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Everything posted by BhForce

  1. What? No, that is not true. Where did you get that? We're not supposed to encourage people to consume harmful things because that increases our negative karma. Simple as that.
  2. BhForce


    There's no problem at all. Did the letter say to not eat or to "fast"? If you have to not eat, for whatever legitimate reason, that's not a problem. The problem would be if you were "fasting" on a religious basis, like showing off how "pure" you are, like some Hindus and Muslims do. We're not supposed to do that.
  3. Bro, that is a wrong understanding of Sikhi. There are not "different rules" for Amritdharis vs everyone else. There's one set of rules. It's just that Amritdharis actually follow them (or are supposed to). There's simply no rule you can't learn some sort of vidia (education) from a non-Sikh. I agree with not mixing with people that will harm your Sikhi. But we're not talking about "hanging out" with your Namdhari teacher. He's simply teaching you music. I should note that I'm simply talking about taking lessons from Namdhari (or Hindu, or Muslim) music teachers. Actually going into a Namdhari temple or mosque might require additional reflection.
  4. Bro, what are you talking about? A lot of Sikh (and other non-Sikh, non-Christian kids) go to Church of England and other such schools. As long as you're not worshiping Jesus, I fail to see anything wrong in that. In case you think that's just "modern" squishy Sikhs sending their kids to non-Sikh teachers, Guru Sahib's parents sent them to religious instructors for teaching them Punjabi or other Indian languages (Pandits) and Mullahs for learning Persian.
  5. "as Nanak said"? Are you a Sikh? The reason people are fighting with you is because they think you're a Sikh. If you're not, then just do what you want to do. Also if you seem to be promoting treating men as brothers, could you please state your views on dating? If dating is bad, then please detail why.
  6. I don't know if it was you that was posting in the beginning pages of this thread, but if so, why didn't you just lead with that? Why didn't you say "treat men as brothers, women as sisters"? Instead of saying "females can be friends." It made people think that your real goal was to equivocate (call two things the same that are actually different). That you were trying to put "friendship" and "boyfriends/girlfriends" in the same box so that one could lead to another.
  7. Alright, that's good. Treat men as brothers, women as sisters and not in a lustful way. That's all fine. In fact, that's Gurmat. But the people that are opposing you (or possibly another anonymous poster) is when you (or someone) say that you can be friends with a man just like you would be with a female friend. That is, do things together alone. Go over to each other's apartment. Call each other at all hours of the night. Be physically close (sit right next to each other, hold hands, hug, possibly kiss, etc.). No, you can't do that. And if you think you can, you are the most naive person in the world. So please don't do that. And if you want to, at least don't encourage other young people to do that.
  8. Great point, bro. Dating is a stupid system. Arrange marriage has problems, but it's the best if done properly.
  9. BhForce


