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What is the sangats view on hunting in this time and age?My personal view is it's not necessary right now because we don't need meat for food and we can train our fighting skills in many other different ways...What are your guys views?

I don't think supporting extreme vegetarianism is also going to get us anywhere.

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I don't think supporting extreme vegetarianism is also going to get us anywhere.

Where in my post am I supporting extreme vegetarianism?All I'm saying is when there is a need for hunting I am for it...Right now we have foods such as roti etc...When there is a food shortage in a war or something then I am for hunting...Right now we have other foods to eat instead...Please explain why we need to hunt in this day and age...The reason for keeping kesh and kirpan are because my father guru gobind Singh ji sache patshah has made it mandatory for us to keep them.Where is it written that it is mandatory for us to hunt?
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We are meant to be warriors, especially if we are Amritdhari. We should learn the art of hunting and warfare, it's a good way to get us into the closest situation and it's a good thing to know if there is a time we are stranded or a collapse in society - will eventually happen in Punjab.

I don't eat meat obviously, but I still believe we should know how to hunt and all that.

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We are meant to be warriors, especially if we are Amritdhari. We should learn the art of hunting and warfare, it's a good way to get us into the closest situation and it's a good thing to know if there is a time we are stranded or a collapse in society - will eventually happen in Punjab.

I don't eat meat obviously, but I still believe we should know how to hunt and all that.

I am all for learning how to fight...In this day and age hunting to learn how to fight is not needed.A person can go to a gun range and learn how to use a weapon there etc...What hunting did sant jarnail singh do to become a warrior?What a person needs is the balls to fight..We need courage...We might know how to fight but if you aint got the balls its no use..We are supposed to be fearless...No amount of training or hunting can prepare a person for that...A person needs the guru and he will give us the strenght...Hunting for survival is a different story..When there are famines and food shortages then we can hunt..Right now we can rely on moonghi di daal :p

Your opinons?

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I am all for learning how to fight...In this day and age hunting to learn how to fight is not needed.A person can go to a gun range and learn how to use a weapon there etc...What hunting did sant jarnail singh do to become a warrior?What a person needs is the balls to fight..We need courage...We might know how to fight but if you aint got the balls its no use..We are supposed to be fearless...No amount of training or hunting can prepare a person for that...A person needs the guru and he will give us the strenght...Hunting for survival is a different story..When there are famines and food shortages then we can hunt..Right now we can rely on moonghi di daal :p

Your opinons?

Taksal isn't against hunting, they needed jung vidiya in an urban environment and thus used it with the help of Bhai Sahib General Subaig Singh Ji. Hitting a target helps you get better at shooting in one place, but the closest thing to an actual fight is to manually hunt something with a spear, bow/arrows or a sword/dhaal. You get the adrenaline, hand eye coordination and the same instinct you would have when slaying an actual person. Sikhs should be able to hunt various big to small animals, especially boars in case of survival situation. Perhaps these instincts kick in some of the people, but definitely not the majority.

Everyone in my family makes a joke that I just rely on chollay and daal haha. It's true, so long as we're working and are at home without any problem all we need is various daalan, roti, quinoa, milk, fruits and veggies.

When I'm done and have my job I'm going to be getting a falconers license, but I wouldn't eat the meat. Would probably feed the extra to my dog(s).

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What is the sangats view on hunting in this time and age?My personal view is it's not necessary right now because we don't need meat for food and we can train our fighting skills in many other different ways...What are your guys views?

Jhatka is also a maryada...path has to be done...certain organs not cut right can poison the whole flesh......so if you dont now this vidiya you will poison the khalsa before battle....jung is not a fantasy...its gonna happenn..question is are you prepared...

If your. Taliking about jung and maryada in this time and age.. well forget jhatka and kirpan.... theres no need for khachera, kara....kesh you can argue....no need for dhamalla (doh malla) its a jungi/maharaja tradition but today more of a a fashion statement....whats the point of bana today.?..its our army uniform..army meaning group of people willing to give and take life for their purpose....our purpose is dharm yudh...

Veereh.. dont try to change/alter marayada to your awareness/avastha..pick up your bani pehra to understand and practice the mayada of

sri guru gobind singh ji....

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Please explain why we need a kirpan then first. We aren't at war, by your logic we don't need a shastar

We need a Kirpan because my father has made it mandatory to keep Kirpan,kesh,kakaars etc

Where is it written that it is mandatory for a Sikh to hunt?If you find a real rehitnama that says that hunting is mandatory for a Sikh then I will change my views.

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