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EXCLUSIVE: Moment two Met Police officers slap Sikh rally organiser with £10k fine for breaking Covid rules as he led 4,000-strong London protest to support farmers in Punjab 





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Guest young English

Then they must find every single BLM protester for literally standing on each other’s heads while they were protesting and destroying statutes...... no one said boo to them ‘cause they so scared of them, me thinks.

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Punjabiwolves     647


While i fully support the farmers of India Ido think the London protest went out of hand and lost its meaning


1) The UK is has just come out of lockdown infection rates and deaths  are still high  and protest should only happen if social distancing is possible.  In this protest social distancing went out the window and some were not even  wearing masks. this will only drive Covid 19 infection rates and  could be in lockdown once again. 

2) why the need for sports cars ? why block the roads?  I dont see Farmers of India driving in sports cars while doing farming . These Uk punjabis are just showing off their wealth  of acting like road mans. stay humble man. 

3) why flares? it makes them look like football fans. 

4) Khalistan really? this farming protest has nothing do with Khalistan. The whole of India is supporting this Farming protest from Punjab right down to Tamil Nadu. Hindu ,Sikhs, Muslims Christians Buddist  etc were in to together  Please dont distort this protest .

5) some of these protesters have not even stepped foot in Punjab and cant even speak Punjabi yet the go to these protest and Chant Khalistan Zindabad while acting like road mans. get out of here. 

6) In the video you can see a few wearing Canda goose coats which are £10000 Coats are which made from animal fur which  contradicts Sikhism. 

Bull ....




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Guest GuptTryingtobeGurmuk

My thaya g has five sons and is a farmer says things aren’t looking good for them in Punjab. He says it’s not only about the debt but also about who owns how much land out there. 

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2 hours ago, Guest GuptTryingtobeGurmuk said:

My thaya g has five sons and is a farmer says things aren’t looking good for them in Punjab. He says it’s not only about the debt but also about who owns how much land out there. 

I'd imagine having to fairly allocate his land amongst 5 sons means none of them will be satisfied with their share, unless your uncle has an excessive amount of acreage to pass down. The dilution of that one concentrated land mass which was in the hands of a single individual will now have to be split across 5 bodies. If not handled correctly, this process will create unnecessary resentment and scheming amongst the brothers.

Even if the inheritance process is undertaken in a just manner, if one or two of the brothers are of a tej nature, it's inevitable that there will be some trouble ahead. One can only hope their wives are, or will be, good natured and fulfilled in terms of their ambitions, because if not they will make it their business to sow discord among the brothers for the purposes of securing more than their individual fair share.

Gotta love the drama of Punjabi families.

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