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Everything posted by ipledgeblue

  1. The fact is the benti chaupai is still not completed properly even before getting to Arril. It's only a few lines including Kripa karee.. ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰੀ ਹਮ ਪਰ ਜਗਮਾਤਾ . Seems some kind of mischief which some colonial era sikhs believed in and added into SGPC rehit maryada! I am pretty sure some groups and jathebandis were allergic to shabad such as Jagmata in colonial times. This is why Benti Chaupai is abruptly ended, without finishing a few more lines. I don't see any respect in this, it is some weird kind of paranoid beadbi.
  2. read the history of what it was like British Raaj in muslim majority areas in Punjab. There's history involving Kartar Singh Jhabbar. Also I wonder what would have happened during partition? I think there would have been the same battles no matter which side we stayed on. Look at Action day and the terrorism committed by Muslim League in Punjab before partition days.
  3. shouldn't an amrit dhari join a Dal anyway for their training in how to be amrit dhari (which is missing from many amrit dharis now) I don't think a Sant dera has the correct training for amrit dhri as opposed to a dal or Shauni which does.
  4. so we need to tackle if head-on. At the moment, most of the sikh community doesn't seem comfortable with calling hates as haters, instead we are just watching things slowly. When it's people from outside the community, whether it be white racists, or islamic groomers, we seem to stand up aggressively. But when it's our own community, we seem to just try and let things slide as the hatred seems to be transmitted to further generations. I would say the anti-Singh feeling has at least reached grandchildren generation now. But since even the lost sehajdhari sangat still seems to be using Gurdwara at least for ceremonies, we can still bring them back even by this small thread. As they are still connected to Guru in a minimal way, we can still bring them back to respect the community. Also some organisations like university sikh societites, Basics of Sikhi, Nanak Naam and others seem to bringing some sikhs back and sometimes these sikhs even take khanda dee pahul. I been seeing amrit-dharis doing this dating mentality as well. 2nd best or whatever is for dating mentaility peoples, trying to do grihast with ex partners, not good
  5. you want a sikhni that wants to follow grihast jeevan, someone who wants to be grihasti. Some"virgins" have ex-partners and are stuck in vikari dating mindset, trust me you don't want that in your grihast jeevan!
  6. 3. There is Katha I listened to from I think Suraj Prakash. In the katha Baba Santa Singh said that keshi ishnaan should be done every 4 days. There is also something called panj ishnaan. 4. For an amrit dhari who is has taken khanday dee pahul, it is also very important to maintain and shastar and do shastar abiyaas, which is also bhagti. Bana is also important with bani. 5. I don't think there is much sucham with street sellers in India. However I see amrit dharis in India eating food at functions where the flies are sitting on them, so what do I know? Some amrit dharis follow Sarbloh bibek, such as the more strict Singhs in Budha Dal,, where food is eaten in Sarbloh utensils and all water is drunk from a well. This is more easier to do in India than in the west.
  7. pauVI ] (473-11) pa-orhee. Pauree: sBu ko AwKY Awpxw ijsu nwhI so cuix kFIAY ] (473-11) sabh ko aakhai aapnaa jis naahee so chun kadhee-ai. All call You their own, Lord; one who does not own You, is picked up and thrown away. kIqw Awpo Awpxw Awpy hI lyKw sMFIAY ] (473-12) keetaa aapo aapnaa aapay hee laykhaa sandhee-ai. Everyone receives the rewards of his own actions; his account is adjusted accordingly. jw rhxw nwhI AYqu jig qw kwiequ gwrib hMFIAY ] (473-12) jaa rahnaa naahee ait jag taa kaa-it gaarab handhee-ai. Since one is not destined to remain in this world anyway, why should he ruin himself in pride? mMdw iksY n AwKIAY piV AKru eyho buJIAY ] (473-13) mandaa kisai na aakhee-ai parh akhar ayho bujhee-ai. Do not call anyone bad; read these words, and understand. mUrKY nwil n luJIAY ]19] (473-13) moorkhai naal na lujhee-ai. ||19|| Don't argue with fools. ||19||
  8. In reply to the original poster, my tribe or caste has girls that are beautiful as well as ugly LOL However if the beautiful ones dress disrespectfully then no amount of beauty can forgive them. I see the same in other castes, nice looking girls and ugly ones....
