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Everything posted by VanHelsingh

  1. Ohhh.... you think dahl is your ally? You merely adopted the dahl; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the maas until I was a man, by then it was nothing to me but smelly!
  2. *Waiting for Cisco Singh to turn up and tell us Akal Takhat Maryada endorses Sikhs eating meat* :respect:
  3. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
  4. A few more years and people will be asking if it's okay to breathe.
  5. No, I think he's realised the public will continue to ignore and mock the core message that certain strands of Islam consider non-Muslims to be fair-game for whatever comes their way, unless there's a change of direction in the way these problems are to be handled. You have to wonder where that leaves Guramit Singh.
  6. If that's the case then it'll be a great and valuable experience not many Sikhs are fortunate enough to gain. Go for it! Just be safe.
  7. "It doesn't matter how tall they were, what mattered was their plan..."
  8. He should've said "Neither do I", and laughed it off, lol. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. :lol2:
  9. The phrase "Don't have a cow" was invented for a moment like this.
  10. Fantastic post. As Sikhs (and I don't mean in the token sense of the word, but adherents of Gurbani) the above issues in bold must always be figured into the equation when analysing situations such as these. If the only criteria we use to appraise and act upon are those which we can see touch and see, then there's nothing much "SIkh about us. A lot of modern Sikhs would say it's superstition but there's a fine line between falling into nonsensical superstitions as well as genuine issues such as those mentioned above (karams, etc) that play a huge role in how our lives turn out. But I understand the modern, logical-thinker type of Sikh doesn't like being told there may be things he has no control over, but doesn't make it any less true.
  11. Some people would have you believe those who complain of such things are "over-sensitive". But, yes, it happens. Although if I was the Singh in the first instance I'd have picked my moment when I was alone with the Tanna guy, and I'd have broken his arms if he tried that with me, to hell with the job and anything else. I'd rather sweep floors than be subjected to that kind of crap in a so-called professional environment.
  12. He's surrounded by police as if he's been found with 5kg of RDX. :lol2:
  13. 50 lashes to the thief. That's the only deterrent in my opinion.
  14. The phrase "haven't got a clue" springs to mind. Sometimes it's not even malicious on the part of the parent; sometimes they simply don't have the toolset and the knowledge to nurture and cope with a child. They are quick to point out faults (that have come through their own inability to parent), but when something goes wrong the finger-wagging isn't held back, lol. I'm not one of those who knocks Punjabi parents - and never have been - but as you get older you notice this kind of stuff in your own life, and it gets to you.
  15. Equally, you can't cut yourself from other races and communities out of fear, because when your kids are grown up and out in the real-world they will find it tough to relate to people who aren't Sikh. Unless they will cocoon themselves around Sikhs and Sikh environments that's just asking for trouble, mentally at least.
  16. Hearing that a lot these days, not from necessarily "evil" Sikhs but people who have an affinity for Guru Sahibs, but don't have respect for these so-called "old guys" who they can't relate to. Not sure how to tackle this without laying the smack down on these people, lol.
  17. The ones in the West, particularly UK (I can't speak for our North American brothers). Yep, the ones back home who aren't into patit-ness and nasha at least have a bit of anakh about them, but as Arnold Schwarzenegger use to say the "girlie-boys" are a weird sight to behold lol. Look, it's cool to be what you are, not everyone is a warrior or anything like that, but as a Sikh sometimes you gotta front even if it is in public, and without coming across an <banned word filter activated>, our lot should learn to carry themselves off with a bit of swagger without crossing the line into foolishness. I admit it's a fine line to tread, lol.
  18. The Singhs in their late 20s / early 30s I can agree with, but this new 'puneeri' (under 25s) haven't got a clue. From afar they look the part, but up-close when you speak to them they're so... soft. Of course I wouldn't like to generalise as I'm sure there's a few hard nuts amongst this age-group, but from what I've seen, they're caught up in a weird mindset which is completely contrary to what a strong-minded and physically strong Singh should be.
  19. The average modern-day Sikh is too busy with his smartphone and carrying on with his female friends to be of use to anybody.
  20. The attack on Pakistani Christians over the weekend (in a Pakistani church) was another barbaric act against non-Muslims.
  21. VanHelsingh

    Hair Loss

    That's the spirit, Singh Ji. A strong personality and a smart demeanour will trump lack of hair any day of the week!
  22. I went to a few diwaans of Baba Ji over the past few months and he was brilliant. Although I do remember the interview a few years where he said he had red light on his car, so I can't have imagined that surely? I heard it on a Panjabi radio station. There was also a video showing people bowing to him on his birthday as he was wearing a kalgi - was that fake or something? I honestly can only go from what he says during his programmes, and they seem to be above board.
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