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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. Point is those who would have had faith and persevered in the past centuries now have removed the support of faith and Akal Purakh since they feel it is unmodern or scientific to have belief. SO in that situation people are more likely to turn to drink and drugs to numb their hurts. if it gets too bad then they think what is the point continuing the suffering and off themselves . But the sad fact is they didn't learn this life's lessons so will have to repeat it until they do. http://www.gurmatbibek.com/contents.php?id=463
  2. I have always wondered how to implement a change in Golak reliance and the arguments for control of it ... no golak no power games/politics just read this , made me smile https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=375746569284717&set=a.188247924701250.1073741833.100005481313139&type=3&theater
  3. I think history proves we were most definitely doing parchaar on the streets in an organised way not ad hoc and it is so obvious that we only started thinking we were non-missionary after the advent of the British ....
  4. I think what you don't realise perhaps is those other religions help their own or with conditions , whereas Khalsa Aid is nishkam therefore true charity. Instead 80+ percent going to the actual people suffering it is most charities MO to use that on admin etc . I am not saying there should n't be spending on that but it should be minimal
  5. I think they are totally unaware of the wiles of others because they don't think like that for others , just their own folks ....(facepalm) and because they feel others are better than themselves because the centuries of headgames by brits hand in hand with hindus
  6. point is the newspaper say he attacked the jathedar but the truth is he was prevented from getting anywhere close to injuring him just scared the bejeesus out of him because he was subdued by the attendant bodyguard detail provided by Badal. Any court in this country would just call it a disturbance of the peace and leave it at that. The media is making more of a meal out of it to make the sheep-minded bleat about how bad and evil any Singh or Kaur is ...oh how bad amritdhari people are etc etc they can't be trusted with deciding what is needed for panth....
  7. and then what ? this is India remember where only 3% of reported rapes lead to sentences . Women are considered kalanknis any how and this BABY has had her life destroyed . They should have automatic death sentence for paedos in that country and stocks for rapists since they love that mob justice- animals one and all
  8. we can't the law into our own hands ? what planet are you on ...3 singhs get murdered...countless Kaurs get raped , over 300 get castrated and Ram Rahim has gone scotfree for 8 years ...are you totally mad? The law has nothing to do with what is happening if it did he would not have been at liberty to castrate the men or rape more women but be serving a triple life sentence . No film deals etc . If we stand up for those families which have lost their children this way or had their children's lives destroyed by this mafia thug , we are the ones hauled up , tortured and sent to jail for life on false charges ...do not EVER EVER EVER talk to me about law of the land . Guru Gobind SIngh ji told us if the law of the land is berahim , corrupt, and adharmic we have perfect right to disregard it . Singhs and Kaurs broke every law going just being Gursikhs ...are you honestly telling me that they were wrong ?? go crack a sikh Itihaas book then talk. Sorry but I have no time for backsliding attitudes
  9. They've rearrested him and taken his father also ...he has said that the jathedar's son was present at torture ...shows what circles these scum run in who have the titles in the kaum.
  10. I think I told you about my experience in Dharamshala HP in 2014 , there was a Kashmiri Muslim running the shawl shop I visited as soon as he clapped eyes on me he was gushing forth about how wonderful SIkhs were, the reason? because when the floods hit J&K the Hindus abandoned them to their fate , the muslims weren't bothered either , the christians would only feed them or help if they converted , whereas the Sikhs saw them in need and helped seeing them as part of the human family. He said whatever I had spent he would double and donate to the sikh organisations that helped out . This the winning formula see the needy , look after the needy , tell them how Guru ji taught us all to be good humans . One thing when Gursikhs say if you are muslim or hindu be good ones , this is not in terms of what they are taught by their mullas and pandits but the path that Guru ji outlined in Gurbani, teach them the true path of their faiths...
  11. appe beej ape hi khao ....or as the christians say you made your bed , now lie in it . She made her choice to leave sikhi, her family for this guy. SHe made her choice to stay and now to smuggle drugs for him and his buds ...now she's gonna go to prison and he's gonna find another bewakoof to manipulate .
