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Why the Khalsa is suffering and how it will be fixed

Guest someguy

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Guest someguy

Hey guys I was just reading Bhai Rama Singh jis Autobiography, it is really interesting and I want to share this with you guys. If this is in the wrong section can you please move it mods, I do not have an account. What do you guys think about this? Also I am not an AKJ, but a sinner. So please don't start an aruge about AKJ.




The Signs of Khalsa Raj "No one knows the state of the Lord. The Yogis, the celibates, the austere penitents, and all sorts of clever people have failed. || 1 || Pause || In an instant, He changes the beggar into a king, and the king into a beggar. He fills what is empty, and empties what is full. Such are His ways. || 1 || He Himself spread out the expanse of His Maya, and He Himself beholds it. He assumes so many forms, and plays so many games, and yet He remains distinct and detached from it all. || 2 || Incalculable, infinite, incomprehensible and immaculate, He has mystified the whole world. So give up all your doubts; prays Nanak, O mortal, focus your consciousness on His Feet. || 3 ||" (SGGS p. 537) "From the earth, the mortal is exalted to the skies; and from the skies, he is thrown down. || 2 || The beggar is transformed into a king, and the king into a beggar. The idiotic fool is transformed into a Pandit, a religious scholar, and the Pandit into a fool. || 3 || The woman is transformed into a man, and the men into women. Says Kabir, God is the Beloved of the Holy Saints. I am a sacrifice unto His image." (SGGS p. 1252) On 6 June, 1984, the Government of India invaded the holy premises of Sri Harmandar Sahib Ji. This was the day of the Gurpurab commemorating the martyrdom of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji. In this invasion, a large number of Sikh men, women and children were killed. As the news spread, the deeply shocked world Sikh community, held massive demonstrations in protest. When I heard this news, my grief was great. I kept thinking of the death of so many Singhs, Singhanis (women Sikhs) and children. Instead of getting their own rule (as promised by the Congress leaders), even their basic demands were not met. I thought, "The Singhs have made countless sacrifices, why is Guru Ji not giving His Khalsa their own rule? Now they have suffered such atrocities. A bullet hit even the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (in Prakaash at the santum sanctorum, Harmandar Sahib). The bullet pierced the Holy Scriptures up to the Gurbani of Sukhmani Sahib (at page 262)." I was so grieved and frustrated that I could not sleep for most of that night. My sorrow cannot be described. However, when my eyes did close, as if to console me a Shaheed Singh appeared. He said that I should not be so frustrated. He said, "Only the true Khalsa is qualified to rule, but today's Khalsa is not the true Khalsa. Only the Guru of the Khalsa can give what is needed. What can you beg from those who are beggars themselves? The Khalsa is so feeble spiritually that they have forgotten from whom to ask for favours. Khalsa is the ruler of millions of galaxies. It is within the Will of Guru Ji to turn dust to gold in a second. However; the Panth does not have faith in the Word of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji: "Whatever I ask for from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me. Whatever the Lord's slave Nanak utters with his mouth, proves to be true, here and hereafter. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 681) So the Shaheed Singh spoke, "The ancient Singhs had complete faith in the Guru and one such was Bhai Bidhi Chand. One day a Sikh came and performed matha tekan before the Sovereign of both worlds, Sri Guru Har Gobind Ji. He offered an expensive shawl to Guru Ji and prayed, "O True King! The Guardian of the two worlds (the seen and the unseen), I was bringing two more shawls like this one. The local governor threatened me and took them away." Guru Ji was touched by the Sikh's affection and told Bhai Bidhi Chand to bring the shawls back. Bhai Bidhi Chand said, "As you wish O True King." He disguised himself and went inside the Pathan governor's house. Only the servant women and the wives of the Pathan were around. Bhai Bidhi Chand told them to bring forth the shawls and the frightened women did as they were told. However, as he got out of the house they raised the alarm and the gates of the town were closed. Bhai Bidhi Chand moved away from the house while thinking of some way to escape. Aware of the grave danger he meditated on the Guru's charan (holy feet) and jumped into a large burning oven! In deep meditation, he recited: "The hot wind does not even touch one who is under the Protection of the Supreme Lord God. On all four sides I am surrounded by the Lord's Circle of Protection; pain does not afflict me, O brothers. || 1 || I have met the Perfect True Guru, who has done this deed. He has given me the medicine of the Lord's Name, and I enshrine love for the One Lord. || 1 || Pause || The Saviour Lord has saved me, and eradicated all my sickness. Says Nanak, God has showered me with His Mercy; He has become my help and support. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 819) "Where You are, Almighty Lord, there is no one else. There, in the fire of the mother's womb, You protected us." (SGGS p. 962) "Reciting these Shabads, this great warrior‐saint, sat in the burning oven, with his mind set on the Guru's ever‐protecting presence. "At that very time, the Sovereign of Miri‐Piri (worldly and spiritual realms), was sitting with a large Sangat. As He heard Bhai Bidhi Chand's prayer, he asked for containers of water to be brought and poured over His own body. And so the true Sikh of the Guru was saved from the fire while the guards of the Pathan searched for him in vain. Rain came and put out the fire and Bhai Bidhi Chand disappeared in the middle of the night. He reached Sri Amritsar, placed the two shawls before the Guru and touched His holy charan (feet) in deep reverence. The Sangat was amazed, that Guru Ji had asked for so much water to be poured over Himself. To clarify the mystery, Guru Ji told Bhai Bidhi Chand, "Look at the pain I had to suffer for you." Guru Ji's body was covered with blisters, for He had Himself suffered the heat which Bhai Bidhi Chand would have felt when sitting in the hot oven. That also explained the water which was being poured on Him. The Guru takes upon Himself the suffering of His true devotees like Bhai Bidhi Chand. The Satguru looks after anyone who has total faith in the Guru and who never allows his mind to waver." The Shaheed Singh said, "The whole country would suffer as a result of the cruelty at Amritsar. God's Will is all powerful: "No one knows the state of the Lord. The Yogis, the celibates, the austere penitents, and all sorts of clever people have failed. || 1 || Pause || In an instant, He changes the beggar into a king, and the king into a beggar. He fills what is empty, and empties