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Everything posted by KEERPA

  1. I have one white hair in my gout (not too much of a full beard etc I have the same look as Harbans Singh Raagi) Dont go dyeing your hair red now like some do to supposedly look "younger" but weirder. :lol:
  2. Jakara is not teaching Gurmat PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Call me whatever and however many names you want I really dont care :lol: Basic Sikhi is not followed. Where do you get the keertan bit youve said a few times HAHAHAHA :lol: The people that cut their hair are the first to whine and throw a fit when told that basic Sikhi starts with roop. Dies for Sikhi, Dies for Sikhi you say as a mantra but look at the schedule of the last "camp" they had......... :rolleyes: Most of them cant even LIVE for Sikhi might as well die for Sikhi. They can lie to themselves all their life I dont care, how can you get Chardi Kala with being ignorant on Banis??????? Shabad Guru is Guru meaning Nitnaym Bani is Guru Also.....So skipping over this is equal to someone who does daily paat???????????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????? ????????????????????/ Why do paat if you can get the same results without it??? ??????????? ?????? You are @$ backwards breadah :wacko: :rolleyes: Let me guess you dont do paat and think you can obtain true Sikhi???????????????????????? Do they pay you to be a foolish spokesman?????????????????????? You clearly bought your Sikhi from Walmart What scares people away from Sikhi is tv and retarded society, not strict Sikhs, duality is the desease that is affecting millions of these so called "SIKH" people, now closing your eyes when eatting meat doesnt mean you are a vegetarian. People that want a watered down version of Sikhi LOVE jakara because then they dont feel so stupid anymore People should read all your posts and see if you contradict yourself :lol: If an iidiot wants to swim in their own filth then that up to them, but dont get mad when people say you stink and dont want to have you sit next to them. Next jakara have them not charge any money for "learning true Sikhi"?????? Have them be videotaped and show on youtube or something????? virk# do you need a tissue cause it seems you were crying when you posted I didnt think you would get so upset over my comments, since youre so chardikala from your version of Sikhi then why are your panties in so much of a bunch :D Inspire???? if an iidiot isnt inspired means its my fault??????? :umm: Im not here to inspire Im here to voice my opinion if you dont like it then glad you had to deal with something you have no control of, its good for your anger management therapy. Dont cut your hair and do daily paat at the correct times.
  3. Many people dont care about any hukamnamas(Its very sad) many people have no respect for Langar. I went to a Gurdwara the other day and its bad enough they have 3/4 tables and chairs they allow shoes to be worn and many people dont even wear a lame rumala, while all this is going on all the old ladies are gossiping and blah blahing their heads off enough that they are very loud. I also wrote on the chalkboard in the lobby "WHAT IS UP WITH 30 CHAIRS IN THE DARBAR??? IS THERE THAT MANY "DISABLED" PEOPLE???????" I also put a long to the point letter in the suggestion box asking the reasons of many questionable aspects at the Gurdwara, I said next visitors will want to sit on a chair in Guru Sahibs court. and other things etc................ The reason I feeel Amritdharis should only do any important sevas is because they are the ones that uphold the basic aspects of Sikhi and keep the tenents of Sikhi in the correct form, people that arent Amritdhari degrade the vibe at Gurdwarey, they tend to short cut everything and end up making the ball roll backwards and in the wrong way, people want tables and chairs and end up allowing shoes and then not covering your heads and then the next is serving meat etc........ A rehatvaan Sikh would keep Langar real they would uphold Guru Sahibs Langar rather than the modern day hostage Langar which is controlled by many half@$$ people that make everything go down hill after they put money together and start a Gurdwara so they dont have to follow basic rehat etc, which in my words is called "Taking Sikhi hostage and installing a Granthi so they can at laest appear pious as a Legal Gurdwara". Now a Daze many many mona own gholeks and are corrupt masands only wanting money.
  4. Good points have been brought up. My daughter was named by Guru Granth Sahib literally, the first word was Darshan so instead of taking the D we just kept the whole word. The thing is you should live your life up to your name, you should reflect your name.