    No, man, are you kidding? How is he supposed to "get her back"? Is she parked at a Rent-A-Car and you can just "go back" and drive her off? She obviously hasn't thought of him at all in two full years. Now he's supposed to disattach her from whoever she's hooked up with? Dating is what led up to it. Dating is where you pretend you're married, but you're not. So you're free to think sexual thoughts about other people and yet if you do then the other person will get mad at you, but you still aren't bound because you're not married. It's a recipe for disaster, which is shown in the OP's post.
  10. OK, that's reasonable. And I do acknowledge that the ideal is for us to pass on knowledge on a nishkaam (voluntary/free) basis. But I just can't see how that would be possible. I am certainly open to knowing (as above) how someone can possibly learn classical raag sangeet with 60 raags plus tabla taals and also have a good singing voice in their spare time and also make time to teach somebody else's snotty, ungrateful kids for free.
  11. Are you serious? "yeast formation"? That doesn't even happen in India, much less cold and rainy England and Canada. No one is berating you for cutting your hair. If you want to cut your hair, then cut it. I fail to see why you would write such utterly hateful words for a physical form which our Gurus kept. This would be something like a Hindu or Muslim would write. It sounds like argumentation for why not to keep your hair.
  12. It could be argued that the way to propagate something is to allow people to sell it. I mean, if you prohibit selling music knowledge, there will naturally be very few music teachers. The only people who will be able to travel to them will be the wealthy. We are talking about the West, aren't we? Who exactly among Sikhs living in the West, even truck drivers and taxi drivers are under the poverty level? I think we all know that apne will spend hundreds of dollars when Gippy Grewal or some such are in town. Or for getting good seats at football or other games. Suddenly, they become poor when it comes to music lessons. And that's exactly what I would put on us, not the ustaads. We are greedy and expect that someone should spend their time instructing our little brats for free or next to nothing. I believe we should compensate them richly.
  13. I don't know what I'd call him, but do you have any example of such a person? Or are you just engaging in pure speculation? Again, this "well-learned and highly accomplished ustaad #1", how in the world did he learn sixty raags for free and also become "accomplished" in his spare time? How did he "accomplish" so much (training his voice, doing sargams, writing bandishes, learning tabla taals), while also farming his fields or making furniture to sell or tailoring clothes?
  14. Exactly. Social restrictions in our society are there for a reason. That's why we have nearly 1/20th the divorce rate of Westerners.
  15. Well, if they only had kaam feelings towards each other, it would have been one thing. But we all know that's 99% likely not the case. What's more likely is that both she and he fooled around (however you want to define that) with 4 or 5 people before "settling" for their current partners. Even if she/he didn't actually have sex with or even make out with other people, they did lust after them. After it didn't work out with previous partners, they settled for their current ones. In their mind, they have resentment for their partners because they think they could have done better. At some point or another, when the opportunity presents itself, then they'll take advantage of it to cheat. And that's why Westerners have around a 50% divorce rate. That'd be the same rate for Westernized Punjabis.
  16. Please don't do this. Are you 15? I don't mean that as an insult, but if you're actually mature, why not act like it? You must certainly know that the vast majority of Gurdwara presidents are there just because, not because they have any special deep knowledge of Sikh history. If you do, it is much better to talk with people one-on-one and let them know about Sikh history than to suddenly demand changes. That's an excellent way to split the sangat. Is that what you want?
  17. No, it is not "forbidden" to learn from a non-Sikh. Of course, you should never bow to the Namdhari "Guru". But that "Guru" is not going to travel from Bhaini in Punjab to England to ask you to matha-tek to him. It's no more forbidden to learn music from a Namdhari than it is to learn English from a Christian. Finally, if it would be forbidden for an Amritdhari to learn from a Namdhari, it would equally forbidden from anybody who calls himself a Sikh.
  18. BhForce

    Help plz.

    Why do you care? Did you meet your great-great-great-great-grandfather, and you'll be sad if he's not in Sachkhand? Guru ji says to devote yourself to Gurbani. Would you not have devoted yourself to Gurbani if your ancestors were not going to be saved? So that's the only reason for you to read Gurbani?
  19. Sikhs in the UK have around a 2% divorce rate, general society has around a 40% divorce rate. Hooray for "backward thinking"! Huge numbers of people walking around are bastards (illegitimate children), products of those "friendships" that you praise. And that's 2019. Mate.
  20. I would say "small talk" is actually OK. Small talk is just the meaningless, "so, it's pretty cold out these days" or whatever else innocuous topic. What you really want to avoid is deep conversations with people that you don't want to get into a relationship with. Because having deep conversations leads to relationships.
  21. No, it's completely abnormal. To think that you can will yourself not to be sexually attracted is an exercise in delusion. A Westerner will either come to the point of being sexually attracted to his female "friend", or will decide to not be so close anymore. Human decency is saying "Good morning" when you see someone when you come into work. How in the world do you you equate that with a "relationship"? What's a "normal" friend? If by friend you mean someone that you talk with at work, fine. If it's someone that you have a "relationship" with, as you said above, you're on a destructive path. The point that everyone in this thread advocating traditional social mores is making is to avoid situations where those "urges" will come up in the first place. And they will, unless there's something wrong with you, or she's ugly, or something else.
  22. Good points. Communicating is like saying hello to your co-worker in the morning and discussing your upcoming projects. Or responding to a work email. A friend that you can call on all hours of the night is something totally different. Amazing that someone could try to promote opposite-sex "friendships" by badgering Sikhs about "what's wrong with communicating?".
  23. Amazing how you jump straight from "communicating" to "befriending". That's called equivocation (i.e., trying to make two different things seem to be the same). You're either lying, or even worse, deceiving yourself. Whatever. Do you care what Guru ji thinks? If not, that's fine, but what are you doing on this board?
  24. I really am speechless and don't even know how to react to that jihadi with the sign. I'm trying to figure out if he actually doesn't see the irony, and is actually earnest? In any case, they'll be "moderate" up until the point where you even so very slightly criticize Islam.
  25. Did they? They basically stole nuclear plans and such. They have uranium in their territory, which used to be our territory. I'm not aware that any power gave them anything. In an alternative history in which we had not lost our Raaj, the existence of a rural farmer would have mattered no more than the rural farmer or tribesman matters to the fact that Pakistan has near nuclear parity with India. No, I think that would be Pakistanis, with their huge % of birth defects in the UK, much more than their percentage of the population.
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