  9. so how do we deal with this discrimination problem? It's different dealing with racism from goray and skinheads, and they dealt with it doing rallies in the 60s and 70s. But when the racism comes internally from the community then what? And also if the discrimination is actually allowed in gurdwara lists isn't there a problem with the community mindset?
  10. if someone looks at sikhi as a religion called sikhism, they already have a different mindset to me lol !
  11. Random post from me, but I really recommend sangat learns bow or crossbow, it will also be good for rehit!
  12. I meet people in my dreams that I seem to know really well, but when I wake up I do not seem to recognise them at all.
  13. lol Bhai Khaniye. There is actually a Sewapanthi sampradaiye started from Bhai Khania in sikh panth as well. They don't get much exposure in mainstream sikhs these days.
  14. we do need to know how to somewhat judge ourselves. With bad judgement our community will keep making bad decisions.
  15. maybe we need to start planting stuff in gardens and allotments, need to rely less on supermarkets.
  16. don't marry anyone who has had ex partners, regardless of virgin or not. Just don't wait too long to get married, otherwise you will not get anyone suitable for grihast life.
  17. she doesn't have a child, so she is being romantic and worrying about you, wants you to be a well-fed, strong male. She needs a child, then she will feed the child instead of you!! ?
  18. In Slough? That gurdwara is run by PKMC Prabh Milan Ka Chao. But I guess most of the sangat is Afghan, and therefore they have influence there?
  19. no tanti saaj used at all. no gurmat sangeet. in fact if they probably invited some hindus or someone from the university hindu societies, they would have done a better job reading bani in bhajan form than these jathebandi pakhandis did, it was Nishaan Guru Nanak gurpurb commemoration after all, and a lot of Hindu Punjabis celebrate this gurpurb as well... End of 2018 and the London sikh societies are still doing this beadbi, what are we supposed to do? I think BOSS and Nishaan should get urgent assistance from RAJ Academy and Baru Sahib before arranging any keertan darbar again. After all these are supposed to be students studying degrees, and instead they are encouraging such major ignorance for major student keertan programme events? What a great disappointment!
  20. if we can kiss in public, then why are some sikhs considering charitropakhyan as not bani. these same sikhs watch gandh in eastenders and soap operas as well
  21. I went to a Nishaan keertan darbar at Brunel University a few weeks ago commemorating Guru Nanak's Gurpurb First I was excited that there were keertanis from different universities coming. However, most of the event was this midnight jathebandi rehnsbai stuff, just horrible, I just do not consider it keertan The keertani destroyed Rehraas and the Guru's hukam of each raag. Then the next day I went onto Connect2Sikhi Soundcloud and saw that most of the recent London uni darbars were all this pakhand stuff as well. I spoke to some sikhs and they had no idea this kind of keertan isn't normal, nevermind not being close to Guru hukam of raag. Look, it's nearly 2020, what is this nonsense in London sikh societies? It's like these jathebandis are still controlling them. and this event wasn't even BOSS, it was Nishaan! I remember how BOSS used to be controlled by certain jathebandis,! EDIT: worst thing is, this was meant to commemorate guru Nanak gurpurb, and this keertan was far from respectable from the keertan maryada set by Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana playing Rabab
  22. Aren't we supposed to control kaam, isn't that out of control?
  23. of course it matters between hindu matt and hinduism. Again when Guru ji talks about hindus, he could be saying it in a cultural way as well. As in hindus practiced stone worship as cultural and folk traditions way etc Such as many punjabi sikhs practice punjabi traditions, it doesn't make it a matt, more of a culture. We must must must get out of this gora mentality before looking at terms such as hindu and hinduism. The Gurus bani is in dharmik framework, not gora or middle eastern abrahamic framework!
  24. The term hinduism implies a colonial era religion. There is only dharma. Hinduism as a religion was non existent before goras arrived. First look at sikhs and hindus in a dharmik context before using unreliable terms and definitions such as hinduism. It's even correct to call sikhi as sikhism. There are many hindu panths. In Gurus' times, hindu referred to geographical populations of Bharat and people following bharat culture. However goras changed meaning of hindu to refer to a religion. This is what makes it difficult to answer this question.... Although many modern sikhs have become allergic to the term hindu themselves. I do not deny sikhi being part of dharma and following both nirguna and sarguna saroop. However, to conclude, the term hinduism lacks logic and should never be used to refer to dharma or sanatan dharma.
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