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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. Gotta virtue signal our bhai-chaara with Pakistanis and Banglas incase someone forgets we aren't their umbrella holders. FFS. Begs the question: if Sikhs, Paks, and Bangos aren't in the cultural programme for BIRMINGHAM (?), then who the frig is included? Can't be just African-Americans, can it?
  2. Maybe. It does sometimes seem the West begrudges China and India their own "Industrial Revolutions".
  3. Are you on crack? These are the kind of practices that give pro-Colonialists ammunition for their "civilising" activities in the East. Morals? Ethics? Are you an animal?
  4. An understanding of nature and the natural world in general (including wildlife) is good. As I get older I find my tolerance for artificiality (including superfluous tech) is waning. I'm always craving good weather, fresh air, and the outdoors, but not in a suburban "sitting on the patio on plastic furniture" way, lol. The vast majority of Sikhs are domesticated to an absurd degree, which I think also has an adverse affect on spirituality.
  5. @californiasardar1 What's your real reason for not wanting to become an amritdhari if you feel so very strongly about kesh especially when our religion places an emphasis on kesh upon baptism? I don't buy that "polluting genes" faux-humble nonsense; that's from the playbook of pakhandi saadhs. That may work on women, but guys don't buy it. Why does your passionate kesh-adherence remain strictly within the sphere of secularism? I'm not for one moment compelling you to take amrit. I'm just curious why someone with your mindset hasn't travelled that road upon realising a few of the valid issues you've identified. It seems like the natural next step. If you don't think you're going to get any female interest -- and if that was the overriding reason for not getting baptised -- then surely the door is open to embrace the Sikh identity in all its glory?
  6. When a 20ft python - whose reason for existing is to devour other living creatures - is languishing in a dark corner of your home, are you going to let it be just because it hasn't quite got the strength that day to crawl out of the darkness and attack you and your loved ones? Would you wait until it's nourished itself?
  7. A bit too early to be on the sauce, bro. At least wait for the late afternoon.
  8. The philosophy on which he bases his charity work is inconsistent at best. It panders to a particular minority that doesn't require "Khalsa aid" because the Ummah is more than capable of providing for its own, which leads me to suspect the whole thing is either an ill-conceived vanity project or - allegedly - a high-level money laundering / trafficking operation considering Singh's ties to the British military. Does he Tweet? Is he particularly Left-leaning or apolitical?
  9. More than fair points. Good arguments. I'd add a few caveats but it's late. Maybe tomorrow.
  10. Okay: when it's Sikh women doing the rejecting, why is there hatred for Sikh males who cut their hair?
  11. I respect your intellect. I don't have to agree with you on everything to acknowledge that you're a smart guy. But why do you identify Sikh males as the "problem" when it's Sikh females who've caused you grief? Doesn't that seem a little off to you?
  12. You're being facetious. "Embarrass amritdharis." What are you talking about? Women talk like that. If marriage is off the cards and you hate moneh, then why not throw yourself into Sikhi wholeheartedly? Do you find the commitment overwhelming? Is there something in the doctrine that doesn't sit right with your secular beliefs?
  13. Which criteria do you personally use (however crudely) to judge one path's comparative validity and integrity over another?
  14. Do you believe all religious paths are just different routes leading to the same ultimate destination?
  15. Former French Intel Chief: "All Multicultural Societies Are Doomed" Former French intelligence chief Pierre Brochand warns that unless Europe and France radically change their policies on mass immigration, civil war could break out, asserting, “all multicultural societies are doomed.” Brochand, who served as director of the French DGSE from 2002 to 2008, made the comments during an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro. The negative impact of mass immigration on France can no longer be dismissed because it is “increasingly difficult to prevent the French from seeing what they see,” and also because “a breakthrough personality has suddenly appeared in the formulaic world of politics that has encouraged them to open their eyes,” said Brochand. The ex-intel chief predicts that if Emmanuel Macron wins the presidential election and fails to massively alter his approach to immigration, civil war could ensue. “This gradual upheaval of the French population, if not the only challenge we face, is the only one that directly threatens civil peace on our territory,” said Brochand, warning that Muslim migrants and others from outside of Europe have developed a “spirit of post-colonial revenge.” (Sounds familiar... ??) He also warned that the migrant population’s significantly higher birth rate and the fact that younger generations born of immigrants are “even less integrated with French society than their parents,” threatens the fabric of French society. Brochand says the only solution is that proposed by French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, namely “remigration,” incentivizing or otherwise mandating that millions of migrants return to their home countries. Asked if it was too late, Brochand responded, “In any case, it is very late. Let us face it: We are no longer dealing with dispersed individuals, that is to say, so many ‘special cases,’ each in search of a better future, but with diasporas.” “A diaspora is an entity, formed by immigrants and their descendants — including, crucially, French nationals — who are grouped together and whose numbers reach a critical mass sufficient for social pressure to encourage the perpetuation of the beliefs and ways of life of the countries of origin, with which relations remain tense,” explained Brochand. “This way, more or less closed foreign enclaves are spontaneously formed that turn their backs on the host country and its customs.” Brochand’s conclusion is bother sobering and somber. “All my accumulated experiences make me foresee a dark, and even very dark, future for our children and grandchildren. At best, they are heading toward an unsuspected collapse of their quality of life (an implosion); at worst, we are leading them to terrible confrontations (an explosion). Most likely, there will be a combination of the two amid growing confusion.” “Since last week, the cities of Sevran and Aulnay-sous-Bois in the suburbs of Paris have been the scenes of true urban guerrilla warfare, and similar scenes have been seen in Villeurbanne and Vénissieux, in the suburbs of Lyon. Each time, it is incidents between police officers trying to enforce the law and violent multi-recidivist criminals that were the initial cause of riots, shootings, and multiple fires, with ambushes set up against the police squads called in as reinforcements.” A recent poll released last year by Harris revealed that the majority of French people are concerned about “European, white and Christian populations being threatened with extinction” as a result of “Muslim immigration.” Despite this, Emmanuel Macron is expected to be successful in securing a second presidential term later this month.
  16. You need some testosterone and toxic masculinity in your life, bro. Project some Big D...astaar energy. You'll be beating them away with a chappal in no time. ?
  17. Don't ask these questions, lol. It's too much to explain the way you want it to be digestible. It's a spiderweb of intrigue going back thousands of years in the past and stretching centuries into the future with more than a hint of the occult, politics, economics, and sociology. It's not as simple as a James Bond plot. Comfort yourself in the knowledge that you'll most likely be dead before the worst arrives.
  18. A fallacious argument constantly churned out by die hard liberals. "Sikhs are a minority in Western countries just as Muslims are, therefore we should stand by them, because when "they" come for Muslims, they'll also come for us." Recent developments in Punjab suggest Sikh humdardi with Muslims is worth less than yesterday's tatti.
  19. That's Islamophobic and anti-Semitic. Don't ask.
  20. I'm very surprised his name has leaked out as well as him having his own Wiki page, lmao. I guess they're loosely referred to as Advisors.
  21. Not seeing how being beyond enmity and opposition correlates with being a demi-God's charioteer? Is the implication why didn't he lift weapons and fight?
  22. The military rule the country without a doubt They select Prime Ministers to convey the pretence of democracy to save face. As long as the handpicked stooge goes along with everything the military says, he's safe. When he or she begin to go off script, they either get sacked or killed. The question is who ultimately has the military's ear.
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