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I have too much kaam and ego and I want to take amrit and some other questions

Guest Singh

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I have a few questions which I would like to ask

1. Did you feel anything when the panj pyare gave you the naam

2. I have lots of ego and kaam, I try not to brag about things but sometimes they (i.e, I also do paath) just come out and if im not praised by someone when I do something, (I am really smart and really good in music but when I dont get praised when I feel like I should, I get this feeling which is hard to describe but I sort of feel hurt).

3. I also feel like I should do bani secretly so I don't get praised but sometimes I just feel like telling people, (just so they praise me), I have tried hard not to tell and have succeeded but then people find out other ways, for example my parents sometimes tell people that I am doing paath....... or if people are coming to my house and ask, why didn't you open the door, I have no excuse but to tell that I am doing paath.... (if I say im in the toilet, sometimes they say they need to go there and I say ok, but when they go, they say "you went into the toilet and took a ****, but theirs no smell, and I cant see any fragrance bottle"(or what ever it is called), and I have no excuse but to say I was doing paath

4. I do ardas everything saying, kaam, krodh lobh, moh,anhkar tau bachakai riknaa, but feel like that it only works sometimes

5. Should I wait a few years and see if the ego goes down, then take amrit

6. If I do seva people start praising me for doing seva, so in order to combat this I do naam simran but then THEY START PRAISING ME/TALK BEHIND MY BACK AND SAY "he is doing simran and seva he must be a true gursikh...... EVEN THOUGH I DONT DO MUCH PAATH/AM NOT A TRUE GURSIKH, like only 4 of the 5 paaths you should do in the morning.

7. Should I go to the saints and tell them my problems and tell them that can you free me from the panj chor, if you do free me, make sure I am free forever(i.e not ever effected by them), if so could you guys tell me some mahapursh/saint which is in india,uk, austriala or nz (i prefer nz as its a lot easier for me to go there) or an saint/mahapursh, im saying this because ive heard from someone doing katha, in which there was a person which did lots of seva, (basically set up everything in the gurudwara and did lots of seva), there was also saint there I think. So one day he went to him and handed him everything of the gurudwara that he owned, (i.e the keys to do doors, etc), and he said that "i cannot do more seva" the saint asked why and then the other person said that he is being effected by the panj chor,  (i.e he wants money, wants to make a better life for his kids, etc), so the saint said "is there any way in which you would stay and do seva, you have done seva for so long". the person said "if you burn the panj chor in me and make sure they dont come back" the saint say ok and then put his hand on his head, after a while he said "go back to seva you are free from the panj chor, i have burnt them and they will never come back". 

8. What oil is good for your hair, (lol Ik random question)

9. What time should I sleep in order to wake up at 2:30 for amrit vela, what time do you guys wake up 

10. help pls

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2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:


1. Did you feel anything when the panj pyare gave you the naam


Not all panj pyare give you naam. You will need to find an amrit sanchar organised by Akhand Kirtani Jatha. Rare Nihang/Taskal groups give naam but AKJ definitely do it.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

2. I have lots of ego and kaam, I try not to brag about things but sometimes they (i.e, I also do paath) just come out and if im not praised by someone when I do something, (I am really smart and really good in music but when I dont get praised when I feel like I should, I get this feeling which is hard to describe but I sort of feel hurt).

Try and replace the I, me, etc. Watch this video:

When I took amrit, all my ego went away for a few days. It's like riding your first bike, first you use training wheels but after a few days they will get removed and you will have to rely on Naam to keep it that way.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

3. I also feel like I should do bani secretly so I don't get praised but sometimes I just feel like telling people, (just so they praise me), I have tried hard not to tell and have succeeded but then people find out other ways, for example my parents sometimes tell people that I am doing paath....... or if people are coming to my house and ask, why didn't you open the door, I have no excuse but to tell that I am doing paath.... (if I say im in the toilet, sometimes they say they need to go there and I say ok, but when they go, they say "you went into the toilet and took a ****, but theirs no smell, and I cant see any fragrance bottle"(or what ever it is called), and I have no excuse but to say I was doing paath


Remember, replace the I, me, mine. 

Try and limit yourself. Only bring it up when someone says something about nitnem, amritvela, etc. Whenever you think of boasting, try and replace it by doing naam simran in your mind, it works for me hopefully it will work for you.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

4. I do ardas everything saying, kaam, krodh lobh, moh,anhkar tau bachakai riknaa, but feel like that it only works sometimes

Do not do ardas for the sake of it. Don't just read it as if it is a script. Say it as a message to Guru Ji. Make it heartfelt! Make it emotional! If you do it as if it was a script then you will make it sound as if it is a joke.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

5. Should I wait a few years and see if the ego goes down, then take amrit

It is your choice, you never know what happens in few years time. When I took amrit, my ego slowly went down. Remember, it's like you have training wheels for the first few days. The rest is left up to you.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

6. If I do seva people start praising me for doing seva, so in order to combat this I do naam simran but then THEY START PRAISING ME/TALK BEHIND MY BACK AND SAY "he is doing simran and seva he must be a true gursikh...... EVEN THOUGH I DONT DO MUCH PAATH/AM NOT A TRUE GURSIKH, like only 4 of the 5 paaths you should do in the morning.