  5. The head loses about 80 hairs a day thats why combing your hair is important or youll end up with dreadlocks. (I know from exp.) My hair loses a lot of hair every other day, one day like 20-30 the next day about that 80-90 etc


    nindiya is spreading a fake rumor about someone. but gossiping about something is bad but not nindiya. Worrying about others and needing to talk trash is weak but when something needs to be addressed then thats another story. bibek needs to be used to understand.....but most of the time its best to shut your mouth and let the idiots be idiots.
  7. I bet shastr downloaded his Sikhi (its a fraudulent and stolen version which is invalid and illegitimate in the eyes of Guru Sahib) Well back to the subject the movie was awesome and Id say even/tied with Sundri. Kewl movie and if you download it or pirate it then you are lame and deserve no respect. Crooks are lame and they are the ones that screw up the industry.
  8. At my new job the head director told me to wear my Kirpan underneath my clothes which to me is a fair request . I see many multimillion dollar clients daily so me being a Sikh with panj kakkars and keeping Kirpan gupt is a good way to maintain my Sikhi as well as my job. Wearing it on the outside at work would make people opposed to it start complaining but if they dont know I wear one then they have nothing to complain about other than my Dastar(which they have no right to try to get my boss to fire me for not removing but with Kirpan people have the ability to loophole just to get you to either part with your faith or keep your job) Young Sikhs should keep Kirpan gupt because society wants you to not wear it so having all the youth wear one gupt makes them think we arent wearing one when in reality we still keep our faith. Some kids Ive seen are clueless to Sikhi and even if their parents are Anmritdhari doesnt mean the kid knows anything regarding Sikhi or Kirpans etc so in some cases Id say there are stupid youths maybe abusing their right to wear Sikhi by provoking complaints because of their attitude etc...... A Sikh should have the ability to have basically "jedi mind trick" ability in order to win a fight, then hands and as a last resort that would end up in death without using brute force then the Kirpan should be used, but just because some guy cheapshots you doesnt mean "bust out the Kirpan" etc....... Some people think kirpan first and Id say they dont understand Gurbani and it reflects in their character.
  9. WHAT???????????????????? Sikhi is strict and those that want a watered down "Sikhi" go to jakara conferences. Jakara encourages people to stay up and play pool until 2am, so if youre up until 2am+ then how can you get up at Anmritvela???? Guru Granth Sahib states in order to be a Sikh you must rise at Anmritvela(not play pool until Anmritvela then go to bed) I bet virk30 is one of the people supporting the jakara movement which is trying to water down Sikhi to better suit the "Im indian but not Sikh movement". Then to appear Sikh they might have 10-15 people do Kirtan for a few mins to make it look like everyone is on the "correct track". Jakara is a sham "UNLESS" you dont want to follow Gurmat then jakara is supposedly "legit Sikhi". If Gurmat is taught then post the agenda and the video that gives proof that it was implemented. Are those people actual "Practising Sikhs" meaning they actually do paat(Everyday) and actually keep all hair on their body?????????? Or are they people needing an "easy ticket to Sikhi" like if Sikhi had a secrect code you can buy to pass yourself off as a Sikh. In the video you posted their was a comment of "Thei aint many geyals doing gatka(english accent haha)" but if she does her eye brows, cuts her hair and shaves her legs/arms then how can she present herself to Guru Gobind Singh stating that she follows his rehat?????? People can learn Gatka but if you dont follow the most very basic tenants of Sikhi then what is learning gatka doing for your Sikhi?????Gatka comes after actually following Sikhi or then your just swinging a sword, you must be a Saint before being a soldier or then you cant properly understand the Marg guru Gobind Singh laid out for his Sikhs. Kkhalsa is the way not watered down cut my hair and do a little seva here and some sword swinging there to make up for my very basic overlooked or plain ignored fundamentals of Sikhi. Dont cut your hair and do daily paat at the correct times.
  10. If others have a bad attitude then let them sink their own boat dont worry about foolish people even if they are "Anmritdhari", someone who is a true Anmritdhari has no right to have a bad attitude in any regards. If your attitude was based on the majority then everyone would have such a bad attitude that it would stink and cause others to fall unconscious.