what is full. Such are His ways. || 1 ||" (SGGS p. 537) "Punjab will suffer great losses. There is a dark cloud over Punjab because the Punjabis have not followed the teachings of Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji. They have faltered from the path of truth and sided with falsehood. The harvest of sin will be first reaped by Punjab, then by the rest of India." Whosoever clashed with an avtaar (a divine person ‐ God incarnate according to the Hindu tradition, to which Sikhism does not subscribe) was destroyed. For example, in Satyug (first part of the time span of this universe) the rakhshas (demons) clashed with Vishnu and were destroyed. In the age of Treta, the demon king Rawan clashed with Ram Chandar Ji and met his end. In the Duapar age, the Kaurav princes, led by Daryodhan waged an unjust war on the righteous Pandav brothers (who were backed by Krishan Bhagwan) and the Kauravs were destroyed (in the Hindu Vedic tradition, the age of the universe is divided into four unequal parts called Yug. The four Yug are Satyug, Treta, Duapar, and Kalyug in that order. They represent the descending of righteous and truthful conduct. The present is the last Yug i.e. Kalyug, variously called the age of fire, falsehood and darkness. It is ruled by the goddess Kali, the godess of war, rage and destruction. Despite the underlying Vedic idiom used for illustrative purposes, Sikhism does not subscribe to these views. The symptoms associated with the four Yugs, can exist at the same time according to one's mental state, company (sangat) and conduct).   The avtar (i.e. the symbol of righteous conduct) of Kalyug is Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Tenth Light (of Guru Nanak Dev Ji), Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji proclaimed Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be the Guru of all ages. The government of India clashed with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and its rule shall be destroyed; for truth is always victorious. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has made it clear that: "Rehat (the prescribed Sikh way of life) is dear to me and not a Sikh." Few have followed this injunction. The Sikhs have stopped rising early in the morning to recite Gurbani and they do not have full faith in their Guru. So many weaknesses have crept into the Sikhs that they have abandoned truth and prefer falsehood. They hate each other. They give up Amrit and drink alcohol. They have built Gurdwaras named after castes; they no longer live in harmony and have entered the rat race of wealth. Today the Sikhs follow anyone while they should be following the guidance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji only. Khalsa means "pure"; Khalsa represents truth and Khalsa faith is the faith of truth. Until such time as a Sikh does not give up falsehood, does not keep rehat of the Guru, does not rise early in the morning and do simran and recite Bani, he is not qualified for self rule. Satguru Ji says in this Shabad: ‐  "One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name. Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in the pool of nectar. Following the Instructions of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord. All sins, misdeeds and negativity shall be erased. Then, at the rising of the sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name. One who meditates on my Lord with every breath and every morsel of food, that Gursikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind. That person, unto whom my Lord and Master is kind and compassionate, upon that Gursikh, the Guru's Teachings are bestowed. Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that Gursikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 305) The Shaheed Singh revealed to me: "Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji will show the Panj Piaray where the treasure of the Khalsa lies. With that treasure Punjab will be developed into a new age paradise. The Khalsa will make an underground passage from Amritsar to Delhi in which hundreds of thousands of Singhs will sit and do simran. Flowers will be planted on both sides of this underground passage and there will be settlements on both sides also. The fragrance of the flowers will drift into the underground chambers in the passage. In the morning from three to four simran will be done. From four to five "Waheguru" dhuni (musical rhythm) will be sung. In this heavenly place followers of other religions will be welcome to do simran. Gold coins will be used in Khalsa Raj (rule). Sri Harmandar Sahib will be decorated with diamonds. The weather in Khalsa Raj will remain constant as spring weather. There will be clean and caring hospitals. The Khalsa shall number 960 million and there will be Khalsa embassies in other countries to spread the Khalsa message. In Khalsa Raj people will live longer. There will be no shortage of milk or butter. Such stones will be brought up from the land around Anandpur, that they will radiate light in darkness. The Khalsa will pay for water and electricity. Another dam and a canal will be constructed. Women will enjoy complete equality with men. There will be marriages between Indian and white races. The dress will be blue and white and it will be worn at the Gurpurabs, which will be celebrated with great splendour. Beautiful places will be constructed and there will be numerous parks for children to play in. Individuals will need to work only four hours a day. There will be educational and spiritually beneficial programmes on the television. The remaining time will be spent in blissful Naam simran." I asked the Shaheed Singh: "How will the age of the Khalsa be prolonged?" Shaheed Singh: There is a place in Ecuador where people live from 150‐200 years. These people drink the water of a river. There is a certain stone in the river which affects the water so that by drinking this water people breathe more slowly when sleeping. For this reason their life is prolonged. Similar stones will be found below the surface in the land around Anandpur, but only when the Khalsa follows the Rehat Maryada (prescribed Khalsa code). When the Khalistan villages are developed, they will have sarovars (water tanks). By drinking the water from these sarovars and due to the spiritual power of Naam simran the lives of the Khalsa will be prolonged. At night the stones will warm the water of the sarovars steam clouds will form and there will be rain every night. It will be spring weather all through the year. Flowers will bloom always. There will be no autumn and the weather will remain constant; not too cold and not too hot. The meditative power of simran will ease the passage to Sachkhand (the Plain of Truth or God's Abode) after this life. I asked: "How will gold coinage become the common currency in Khalsa Raj?" Shaheed Singh: "Every avtaar has the power of Kaamdhen (Divine power to grant material wishes) which can be used at any time (Kaamdhen is the Hindu name for a mythological heavenly cow capable of granting any boon).   Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji wishes to use this power for the glory of the Khalsa. No regime will compare with Khalsa Raj in which gold currency is Guru Ji's desire. The treasure buried by Guru Ji is going to be used for the Khalsa Raj. Such is the Guru's Will that this wealth will not be exhausted. The wealth of Naam earned by the saints and high souls is inexhaustible. How can the treasure buried by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji with His own hands be ever spent? Khalsa is the owner of billions of galaxies. The whole land of Punjab can be converted to gold if the Guru so wishes. The Khalsa will be without any impurity. These days, many children of Gursikhs arrive in this world with the Name of Pramatma (God) engraved on their hearts. "Nowadays, the souls which Pramatma is sending to this earth are already immersed in His Name. Due to their Naam simran, the next generation will be qualified for Khalsa Raj. The next generation will keep full Rehat Maryada (prescribed Khalsa code). The children will do Naam simaran and Gurbani kirtan. Guru Ji proclaims in the following Shabad:‐  "Only that person can be called Khalsa true In whose heart there is no superstition." (From Sainapatt's work "Gur Sobha") "Khalsa is my identity true. I reside with the Khalsa." (Sarab Loh Granth) Guru Ji says that the Khalsa is in His Own Image. Khalsa shall not steal. Khalsa shall not speak evil of others. Khalsa shall be the devotee of One (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) only Khalsa shall always speak the truth, never tell lies. Khalsa shall have one caste only; the high and the low shall become equal. Khalsa shall have one Langar (eat from one kitchen). Khalsa shall not go near another's woman. Khalsa shall not take bribery. The soul of the Khalsa shall be so pure (non attached), that he will regard gold and diamonds as dirt. "Khalsa means pure, without impurity, true; and Khalsa faith is the faith of truth. The Khalsa are not qualified to rule until they denounce falsehood, remain true to their rehat, and rise early in the morning to do Naam simran. "Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has conferred raj (own rule) on the Khalsa, but when Khalsa accepts and adopts the complete Rehat Maryada (full code of the Khalsa internal and external discipline). "The whole Universe serves You, day and night. Please hear my prayer, O Dear Lord. I have thoroughly tested and seen all, You alone, by Your Pleasure, can save us. || 12 || Now, the Merciful Lord has issued His Command. Let no one chase after and attack anyone else. Let all abide in peace, under this Benevolent Rule. || 13 || Softly and gently, drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down. I speak as my Lord and Master causes me to speak. I place all my faith in You; please accept me. || 14 || Your devotees are forever hungry for You. O Lord, please fulfil my desires. Grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Giver of Peace. Please, take me into Your Embrace. || 15 || I have not found any other as Great as You. You pervade the continents, the worlds and the nether regions; You are permeating all places and interspaces. Nanak: You are the True Support of Your devotees. || 16 ||" (SGGS p. 74) "Due to Naam simran by Gursikhs, the land of Punjab shall become a part of Sach Khand (the Plain of Truth, where Waheguru dwells). The power of simran will bring people closer to the Sach Khand. In the Khalsa Raj, Harmandar Sahib will be decorated with diamonds." I asked: "Where would the diamonds come from?" Shaheed Singh said: "Bahadur Shah prayed to Guru Ji to help him and get him the throne (of India). Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, "I shall help you, if, when you become the emperor, you present before me the one who martyred my two younger sons (Guru Ji is referring to the evil Nawab of Sarhind who backed alive the two younger Sahibzaday Baba Fateh Singh Ji and Baba Jorawar Singh Ji)." Bahadur Shah agreed. However when he got his kingdom he started wondering how to satisfy Guru Ji. If he delivered the Nawab, the Muslims would turn against him. So he tried (indirectly) to bribe Guru Ji! He presented a diamond to Guru Ji and the all knowing Guru Ji knew what was in the Emperor's mind. "Guru Ji was sitting near River Godawri and threw the diamond into the river. Bahadur Shah was taken aback and asked, "This diamond was very expensive. Why have you thrown it into the river?" Guru Ji said, "If it is so expensive then go and get it out." When the King looked for the diamond he saw thousands of similar diamonds in the Godavri. He was amazed to see so many diamonds. "These diamonds will one day decorate Sri Harmandar Sahib.” Guru Ji said to Bahadur Shah, "You have broken your promise. I shall send my own Sikh to punish the Nawab." Guru Ji then gave Banda Singh Bahadur five arrows and sent him to Punjab. Banda Singh Bahadur exacted the revenge for the martyrdom of the young Sahibjadas (princes) and razed the city to the ground." I asked humbly, "Would I be able to see Khalsa Raj with my own eyes?" Shaheed Singh replied, "Now your mind is set on seeing Khalsa Raj; you may be able to see it, but you will have to do 13 or 14 hours simran a day. When you receive Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's blessing, the Guru Himself will help you to do Naam simran and give you the will to do the early morning simran.   With you the other Sangat will benefit also. By doing simran in Saadh Sangat, the quality of your life will improve. As a result you would be able to see Khalsa Raj. "Those Gursikhs who do simran in the morning will establish the Khalsa Raj when they are born again. By running the Khalsa administration (as sewadars), they will achieve salvation, for their effort will be great. Their simran will be so intense and true that: "Inspired by devotion, and awake to the Light; Never forgetting, even for a moment, the singing of the Name of the Lord. Having faith only in the Lord, absorbed in His Splendour, absorbed in His Love; never believing in fasts and tombs, temples or idols. Not for penances nor bathing at holy places, nor for the Yogis' self‐maceration; not in anything but devotion to the One. These things mean nothing, if God's Light is not in you. When one's inner self is thoroughly illuminated with the Celestial Light; Only then can one truly be considered as Khalsa." (Sarab Loh Granth) The Shaheed Singh continued, "Such is the reward of simran in the early morning, that if a hundred Gursikhs sit together in the holy presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and do simran for one hour, then each Gursikh will receive the benefit of one hundred hours of simran." "Just as Dhroo and Prahlaad meditated on the Lord, so should you meditate on the Lord, O my soul." (SGGS p. 337) "Gurbani shows that Bhagats, Dhru and Pralaad, became immortal through simran. Dhru Bhagat was given his kingdom by meditating on God's Name all by himself. With you, a large number of Sangat will do Naam Simran. Through the power of simran, Khalsa Raj will be achieved." After saying these words, the Shaheed Singh disappeared.


