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Everything posted by Not2Cool2Argue

  1. it certainly seems true. In fact, I am shocked and can't process when I see a panjabi person being open hearted and kind [when not prescribed in religion such as sewa etc]. But I think its not a genetic or ethnic thing. its more a cultural thing and we are trained from a young age. All the compassion is beaten out of you. I remember when I tried to donate to beggars in india, I was told off most vehemently and told they will all follow u ( they did). And since a young age, I was taught to lie to my tai/taiya about whats happening at home. etc .how dare u tell them we made pizza at home, why did you not say i dont know, like their kids always do?
  2. The gurus themselves never condemned Islam outright. Just told them to practice the parts of Islam that talk about Mercy etc and how to be better muslims. But did not condemn practices of islam
  3. I wanted to say forgiven the vikings. There seems to be no hatred towards them for conquering them. At least no hatreds toward the current Norse countries. Also the descendents of vikings arent hated, like Muslims in India are
  4. Im sure it was the drink speaking You've mentioned that you're more worried about your wife then you are about yourself and ur pain. Maybe this perspective can help: There was a saadhu, he used to wake up at 2am everyday and meditate. Like always, one day he got up at 2 am, went to someone's khoo(well) to get water for bathing. After bathing he sat next to the khoo, to meditate, when out of nowhere he heard screams. A women yelling he's dead!He's dead. The saadhu rushes towards the screams as do other people. The women, who is dressed in bridal clothes, is sobbing next to the dead body of her new husband. There is a sword embedded in his throat. When people question the wife about how the sword got there. The hysterical women looks around and points at the saadhu and says he did it! The saadhu is gobsmacked. He is manhandled and grabbed by the brides janj members and taken to the local ruler. The ruler announces a punishment of cutting the limbs off the saadhu. Despite his protests of innocence, the saadhu arms are cut above the elbows. The saadhu cant believe it. He is so mad at God. He goes to any holy man he can find and asks, I meditate on God, I did no crime, why were my arms cut off? The others have no answers just say, it is ur karm/ past actions. He has some powers and asks them that i've looked at all past of my 100 lives, and I see no reason for this! Finally, he meets a competent holy person, who says u need to look at ur 108th past life. You were a saadhu meditatating in the forest. When the bride who was a deer came running past. The bridegroom was a hunter. He was chasing the deer, he came to you and asked which way did the deer go and u pointed with both hands towards the path the deer took. So what happened was, The bridal party was resting near the saraa/resting house for travelers where ur khoo was. The bride was not sleepy, so she started to examine her grooms sword which was hung above him. It slipped out of her hand and killed him. When ppl asked her what happened, she panicked and blamed you. So the deer got revenge on the hunter, and you got punished for helping in the murder of the deer. So, its all just past life karma. Dont be upset. You and the wife only had that much time to spend together, to cancel out some karma. Heres a more relevant story: A sikh asked Guru Arjan Dev ji, do real brahmgianis exist? Those that see gold same as dirt, and sadness same as happiness etc as mentioned in Sukhkman sahib. Guru ji said they do and sent him to live at the house of a sikh, I've forgotten his name, so lets call him, Bhai Bhikan, When the questioning Sikh went to Bhai Bhikans house, everybody was busy, but he welcomed him. People were getting ready for the wedding of bhai bhikan's son. They were cooking and sewing and decorating. and there was much excitement and singing and laughter. But Bhai Bhikhan was sitting in the corner, quietly singing gurbani and sewing kaffin/white cloth for the dead. The sikh asked why he was sewing that on his sons wedding preparations. Bhai bhikhan said you will see. The wedding happened, And after the bride was brought home, one of the customs was, that she would lift up her veil, and show her face to her husband and his family and his pind. As soon as she did that, the groom dies. There was much crying and wailing. Bhai Bhikhan ji quietly got out his kaffins and prepared the body for the funeral. After the funeral, the sikh asked Bhai Bhikhan ji, if you knew ur son was gonna die, why did u let him get married? Now the life of the poor girl is ruined. She is a widow already. Bhai Bhikan ji replied, it was hukam, and it is not right to interfere with hukam, plus the girls life is not ruined. She will live with us, a simple and peaceful life and have occasion to learn about the Guru