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Everything posted by TejiKaur

  1. Can you please explain this? I do not see how all faiths are not true. You are saying as if I live a pure life filled with love for my fellow human being, no matter what his or her appearance or beliefs, and with love for the one universal God and attempt my best to aid men and women and live a humble life, I will not achieve salvation? If this is not what you are saying then please clarify, for I do not understand how one can boldy say that one religion is correct except their own, even if they live a saint life. I respect your view but do not see how it is possible, maybe you can help clarify. Thank you. WJKK WJKF. :vaheguru: If you can live a pure life, with always love for you fellow human being, and without one single sin, than you can be saved. That's why I believe babies who were born dead are saved, because they haven't sinned yet, so they don't deserve any punishment. Yes, if you live a perfect life, without one single bad action and even without one bad thought, you will be saved, that's beyond all doubt. But, honestly, is there anyone on Earth who has never done anything wrong ? I don't know for you, but I know anyway for me that I have sinned. And I suppose you're the same. I suppose you've never killed anyone, I haven't either. But, have you never stolen, have you never lied, have you never said anything nasty to someone, or even thought ? I have done each of these things, and I suppose nobody can say he hasn't. The Bible says that all men have sinned, and surely it's true. And God is simply too holy to tolerate only one single sin if His presence, and He is too just to let one single sin, ever so small, unpunished. That's why by human nature all men and womed, me included, are due to Hell as a punishment for their sins. And all the good you can do simply can't help you to please God, because only one single sin is sufficient to be punished. So, mankind is totally incapable to save itself on his own. But that's why God, who loves His creatures and doesn't want them to get lost, did Himself everything that was necessary for our salvation : He came Himself on Earth as a man, Jesus, who was at the same time entirely human and entirely God. Jesus lived, and told people about love for each other, because that is indeed what God desires from us. And Jesus is the only human being who ever lived, who actually never committed a single wrong thing : because He was God become flesh on Earth, He was without sin. But He hadn't comme to instaur a religion on Earth, and to teach his followers forever on : He came in the purpose to die for us, in ouyr place, to take on Himself the punishment of our sins. Jesus died on the cross, and He suffered the punishment that you and me diserve. But He became alive again too, and by His resurrection He has wone the victory over death for ever on. And after this He went back to Heaven, but He will come back on Earth at the end of time, to judge all men's deeds. So today, if someone realizes he is a sinner, and he is completely lost, far away from God, and that all his efforts to live love towards others are completely vain, and who believes that Jesus has died on the cross for him personally, and accepts Him as his personal Saviour, this person is saved, and all his sins are forgiven, washed away. There's nothing at all to do to be savec : only to accept that you cant do ANYTHING, but that Jesus has already dole EVERYTHING for you. Everyone who believes this is immediately saved, and can be perfectly sure that all his sins are forgived, because Jesus already bore the punishment. All this out of pure love for you and me. After I have accepted Jesus as my saviour, when I was 11 years old, of course I do my best to love other people, because I want to please God and to love others. But not because I believe it changes anything at all about my salvation : I am already perfectly sure that I am saved. But there's also the other side of the message : that everyone who refuses to believe in Jesus remains under the wrath of God, and under His judgement. Even if he is ever so nice and loving. why cant God save us himself God is all powerful how come if parents can forgive our sins and take us back y cant God Gods the one that gave parents their love how can one who is in love with the lord ever be far from him see its more than just about salvation salvation is the beggining of a relationship with our lord guru arjun dev ji taught us raj na chao mukat na chao man preet charan kamalare ( i dont want heaven nor liberation my mind is in love with your lostus feet) the greatest reward is not matirial pleasures but it is Gods love i read this online somewhere if u can imagine a little boy lost in a mall at first he would go to the candy shop and eat all the candies than he would go to the toy store and play with all the toys but at the end of the day he would feel homesick and he would miss his mom and he wud run past all the candy and toys into his moms arms thats how it is with us and God matirial pleasures of heaven and paradise cant make us happy riches and wealth dont bring eternal hapiness in this life y wud they help us in the next true hapiness comes in Gods love all else leads to ennui those who love God will find him all saints have the same message jesus was filled with Gods light as was mohammad as was buddha and all religous saints god lives inside us as well as outside the true prophet is loving rememberence of Gods name for this is the phrophet who delivers us to God and gives us peace and comfort hear and hearafter