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Guest Someguy
9 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

A nice read. Do you have a link to the full book?

Just search Bhai rama singh ji autobiography. Its a pdf, he also tells many things in it such as his PAST LIFE and that he thought that he died and was going go sachkhand but was stopped by a shaheed singh who said that he has to be more humble and that he still has more time left. Its really interesting also I will make this clearer, I just realised that its not clear lol. He also saw what happened in narak and also had a darshan of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

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Guest Some guy

I made it a little better to read.



The Signs of Khalsa Raj


"No one knows the state of the Lord. The Yogis, the celibates, the austere penitents, and all sorts of clever people have failed. || 1 || Pause || In an instant, He changes the beggar into a king, and the king into a beggar. He fills what is empty, and empties what is full. Such are His ways. || 1 || He Himself spread out the expanse of His Maya, and He Himself beholds it. He assumes so many forms, and plays so many games, and yet He remains distinct and detached from it all. || 2 || Incalculable, infinite, incomprehensible and immaculate, He has mystified the whole world. So give up all your doubts; prays Nanak, O mortal, focus your consciousness on His Feet. || 3 ||" (SGGS p. 537) "From the earth, the mortal is exalted to the skies; and from the skies, he is thrown down. || 2 || The beggar is transformed into a king, and the king into a beggar. The idiotic fool is transformed into a Pandit, a religious scholar, and the Pandit into a fool. || 3 || The woman is transformed into a man, and the men into women. Says Kabir, God is the Beloved of the Holy Saints. I am a sacrifice unto His image." (SGGS p. 1252)


On 6 June, 1984, the Government of India invaded the holy premises of Sri Harmandar Sahib Ji. This was the day of the Gurpurab commemorating the martyrdom of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji. In this invasion, a large number of Sikh men, women and children were killed. As the news spread, the deeply shocked world Sikh community, held massive demonstrations in protest. When I heard this news, my grief was great. I kept thinking of the death of so many Singhs, Singhanis (women Sikhs) and children. Instead of getting their own rule (as promised by the Congress leaders), even their basic demands were not met. I thought, "The Singhs have made countless sacrifices, why is Guru Ji not giving His Khalsa their own rule? Now they have suffered such atrocities. A bullet hit even the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (in Prakaash at the santum sanctorum, Harmandar Sahib). The bullet pierced the Holy Scriptures up to the Gurbani of Sukhmani Sahib (at A 262)." I was so grieved and frustrated that I could not sleep for most of that night. My sorrow cannot be described.