and learn gurbani and do much seva and simran. Her life will be successful, she will be mukt. The sikh asked, what kind of hukam is this, to kill the groom on his wedding day, it serves no purpose. And what kind of person are you not to cry at his death or laugh at his wedding? Bhai Bhikan ji said, it was a very merciful hukam, that lead to his dying on his wedding day. You see, my son used to be a very famous saint in his past life. He had almost achieved mukti. But one day, he saw a beautiful prostitute and his mind was weakened, he wished to see her more closely. Soon he died. And because that one wish of his was unfullfilled, he was given another life form, to fulfill his wish. That wish had actually become poison for him, as he could not be liberated until it was fulfilled. So as soon as he saw her face, he died, his reason for this life was complete. Now he is mukt and liberted. So see, ur wife had some lehna/dehna, give/take or past unfullfilled relation with you. So that was why the arguments and stuff. And as soon as they resolved, so had completed her misson. so left. So dont think she was a bad person. She was just fulfilling her karma. And as to the rest, that she didnt do paath or anything. Dont worry, God is merciful, and gives many chances. She will get a human life again, and whenever she does, she has another chance. I hope this was helpful. And I sincerely hope, it motivates you not to waste ur human life. Its ok to be sad and mourn ur wife. But do set some limits. Like after a year, I will no longer allow myself to wallow in bed. I will get out and do stuff. I may still feel sad, but I won't use her death as an excuse to be lazy.
  5. Very Cool. He's practicing one of the 52 hukamname To learn about other religions, but keep utmost faith in Akaal Purkh and i bet the first thing he teaches the students is that, I am a Sikh not muslim, which is a good thing cuz more Sikh Awareness. But I just wonder, since Texas has a big population of Muslims dont they mind 1) that he is taking their jobs 2) That he is probably teaching a more secular version of islam. I took a arabic class and that professor (who was sunni) would get mad at the persian professor(who was shia) about what she told her class about islam. He would say things like unless, she has a phd in islam from a accredited/respected/authentic islamic univerisity, she has no right to teach students that in islam, its ok to bow before photos, and have a feast for the dead etc.
  6. In some sikh camps, we actually learned and memorized the history of all the invaders, starting from ghazni to nadar shah, babur, durani, abdali etc. So its not entirely forgotten. I feel like sikh people are the only ones keeping panjabi, history, raag vidhia etc alive. We have forgotten persian/urdhu although it used to be a big part of our literature. Also about Europe, I think you should compare the invasions of India to the Viking raids. Europe mostly seems to have forgotten those and moved on. About Hitler, there are many here in the USA, who look up to Hitler, esp the white power/white hate groups. Some are trying really hard to convince people that concentration camps never happened, etc.
  7. as a jatt, i think this is a good topic to bring up periodicaly. The new jatt generation, can learn a thing or two. And they learn the true meaning of jatt pride. I had no idea about the jatt casteism, before this forum. Then i googled it, and the reality was stark. Theres youtube videos, about mone jatts, bullying a sikh dastaardhari chammar, because he bought land, some hindu upper caste bullying chamars and not letting them play on the same playground. And when we went to india, our relatives, stopped us playing with the chamar kids (tho i could kinda see the rationale, the less mixing up you have, the less bad habits u will pick up and less likely ur kids are to marry out of caste). Ofc it doesnt exist in the west, but its important to keep it in mind. I think ur doing a pretty decent job of highlighting it, except when you keep mentioning that brothers shared wives. That seems like total heresy and totally against panjabi dharam and sharam culture. But i also think its ok to promote same caste marriage just as its good to promote same race marriage. This is the only way culture, language, and food will be preserved, if people marry people from the same backgrounds. Think about it: if a russian married a chinese, then their kid married a french person. How many ancestral languages would the kids have to learn, not to mention recipes, rituals, history etc
  8. its interesting how homosexuality was not looked down upon in central asia(afghanistan to mongolia). Even now, homosexuality is a big thing in afghanistan. Though, I dont know if homosexuality was ever a thing in india. We do have the khusre. But those are more like intersexuals and cross-dressers. And making them have their own community, I don't know if thats acceptance or merely tolerance.
