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Everything posted by Redoptics

  1. I wonder what the reaction would be if a Singh killed the person with his Kirpan. Not sticking up for anyone but it would be an interesting discussion.
  2. Because if i was her, i would say if you all wear burkhas, so will I lol
  3. So some cover the head and some full body? But its up to them?
  4. Were you reading bani at the age of 16 and younger? Where did you get the notion of its not good to have s€x before marriage? Was it inherit thinking on your part? Did you read it somewhere? Did someone explain this to you?
  5. I would also recommend Nanak Naam on YouTube.
  6. Btw, my point being its ok to talk ish about white people , but in a separate thread it is not ok to have s€x before marriage even if its before you get into Sikhi.
  7. Ohh I see , so we can be hypocritical when it suits us then? Minus the senior members
  8. Just thinking, are we not to judge people or talk ish about them? So this whole thread and my replies included are against Gurbani? Or am am I just talking ish ?
  9. Do not worry, you know the problem and you are trying to find the solution, you are half way there. We are the disease, vaheguru is the cure.
  10. Well take the lesson, the brother is giving, I am sure you will get through it.
  11. Look its simple some Sikhs do not know the Amritdhari life style, some of us Sikhs grow up westernized and are not introduced to Gurbani, until much later on in life. So we have done and experienced things that make you type of people look down on us. Our spiritual journey is different and we are not all lucky to come from your background. That does not make us ho€s etc. So please stop with this superiority complex.
  12. That is some straight up knowledge bomb there bro.
  13. Same with wrestling industry sheer amount of deaths are next level. Then you get Chyna who goes from wrestling into porn and she committed suicide.
  14. Hard for parents these days, how can they ban TV? Entertainment is littered with sexual content, even in music videos.
  15. No not all words are Gods words, who told you this ?
  16. He doesn't have a clue, because in his mind Eminem talking about killing Kim is about God, just let him be, hopefully, he will understand one day.
  17. Is Mahan suffice or sufficient? Mr Singh? You definitely do not act like a Singh in my point of view. So boss will do, it will stroke your ego too.
  18. Lmao and dont forget to wear short skirts, and a g-string , so the guy's can have a perv lol
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