ji said "

rwju n cwhau mukiq n cwhau min pRIiq crn kmlwry ] raaj n chaaho mukath n chaaho man preeth charan kamalaarae ||

I do not seek power, and I do not seek liberation. My mind is in love with Your Lotus Feet.

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dayv Gandhaaree on Pannaa 534

Thats all and well but Guru Gobind Singh Ji Mahajrah also stated without political power our deen can not survive and work when under attack. Guru Hargobind Ji also stated we need political power and physically fight those who persecute us. Now do we listen to babas, sants and politicians or do we listen to our religious spiritual superiors (our guru's) who we bow our heads down to and owe everything to? Those great guru sahib's who fought and sacrificed against the politicians and rulers of their time and created so much glory and security for the kaum

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When the son of maharaja ranjit singh dalip singh was going back to india he was stopped because the fear was he would raise a revolution and take over all of India, singhs have the capacity to create a party combined with good hindus and good muslims to rule india with proper values to push congress and bjp out but there is a huge force with congress right now with corrupt gangs, mafia who are with them. To make that whole social paradigm shift will take efforts even from us to end lots of corruption. We can't be certain the police of khalistan won't be corrupt most of south asias police is corrupt. As for running khalistan with panj pyare is not possible, panj pyare have been a point of consulting but a king or president or prime minister is still required but an amritdhari can still have panj pyare to consult we don't even use panj pyare properly in gurdwaras right now to consult for presidents who do corrupt things at times that management of small gurdwara even has small elements of fraud we detect at times like building work in which the commitee members embezzle money or bow gurdawara fake insurance claims or even southall gurdwara were commitee who lost broke the windows and damaged gurdwara property they didn't even have fear for paap which they could get but only ran after power in pursuit of ego rather then sewa of maharaj.

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