  9. Thats a very beautiful explanation. I never thought of it that way before. Tho, it is very similar to how bhai veer singh ji did teeka of the pavan guru paani pita salok. Thx for that explanantion. My dad is against evolution and always quotes that pangti that says "Jo Kish Paya So Eka Vaar" and ur explanation is a good counterpoint. Also, how would you define elements as tat then? But gurbani says there are only 5 tat? i think tat could be energy, matter, life force, and..........never mind. Maybe the panj tat are categories of elements like metals, nonmetals, transition metals, noble gases, and heavy metals??
  10. Its true, jatts do lie about their poverty. Finances r another status thing. So jatts will do lots of things to get out of it. Most poor jatts immigrate. If they can scrape a few paise then study visa, if not then illegally. Most ppl send their son once to dubai at least. Thats one reason, jatt immigration is so big. My nana immigrated to bombey cuz he was poor. And my dad family to US. Because in panjab, the land is divided equally among all sons instead of all going to the eldest son as in the UK, the land gets smaller every generation. Plus because the jatts were landowners, they were expected to throw lavish weddings for their daughters and to give lohris etc.
  11. We had that too with a tarkhaan family tho. Somehow a tarkhaan did something for my greatgrandfather and he and the tarkhaan became pagg-vat brothers (kind of like adoptive brother, you switch paggs) and they still visit our house, here in the US too. (But maybe cuz our grandma called them over to US) Its kinda weird because we r so different. We r pendu and proud of it. While theyre all dressed up and polite.
  12. Being in power, or having power in terms of politics or even weapons is hard.You have to know when its righteous to fight, and not join every battle. The sikh soldiers were used in the 1970s (i think) to stop the Sri Lankan indepedence movement too. It was really sickening to see Sikhs go to war for india to supress a people. BUT thankfully, the sikhs werent totally blind. They were mostly at a stand still and did not do much action They were getting orders from Delhi to shoot Prabhikar (i think) the indenpendence movement leader with a sniper shot. But the sikhs refused thankfully. And in the documentary, the delhi government official denied it!!! He said delhi never gave that command. Theres a lesson for us there. If anyone tells u to do an.immoral thing for benefit. Dont do it. As they will not stand with u, when reckoning comes. Also we blame the british for the isreali-palestinian conflict. But the kashmiri conflict is all on us. The sikhs took over kashmir under Nalua sardar i think. And when Gulab singh the dogra took all the treasure from lahore. He bargained with the british to be able to rule kashmir. But ironically, when india became independent, all rajas had to give up their kingdoms for democracy. And so majority muslim kashmir ended up under india. Sikhs also fought in the West vs East Pakistan war. That was needless. Also fought china-india war, but i think that was ok, protecting the motherland etc
  13. Not sure of any covert plans they might have. But it does seem like a logical.move to want most children in the western countries to grow up with western values. Melting pot theory and assimilation of immigrants was much praised in the US. But now theyve realized, recently it isnt working. The recent immigrants stay in their own enclaves and at a low socioeconomic level. There hasnt been much growth. In terms of mexicans and blacks etc. Panjabis do move into higher socioeconomic levels but maintain ties to panjabis. Was there any other important finding in the report?
  14. Look on the positive side. Hopefully, the fiance will become an amritdhari after marriage. Most ppl will tell the amritdhari guy, that ur wife needs to take amrit after a bit. Then they both can take amrit together. Sometimes it takes a while to convince the wife. In the meantime, they are both sikhs and will continue coming to the gurudwara
  15. Beas wala is radhasoamis dera. They been there for a while. This dera problem been there such gurus time. Back then it was sakhi sarvar and graves (marrhi ) worship and muslim peers. Now its anybody with a following. I think like the caste system, deras r part of panjabi culture. Gurujis tried to get us to stop all the terrible short sighted cultural things. But we havent. In india, ppl need someone to ask for help in hard times cuz theres no social security or welfare or state benefits. Also ppl need to ask for sons, and help with getting a job, and other things that determine status. To counter this, Guruji did start Langar, and fullfilled wishes. And there r isthaans for sons-giving. And bani for specific wishes. But panjabis have either forgotten or need something more new and exotic in the religion arena. Hearing just do more paath, isnt consoling enough. Also there r some genuinely bad panjabis. They just dont mesh with sikhi. Like those that take bribes, deal in drugs, do black magic, murder their families for land/business and other underhanded activities. Those ppl need a more compatible religìon, so they invent their own. I say leave them to it.
