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Loss Of Hair


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I am 21 ,I just moved to a new city as part of my job, and I don't know why but I guess its due to the kind of water here , that I have been experiencing hair fall. Due to nature of work , I have to tie my hair back again in an hour or so (due to less time), so I think my hair don't get enough sunlight . And from past few weeks , each time I wash my hair (usually on sunday) , I have more and more hair fall , although I eat good ,the problem is still there.

Also please advice me remedies to increase density of hair again , some parts of my head have very less hair as compared to other.


I don't feel good each time a single hair falls :(

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Hair naturally goes through cycles of falling out and growing. If you are losing more hair than you usually do it might be stress or diet related, or it may just be MPB (male pattern baldness) which means hair loss for men which happens as they age due to their hormones and genetics. In the latter case there isn't really much you can do. Obviously doing Ishnaan of the Kesh should be every day, and you can leave it loose for a few hours after your Ishnaan before you go to work.

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Guest not a dr

I disagree with the above poster. We all age but excessive hairloss is a medical condition called alopecia. If you roll your hands through your hair and clunks of hair fall out or you get balls of hair falling out in the shower you need to be seen by a specialist doctor known as a dermatologist.

There are a number of reasons why hair can fall out and lack of sunlight to hair is not one of them and neither is water. Hair loss is due to changes happening in your body or due to pulling forces applied on your head eg how you comb your hair, type of comb you use. As mentionned it could also be your genes ie inherited in which case you would know from asking elders in the family.

If its not inherited you need to work out what factor is causing it and remember it may not be a single factor but a combination of factors. So as mentionned it could be stress but it could also be low iron (a possibility if you are 21 and living away from home), or it could be the forces you apply on your pony tail

the unforeseen consequences of voluntary hairstyling routines (mechanical "traction alopecia" from excessively tight ponytails or braids, or burns to the scalp from caustic hair relaxer solutions or hot hair irons).
(When did you tie a pony tail was it about a year ago? Or it could even be any styling products you use. I think these causes are the most likely ones in you but it can occur in conditions like hypothyroidism worth considering if you feel tired. Have you noticed any other changes? Other questions could be if you have been taking tablets? If you have had an infection/allergy? Is your scalp red? Do you touch or pull your hair alot?

Obviously only a doctor will be able to guide you properly as they can actually examine your head and see you. So my advice would be the following.

1. Take multivitamin tablets to see if they help - should boost iron levels and any lacking minerals.

2. Contray to what someone said. Please don't wash your hair everyday - it will make the problem worse...wash once a week.

3. Stop the ponytail and let the hair be free or in a joora (guy position for joora not girl one)

4. Book an appointment with your doctor

5. Get a full blood count to see if it picks up on anything. You especially want to check thyroid function and iron levels.

And remember hair takes a long time to grow so you will have to persist. Normally it will be at least a year until you see changes so don't give up!

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The head loses about 80 hairs a day thats why combing your hair is important or youll end up with dreadlocks. (I know from exp.)

My hair loses a lot of hair every other day, one day like 20-30 the next day about that 80-90 etc

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  • 2 weeks later...

wjkk wjkf!

I went to the doctors the other day with this problem. he advised me that I should oil my hair 3 times a week for 3 weeks. & not use heavy shampoos with harsh chemicals, I bought a vit e shampoo by dr organic (i think there's a website) . I've been putting jojoba oil in my hair and just massaging it into the scalp. He said that one should be taking a daily multivitimin & eating healthy. so far it's worked for me =) less hair is falling out & my scalp is no longer itchy/dry.

wjkk wjkf (:

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Guest bUmbl3B33

do not listen to these other posts my brother, your hair loss is a common prblem. if ind i had it . it was distressing. maybe even scary. you should try to control your urges as the energy we use up for our seed (see other posts) takes away from our hair reproducing. Be strong and do not give away your seed so easily. i really hope this will help with that which is a very cuncerning and genuine ailment

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