  2. i cant believe this if this is true sikhs need to protest we need to collect funds and build our own memorial i think if we buy land we can do it................if not in india maybe elsewhere i dont know if this is possible all i know is that sikhs cant take this lying down
  3. radical sikh orginization??????????????????????? does anyone have any more information g
  4. oh yh g i forgot anyone who thinks guru teg bhadur ji was a thug has never read slok mahalla nauva tell ur day to read it ( he prolly wont) and ask if a thug could write such beautiful bani let alone even have such an extensive knowlege of poetry n launguage
  5. please g tell me how to do this that video really makes me sick :( :( sant g was not responsible for deaths what is that boy smoking : ( sorry to sound so rude n immature but im angry :( :( I CANT SEE SUCH CHOOT :( :( I HOPE SANT JIS NAAM BECOMES AMAR
  6. Don't you guys say the same about your Guru? "Without the True Guru salvation can't be found bladibla"? How hypocritical And Akal Purakh di Fauj are you suggesting that Mary (as), Jesus' mother, was not a virgin? If that's the case I pity your soul trapped in utter darkness the guru is the shabad guru satguru nanak dev ji made this clear in the bani of sidh ghost the guru is the shabad the unbolat boleee it lives in the saints what guru ji sed about salvation is clear too salvatuion cmes to those who chant the name a but moreover the sikh way is not to seek salvation raj na chau mukat na chau man preet charan kamalare i dont want heaven and i dont want mukti my mind is in love with your lotus feet God-Guru Arjun dev ji
  7. sorry for my ignorence is this guy sikh? sorry for my ignorence is this guy sikh? thats true but remember he is a rapper he probabaly has a reason maybe he believe that that word adds to the emotional affect i still think thats a wrong word to use tho
  8. lolololololol at first i thought this was written b a Sikh i still think it is this seems to glorif Sikhi dhan waheguru lolololololol at first i thought this was written b a Sikh i still think it is this seems to glorif Sikhi dhan waheguru
  9. o waheguru they have to exist God runs this world for his saints
  10. WJKK WJKF The artical is not about Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindrawale!!!! It's about that Hindu cult and they belive in this ''guru'' called bhaniarewala. He attacks Sikhi all the time. and its time for him to go down!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahah omg lol sorry bout that i had a slow moment mite i mention i was reading this quite late lol dhan waheguru lololololol thx g
  11. dhan waheguru dhan waheguru i never had the kismet of meeting such gursikhs but i know that they are at home with their preetem akal it is sad for the whole panth when a gursikh passes on but we must remember that the jee is timeless and the lights have merges with the light and become indentical as one dhan waheguru
  12. dont listen to anything u read dont listen to anything u hear first had go to youtube and hear sant jis speeches form ur own opinion sant jarnail singh ji made thoushands of people shak amrit how is he hurting sikhi? and not all the people who claimed to be his kharku were truly deep down 100 percent for the cause
  13. ik ghari na milte tah kaljug hota the second we sepate our selves from the lord kaljug starts when we attach ourselves to God it ends y because God is beyond the ages(jugs) he is the same in all four ever new and ever beautiful aad anil anad anhat jug jug eko vais dhan waheguru live like the kamal flower than u will rise abouve this kaljug
  14. some ppl here say satnam its ok to say a fateh back or just say waheguru
  15. they didnt let him speak i dont have any sources but my moms friend who knows students told us
  16. gurufathe g i know what u mean it takes a while for ppl to open up i guess but u can try talking to them first or mayb make friends with the ones in ur classes g
  17. lolololololololololl hahahahhahahhah :)

  18. i personally would never ever do it even if i was raped but than again who can froce a woman to give birth if she doesnt want too if it is a rape case than she should be allowed i guess but in my eyes abortion is wrong no matter what and definatly as the result of unsafe sex( meaning sex at a young age or outside marige) but i suppose if it was outlawed ppl wud just do it in dangourous ways i dunnno mayb im seeing this in too much of a black n white view still we shoukdnt look down at any1 who does it because sumone must be in a very depresed low mentel n emotional state to even consider such a thing
  19. gurufathe g actually i believe that the patsahi 20 came in later because i dont think thatguru gobind singh ji would call himself the 10th king guru ji had alot of nimrata
  20. gurufateh g dhan waheguru may God bless them they r doing bhagti now i knoe that 4 sure they have been sentenced to fansi but it looks like it is trying to be put off waheguru waheguru my heart hurts thinking about it
  21. gurufathe g when was this hmmm im a lil curios he praised india????
  22. gurufateh g just refuse to go to uni without it u cant b afraid g ur a sikh stand for ur rights no matter what it takes according to what i read the law is on ur side remember faith comes before uni n b4 anythong else stand up for ur rights g fight fight fight and educate educate educate good lcuk g my prayers r with u gurufateh g just refuse to go to uni without it u cant b afraid g ur a sikh stand for ur rights no matter what it takes according to what i read the law is on ur side remember faith comes before uni n b4 anythong else stand up for ur rights g fight fight fight and educate educate educate good lcuk g my prayers r with u
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