  11. whats with the fk?????? Can youths today watch their mouth for just two mins?????? cuss on your own time, dont rant and rave with a word that can easily be avoided. If you talk so much trash and have such a bad habit of bad words why do people think they "accidently" type bad words like if its an accident??????????
  12. You can still stand up for your self without karodh.... Just whoop them in a calm fashion if they draw the line......... Dont have a bad reputation. People can label you what ever they want if its not true but if they call you crazy they might me correct. Let them call you names but when you label yourself then thats your fault.
  13. If the person is not even a Sikh then what makes being with a muslim anything different. If you are a Sikh then you are a SIkh but many many many many many many many lakh "claim" to be Sikh. Amritchaukiya or at least becoming sehajdhari(with hair just not Amritdhari yet) is who are Sikhs, the rest just like treating the Gurdwara like a hindu temple. People that go to the Gurdwara or like to matha tek doesn mean you are a Sikh unless you follow GurSikhi, the people who dont advance their understanding shouldnt even matha tek because they dont care about being a Sikh anyway. Why eat speghetti if you hate italian food???? Why pretend to be a SIkh if you dont do anything but a fake matha tek, sit for 10.7 seconds run out to eat langar and then leave the Gurdwara????? The people wanting to date other faiths arent even Sikhs they are just indians that go to the Gurdwara.
  14. Divide and rule is in the name, divide the people to fight amongst themselves while you rule them (as secular government is doing in any place in the world) People cant battle Sikhi and win so they figure a way to turn Sikhs on themselves and thats worse than any drunk elephant.
  15. Yeah it doesnt matter if a killer is handing out bandaids. You cant teach a thief to share etc.............. Drug addicts say anything to make a buck...... People are fools to give jazzy money to do drugs but as long as they get a cd out of it they dont mind. :wacko:
  16. KEERPA

    Washing Hair

    I noticed if I wash with shampoo every morning then I get bad dandruff so I started washing with shampoo every few days, but I do oil may hair if my hair seems dried out and only put oil in hair when needed. Every morning wash your hair with water because it is nice and neat in a turban or keski it doesnt tend to be all dirty as people think that dont keep their hair. If you did something where your hair got all sweaty then yes wash with shampoo, but other than that wash with shampoo every few days is what I do.
  17. Can a human have a baby with a goat that ends up being half elephant and half donkey?????
  18. In this case there are three different types of youth Sikhs etc.... 1) Religious people that do paat and chant Naam, they go to the Gurdwara and try to learn new things and actually apply them in their lives, they try to do as the Gurus did and actually treat Sri Guru Granth Sahib as their Guru. 2) People that try to be kewl at school and around the "hood" and then go to the Gurdwara so they dont lose out in the end(this is called duality and youll lose in the end) they pretend Sri Guru Granth Sahib is their Guru. 3) People who are completely secular and maybe atheist they hate going to the Gurdwara and see being religious as a waste of time(because it takes away from their worldly ways) they only go to the Gurdwara because they have to either because their parents make them or they wont get allowance money or computers or video games etc.) What do they wear? Person number one stays in Guru Sahibs roop, they tie a turban male/female, they like to wear kurta/chola/salwar etc, and try to uphold the additude of former Sikhs/Shaheeds. Person number two is the type that wears a kurta with jeans underneath, they try to blend indian cultural elements and tries to use that aspect as their Sikh appearance, they will wear a turban every once in a while "if' they keep their hair, they have some bit of secular fashion that seems to make them shun kurta/chola and makes a new masala that is never steady and has lots of room for changing with trends etc. Person number three hates kurta/chola/salwar, they hate turbans and anything that makes society know they are related to Sikhs, they might have got a tattoo once of a khanda sahib or ik oankar and other than that they dont like anything related to appearing even remotely religious, they think being religious is a weakness and doesnt help them look "kewl" to society, they are the type that buys clothes and wears them without removing the tags they walk like they are constipated or sat on extremely hot water they buy pant sizes 5-6 times too big