However, when my eyes did close, as if to console me a Shaheed Singh appeared. He said that I should not be so frustrated. He said, "Only the true Khalsa is qualified to rule, but today's Khalsa is not the true Khalsa. Only the Guru of the Khalsa can give what is needed. What can you beg from those who are beggars themselves? The Khalsa is so feeble spiritually that they have forgotten from whom to ask for favours. Khalsa is the ruler of millions of galaxies. It is within the Will of Guru Ji to turn dust to gold in a second.

However; the Panth does not have faith in the Word of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji: "Whatever I ask f or from my Lord and Master, he gives that to me. Whatever the Lord's slave Nanak utters with his mouth, proves to be true, here and hereafter. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 681)

So the Shaheed Singh spoke, "The ancient Singhs had complete faith in the Guru and one such was Bhai Bidhi Chand. One day a Sikh came and performed matha tekan before the Sovereign of both worlds, Sri Guru Har Gobind Ji. He offered an expensive shawl to Guru Ji and prayed, "O True King! The Guardian of the two worlds (the seen and the unseen), I was bringing two more shawls like this one. The local governor threatened me and took them away." Guru Ji was touched by the Sikh's affection and told Bhai Bidhi Chand to bring the shawls back. Bhai Bidhi Chand said, "As you wish O True King." He disguised himself and went inside the Pathan governor's house. Only the servant women and the wives of the Pathan were around. Bhai Bidhi Chand told them to bring forth the shawls and the frightened women did as they were told. However, as he got out of the house they raised the alarm and the gates of the town were closed. Bhai Bidhi Chand moved away from the house while thinking of some way to escape. Aware of the grave danger he meditated on the Guru's charan (holy feet) and jumped into a large burning oven! In deep meditation, he recited:

"The hot wind does not even touch one who is under the Protection of the Supreme Lord God. On all four sides I am surrounded by the Lord's Circle of Protection; pain does not afflict me, O brothers. || 1 || I have met the Perfect True Guru, who has done this deed. He has given me the medicine of the Lord's Name, and I enshrine love for the One Lord. || 1 || Pause || The Saviour Lord has saved me, and eradicated all my sickness. Says Nanak, God has showered me with His Mercy; He has become my help and support. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 819) "Where You are, Almighty Lord, there is no one else. There, in the fire of the mother's womb, You protected us." (SGGS p. 962)

"Reciting these Shabads, this great warrior‐saint, sat in the burning oven, with his mind set on the Guru's ever‐protecting presence. "At that very time, the Sovereign of Miri‐Piri (worldly and spiritual realms), was sitting with a large Sangat. As He heard Bhai Bidhi Chand's prayer, he asked for containers of water to be brought and poured over His own body. And so the true Sikh of the Guru was saved from the fire while the guards of the Pathan searched for him in vain. Rain came and put out the fire and Bhai Bidhi Chand disappeared in the middle of the night. He reached Sri Amritsar, placed the two shawls before the Guru and touched His holy charan (feet) in deep reverence. The Sangat was amazed, that Guru Ji had asked for so much water to be poured over Himself. To clarify the mystery, Guru Ji told Bhai Bidhi Chand, "Look at the pain I had to suffer for you." Guru Ji's body was covered with blisters, for He had Himself suffered the heat which Bhai Bidhi Chand would have felt when sitting in the hot oven. That also explained the water which was being poured on Him. The Guru takes upon Himself the suffering of His true devotees like Bhai Bidhi Chand. The Satguru looks after anyone who has total faith in the Guru and who never allows his mind to waver." The Shaheed Singh said,

"The whole country would suffer as a result of the cruelty at Amritsar. God's Will is all powerful:

"No one knows the state of the Lord. The Yogis, the celibates, the austere penitents, and all sorts of clever people have failed. || 1 || Pause || In an instant, He changes the beggar into a king, and the king into a beggar. He fills what is empty, and empties what is full. Such are His ways. || 1 ||" (SGGS p. 537)


"Punjab will suffer great losses. There is a dark cloud over Punjab because the Punjabis have not followed the teachings of Sri Guru Granth sahib Ji. They have faltered from the path of truth and sided with falsehood. The harvest of sin will be first reaped by Punjab, then by the rest of India."


Whosoever clashed with an avtaar (a divine person ‐ God incarnate according to the Hindu tradition, to which Sikhism does not subscribe) was destroyed. For example, in Satyug (first part of the time span of this universe) the rakhshas (demons) clashed with Vishnu and were destroyed. In the age of Treta, the demon king Rawan clashed with Ram Chandar Ji and met his end. In the Duapar age, the Kaurav princes, led by Daryodhan waged an unjust war on the righteous Pandav brothers (who were backed by Krishan Bhagwan) and the Kauravs were destroyed (in the Hindu Vedic tradition, the age of the universe is divided into four unequal parts called Yug. The four Yug are Satyug, Treta, Duapar, and Kalyug in that order. They represent the descending of righteous and truthful conduct. The present is the last Yug i.e. Kalyug, variously called the age of fire, falsehood and darkness. It is ruled by the goddess Kali, the godess of war, rage and destruction. Despite the underlying Vedic idiom used for illustrative purposes, Sikhism does not subscribe to these views. The symptoms associated with the four Yugs, can exist at the same time according to one's mental state, company (sangat) and conduct).  

