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Everything posted by indysingh

  1. S. Mann Singh of Pehova is overall a unimportant figure in sikhism toady...so it really doesn't matter what type of a person he was. I wouldn't call him an sikh hero or an sikh disgrace. He's just another guy you read about. Compared to Indria Ghandi...he really isn't anything to write home about. No disrespect to you man, but there are far more important topics you could be asking about. Unless you want us to give you information to criticise him. Then that would make sense.
  2. Jag, I don't if your there or not. I finally understand now. There are times where you need to be honest, and times you need to keep things from people for their own good. You just have to use your own discretion and see how it turns out Secrets and lying are indescribably the same without a doubt. I just wanted to say wanted to say I appreciate everything waheguru has done for us. I hope ...

  3. I Object! Maybe you should take in consideration the competition between shops these day. Shops rarely make a profit from this business now, shop owners just have enough to stay afloat, whether you wanna be a newsagents or be in the food business, you won't last long, I seen the place smethwick, its bursting to the limit with sweet shops, from charlie's to desi. And yes even Mr. Singh didn't last long in the sweet department. Not a wise decision at all to start a sweet shop Pizza shop: you also won't survive in their aswell. Mr. Singh if you recall moved shops. You wanna know why? From what he told me "he wasn't selling enough pizza there" moving to a district where its where it surrounded by pizza shops, its a complete risk. And the Cherry on the cake, I remenber talking to another who another Singh who wanted to open a veg pizza shop, plus im sure you seen the new pizza shop that just opened in smethwick. And Mr. Singh didn't get here by being a nice guy, lets just put it that way!
  4. ^^ Thank you Satpunga Singh
  5. Can you explain when you said you need to do seva for the kirpan? I'm still learning
  6. Nope I checked yesterday and there's nothing on facebook about it either.
  7. ^^ I fell asleep 15mins after this. It ain't that bad staying awake! Try it!
  8. Just remember man utd best players are scousers (owen and rooney), thats were they get there talent from.
  9. I'm trying to stay awake alnight and right now its about exactly 3.00am, my eyes are burning all I got to do is ps3 and I got college tomorrow. Im doing things, that I normally don't do like put my stuff in alphabetic order. strange
  10. Lol i've been gone for what 20 minutes and this happens. So yes we share the similarities in our religion and culture but doesn't every other religion that deems itself to be a exclusive religion. Whats the difference between Singhs and Rajputs? I know were your coming from with the rajput ancestry but just don't go around making threads in which you clearly need more education on Sikhi.
  11. Neh, thats a bad idea. Sikhsangat will end up like a socializing place and we can't risk it.
  12. I totally agree with you Superbell but in reality I'm not batman. The reality of this is everyone's not the same. The only way we sikhs can become fear is, if we play there game and thats what they want us to do, they wanna cause chaos. We just have to outsmart them. There's pure hatred between some sikhs and muslims. Since there are 2 million muslims in the uk, half a million sikhs, we don't stack up against them like our past generations. I blame ourselves thats root of sikhs getting bullied.
  13. I don't remenber where I heard this but it just came in my mind eat less, sleep less, talk less. This funny because i don't remenber reading this topic I google the words this appeared. I had to bring this thread back it most influential thread. From now on I shall base my behaviour & character on these teachings.
  14. Don't by an iphone. Buy a Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 it has touchscreen, windows media player, it has everything you expect and it got a better review then the iphone. All this can be yours for £500 payg or on contact for £40-50.
  15. My people... Brothers and Sisters of the Khalsa... This much I vow.The history of these days will be written in blood. By crushing the armies of our enemies ,by seizing the chance they? thought to turn against us,we were fighting for our very survival. But if there are those who would deny us peace,refuse us our rightful place in the World,then...we will unleash such TERRIBLE VENGEANCE,THAT GENERATIONS OF THEIR CHILDREN YET UNBORN,WILL CRY OUT IN ANGUISH!!
  16. Waheguru I know how you feel my younger brother cut his hair 2 years ago then my other younger a week later cut his hair aswell, sad time in our family for me. I hated brothers for what they did, I felt alone before, now I feel even more alone now. I was really attached to my family as we were really going through a rough time, I'm not attacheded to my family anymore I still care for them though. Just remember Waheguru and try forget about him. Just remember were your brothers aswell Look on the brightside you'll come out this stronger then before
  17. ^^ that movie sounds good Try this link ( i don't if it would actually appear as a link, jus copy & paste the link) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=238261047851101032&hl=en&emb=1#
  18. I would have thrown a brick if I had the chance.......
  19. I was going to name myself Davidhassleoff but i ran out of space :D
  20. WGJK WGJK I don't want to sound rude but your name stands out way too much! I'l say braveheart that was a good movie. I know one sikh movie its for kids its called 'Sunny the Sikh' cartoon movie.
  21. Last time I went on the website everything was all over the place and it sounded they were struggling with the production. They should ask sony to fund this project. I though of a video game idea myself.
  22. I probably get a motercycle aswell even though I got nowhere to put it. I have seen a few singhs riding around on scooters and mopeds without a helmet but never seen a singh ride a motercycle , I'm sure we don't have to wear a helmet
  23. Does anyone know when we get to see the pictures? I'm anxious
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