You can tell them that your are not a true Gursikh or just carry on doing naam simran and make your mind focused on the naam not the surroundings.

In the langar hall we always are aware of everything around us and sometimes not Guru Ji. Imagine bringing water into the langar hall in a glass, and you are told to take full care of it. You will focus on the water. You won't have time to focus on everything around you. Similarly, try and keep your awareness on Guru Ji when doing seva.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

7. Should I go to the saints and tell them my problems and tell them that can you free me from the panj chor, if you do free me, make sure I am free forever(i.e not ever effected by them), if so could you guys tell me some mahapursh/saint which is in india,uk, austriala or nz (i prefer nz as its a lot easier for me to go there) or an saint/mahapursh, im saying this because ive heard from someone doing katha, in which there was a person which did lots of seva, (basically set up everything in the gurudwara and did lots of seva), there was also saint there I think. So one day he went to him and handed him everything of the gurudwara that he owned, (i.e the keys to do doors, etc), and he said that "i cannot do more seva" the saint asked why and then the other person said that he is being effected by the panj chor,  (i.e he wants money, wants to make a better life for his kids, etc), so the saint said "is there any way in which you would stay and do seva, you have done seva for so long". the person said "if you burn the panj chor in me and make sure they dont come back" the saint say ok and then put his hand on his head, after a while he said "go back to seva you are free from the panj chor, i have burnt them and they will never come back". 

Saints can help you, but remember anyone can be a sant, a Gursikh is Sant-Sipahi. You can ask the sangat for help, not just sants. You can also ask us for help if you are scared of what their reply will be. They will most likely say focus on Naam Simran and the answers will come to you naturally.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

8. What oil is good for your hair, (lol Ik random question)

Someone else can answer this question.

2 hours ago, Guest Singh said:

9. What time should I sleep in order to wake up at 2:30 for amrit vela, what time do you guys wake up 

Amritvela is between 12 AM - 6 AM. Some people say its ends at 5 am. Remember, amritvela is before sunrise. Just try and get it done before the sun starts to rise and you will be fine. If you miss it then you can do an ardas.


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We all feel wantedness its a basic response, live a nishkam life without any desires. Kaam is any desired thought away from Gurmat. Das has been through alot engrossed in wordly pursuit it wont stop until you feel its time. 

That time will only come after taking Khande de Pahul. Its been a month and week since Das recieved Amrit and truth be told kaam has been silenced, the mind use to wander so much like you wouldnt believe. prior to Khande di pahul sitting in sangat and jaaping naam helped to make the mind steady and forgetting everything. if you focus it will happen but when Das use to go out naam would get harder to do but slowly it becomes similar only if you take khande de pahul. 

Now the mann has become very pure. You have to keep jaaping Naam, do Guru Sangat and sewa. Stay away from tv, movies etc focus on your soul it will happen. no matter what anyone says dont take it personally best to take thing in one ear and out the others. 

Naam will be with you during the day and even at night when you put effort in trust Das. Kirpa of 24/7 naam simran can happen ? you just gotta have nirmata and faith. 

Always remember when you raise above praise and slander then you will become jivan mukti maharaj bani says this too. What you are experience happens to us all its nothing major you shouldnt think of what sewa and how much you do. Just do the sewa without having any thought in maharaj giving you a reward. Sewa tohre bhut e mangna. Das use to care about looks too much and hated kes vaheguru maaf kare but now theres aspects are nothing nor is the taste of food. Naam becomes everything you just gotta keep at it. Listen to as much bani, kirtan and do Gursikh sangat as much as you can. Dont get disheartened by anyone on your journey we all have faults. 

its best to become a saint yourself dont relay on others to fufil your needs. Jaap naam, take santhia and do ardas in front of Guru sahib.

Use mustard oil or Almond Oil. Amrit Vela is 12:00 to half 6 when the sun arises. Go to Guru Ghar early in the morning during maharaj parkash if you can. Alot of kirpa happens. Dont focus so much on time and certain ways. Concentrate on seeing name everywhere and in every place. 

Avoid Social Media, debates online or with people, See Vaheguru in all and stay away from Dirty photos, videos. Times precious, live for your soul. Respect your relatives but keep your distance and not let it effect your sikhi. Deattachment is good. Stay away from jatha, specific maryada. respect and have contentment. Keep bibek inside and outside. Make your own food it helps to lessen ego and conquer youe desires and thoughts. Also do cold Ishnaan in the morning maharaj has told this hukam to Bhai Nand lal in their writings. Alot of kirpa happens too. its has benefical purposes for us according to science too. 

Sorry if Das didnt answer everything, Das is in india and is going sleep now. Das has been chosen by Guru Ghar for Panj Pyare Sewa in the Nagar Kirtan tomorrow. Bhut Kirpa has happened from a Mona to Gursikh in 2 years. Dhan Guru, Dhan Guru Pyare. 