The avtar (i.e. the symbol of righteous conduct) of Kalyug is Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The Tenth Light (of Guru Nanak Dev Ji), Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji proclaimed Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be the Guru of all ages. The government of India clashed with Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and its rule shall be destroyed; for truth is always victorious. Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has made it clear that: "Rehat (the prescribed Sikh way of life) is dear to me and not a Sikh." Few have followed this injunction. The Sikhs have stopped rising early in the morning to recite Gurbani and they do not have full faith in their Guru. So many weaknesses have crept into the Sikhs that they have abandoned truth and prefer falsehood. They hate each other. They give up Amrit and drink alcohol. They have built Gurdwaras named after castes; they no longer live in harmony and have entered the rat race of wealth. Today the Sikhs follow anyone while they should be following the guidance of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji only. Khalsa means "pure"; Khalsa represents truth and Khalsa faith is the faith of truth. Until such time as a Sikh does not give up falsehood, does not keep rehat of the Guru, does not rise early in the morning and do simran and recite Bani, he is not qualified for self rule. Satguru Ji says in this Shabad: ‐ 


"One who calls himself a Sikh of the Guru, the True Guru, shall rise in the early morning hours and meditate on the Lord's Name. Upon arising early in the morning, he is to bathe, and cleanse himself in the pool of nectar. Following the Instructions of the Guru, he is to chant the Name of the Lord. All sins, misdeeds and negativity shall be erased. Then, at the rising of the sun, he is to sing Gurbani; whether sitting down or standing up, he is to meditate on the Lord's Name. One who meditates on my Lord with every breath and every morsel of food, that Gursikh becomes pleasing to the Guru's Mind. That person, unto whom my Lord and Master is kind and compassionate, upon that Gursikh, the Guru's Teachings are bestowed. Servant Nanak begs for the dust of the feet of that Gursikh, who himself chants the Naam, and inspires others to chant it. || 2 ||" (SGGS p. 305)

The Shaheed Singh revealed to me: "Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji will show the Panj Piaray where the treasure of the Khalsa lies. With that treasure Punjab will be developed into a new age paradise. The Khalsa will make an underground passage from Amritsar to Delhi in which hundreds of thousands of Singhs will sit and do simran. Flowers will be planted on both sides of this underground passage and there will be settlements on both sides also. The fragrance of the flowers will drift into the underground chambers in the passage. In the morning from three to four simran will be done. From four to five "Waheguru" dhuni (musical rhythm) will be sung. In this heavenly place followers of other religions will be welcome to do simran. Gold coins will be used in Khalsa Raj (rule).

Sri Harmandar Sahib will be decorated with diamonds. The weather in Khalsa Raj will remain constant as spring weather. There will be clean and caring hospitals. The Khalsa shall number 960 million and there will be Khalsa embassies in other countries to spread the Khalsa message. In Khalsa Raj people will live longer. There will be no shortage of milk or butter. Such stones will be brought up from the land around Anandpur, that they will radiate light in darkness. The Khalsa will pay for water and electricity. Another dam and a canal will be constructed. Women will enjoy complete equality with men. There will be marriages between Indian and white races. The dress will be blue and white and it will be worn at the Gurpurabs, which will be celebrated with great splendour. Beautiful places will be constructed and there will be numerous parks for children to play in. Individuals will need to work only four hours a day. There will be educational and spiritually beneficial programmes on the television. The remaining time will be spent in blissful Naam simran."


I asked the Shaheed Singh: "How will the age of the Khalsa be prolonged?" Shaheed Singh: There is a place in Ecuador where people live from 150‐200 years. These people drink the water of a river. There is a certain stone in the river which affects the water so that by drinking this water people breathe more slowly when sleeping. For this reason their life is prolonged. Similar stones will be found below the surface in the land around Anandpur, but only when the Khalsa follows the Rehat Maryada (prescribed Khalsa code). When the Khalistan villages are developed, they will have sarovars (water tanks). By drinking the water from these sarovars and due to the spiritual power of Naam simran the lives of the Khalsa will be prolonged. At night the stones will warm the water of the sarovars steam clouds will form and there will be rain every night. It will be spring weather all through the year. Flowers will bloom always. There will be no autumn and the weather will remain constant; not too cold and not too hot.


The meditative power of simran will ease the passage to Sachkhand (the Plain of Truth or God's Abode) after this life. I asked: "How will gold coinage become the common currency in Khalsa Raj?" Shaheed Singh: "Every avtaar has the power of Kaamdhen (Divine power to grant material wishes) which can be used at any time (Kaamdhen is the Hindu name for a mythological heavenly cow capable of granting any boon).   Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji wishes to use this power for the glory of the Khalsa. No regime will compare with Khalsa Raj in which gold currency is Guru Ji's desire. The treasure buried by Guru Ji is going to be used for the Khalsa Raj. Such is the Guru's Will that this wealth will not be exhausted. The wealth of Naam earned by the saints and high souls is inexhaustible. How can the treasure buried by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji with His own hands be ever spent? Khalsa is the owner of billions of galaxies. The whole land of Punjab can be converted to gold if the Guru so wishes.



