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Everything posted by harkirat23

  1. No, they are not the same. Have you heard of Luv and Kush?
  2. Baba Ram Rai Ji is Guru Ji's son, we should always respect him. Agree.
  3. More like a part of the studio furniture. Sits there like a permanent fixture, too old to be shifted or removed! Is this show still on air?
  4. Thank you paji for pinpointing the Panktee above with precision and accuracy. I hope it will help our brother CEO with his restlessness and uncertainty in his quest. Sikhee is a difficult Marag but not without spiritual joy and fulfilment.
  5. Your help follows in the following Stanza: ਰਾਗੁ ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ਘਰੁ ੧੭ ਆਸਾਵਰੀ रागु आसा महला ५ घरु १७ आसावरी Rāg āsā mėhlā 5 gẖar 17 āsāvarī Raag Aasaa, Fifth Mehl, Seventeenth House, Aasaavaree: ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ ॥ ੴ सतिगुर प्रसादि ॥ Ik▫oaʼnkār saṯgur parsāḏ. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਕਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ गोबिंद गोबिंद करि हां ॥ Gobinḏ gobinḏ kar hāʼn. Meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the Universe. ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਮਨਿ ਪਿਆਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ हरि हरि मनि पिआरि हां ॥ Har har man pi▫ār hāʼn. Cherish the Beloved Lord, Har, Har, in your mind. ਗੁਰਿ ਕਹਿਆ ਸੁ ਚਿਤਿ ਧਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ गुरि कहिआ सु चिति धरि हां ॥ Gur kahi▫ā so cẖiṯ ḏẖar hāʼn. The Guru says to install it in your consciousness. ਅਨ ਸਿਉ ਤੋਰਿ ਫੇਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ अन सिउ तोरि फेरि हां ॥ An si▫o ṯor fer hāʼn. Turn away from others, and turn to Him. ਐਸੇ ਲਾਲਨੁ ਪਾਇਓ ਰੀ ਸਖੀ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ ऐसे लालनु पाइओ री सखी ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Aise lālan pā▫i▫o rī sakẖī. ||1|| rahā▫o. Thus you shall obtain your Beloved, O my companion. ||1||Pause|| ਪੰਕਜ ਮੋਹ ਸਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ पंकज मोह सरि हां ॥ Pankaj moh sar hāʼn. In the pool of the world is the mud of attachment. ਪਗੁ ਨਹੀ ਚਲੈ ਹਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ पगु नही चलै हरि हां ॥ Pag nahī cẖalai har hāʼn. Stuck in it, his feet cannot walk towards the Lord. ਗਹਡਿਓ ਮੂੜ ਨਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ गहडिओ मूड़ नरि हां ॥ Gahdi▫o mūṛ nar hāʼn. The fool is stuck; ਅਨਿਨ ਉਪਾਵ ਕਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ अनिन उपाव करि हां ॥ Anin upāv kar hāʼn. he cannot do anything else. ਤਉ ਨਿਕਸੈ ਸਰਨਿ ਪੈ ਰੀ ਸਖੀ ॥੧॥ तउ निकसै सरनि पै री सखी ॥१॥ Ŧa▫o niksai saran pai rī sakẖī. ||1|| Only by entering the Lord's Sanctuary, O my companion, will you be released. ||1|| ਥਿਰ ਥਿਰ ਚਿਤ ਥਿਰ ਹਾਂ ॥ थिर थिर चित थिर हां ॥ Thir thir cẖiṯ thir hāʼn. Thus your consciousness shall be stable and steady and firm. ਬਨੁ ਗ੍ਰਿਹੁ ਸਮਸਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ बनु ग्रिहु समसरि हां ॥ Ban garihu samsar hāʼn. Wilderness and household are the same. ਅੰਤਰਿ ਏਕ ਪਿਰ ਹਾਂ ॥ अंतरि एक पिर हां ॥ Anṯar ek pir hāʼn. Deep within dwells the One Husband Lord; ਬਾਹਰਿ ਅਨੇਕ ਧਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ बाहरि अनेक धरि हां ॥ Bāhar anek ḏẖar hāʼn. outwardly, there are many distractions. ਰਾਜਨ ਜੋਗੁ ਕਰਿ ਹਾਂ ॥ राजन जोगु करि हां ॥ Rājan jog kar hāʼn. Practice Raja Yoga, the Yoga of meditation and success. ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਲੋਗ ਅਲੋਗੀ ਰੀ ਸਖੀ ॥੨॥੧॥੧੫੭॥ कहु नानक लोग अलोगी री सखी ॥२॥१॥१५७॥ Kaho Nānak log agolī rī sakẖī. ||2||1||157|| Says Nanak, this is the way to dwell with the people, and yet remain apart from them. ||2||1||157|| http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?Action=Page&g=1&h=1&r=1&t=1&p=0&k=0&fb=0&Param=409 You have already identified your problem so half of it is solved, in that, you are the creator of your moods initially. They are under your control. You are the only one that can change them. You are the driver and your moods represent your car. You can either drive your car recklessly or sensibly. You are in charge. The next three states of your mind are very normal. It is very easy to feel far away from God, because, it has no shape, color or smell. We think we are far away but when we pull ourselves together we feel we are not. God is right there where you are, He is within us, He is all around us, we are moving in His space without ever noticing it. When you are overcome with this thought just take a moment and acknowledge His Presence and carry on with whatever you are doing. Remember He is All knowing, All Feeling and All Seeing. He is watching you, listening to your thoughts and feeling your pain of separation too. He is a Merciful God. He forgives. When you feel all scientific and logical it does not mean He has left you and you have gone far away from Him. He is there with you, within you and all around you. He knows how you feel. Because He is there with you and within you ask Him for His Guidance. Surrender your logical and scientific thoughts to Him and tell Him you only wish to remember Him so, why is He bombarding you with these thoughts? Why this separation? You don't need to go anywhere at all to be with Him. For, where ever you go, He will follow you! That feeling of hopelessness signifies you need to acknowledge his Mighty Presence right where you are and carry on with your life. God is right there with you when you feel you need to know from poetry to politics and when you feel carefree or careless! Every time you feel this way, don't ever make a mistake of thinking He has left you and not right there with you. In fact, He is enjoying all your activities with you just acknowledge His Mighty Presence. Yes, I have been through this too. I sought Guru's Guidance to stablize my wandering mind, it was difficult but the Guru told me there is light at the end of the tunnel, through Gurbani. Don't lose heart, carry on with your tremendous love for Him and don't ever forget to acknowledge His Presence everywhere, where ever you are, sweetly and lovingly with heartfelt gratitude. You will be fine. He never leaves us, we think we have left Him, but it is impossible. So, good luck. Keep a diary if this helps.
  6. Singhnihk ji, you have provided so many interesting links that it will take a long time to read them all. You have explained ahinsa perfectly. I have to admire your sense of commitment to this topic of discussion. Well done! I wish people will take time to explain things properly rather than burn with irkkha or remain quiet! I have to admit that patience is a virtue and you have demonstrated it in your posts.
  7. Interesting conversation between mother and son. Do you have one between mother/father and daughter? Only joking!
  8. Sri Aurobindo Ghose, he belonged to a secret anti-colonial movement called precisely Yugantar, meaning “New Age” or “Transition of an Epoch.”25 There was a strategic purpose behind the announcement in 1894 that the Kali Yuga was over and the Dwapara Yuga, a better age, already in progress; also behind the emphasis on 1899, only five years away, as the year that the new epoch would come into its own. In the early years of the twentieth century, the movement’s propaganda announced that the “sinful Iron Age was over” and urged insurrection. This is not an attack on Sri Yukteswar and those who respect him and his disciple Yogananda, but simply a reminder that even sages have their agendas. Guénon said as much about the authors of the Puranas! http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/when-does-the-kali-yuga-end This makes some sense.