they tend to speak the new fad words that only are understandable to other foolish people, they tend to care only about money and how kewl they look. Whats their outlook? Person number 1 doesnt care what society cares about how they look in any regards. Person number 2 wears the latest trend but with wear a kurta/salwar on sunday and if they see their secular friends they will feel embarrased to be in panjabi clothes, but if they are in their trend clothes they feel wierd around their freinds who are in Gurus Roop. Person number 3 has animosity to people who are religious and have bad additudes when it comes to religious matters, they only care about the newest trends (which constantly change so whats kewl this week might be nerdy the next) If it aint kewl they wont wear it if society doesnt think its "boss" then they look the other way. Then the rest of people are in one group moving to the next so they have remaining stains of the previous group, some might start at one and end up another in any particular order, reflecting Gurus Sikhi is the goal of a Sikh not just matha tek know a few here and theres and then thinking Sikhi has a reward for them. People that try too hard to fit in and never who they are, they are only a black sheep whether in a good group or a bad group, you must know who you are and be all you can be , if you are living in duality you miss out on the benefits of the particular group i.e if you pretend to be religious your secular friends will make fun of you, if you are religious then society will make fun of you. Know yourself and stop pretending, be who you are and either live a life of strength ior lose your life in a gamble. Remember when it comes to your life its all money down on that bet(direction in life) there is no half bet, youll either lose everything or gain double, period the end.
  19. <h2 class="maintitle"> --not Getting Nice Guru For Classical Music & Gurbani Teaching--</h2> oh thats because there is no Guru other than Guru Nanak thru Guru Gobind Singh and then Guru Granth Sahib. If your a Sikh youll never have a guru to teach you other than Guru Granth Sahib. Teacher and guru are way different in sikhi. If your a hindu then there are 700 trillion gurus etc but a Sikh only has one current Guru and that is Guru Granth Sahib Ji. type in learn punjabi on google and do the study that youll find, to tell you the truth whoever you have teach you will teach you "their way of reading" and there are many different ways so first know how you are going to recite because each person Ive learned from does it their own way, so I have came to the conclusion of reciting Gurubani as it is strictly written. i.e no swithing Kripa and kirpa sometimes when you feel like, no saying mangey when it is written as magey, no using 'shasha" when its not written with a bindi. If is says SABAD then say it as SABAD if it is written in Dasam Granth with a bindi then say shabad etc music is something that youll have to really get someone who knows raag
  20. so i take it youre not kesdhari???????????? :wacko: Its soooo kewl to cut your hair huh????????? :6 your parents encourage you to be foolish??????? :umm: I wear skirts that are modest "BUT WHEN I DONT i wear leggings",,,,, ???? why wear a short skirt then????????? just as a guy who wears a hat over a bandana (cant figure out which one to wear so I might as well wear jeans under my shorts :huh: ) secular world encourages females to look pretty for the company because they know idiots gawk over women shown off as trophies for their company. They wont hire an ugly but intelligent woman, but any dumb "cute looking" chick. How can a skirt look smart?????? other than a boss approving they like you wearing a skirt to work to have someone to look at while speaking to an employee?? is that looking smart or feeling comfortable with the company knowing there isnt an ugly chick in the office etc....... Yeah Id be comfortable walking around in my kasheras (knee length nihang kashera etc) but...... society doesnt encourage me to wear my kashersa and a nice button up shirt to work but.... I would be surely comfortable though Sellout our Sikhi for a skirt and pretend to have a spiritual understandning because we have been to the Gurdwara before or we go once a week????? :BL: Lets trade our Sikhi for societies retarded approval??? awesome thinking <_<