The Khalsa will be without any impurity. These days, many children of Gursikhs arrive in this world with the Name of Pramatma (God) engraved on their hearts. "Nowadays, the souls which Pramatma is sending to this earth are already immersed in His Name. Due to their Naam simran, the next generation will be qualified for Khalsa Raj. The next generation will keep full Rehat Maryada (prescribed Khalsa code). The children will do Naam simaran and Gurbani kirtan.

Guru Ji proclaims in the following Shabad:‐ 

"Only that person can be called Khalsa true In whose heart there is no superstition." (From Sainapatt's work "Gur Sobha") "Khalsa is my identity true. I reside with the Khalsa." (Sarab Loh Granth) Guru Ji says that the Khalsa is in His Own Image. Khalsa shall not steal. Khalsa shall not speak evil of others. Khalsa shall be the devotee of One (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) only Khalsa shall always speak the truth, never tell lies. Khalsa shall have one caste only; the high and the low shall become equal. Khalsa shall have one Langar (eat from one kitchen). Khalsa shall not go near another's woman. Khalsa shall not take bribery. The soul of the Khalsa shall be so pure (non attached), that he will regard gold and diamonds as dirt. "Khalsa means pure, without impurity, true; and Khalsa faith is the faith of truth.

The Khalsa are not qualified to rule until they denounce falsehood, remain true to their rehat, and rise early in the morning to do Naam simran. "Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji has conferred raj (own rule) on the Khalsa, but when Khalsa accepts and adopts the complete Rehat Maryada (full code of the Khalsa internal and external discipline).

"The whole Universe serves You, day and night. Please hear my prayer, O Dear Lord. I have thoroughly tested and seen all, You alone, by Your Pleasure, can save us. || 12 || Now, the Merciful Lord has issued His Command. Let no one chase after and attack anyone else. Let all abide in peace, under this Benevolent Rule. || 13 || Softly and gently, drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar trickles down. I speak as my Lord and Master causes me to speak. I place all my faith in You; please accept me. || 14 || Your devotees are forever hungry for You. O Lord, please fulfil my desires. Grant me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan, O Giver of Peace. Please, take me into Your Embrace. || 15 || I have not found any other as Great as You. You pervade the continents, the worlds and the nether regions; You are permeating all places and interspaces. Nanak: You are the True Support of Your devotees. || 16 ||" (SGGS p. 74)

"Due to Naam simran by Gursikhs, the land of Punjab shall become a part of Sach Khand (the Plain of Truth, where Waheguru dwells). The power of simran will bring people closer to the Sach Khand. In the Khalsa Raj, Harmandar Sahib will be decorated with diamonds." I asked: "Where would the diamonds come from?" Shaheed Singh said: "Bahadur Shah prayed to Guru Ji to help him and get him the throne (of India). Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, "I shall help you, if, when you become the emperor, you present before me the one who martyred my two younger sons (Guru Ji is referring to the evil Nawab of Sarhind who backed alive the two younger Sahibzaday Baba Fateh Singh Ji and Baba Jorawar Singh Ji)." Bahadur Shah agreed. However when he got his kingdom he started wondering how to satisfy Guru Ji. If he delivered the Nawab, the Muslims would turn against him. So he tried (indirectly) to bribe Guru Ji! He presented a diamond to Guru Ji and the all knowing Guru Ji knew what was in the Emperor's mind. "Guru Ji was sitting near River Godawri and threw the diamond into the river. Bahadur Shah was taken aback and asked, "This diamond was very expensive. Why have you thrown it into the river?" Guru Ji said, "If it is so expensive then go and get it out." When the King looked for the diamond he saw thousands of similar diamonds in the Godavri. He was amazed to see so many diamonds. "These diamonds will one day decorate Sri Harmandar Sahib.” Guru Ji said to Bahadur Shah, "You have broken your promise. I shall send my own Sikh to punish the Nawab." Guru Ji then gave Banda Singh Bahadur five arrows and sent him to Punjab. Banda Singh Bahadur exacted the revenge for the martyrdom of the young Sahibjadas (princes) and razed the city to the ground."

I asked humbly, "Would I be able to see Khalsa Raj with my own eyes?" Shaheed Singh replied, "Now your mind is set on seeing Khalsa Raj; you may be able to see it, but you will have to do 13 or 14 hours simran a day. When you receive Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji's blessing, the Guru Himself will help you to do Naam simran and give you the will to do the early morning simran.   With you the other Sangat will benefit also. By doing simran in Saadh Sangat, the quality of your life will improve. As a result you would be able to see Khalsa Raj. "Those Gursikhs who do simran in the morning will establish the Khalsa Raj when they are born again. By running the Khalsa administration (as sewadars), they will achieve salvation, for their effort will be great. Their simran will be so intense and true that: "Inspired by devotion, and awake to the Light; Never forgetting, even for a moment, the singing of the Name of the Lord. Having faith only in the Lord, absorbed in His Splendour, absorbed in His Love; never believing in fasts and tombs, temples or idols. Not for penances nor bathing at holy places, nor for the Yogis' self‐maceration; not in anything but devotion to the One. These things mean nothing, if God's Light is not in you. When one's inner self is thoroughly illuminated with the Celestial Light; Only then can one truly be considered as Khalsa." (Sarab Loh Granth)


The Shaheed Singh continued, "Such is the reward of simran in the early morning, that if a hundred Gursikhs sit together in the holy presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and do simran for one hour, then each Gursikh will receive the benefit of one hundred hours of simran." "Just as Dhroo and Prahlaad meditated on the Lord, so should you meditate on the Lord, O my soul." (SGGS p. 337) "Gurbani shows that Bhagats, Dhru and Pralaad, became immortal through simran. Dhru Bhagat was given his kingdom by meditating on God's Name all by himself. With you, a large number of Sangat will do Naam Simran. Through the power of simran, Khalsa Raj will be achieved." After saying these words, the Shaheed Singh disappeared.