  9. Ludhiana man’s quest to popularise Maharaja Ranjit Singh in France HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times, Ludhiana | Updated: Aug 25, 2016 13:00 IST French ambassador Alexander Ziegler and businessman Harjinder Singh Kukreja with the bust of Maharaja Ranjit Singh in Ludhiana on Wednesday. (HT Photo) The French government and the family of the French General Jean François Allard, who served in the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, will install a statue of the Maharaja in St Tropez, France on September 17 and Ludhiana businessman, Harjinder Singh Kukreja during his last visit to Paris had initiated efforts to make the people of France aware of the great Sikh emperor. The statue will be of 2 feet and 8.68 inches tall with 110 kg bronze. The statue was presented to French ambassador Alexander Ziegler at Punjab Bhawan in Chandigarh by Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal on July 12. In his last visit to Paris, Kukreja, who is a social activist too, cycled across Paris, starting his bike trip from Hotel de la Tremouille, where the last Sikh Maharaja, Duleep Singh died in October 22, 1893. Kukreja cycled across the French capital to top attractions such as Napoleon’s tomb and Les Invalides, the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower. He stopped at the spots along with his French speaking translator and spoke to groups of people about the installation of the statue of Maharaja Ranjit Singh at St Tropez, France. Kukreja cycled to the UNESCO World Heritage-listed banks of the Seine River and stopped for a break among the trees in the pretty Tuileries Gardens. He distributed pamphlets to visitors at the Arc de Triomphe, the Orsay Museum and more, and shared information about the historical Franco-Punjab relations. “The French capital is widely considered among the prettiest cities in Europe and a bike tour of Paris is a wonderful way to engage with Parisians,” says Kukreja. “The Sikhs and France have an excellent historical past and I wished to celebrate that by creating awareness about it,” he added. Most don’t know that Maharaja Ranjit Singh had a French elite army called FaujE-Khas that was trained by the famous French General, JeanFrancois Allard. “Kukreja’s cycling activity has contributed to the awareness of turban and Sikhism in France, and also reminds the French of the great memories between Sikhs and France,” says Ranjit G Singh of Sikhs de France, an organisation which represents French Sikhs. Thierry Morel, a French diplomat in India, appreciated Kukreja’s efforts on behalf of the French Embassy in India for highlighting Franco-Punjab relations. http://m.hindustantimes.com/punjab/ludhiana-man-s-quest-to-popularise-maharaja-ranjit-singh-in-france/story-fK0E2vmGtVdNw271ckkuHI.html
  10. 803 (ANG) iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] (803-18) bilaaval mehlaa 5. Bilaaval, Fifth Mehl: BUly mwrgu ijnih bqwieAw ] (803-18) bhoolay maarag jineh bataa-i-aa. He places the one who strays back on the Path; AYsw guru vfBwgI pwieAw ]1] (803-19) aisaa gur vadbhaagee paa-i-aa. ||1|| such a Guru is found by great good fortune. ||1|| ismir mnw rwm nwmu icqwry ] (803-19) simar manaa raam naam chitaaray. Meditate, contemplate the Name of the Lord, O mind. bis rhy ihrdY gur crn ipAwry ]1] rhwau ] (803-19) bas rahay hirdai gur charan pi-aaray. ||1|| rahaa-o. The Beloved Feet of the Guru abide within my heart. ||1||Pause|| 804 (ANG) kwim k®oiD loiB moih mnu lInw ] (804-1) kaam kroDh lobh mohi man leenaa. The mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment. bMDn kwit mukiq guir kInw ]2] (804-1) banDhan kaat mukat gur keenaa. ||2|| Breaking my bonds, the Guru has liberated me. ||2|| duK suK krq jnim Puin mUAw ] (804-2) dukh sukh karat janam fun moo-aa. Experiencing pain and pleasure, one is born, only to die again. crn kml guir AwsRmu dIAw ]3] (804-2) charan kamal gur aasram dee-aa. ||3|| The Lotus Feet of the Guru bring peace and shelter. ||3|| Agin swgr bUfq sMswrw ] (804-2) agan saagar boodat sansaaraa. The world is drowning in the ocean of fire. nwnk bwh pkir siqguir insqwrw ]4]3]8] (804-3) naanak baah pakar satgur nistaaraa. ||4||3||8|| O Nanak, holding me by the arm, the True Guru has saved me. ||4||3||8|| Guru Ji Says: "Aisaa Gur Vadbhaagee paa-i-aa."