  12. funny I was gonna say you missed out one topic , Jeevan yes it is bad , yes it shouldn't happen but really it has ZERO to do with this topic and some of the others you have posted it on ...please delete the multiple copies thanks
  13. this due to over whelming atmosphere of estrogen when in utero when testerone should be triggered to enhance male characteristics in brain development according to biology , the brains of gay men have similar denser interconnection between sides of brain to females as opposed to larger , less dense male brains , that's is possibly why they are so good at creative work ... When at college for homeopathic diploma one of my lecturers recounted an experience where the guy was gay but needed treatment for some other ailment , the doctor gave him the corresponding medicine and it had the effect unexpected of course that he no longer felt attracted to men , which devastated his partner and ended a long relationship. So I think it can be energetic too... at his energetics were brought back to normal for his body and that happened . No I wouldn't try to be devious and 'cure' someone of their life choice before you ask.
  14. here is the article I read about Sant singh khalsa's translation: http://www.sikhfreepress.org/headlines/2667/american-yogis-distort-sikh-scripture
  15. same one that pardoned Ram Rahim must be great then
  16. why don't you read something and educate yourself or are you too busy to actually absorb anything ...there are good and bad everywhere and in every age group , I'm getting a bit tired of your putting down of people because of your personal prejudices.
  17. I think you will find that is not true ... Jagmeet SIngh is doing well enough and supporting the sikhs too
  18. as far as I know SGPC was set up during Singh Sabha lehar during British raj and the first president of the SGPC was a true Gursikh Baba Kharak Singh ji, then it was selection by jiwan and kamai but, the premise of electing the people to the posts opened the doors to hindu government manipulation and corruption of the boards ...we need to reinstitute sarbat Khalsa as the government of the Panth by the Panth not individual people who can get corrupted ...it is much harder to manipulate a panth containing millions . Those people currently in office do not speak for me or mine and I'm sure they do not represent you and yours... Then our daswands will get to the poor and we can initiate education, hospitals and organic farming programs to save our ecology in our lands .
  19. yep but surely we can create better driving schools and sideline this BS
  20. it's funny but as far as I know we are all one level , but politicos want to be head honchos ,in sikhi there is no such role it is a foreign concept implanted in our system strangling the freedom of spirit that Guru ji gave us by making us each a self-sufficient unit in charge of our own destinies. Those we see fiddling are not even Sikh by any means ....they are bheki sikhs guilty of crimes against their brothers and sisters and children
  21. not you people like makkard, jagir kaur, bachana etc OK I'm a homeopath , and you know the west loves to sneer at what they don't understand homeopathy included , they say provide us with proof and we are as a profession do so,and yet they are still not satisfied. But the truth is allopathic drugs are opposed to any other modality despite having been proven to be dangerous and often not having an value in treatment because the safety trial data has been doctored to look good. Allopathic drugs are the majority view and homeopathy a minority , do we give up ? No because we know it is effective and helps people. The people who try it are tired of no good results from allopathics and further sideeffects which add to their misery , and when they do get relief from symptoms they are wholeheartedly for it. Similarly the people who are tired of suffering under the status quo will be looking for a better way, that is SIkhi. But like homeopathy we have to counter the bad press and false information floating about from sources sympathetic to the majority view
  22. so your proposal is leave people in the dark fumbling around , and let them go backwards towards the prison that is bahmiwaad? Seems cruel and indifferent given that you know Guru ji has given us a roadmap to a better existence as humans ... I know we are of class 2 but shining a light on what Guru Sahiban actually said is not throwing out edicts ...but sure don't you feel the representative of sikh women shouldn't be a known kurdimaar , who is she to speak for women who has removed her own daughter from the world ? I am tired of the mockery made of Sikhi by these nalaik bheki 'sikh' people
  23. given the number of accidents involving coaches/buses I would say the level of concentration , speed, and lack of skill ...they need to have something like ROSPA training schools and HGV licences which are properly assessed .
  24. Please Preet ji explain just how Narad and those other shudras became saints if they cannot do bhagti in the three previous yugs ? either the premise of shudras doing bhagti in only kalyug is wrong thus a lie or Guru Vashishta is not really aware of the true nature of Akal Purakh and his infinite daya so he is not as high avasta as you would wish to believe
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