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1 hour ago, Guest Someguy said:

Just search Bhai rama singh ji autobiography. Its a pdf, he also tells many things in it such as his PAST LIFE and that he thought that he died and was going go sachkhand but was stopped by a shaheed singh who said that he has to be more humble and that he still has more time left. Its really interesting also I will make this clearer, I just realised that its not clear lol. He also saw what happened in narak and also had a darshan of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.


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    • I was searching igurbani.com which gives correct pronunciation of Gurbani. I can’t remember all of it at once. I guess it relies on more practice, like more Sehaj Paths. The meaning becomes clearer. I have noticed slight variants in it. This could be because it’s written in old Punjabi.  
    • Veer Manpreet Singh, a lay preacher, claims that -Sikhs aren't supposed to worship Guru Granth Sahib ji. -We are only supposed to worship God as is written in Guru Granth Sahib ji. -We only "revere" Guru Granth Sahib ji.     He says a lot of other things in this video, some are good refutations of Hindu superstitions, but the reformers often go too far. Anyways, what he is saying about not worshipping Guru Granth Sahib ji is totally wrong. The reason is Guru Granth Sahib ji is Guru. Guru is Satguru. Satguru is God. We worship God. Therefore, we also worship Satguru (Guru Granth Sahib ji).   There are innumerable verses in Gurbani equating God and Guru. ਗੁਰੁ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਡੁਬਦਾ ਲਏ ਤਰਾਇ ॥੨॥ The Guru is the Supreme Lord and the Transcendent Master. The Guru floats (saves) the drowning one. p49   ਗੁਰੁ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ਏਕੋ ਜਾਣੁ ॥ Know the Guru and God as One. p864   ਗੁਰ ਨਾਲਿ ਤੁਲਿ ਨ ਲਗਈ ਖੋਜਿ ਡਿਠਾ ਬ੍ਰਹਮੰਡੁ ॥ There is no one at par with the Guru. I have searched and seen the whole universe. p49 (If the Guru is the greatest in the whole universe, shouldn't we worship the Guru?)   I'd like to ask Manpreet Singh what is worship? Any reasonable definition would include obeisance, remembrance, and praise. Those are exactly the same things Gurbani says to do regarding Guru! Remembrance and obeisance: ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਅਪਨਾ ਸਦ ਸਦਾ ਸਮ੍ਹਾਰੇ ॥ Ever, ever, I think of the True Guru, ਗੁਰ ਕੇ ਚਰਨ ਕੇਸ ਸੰਗਿ ਝਾਰੇ ॥੧॥ and the Guru's feet I brush with my head's hair. p387   Praise: ਗੁਰੁ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ਆਪਿ ॥ The Guru himself is the transcendent Lord and the supreme master. ਆਠ ਪਹਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਗੁਰ ਜਾਪਿ ॥੪॥੧੬॥੬੭॥ Throughout the eight watches of the day, O Nanak meditate thou on the Guru. p387   In fact, Gurbani says the way to find God is to worship (puja) of Guru: ਸਤਿਗੁਰੂ ਕੇ ਚਰਨ ਧੋਇ ਧੋਇ ਪੂਜਹੁ ਇਨ ਬਿਧਿ ਮੇਰਾ ਹਰਿ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਲਹੁ ਰੇ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Washing and bathing the True Guru's feet, worship thou them. In this way thou shall obtain my Lord Master. Pause. p1118   Could it be any clearer that we are to worship Guru ji?
    • Bro, reciting a shorter Chaupai Sahib is hardly "anti-Dasam". It's fine to argue that the longer Chaupai is more traditional, but the short one isn't anti-Dasam. That's like claiming shorter Rehras is anti-Guru Granth Sahib ji just because there are fewer selections from Guru Granth Sahib. It might not be traditional, but it's not anti-Guru Granth Sahib. I prefer the longer versions, but let's not exaggerate. Every tradition has a slightly different Rehras version. Nanaksar vs Taksal vs Nihangs and so on. The basic template for Rehras is at the beginning of Guru Granth Sahib ji. Later, Chaupai Sahib was added and Anand Sahib always follows as the end of a process. Then some sangats added more saloks to start Rehras and others were added at the end. Some additional selections from Dasam Bani were also added, but it wasn't the same ones for every sangat. The important thing is to not hate on each other for these variations.
    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
    • It's the same here in Toronto. Alot of the gudwaras here are political orientated and get tons of funding from the government-probably want them stay hush hush with all the BS that has been happening with India.  These guys are skewing gurbani. A complaint was sent to a ragi singh a couple of days ago in regards to a hukamnama. 
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