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Everything posted by Yasmin

  1. lol, dont you think you're generalising and stereotyping a bit here?
  2. There is a difference between ethnic background and religion so I'm not sure which you're referring to. On application forms etc in the part where you are asked to choose your ethnic background thats exactly what it is - ethnic background. That is where you are originally from or your parents, i.e. your ethnicity. For example Indian/Punjabi, Pakistani/ Brazilian, African, Oriental etc etc. never on any form I have filled out have I seen the option muslim/christian/sikh etc, no religion is there unless it specifically asks for your religion. Maybe you have come across forms where it says ethnic origin and includes muslim/christian etc but I never have. Ethnic background is where they put white/Asian/Black and all those not where religion is. In my view ethnic background is different to your religion, so it does not surprise me that on ethnic background forms sikh doesnt appear because in my experience nor does any other religion. Maybe they should include the option of Punjabi in ethnic background but not Sikh because not all Sikhs are necessarily punjabi.. if you see my point :lol: If they are asking for your ethnic origin then yes Asian british i s correct because your ethnicity is a british asian. But your religion is Sikhism these are two separate things. Sikh should be an option in the religion category but not necessarily in the ethnic background category because sying you are Sikh does not tell them what part of the world you originate from which is what ethnic backgreound describes.
  3. Sikh soldier how is Law school, i'm just about to start a degree in law and I'm really worried its gona be hard :lol:
  4. So-called muslim men who date sikh girls are also stupid, what kind of muslims are they to be going out dating anyway which isnt allowed. A proper practicing muslim man would never dream of first going out with a girl whether she be Sikh or any other religion, and secondly definately not to just 'convert' her. The boys who do this have been brainwashed by idiots who only want to go out and convert people which is not the essence of Islam. Just because they get their 'girlfriend' to convert to marry them does not achieve anything. Islam will not be in their hearts therefore the fact they 'converted' will mean absolutely nothing because in fact they do not even beleive in Islam so it is a waste of time. It makes me as angry as any of you that 'muslim' men go out and do this. Most of these men have no proper concept of their religion.
  5. About to start a Law and Business Admin degree at uni insha'Allah :lol:
  6. Sorry if i talk out of place but is this really a good idea? As in turning the kirpan which has great religious significance into a kind of 'fashion statement', so now (not everyone but some) people might be like competing, who can get the most exclusive kirpan, and the religious significance of it might be lost in some people and instead worrying about who made it and what designer tag it has on it? Sorry if I offend anyone if you think this is a good idea then its upto you its your religion after all not mine! But I feel uncomfortable when any kind of religious symbol or something of religious significance is targeted or used by big businesses. They look nice tho :wub:
  7. My best friend is Sikh and I thought it only respectful of me to learn about her religion and customs so that I do not act in ignorance to your beleifs and so that if need be I can be there to support her when she needs it. :wub: I did not come here to preach about Islam but if I see someone saying something wrong I will correct them it is only fair of me to do so.
  8. Islam is not 'based' on the need to convert as many people as possible.
  9. Hi sorry if this is off topic.. You're talking about bringing your holy book home right. How come you cant all have a copy at home? How can you learn and read the books teachings for yourself if you have to go through these special proparations just to get it in your home? I'm confused sorry if i cause any offense Yasmin
  10. If everyone affected by this ban stood in protest together it would be much more effective than with one group at a time, and would show exactly how many childen it is affecting.
  11. darn i missed that programme! @ And the link doesn't work :lol:
  12. Just a note: please no one interrupt this thread to have a discussion about this with me but There is not one true islamic country in the world. There are many muslim populated countries but no country truely follows Islam, instead they have made their own barbaric rules and claimed it is from Islam. So what you say here is not entirely correct. A good thoughtful post Deep Singh which can be applied to any and every community. If only the trouble makers would listen in the first place!!
  13. hmmm good story with a good moral :wub: How it went from muslims and Allah to Guru's and Amrit I dont know but i just wondered where u got it from?
  14. They are. People have different views about kidnapping but as these people are journalists and innocents, and it has nothing to do with the iraq war and the 'kidnappers' are just trying to stir more problems, the majority of muslims think they are being complete idiots and what they are doing is against Islam because these reporters have done nothing wrong. I for one dont like the new french law, just as any of you dont because it means sikhs cant wear their turbans and muslims their hijabs, but what the group in iraq is doing is making it WORSE!! France was against the iraq war but now an iraqi group is threatening to kill some frenchmen??? How stupid can they get. lol! sad but true...
  15. yep it could be - but if theyre going to write an article about it they could at least get their historical and islamic facts right :TH:
  16. Ummm no offense but you are complaining that you always get called cow worshuppers or soemthing referred to with coews, and yet in your post you called them 'porkies'... need I say more a contradiction there. Ignore them they're just being idiots. Anyone who does that kind of thing, uses bad language, makes an <banned word filter activated> of themselves and their religion is behaving in an unislamic manor. Just as the poster above said as sikhs you shoul not to swear and use terms such as p*ki etc, it applys to them also so they obviously have no clear understanding of Islam.
  17. LOL, there's so much incorrect information about Islam in there that its not even worth taking seriously.
  18. I love going for walks.... I dunno if that keeps you fit or not cos I dont go for walks everyday lol and i would call myself lazy not fit.. :T:
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