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Everything posted by proudkaur21

  1. Hope he is for real lol not an agent. I mean cant trust no one in this world.
  2. our lot are desperate for any validation. It again comes down to us not having a country and being able to prove our potential.
  3. We can never kick them out of punjab with congress in power for sure.
  4. Im just syaing that no group is more traditional than others anymore. Most people have lost sharam except maybe muslims(compared to other groups they have more sharam imo).
  5. They have many schools in russia where they teach women how to get married to rich men from other countries lol.
  6. Lol this is true. They are notorious for being on those gold digger shows.
  7. So these sikh sc will convert to any religion that gives them benefits then whats the point of having these people in our religion?
  8. In Canada both the men and women are equally immoral. In the end all these people as they get old will realize the truth but most likely it would be too late by then.
  9. By the same logic pocs should be beating goras left and right for all the <banned word filter activated> they have done around the world. They have committed so many crimes on a large scale against people of color but act like they are defenders of morals. What a joke. Thats why every sikh needs to learn martial arts and show these people their place. When all we do is act like victims on social media they think we are weak. Throw a few punches back and show them their place.
  10. But we get emotional and attached to punjab because it is our homeland and being exploited and also the fact that it should be sikhi's epicenter just like mecca . So i dont think its bad to be attached to punjab as a sikh? Just like you see christians obsessed with Jerusalem because it is the birthplace of their religion. If punjab wasnt in this state i dont think we would talk about it constantly to this extent.
  11. 100%. We run to goras country and wave khalistan flags. No wonder people laugh at us. Then we talk about loving punjab all the while running away from it. All of us are just talk no action. The real ones are those fighting back home not us. The ones going to jail.
  12. grew up in the city and dont even expect anything from the city sikhs. Only ones that have some anakh are a few rural ones.
  13. I hate those posts by these so called sikh pages showing sikhs fighting in world wars. I dont think anyone with anakh would celebrate their own slavery. Fighting a war that wasn't even your own and then getting nothing out of it?And celebrating it as if it was some sort of achievement.
  14. lol fr cant save their own but will go to war and save others what a joke!
  15. lol liberal one luv one humanity ones will drag us into it.
  16. wow truly deplorable thinking. I mean i dont like the teachings of islam doesn't mean I'm gonna spit on their food. wth!
  17. I cringe everytime I see them on Twitter with proud indian in their bio like uhh when did we go from being sovereign and never accepting gulami to being their pet dog.
  18. I mean they are gonna come for us after the muslims anyways like have u seen the stuff they say on Twitter?
  19. Agreed and then they will blame them wearing turban for women not being attracted to them. No one is going to be attracted to physically unfit people lets be real.
  20. agreed although by that time i was already highly religious and read enough about islam lol.
  21. I preferred staying with muslim girls in uni because they had morals and boundaries unlike your typical punjabi alcoholic girls.
  22. Yeah i agree with you. They usually marry high status people from other groups when they know they wont be able to find high status whites to marry them. You can see it from all famous poc people and who they are married to. I mean cant even blame them. Pocs be getting treated worse than their dogs and still lick their feet. But offcourse not all think like that but i do think majority of whites know about these pocs worshipping the ground they walk on lmaoo and take advantage of that.I mean if you ever see online discussion by white men they will say if they dont get any women in their countries they will just go to asia or latin america and get treated like kings lol. I used to know these two latin american chicks in high school and lets say everything you said is right. They are obsessed with race and status and offcourse white men.
  23. And there can be people here who dislike certain groups of whites but we are not going to attack anyone just because we may dislike or disagree about something that pertains to them but how many of apne get attacked and killed by goras?
  24. people were living fine in their own nations until a certain group of people felt compelled to go around and get rich through other people's resources . Punjabis didnt go around stealing up biharis resources and the migration that happens in punjab is way different. Most of these western countries literally get so many good talents from around the world that keep developing their countries while our places gonna remain stagnant. Its not even comparable. And im not talking about illegal migrants because i believe no country should take illegal migrants.
  25. Being racist and then physically harming someone because of that racism is completely different. Some people might have bad views about others but they dont go out of their way to kill them unlike some groups.
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