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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2015 in all areas

  1. He seems to have been on something with that last post? He's probably drunk on egg-nog right now....
    1 point
  2. Freedom of Speech > your feelings (Forgive my rudeness) Too many Sikhs don't understand basic freedom. The Indian mentality of "censor everything" is stuck in their head. Although Youtube is technically a private corporation/service and they can ban whoever they like. Obviously we should give a response, but we shouldn't just scream "OMG THAT HURTS ME FEELINGS TAKE IT DOWN" or call your buddies and go hunt the guy down and kill him allahu akbar style. What kind of image does it give of the Sikhs? https://www.instagram.com/p/-5T_YLgCZR/?taken-by=the_greek_savagery This guy posted a meme of Bhai Dayala Jee. Obviously he didn't know what was going on or who it was in the picture and he used it in a meme making fun his patience and calmness in the boiling cauldron. Eventually, I think he understood and he took it down. The link above is to a post he made right after I understand some people were really hurt seeing a prominent shaheed being mocked, but the response to the picture was a total embarrassment for Sikhs. Someone even openly threatened to kill him and another challenged him to a fight IN BROOKLYN. And then theres this whole "Ban Sikh Jokes" thing going on. Are we really telling a government to arrest, fine, and use force against those who make fun of us? Really? What does that show about us? Sikhs are to be against oppression of rights as ordered by Dasmesh Pita Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj.
    1 point
  3. Just and update I have finished completing the leaflets and printed them off. I made a nice booklet and have been handing them out. So far the response has been great, many people were genuinely interested to learn about Sikhism. I think this is a great way to spread the message. More Sikhs need to do this up and down the country . In my 3 page booklet. I included facts about Sikhism and the key beliefs and practices such as Langar, belief in one God and concept of seva.
    1 point
  4. The seed is sown and now waiting for the plant to grow up. Currently badal company is putting loads of chemicals and "plant eating bugs" on that seed. Lets see how strong that seed is and what results it will show. Those who didn't get it, its waiting time for 2017 Elections when all these badal corrupts will be booted off.
    1 point
  5. Nah, you're good fam just do ardas if it's troubling you
    1 point
  6. This "censor everything I don't like" mentality that a lot of Sikhs have should stop. Either grow a thicker skin or debate them. Crying about it looks pathetic and only encourages people to post more controversial material because they know it makes some people angry.
    1 point
  7. *** MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT **** For EVERY person that likes/shares this post over the next 7 days... SikhYouthProject will donate £1 to this cause!!!!* Please like/share to create awareness. Sadh Sangat ji....we need YOUR help! We are looking for just 150 people to help! We need 150 Sikhs to donate just £100 to help build the next stage of the Gurdwara building project for the ONLY Youth run Gurdwara in the whole country! We are trying to raise funds for the next stage of the building of Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib ji Coventry. On the 7th June 2014 the building work started. 26th September opening of new darbaar sahib after 4 months of 150 sevadaars volunteering to complete stage 1 of project in 2014. Now we need your help stage 2 is walls and roof to new building. Sevadaars have started and we have reached the middle... we need 40k to get to the top. Sevadaars are dedicated full time to seva so now lets do our bit to complete our GurooSahibs house and give as much as we can. £100 will pay for a ... - pack of (72) blocks - pack of insulation - pack of cement We need approx 150 PACK Approx. £150 will pay for one lental -we need 10 lentals We need approx 150 packs of insulation 3 packs cost approx £100 So overall our target needed in just 2 weeks is a total of 40K... Breakdown... 12k on blocks 12k on labour 8k on scaffolding 8k on insulation, sand, cement, ties, dpc, lentals, cavity closers and expansion joints. Can you help ? Can your family help? Even friends might want to be given a chance to know that they can help too... Please donate the amount and please put 'SYP' in the reference. Bank account details Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee Charitable trust RE Building Fund Barclays Bank Sort Code 20-23-55 Account No. 83994031 As soon as 150 people have donated £100+...SYP will then make a further donation of £500 towards the project. May Maharaj do kirpa! *SYP will pay for upto 1000 likes/shares. Waheguru https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=438439766366791&id=160796724131098
    1 point
  8. Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Gaya After Banaras Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji reached Gaya which is a famous hindu pilgrimage place situated at the river Phalgu (Sarju). It was the holy place where Lord Budha is said to have attained enlightenment. In those days, Gaya had become a strong hold of Hindhu worship. There existed forty-five points from where it was supposed that the forefathers could be supplied things... The common people people were assured that rice cakes given in the name of their forefathers would bring them satiety. And if, lighted lamps were given to the priests they could use them to illuminate their ancestors paths in heaven. The simple minded people made huge offerings and the priests fed the piters (ancestors) by offering rice balls, lighted up little lamps to illuminate their paths in the high heavens. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana arrived, the priests considered them rich men and surrounded them. They asked Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana to accept their services. Guru Nanak declined their services and said, 'First tell me where my ancestors are resident?'. The priests were bewildered to hear this and they could not answer. Then the Guruasked, 'Can you tell me about my parents? Are they alive or dead?' The Brahmins felt ashsamed and looked at each other. The hindu priests had declared that any offerings made at Gaya especially at the time of Baisakhi would secure salvation for seven generations of those who had departed from this world. The Guru started laughing which made the priests very angry. At that point the Guru explained that those who left their bodies on earth, did not need any food nor a glow of lamp to see. If this body could not go to the other world, obviously it was not possible for any material substance of this world to reach the other side. The Guru advised them; 'Rice cakes placed on plates made of leaf are useless. God's name alone is man's support here and in the next world You make the rolls for the departed souls but you eat those yourself. The light of tiny lampsdoes not illuminate the dark paths of your ancestors. You are sitting in the darkness of ignorance. First attain enlightenment yourself. For that purpose make the sole name of God your lamp, then pour in it oil of sufferings. This oil should be burnt by the light of realisation. Don't befool the ordinary people. You should make the praise of God as a holybath at the Ganga and Banaras. The true ablution is that when one is attuned foreever in the praise of God.' So the Guru enlightened the people and asked them to worship One God, the Formless. On hearing the Guru's words, the Brahmins were greatly impressed and they fell at the feet of the Guru. There also lived a Dev Gir, the chief priest of the Budha Gaya. He became an ardent devotee of Guru Nanak. The Guru honoured him as his representative and he led his congregation of disciples following the teachings of Guru Nanak.
    1 point
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