  11. https://www.rt.com/news/353339-gunman-shooting-clinic-berlin/
  12. Akalifauj, on 25 Jun 2016 - 12:37 AM, said: "I must not understand the the meaning of the word mistake. Does it mean when a person or organization does a wrong, but refuses to change their ways after countless request from countless people from the sikh sangat around the world? I have tried approaching sikhnet elites like Guruka singh and gurmustak singh in the past and they actually ignored me. Only when I got very loud and abrupt did they make a noise, but never did they change their ways from anti-gurmat practices. Instead they found dubious ways to reconfirm how they are actually practicing Sikhi by practicing manmat acts. Jugraj Singh is a political figure who favors Sikhnet and 3HO and will never tell them to stop their manmat practices. Yet Jugraj Singh never hesitates to attack Sikhs with punjabi backgrounds. Jugraj Singh says in this video not to criticize, then why did he make a whole video on Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar being criticized by him? Basically, what I learned from watching this whole video is that Sikhnet plust Basics of Sikhi can criticize anyone and get away with it, but the sikh sangat can't and if they do, Sikhnet members and Basics of Sikhi will shame the sikh sangat. Give these fellows a big applause, They deserve siropa for biba putt characteristics. They pick on Gursant Singh, why don't Gurmustak, Jugraj and rest of the lot have an open discussion with Gursant Singh? It's easy to pick on him when he is not there to defend himself. Long before I even heard of Gursant Singh, I caught wind of Sikhnet and 3HO practices on my own and was trying to address their wrong doing. Guruka Singh completely ignored my messages People from india who don't know me or Gursant Singh are aware and speaking out against their wrong doing. But we independent individuals are wrong for asking them to change their ways. Which backwards world does Jugraj and his buddy next to him live in? The characteristics of a Singh is to speak up against wrongs in Sikhi when given the opportunity. Perfect opportunity for Jugraj Singh to address why Sikhnet and 3HO are allowing women to be in the Punj Pyare and/or support this behaviour, why they practice astrology (endorse it), mudras, dancing to Gurbani, idol worship, etc. Instead Jugraj Singh puts the blame on those who are asking Sikhnet to change their ways to Gurmat. Sikhnet is not making mistakes. They are supporting their mistakes as rights. The punjabi Sikh community is straight out calling Jathedars and telling them you are in bed with the government and ruining Sikhi. Any punjabi Sikh who supports the corrupt Jathedars is also being called out by punjabi Sikhs. Tell Jugraj Singh to ask, where are Sikhnet members or 3HO members who are criticizing their own for not following Gurmat? If you want to talk like a man, then walk as one. Any time Guruka Singh or Gurmustak Singh want to have an open discussion on this site, I am ready. Gurbani will be the root dicussion and if it is decided mudras, idol worship, astrology, dancing on Gurbani is not allowed, Sikhnet will openly teach these practices are against Gurmat on their site, partner sites, videos, social media and every other network medium they have available. Punjabi Sikhs are already teaching against alcohol, drugs, womanizing, partying, cutting hair and rest of the blame the 3HO and Sikhnet puts on us to justify their actions. Any time Sikhnet elite members are ready for an open discussion, I am ready. They can gather all the material they need. Let's see if Sikhnet accepts this open discussion. They took a full hour in a video to say we want open discussions. So let's see if they actually meant what they said or is it all for show." ..
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