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ਪ੍ਰਿਥਮ ਰਹਿਤ ਯਹ ਜਾਨ ਖੰਡੇ ਦੀ ਪਾਹੁਲ ਛਕੈ॥
Recognise the primary/most important rehit is to take Khande Ki Pahul (Amrit).

ਰਹਿਣੀ ਰਹੈ ਸੋਈ ਸਿਖ ਮੇਰਾ । ਉਹ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਮੈੰ ਉਸ ਕਾ ਚੇਰਾ ।
That Sikh that remains steadfast in upkeeping their Rehat, They are my master and I am their slave.

ਕੱਛ ਕੜਾ ਕੰਘਾ ਕਿਰਪਾਨ ਕੇਸ। ਪੰਜ ਕਕਾਰੀ ਰਹਿਤ ਧਾਰੇ ਸਿੱਖ ਵੇਸ।
The Kashera, Karra, Kangha, Kirpan and Kes,
The Sikh should keep the Rehat of these 5 Kakaars on his body.

ਰਹਿਤ ਬਿਨਾ ਨਹਿ ਸਿੱਖ ਕਹਾਵੈ ।  ਰਹਿਤ ਬਿਨਾੰ ਦਰ ਚੋਟਾੰ ਖਾਵੈ ।
Without keeping Rehat (discipline prescribed by the Guru) you cannot call yourself a Sikh, without keeping Rehat in the court of God you shall receive punishment.

ਪੀਵਹੁ ਪਾਹੁਲ ਖੰਡੇ ਧਾਰ ਹੋਇ ਜਨਮ ਸੁਹੇਲਾ॥ 
Drink the nectar of the Double edged sword (Amrit) and your life shall be blissful.

Prepare yourself also. Take time to get santhia make your recitation shudh. Wake up at amrit vela too, dont feel disappointed in what you do.

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All Panj Pyare give you Naam Dhir of Vaheguru Mantar and Mool Mantar to jaap all the sangat does this plus they tell you Sikhi maryada. If they dont which is very very unlikely most definitely sharm wale gal a. Vaheguru Kirpa karn. RESPECT All Samparadas traditions plus jathas but dont fixate yourself and waste time. 

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12 minutes ago, LS93 said:

All Panj Pyare give you Naam Dhir of Vaheguru Mantar and Mool Mantar to jaap all the sangat does this plus they tell you Sikhi maryada. If they dont which is very very unlikely most definitely sharm wale gal a. Vaheguru Kirpa karn. RESPECT All Samparadas traditions plus jathas but dont fixate yourself and waste time. 

I think OP was referring to Naam Abhiyaas which is practiced by AKJ but anyone can learn from the panj pyare.

Yes, near the end of the amrit sanchar they will tell you to do mool mantar and naam simran.

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1 hour ago, monatosingh said:

dont follow this guys advice on lust.  Telling others they can have sex many times and not be lustful.  This is completely wrong.  This advice is not coming from Gurbani but is his own beliefs.  Also doing paath in a quiet room is very good.  A person is able to concentrate on the paath being read and absorb themselves in the paath.  Also many Gursikhs have a place where they like doing paath.  This place sometimes is outside of the house and away from family life.  Perfectly fine to do.  Some go near a body of water.  Some go to a park.  Some go to the Gurdwara.  No family member will go with you at the end.  They don't feel like doing paath, then don't let them be the block from you doing paath. They like wasting time watching dirty shows and movies and listening to dirty music.  We Sikhs like going to a quiet place to praise Akal Purakh.    

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2 hours ago, lostconfussedsingh said:

i am myself i struggle with kaam i mean i am probably the worst out of all of the members on this site.  Its not easy i can give you that. I also have anger which can be worse than my kaam or same. How old are you ?

Kaam was designed to test us. But once you start applying yourself to bani then you start to forget the about kaam because your heart will be filled with love for Vaheguru.

ਅਨੇਕ ਜਤਨ ਕਰੇ ਇੰਦ੍ਰੀ ਵਸਿ ਨ ਹੋਈ ॥

anaek jathan karae eindhree vas n hoee |

Making countless efforts, sexual desire is not overcome.

ਕਾਮਿ ਕਰੋਧਿ ਜਲੈ ਸਭੁ ਕੋਈ ॥

kaam karodh jalai sabh koee |

Everyone is burning in the fires of sexuality and anger.

ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸੇਵੇ ਮਨੁ ਵਸਿ ਆਵੈ ਮਨ ਮਾਰੇ ਮਨਹਿ ਸਮਾਇਦਾ ॥੧੫॥

sathigur saevae man vas aavai man maarae manehi samaaeidhaa |15|

Serving the True Guru, one brings his mind under control; conquering his mind, he merges in the Mind of God.

Once you start controlling your physical actions and your soul is in control of your actions not your mind, then you can try to control your lustful thoughts. Take it one step at a time rather than trying to stop it all at once because the vikars (vices) are much stronger than us and once you let them get out of control then you won't be able to stop them. So try to control your physical actions first then try to purify your thoughts. Anyway @lostconfussedsingh veerji, glad to hear that you've stopped going on ganth (rubbish) websites its a good start. (y) :clap: Carry on and don't give in and you will have passed one of your many tests in life. :)  We are here to support you...


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