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Everything posted by Inderpal

  2. kwl...all info i want a small banna!! and i got ma dastaar whoohoo(dont worry every1else)
  3. WJKKWJKP! why are some nihang banne SO short...like you can see the kashera(not a bad thing jus givin a description) WJKKWJKP!
  4. HEY STOP STEALING MY LINES i love u mum!
  5. heheh good for saving food for later :nihungsmile:
  6. AKAAAAAAAAAAAAL!! well done bro...i hate to say but even after telling off the local gyanis they still continue to stare at ma sisters(ma penjia)FROM TABIYA SAHIB Ji And to add to this they come into darbar and start having convos as loud as thy can wen no1 is ther...WHAT! WHY DO GYANIS THINK THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANNA DO!! a gyani is a knower of WAHEGUROO bhulchukmaaf WJKKWJKP! :nihungsmile: BLuey
  7. i did, but the whole thread turned into a debate if osama bin laden was the real terroist or bush (which has nothing to do with this in the first place) so hopefully, no-one will say anything stupid here and discuss if bush is a fanatic haha when i asked on sikhawareness, they start talking if osama can really speak punjabi because they were like "he must have gone into the pakistani boarder, so therfore he must know some punjabi" :wub: 115039[/snapback] hahahah oooh the wonders of forums 115707[/snapback]
  8. 115831[/snapback] at least sum1 laughed!
  9. Paji i will take sewa of 20 chaupays...
  10. waheguroo jee kaa khalsa waheguroo jee kee phateh maharaj's amrit is one thing whether it means akj,taksal,nihang and akaal takhat(a new jatha is born like every five minutes) amrit is amrit...panj pyarie anre the same panj pyarie as the ones in 1699 just a comment bhulchukmaaf waheguroo jee kaa khalsa waheguroo jee kee phateh
  11. that dudes sik! man that was a hell of a day...the khalsa never gives up eh!
  12. Paji read the explanation of aarti above it's showing how our thall is waheguroo in the sky and we pray to that...i think some of the hazoor sahib maryada is wrong I:E drying cannabis outside the diwan for "Shaheedi degh" But what can you say it's kaliyug bhulchukmaaf waaheguroo jee kaa khalsa waheguroo jee kee phatei
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