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We know there are GREAT Shortage of singhnia interested in sikh social issues and the issues which they wanna explore..

From this forum, i see four singhniaa very active..



Karen Kaur


Mad respect to em :wub:

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

Yeah I see your point Vicky Bhaji.

Maybe it's just my family though, but I quite often get told that as a singhnee, it's not right for us to be on websites/forums etc coz they're are a lot of men on and we might "fall in love, get influenced by Singhs" etc.

Maybe that's why there are so few Bibis here and in other aspects of sikhi (or is it just me that thinks like this? :wub: )

vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Sorry I think thats just your own views, its closed minded thinking like this that the "indian" community has put in the minds of young sikh women. I dont know about you but i'm pretty sure many sikh women dont come on forums to fall in love . The reason I think there arean't many young women posting or really active in learning more about sikhi is because in todays culture many girls are taken away from sikhi by western culture. Many seem more interested in what bollywood film is coming out next instead of things that really matter. In addition I am sure there are several young women who read posts on sikhsangat but just dont reply. For some reason girls fall prey to the pressures of society much more easily then boys (not that boys dont).

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Guest mehtab
Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Sorry I think thats just your own views, its closed minded thinking like this that the "indian" community has put in the minds of young sikh women. I dont know about you but i'm pretty sure many sikh women dont come on forums to fall in love . The reason I think there arean't many young women posting or really active in learning more about sikhi is because in todays culture many girls are taken away from sikhi by western culture. Many seem more interested in what bollywood film is coming out next instead of things that really matter. In addition I am sure there are several young women who read posts on sikhsangat but just dont reply. For some reason girls fall prey to the pressures of society much more easily then boys (not that boys dont).

Well said ^_^

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I don't agree with what my parents are saying at all lol. All I was saying was that this MAY be one reason why girls don't come on forums.

I personally have never watched a bollywood film in my life, I hate shopping, dont wear make up and with Guru Sahibs kirpa, will not "fall in love" with anyone!

For me, following Guru Sahib's rehit as much as I can is vital.

But, some of the older "indian" generation just don't see it things the way we do and that may be why some girls who are really interested in Sikhi do not actually come forward.

Just a thought...........

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I found this story on gursikhijeevan but thought it was something worth reading!

The point I am going to make in this article is how Sikh women have changed in the past 300 years or more.

We as being the daughters of Guru Gobind Singh Ji are very different compared to Hindu women and Muslim women. For example, when Guru Nanak Dev Ji appeared on the Indian scene, the place assigned to women was low and unenviable. The tyranny of caste had left its mark on Hindu women. They had resigned themselves to their miserable lot. A widow had to burn herself on her husband's funeral pyre to become a Sati (the ancient Hindu custom rejected by the Gurus).

Also, the position of Muslim women was also far form satisfactory. A Muslim could lawfully marry four women, who were regarded chiefly as objects of gratification. Women were kept within Purdah (veil) and their education and movements were restricted.

However, we as Sikhs have to be different. The Sikh Gurus gave women an equal status, which helped them gain social equality and religious freedom. The false notion that they were inherently evil and unclean was at last removed.

Myself, being a teenage Amritdhari Sikh, living in this western society which some may say is corrupt as being the era of Kaljug (i.e. Dark Age), have seen all the things Sikh girls get up to. Yet, what our sisters of today forget is, how Sikh women in the past had fought to keep our Sikh identity alive!

For example, Mai Bhago was the brave woman who led a battalion of 40 men in the battle of Muktsar, because t

he men were afraid of dying. All of the accompanying women achieved martyrdom and were blessed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Mai Bhago lived, and fought many more battles alongside Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Now you are probably confused thinking "What's all of this all got to do with me?" Well, the message I am trying to get across is, you should pray to achieve your ultimate goals because only YOU are capable of doing so, with the Guru's grace. I myself dislike it when people I don't know tell me what to do, but trust me (I know its hard to trust someone you don't know), but you only live once and you should make the most of your life by committing yourself to our one True Guru, i.e. take Amrit. If you think you are not prepared, at least try to take steps to get closer to your true identity and heritage. This is the time of Kaljug, whereby our lives will quickly pass like a dream, so try not to waste this precious Gift of Life before you realise it's too late.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji sang the glory of women with all his heart, and these words are sung at all Sikh Gurdwaras everyday in Asa-Di-// to make sure no-one forgets:-

Bhand jammee-ai bhand nimmee-ai, bhand mangan vee-aaho

Within a woman, man is conceived: within a woman man is born.

With a woman man is engaged and married.

Bhand-ho hovai dosatee, bhand-ho chalai raaho

With a woman man enjoys friendship,

Through a woman the generations of life continue.

Bhand mu-aa bhand bhallee-ai, Bhand hovai bandhann

When a man's wife dies, he seeks another,

Man is bound to a woman.

So ki-o mandaa aakhee-ai mandaa jit jammeh raajaan

Why call her bad, who gives birth to kings and rulers?

Bhand-ho hee bhand oopajai, Bhand baajh no ko-i

From a woman, a woman is born, without woman there would be no-one.

Nanak bhandai baahraa ayko sachaa so-i

Guru Nanak Ji says; the only one without woman is the one True Lord.

Jit mukh sadaa saalaahee-ai Bhaa

ga ratee char

The mouth which ever praises the Lord, is very blessed and beautiful.

naanak thae mukh oojalae thith sachai dharabaar ||2||

O Nanak, those faces shall be radiant in the Court of the True Lord.


The above quote clearly illustrates that we are the ones who will help the next generation through this time of Kaljug and the only way we will be able to this is by teaching them about Sikhi - the True Way of Life. However, to take on this great responsibility, we ourselves need to have the knowledge of to pass down.

Let us SISTERS get together and show our brothers what we are really like, or if not, lets join them! Let's join our brothers in the Khalsa Panth and fight for what is truly ours and what we all deserve, our homeland - Khalistan! Let's get together and show them what we are REALLY capable of doing! But bear in mind this will only be possible if we pray to Guru Ji to give us the strength to fight back oppression and give us all that we need. In order to to this, we must keep our mind on one source - 'WAHEGURU' and with Guru Ji's blessings we can overcome all hardships and obstacles that life has to throw at us!!

Written by Ishpinder Kaur (with the help of my sisters Sakhijinder Kaur and Sukhbir Kaur)

[Please forgive us if we have seriously offended anyone or written anything that you know is wrong, and we hope you have taken away with you something meaningful in what we have written.]

Daughters of the Khalsa, in your strength our future lies!

Learn about the great spirit of which Sikhs possess, which no one could ever understand.

This Spiritual Strength derives from Guru Maharaj (Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

It's from Gurbani, Naam Simran, Seva and saacha pyar for the Guru.

Give our children fearless minds to see the world through the Guru's eyes!

Let our future brothers and sisters strive to become the Kh

alsa and continue to inspire others

by becoming noble, fearless and Chardi-Kala (high-spirited) Sikhs.

Let them live up to the standards of those countless Sikhs

who spilled blood and laid down their heads

for the Khalsa to remain DISTINCT and in EVER-EXISTENCE!

Dedicated to the sacred, gracious and benevolent memory of our Divine Father SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH SAHIB and our Divine Mother MATA SAHIB KAUR and those brave Sikh women, who suffered untold oppression in Mir Mannu's prison, who starved and suffered under force labour, and saw their little children cut to pieces, and flung savagely into their laps, yet they still upheld the dignity of Sikhi until their last breath. Their Immortal achievements remain an inspiration to us all for generations to come!!



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