  16. Move this post.to the general section, i almost missed seeing it too. From the preview, it seems hindsight is 20/20 type of writing. These types of cases where ur children run away etc, ive never expected much from the gore. They wanted the sikh children to make their own choices and live freely. And now, as always they realize.how bad their secular, liberal values really were.
  17. Thanksgiving is a seperate holiday. Its celebrated in November. We have 4 days off for it, its for when one of the first english ships arrived in america and the natives helped them and had a feast. But liberals want to stop that holiday because it supposedly celebrates the killing of the natives. Source: im an american...sort of Merry Christmas is being replaced by Happy Holidays. But some ppl.are complaining about that. You shoukd watch the youtube channel policyEd. As sikhs,.i think we should encourage ppl to call it christmas, and remember their religious founder and God that day. As most western countries are Christian, its ok of they celebrate their culture and religion. Also, the liberals wont stop here, what if in India, they start saying the holidays given for Vaisakhi and Gurpurbs be secularized? How would we feel abt that?
  18. Yes the paath u do for ur wife will help her. Bhai pinderpaal singh the kathavavhik talks abt this. The antam ardaas we do, the ardaas after the funeral, is about that to. Asking waheguruji to help the person and keep him in his sanctuary. Also bhai randhir singh, when he was in jail, and going through a really depressing times,.he said the ardaas of the sangat, really helped him at that time So space and time can be overcome by ardaas.
  19. They say in those times, the requirement to visit mecca was that u believed in 1 God. Also the saakhi we have of Guru Nanak Dev ji is that Guru ji traveled with the hajjis. And pointed their feet toward mecca. Doesnt really say if they went into the kabba.or if they completed the whole hajj. Perhaps Guruji was trying to teach the hajjis that God is everywhere. And Gurujis conversation with a qazi is recorded. Also janam sakhis, complied by bhai vir singh tell of this visit. It names the qazi who talked with guruji. Also there is a new manuscript found written in arabic, by muslims who converted to sikhi in the middle easr. Bhai pinderpal singh talk abt it. You arent willing to look into historical document or do research. But u want proof. Dont be like shallow like most ppl in the internet are. Take a few things and start selling it to ppl and arfuing with ppl.
  20. ਸੁਧਿਜਬਤੇਹਮਧਰੀਬਚਨਗੁਰਦਏਹਮਾਰੇ|| Sudhi Jab Te Ham Dharee Bachan Gur Dhe Hamaare Since the time I realized the sense of maturity, which my Guru (Guru Tegh Bahadur) had taught ਪੂਤਇਹੈਪ੍ਰਨਤੋਹਿਪ੍ਰਾਨਜਬਲਗਘਟਥਾਰੇ|| Poot Eihai Pran Tohi Praan Jab Lag GhaT Thaare Aye My Son, so long as there is life in your body ਨਿਜਨਾਰੀਕੇਸਾਥਨੇਹੁਤੁਮਨਿਤਬਢੈਯਹੁ|| Nij Naaree Ke Saath Neh Tum Nit Baddaiyahu You promise to enhance love with your own wife ਪਰਨਾਰੀਕੀਸੇਜਭੂਲਿਸੁਪਨੇਹੂੰਨਜੈਯਹੁ||੫੧|| Par Naaree Kee Sej Bhool Supane Hoon Na Jaiyahu But never, even by mistake, not even in a dream, bed with else’s wife – Siri Dasam Granth Saibh written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in conversation with Guru Tegh Bahadur Panna (Page) 1555
  21. no its really good u r praying in panjabi. also do learn panjabi, it will help u understand gurbani. english translations r good. but when u can understand gurbani, its more beautiful, more personal like Guruji speaking directly to u. also things sound better in panjabi, more formal yet more real
  22. First of all there is no such thing as hinduism. There are different religions practices lumped under it. Like agoris (they use dead bodies) yogis, pandits. All have different practices. They all do share some basic principles. Like reincarnation etc. So you could say that sikhi is a dharmic religion as is hinduism and buddhism. Similar to how christianity, islam, and judaism is abrahamic religion. But even tho christianity has same texts as judaism. It is considered a diff religion. Same as sikhi.
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