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Losing Faith

Guest PotentialAtheist

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Guest PotentialAtheist

My brothers and sisters. Recently I have come to have some doubts about the existence of God. This is because of many reasons. First of all, I see many people who do evil acts, are hateful, deceitful etc. seem to prosper and be rewarded in this life. On the other hand, I have seen many righteous people who have done no harm to others. They seem to suffer with illness, crime, early death etc.

I know there are several theories eg past life, reincarnation and karma and that god supposedly gave us all free will. But the fact that people say don't worry it was probably something from a past life that caused suffering or that the unrighteous will be punished in their next life does not reassure me. First of all there is no proof at all of these things and surely if there was a just god. He would hand out punishment and reward in this life for those deeds committed in this life.

If someone could restore my faith somehow I would be very happy but it doesn't look promising right now in my current state of mind and after trying to find answers elsewhere I have only lost more faith.

What are your views.

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Guest Guest

Rather than looking at others we should look at our own Karma.

Are we paying taxes and giving Dasvand ?

If not, then how are we any better than others !

Good fortune comes to those who Jap Naam, do Saadh Sangat & Seva.

Try it for 7 days and see positive change in your life.

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Guest mymme

the answer is within yourself...in the devil's home ,evil people are rewarded...I use to think all this and then I realise what's the use of all this negative think ing...stop thinking of other people karam and all .just maoe your pife beautiful and live a good life .peaceful life. I don't our wrong deeds are all punished here .It is all happen at his place. .

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its all maya, only those who can stay in union with god surrounded by maya are true Gursikhs.

ayh maa-i-aa jit har visrai moh upjai bhaa-o doojaa laa-i-aa.

This is Maya, by which the Lord is forgotten; emotional attachment and love of duality well up.

kahai naanak gur parsaadee jinaa liv laagee tinee vichay maa-i-aa paa-i-aa. ||29||

Says Nanak, by Guru's Grace, those who enshrine love for the Lord find Him, in the midst of Maya. ||29||

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  • 9 months later...

this is from a katha i heard.

one man goes to a club to see women dance. another man goes to see the guru.

the man came out of the club and found a gold coin on the ground. the man who was going to see the guru got pricked by a thorn.

they both got really confused and decided to ask guru nanak dev ji.

guru nanak said to the man who found the gold coin, " you went to satsangat everyday but made the mistake of going to the club. you were going to a lot of gold coins today but your reward got reduced to one coin."

guru nanak said to the man who got pricked by the thorn, "you have committed so many sins but you were coming to satsangat today. you were going to die today but your punishment got reduced to getting pricked by a thorn.

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The way you described it, it seems like you're thinking of Waheguru as someone sitting in the clouds who'll come down and slap you with a stick if you commit a crime. It's a lot deeper and complicated than that. Go study and understand the meanings of baani, do simran and ardas daily. As you learn more, all your questions will be answered.


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Dude - you dont have to believe in "Reincarnation/transmigration" maybe thats your problem? I would suggest you to read the "Sikh Bulletin " from Dr.Baldev Singh - maybe it will open your eyes. Furthermore I dont think that you have understood Sikhi and why there is evil etc.. I really would like to recommend you a forum called "Sikhphilosophy" there you can discuss Bani etc.. all your questions in depth. You will get very good replys( Bani ) etc... Just give it a try.

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Guest Confused man

Isn't reincarnation one of the fundamentals of Sikhi?

You can't say ignore that part.

Going back to reincarnation, people who are very rich and successful, i.e. music, movie, sport stars, financial traders, business men tend to lead even more immoral lives than regular people.

So were they rewarded by god to be rich? The richer people get the further they tend to move away from god. We all know it's true. It doesn't make sense.

Generally poorer people tend to be more religious because it gives them hope.

Is the best condition to achieve mukhti to be born into a relatively poor family?

Like I've mentioned before why are countries like Sweden and Japan so successful?

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Going back to reincarnation, people who are very rich and successful, i.e. music, movie, sport stars, financial traders, business men tend to lead even more immoral lives than regular people.

So were they rewarded by god to be rich? The richer people get the further they tend to move away from god. We all know it's true. It doesn't make sense.

Generally poorer people tend to be more religious because it gives them hope.

They were rewarded the ability because of past lives but they chose to misuse what they've been gifted. There're countless people (singers, actors) who have the same gifts but do positive things. The media just sheds light on the people who misuse what they have because it helps them gain attention as a media source. Never think just because someone's rich and famous they're bad people. The people who're rich that seek attention are the ones who tend to go bad, for example Miley Cyrus was rich before but she wanted more attention so she started doing idiotic things. On the other hand there're actors like the ones from Harry Potter who have the mind control to not do idiotic things when they have money. I could give you a huge list of people who are rich, live amazing lives and are some of the best morally correct people you'll meet.It all depends on how someone chooses to use the gifts God's given them.

Moving on to poor people, you can't guarantee what you said. Media plays a role in this too, they shed the most light on the people who look at God for help and work hard and earn a honest living. That's a story which makes people feel warm at heart and it's something people want to hear. At the same time there're poor people who beg and steal instead of living honestly, just look at what's happening to people on the streets in India; there're thefts, fights etc everyday amongst them.

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