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Everything posted by BhForce

  1. Right, which is why Guru ji tempered piri with miri. We are not meant to be just a band of maala-wielding saints. We are meant to be (when necessary) warriors protecting the weak, too.
  2. 20 people were killed when Muslims attacked a church in the Philippines in January, but I definitely did not hear about it all around the media. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/01/26/bombs-target-cathedral-southern-philippines-least-19-dead/2693439002/
  3. Bro, there's simply no reason a never-married person should have to settle for a divorced one (unless there's some other problem).
  4. What a sad story. Again, we're not supposed to get divorced in Sikhism. What a loser of a so-called husband. I can't believe he would throw away his girls and wife like that.
  5. The funny thing is so many of this sort will point various apparent contradictions or things they don't understand in Sikhism or Gurbani, but without a trace of irony go and embrace Christianity, which has a holy book of which not one line of which was written by the head (Christ). Oh, also she isn't supposed to have her head uncovered, or didn't she read that portion of the Bible yet? Also, why is she giving lectures to men? The Bible says “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” (1 Timothy 2:12). Also, isn't so ironic that these women leave Sikhism because they think Punjabi men are too overbearing? What does the Bible have to say about that? It says the husband is pati-parmesher, LOL: 1 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV) But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.
  6. Is she the sort that rabidly tries to Christianize every member of her extended family? She's a Christian now, and everybody has to become one?
  7. That is their hypergamy kicking in. They consider apnay as lower value and other men as higher value. That's quite possible. I'm thinking that the same things that lead them to walking out on apne (drinking, leaving the toilet seat up, whatever) they will tolerate in a gora.
  8. Absolutely right. This woman's experience might be truthfully written. But the very reason that the BBC ran the article is to further the BBC's anti-Sikh agenda.
  9. First of all, I don't know exactly what it is she went through, and she didn't specify. I do want to say that, absent violence, you should try to work out your issues because the next man (or woman) isn't going to be perfect, either. OK, but why should they? The Gurdwara president was right, divorced people should look into marrying other divorced people. A never-married person marrying once-married person can be a disaster because the never-married is always comparing him or herself to his spouse's ex. 4% is an astoundingly good number. Keep in mind that the main reason for that is the stigma against divorce in our society or faith. Remove the stigma, like she seems to want, and we'll have 42% divorce rates like the rest of the British. I salute the fact that she's looking for a kesadhari, but if she doesn't find someone after writing this article, she should probably set her sights a little lower. Are there any monas who aren't drunks? To the contrary, I hope it strengthens the stigma and encourages people to stay married.
  10. Goes without saying. Our people are stupid and soft. There is no respect for non-Muslims as human beings.
  11. Right, the Jihadis will exact their "revenge" on the West. But then the goras will then want to exact their own revenge. But who's the one that wears turbans and beards in the West? Sikhs.
  12. Hey, what about my favorites West London Singh (what's he calling himself these days?), Guest London Javan, and @Sukhvirk1976?
  13. Lol, the "Gurdwara tour" taxis. Spend 1/2 hour at each gurdwara, driver sitting around in the car, ready to head out the moment you go in, take your shoes off, wash your hands, matha tek, get parshad, sit for exactly 5 minutes, go out, take your ramaal off, shoes back on, and get to the car.
  14. Chaupai Sahib was composed at Gurdwara Bibhaur Sahib past Anandpur Sahib.
  15. BhForce

    Family event

    I'm not necessarily going to tell you to go to a meat party. But a happy medium would be to ask the family to give cake and refreshments plus gifts before dinner. Just the whole cake/Happy Birthday song/greeting family/eating cake and drinking soft drinks, etc., will easily take an hour if not two. That's more than enough attendance to not make people think that you didn't value them as family. Then depart before they bust out the KFC, lol.
  16. BhForce

    Family event

    Huh? What exactly are you referencing, bro? Guru Nanak Dev ji's compositions are interpreted by some Sikhs as not anti-meat (different from pro-meat). I'm not saying they are, just that some Sikhs think that. Bhagat Kabir ji's compositions, on the other hand, are generally held to be anti-meat. But regardless of how you interpret these compositions, they only address the question of eating meat or not. They do not, to my mind, address whether you should go to where meat is being eaten. Or do they?
  17. BhForce

    peshi questions

    Yet another in the long line of "peshi" questions. I have no idea if this is a troll or not. I really don't know what's worse. "someone hits your butt"? With "Singh" in your username, what's the problem? Are you a girl?
  18. I think you're trying to say that they (3HO) perceived us as weak (mentally, morally, and culturally) and simpletons. I think they're right. What do you think?
  19. Lol! Keep it up, and get an account, bro. Much easier to dialogue that way.
  20. Maybe, but what does it matter? We're told to do bhagti, God will take care of the rest.
  21. Now I understand that is why the Muslims claimed that location as theirs. It's so they can commemorate where they used to execute kaffirs.
  22. Huh? So what do you want Europe or the US to do? Set 800 jihadists free into Europe?
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