  21. Where is Guru Arjan saying "I don't do kundalini yoga"? Stop putting words into Guru ji's mouth! (but then again one of the moderators are putting words in my mouth in my warnings lol) Next you will be saying that guru ji said "I don''t do shastar training" Do you know Guru Gobind Singh used to do shastar puja as well? There is also bani called shastarnaam mala. What I posted was from Guru Arjan, he was saying I do not no anyother way to understand God but through Naam etc. I dind t put any words in Gurus mouth, youre just defending kundalini yoga like if it will get you anywhere other than a payment with money etc. Another qoute but from Guru Nanak about kundalini: People that do kundalini yoga by zombie walking towards it are the ones that defend it like if it is naam?????? Kundalini isnt risen but by Naam and Naam can be generated by bending over backwards or doing some yogi bhajan mantras. harbhajan singh made up many mantras using Sikhi. If you notice 3ho sikhs are addicted to saying "I remember this thing siri singh sahib said" etc and they mostly qoute from yogi bhajan and not Gurbani or Guru Sahib. 3ho in general have some strange issues that Ive seen??????????????? They try to please foolish people that do arti and bhangra etc etc etc??????????????? :o
  22. Kujh oh v likho jo tuhada aapna hove... Its Gurbani and Its for everyone..never Use it for me (a stupid person). Well once heared in Gurbani "HUM NAHI CHANGEH BURA NAHI KOI", I really liked that thought .. And I seriously mean it. Sorry to write that big size font. But I think You like it Keerpa Do you think every thing in Gurbani??? Where to Cut-cop-paste it? on that last post I didnt comment at all I posted the shabad as aimed at both of us. :D "Hamni chungey bura nahi koee" yes I like that and I "try" to stay with that in mind, but I can tell you it is hard to keep within the mind. Sometimes Gurubani is more aimed at someone with a similar view that Gurbani is talking aginst and most of the time yes it is very universal and general but other times it is talking to someone who has a bunk view and needs correction etc.
  23. Ummmm I dont know about you but I dont do their yoga techniques and I try to follow Guru Sahibs way of yoga called "Raj Yoga" which doesnt involve anything but chanting Naam. UMMMMMMMM NO they call themselves 3ho harbhajan singh "coined" that phrase. 3ho would be just a bunch of white sikhs if they didnt sell yoga. Since they sell yoga they have some sort of secular power they use to buy into Sikhi, and many think just because youre a rich organisation means you are a good Sikh. I could go on and on about the issues of 3ho but then Ill be labelded as some sort of hater because I have done some research on their organization and found some very contradicting things about what they teach and what Guru taught(and no I dont mean yogi harbhajan singh as a guru ) :umm: kundalini yoga is a fraud and Guru Granth Sahib talks about what "real yoga is". Today Yoga is sold as a product and in ancient yoga it would be a sin for people to sell yoga and teach people who werent truelly dedicated to the guru of a particular yoga, now a daze any old shmow and walk into a studio and pay someone to teach them how to sit and bend or sit and breath and so on etc and later that night be a fool and go hang out with their friends doing God knows what that isnt coisiding with the yoga techniques. blah blah who cares as this is why yoga is a fraud, it either gets you to get caught up with some yoga shop corrupt baba/guru or gets you to pay them to be spiritual with no regular job and them teach you some "technique" to shed stress and open your mind. Yogi harbhajan singh taught that kundalini yoga can get you to understand god 10x faster than the "normal sikh techniques" Guru Sahib taught that Raj yoga is the only true yoga and the rest gets caught up in the act. (he dnt even sing it, he puts on a cd and does the easy part(which a sikh isnt even supposed to perform arti) If a Sikh even recites Sohila they would know that Vahiguru does arti every night and Sikhs only sing the arti shabad but not supposed to do the hindu ritual of arti and especially beeaadbi of Guru Granth Sahib Ji from waving a candle on a plate like if Guru would be pleased from some fake sikh performing arti.3ho doing arti? now thats a new low Ive ever heard from them, I know they hand out with naamdhari guru jagjit sinh but never knew some pretend to be that "pious' to perform hindu stuff, and on tv???? wow :6 Guru Arjan is saying I dont do kundalini yoga, I only worship God, there is no other way of knowing God besides worshipping Vahiguru. yoga is something that some people do in their way of making a big show of their "devotion to God" Having lots of money as an organization and owning yoga studios doesnt mean nothing. ONly worship of God will get your ego shed or your mind clear etc..................
  24. I took a sleep pill two nights ago to try to get more sleep and OMG I felt like a zombie(didnt get to sleep any quicker) and learned the hard way trying to mess with getting more sleep :lol:
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