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Everything posted by disguised

  1. It’s this Saturdaay woo hoo … and I heard some chadri kala babais are comin down here from India .. right..
  2. it must have been taken when he was young be4 he killed indra ghandi.. i'm pretty sure..
  3. so.. is there anything speacial goin on ... other than sangata and kirtan.. (which is special enough i guess... :wubc: )
  4. .. vaheguru.. and not forget june 10 at kitchener/waterloo...
  5. NOOON ?? ... k thst jst weird... it LOOOOOOOOOOON.. and it sounds rite too... noon :lol: @
  6. allriiiittee.. awsome lookin forward to it! :lol:
  7. well.. i think it also depends on the type of chunni ur wearin... like the silky ones tend to fall off easier then the pure ones (if anybody knows about good material of a chunni.. its the pure dabata all the waayy.. :TH: ).. but ask ur mom.. she may know.. cuz the cheaper ones are a rip off :lol: ...
  8. disguised


    .. well put it thsi way... if u were gonna get married,, and ur wife wanted to stay with her family,, would u agree with tht??.. it just never happens.. :lol:
  9. oh my, i cant believe all the sangat actually BELIVIED this and fell for it... :wub:
  10. ewwwwwwwwwwww, do u have any idea wats in tht "left over" oil.... :wub: @
  11. awwwwwwwww... :wub: ... u can ask anybody out there, they're ALL nice and generous people, especially the singhniz. . hehe... and if ur scared and dont want to be up there all alone, you can ask a bibi and i'm sure she'll be more than willing to go up sit and sing with you,... so dont be shy nect time...
  12. i do a short ardaas after my kirtan sohilla... not a long one... :wub:
  13. well... a good sikh wouldn't dorink nor cut his hair,, and attends divans regularly so its up 2 u to decide wether ur good or bad...
  14. nope, i dont think its out yet ... :wub:
  15. awwwwwwww... happy b-day guyz! :wub:
  16. well were not suggesting to beat the kid, in fact i wouldn't even describe it as a "beating", just enough so the child understands whats hes doin wrong and eventually wont do it at all. ... jst to disipline them, but as metioned, each kid is different, so if you scowl at them once and they listne, then dont hit them, but if the kid listens when hes spanked, then spank him.... my point is use a method tht you feel would be suitable for your child.
  17. k, well since there hasn't been many stories, i'll share my mine., (not very inspiring tho) :wub: I am a very blessed person. I can’t thank guru ji enough. I sometimes would ask myself if I actually deserved this cuz there are actually more chardi kala singhs/singhniz who actually deserve it more than me, but anywayz…. I was born in a gursikh family. I have one sister and twin brothers. I have been doing patt since i was very little, and then slowly doin patt from the gutka sahib. I also started kirtan at age 8 with my sis. My parents weren’t strict, well they were but they had certain things they wanted accomplished from us and would help us achieve them like i.e. jap ji sahib should be kunt, reading gurmukhi ect. They would make us sit down and read or listen to bani (even if we didn't want to, but seriouly it paid off because its easier to do patt now.) In my childhood, I’ve never had an interest in watchin TV, i wasn’t very influenced by bad sangat. I was in fact very mature when I was young (even tho I act stupid on this forum,, baha ), and knew what were the right choices, since I was brought up with positive sangat around me. This is all with guru ji’s kirpa. But anywaz that was just a lil bit about me… don’t know if this was the story you wanted to hear.. :cool: Futia!
  18. jst a point veer ji, u alwys say tht, but in reality nobody gets hurt.... .. ok ok bck to the topic
  19. that was mean, hes just new to the forum, he/she will learn.. :lol:
  20. your ALL crazy :cool: ... *sighs*.. kids these days.. :lol:
  21. It’s not just her, when I was a young girl… I was not allowed to go and run around the gurdawara, I had to sit rite beside my mom…… and my brothers, they’ve just turned ten, and I don’t see them running around, but I do see kids older than them, playing little games. To tell you the truth the real key is discipline, how you grew up, and how your parents deal with you. Like all my siblings are soooooooooo regimented that we know what the purpose of coming to the gurdawara is. And its so sad to see parents not teaching their kids what the point is to come to the gurdawara, and how to show respect, and whats really sad, is that they’re the same people whose kids act like fools, whether their toddlers or kids, they should know how to behave In a gurdawara, I mean, we have 5 days to run around and scream, but we only go to the gurdawaras once a week (for most of us), and we cant even listen or show our kids how to sit for at least an hour? Is that alot to ask for? :lol: And, awesome post furious, totally with you! :TH:
  22. hir ibsrq qyry gux gilAw har bisarath thaerae gun galiaa You have forgotten the Lord; your virtues shall wither away next is.... A
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