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Everything posted by proactive

  1. Personally I won't be buying this book. Knowing what dodgy views both authors hold I don't want to be putting money in their pockets so that they can continue parchar of their views.
  2. proactive


    Huggy Bear I don't think MI5 has time to be following the gang that seems to be giving you nightmares because they have their hands full monitoring 4000 Islamaniacs and it seem another one is on the way back from Gitmo this week! Btw are you related to Sohi because your posts seem to be reek of sour grapes. TruSoul The idolising of terror attacks by Muslims began well before 9/11. I remember attending a Sher-e-Punjab event in 1996 in Southall and the speaker talked about how in future the British government would be appeasing Muslims as they did not have the capacity to deal with a situation like in the middle east. If enough Muslims started to take part in terror attacks in the UK, the government would give into their demands. This is already happening with the govt banning Geert Wilders and yet having allowed Hamas terrorists in a few weeks before. The only thing that will shock the government out of its appeasement strategy is if either the Tories act like an opposition party should and start to ask questions about the govts policy. The only other reason for the govt to change its strategy is if a right wing party like BNP starts to get a large share of the vote. It looks like the BNP is on course to win a European Seat in June. DalSingh101 I think whitey's land grab is over whereas the Islamic land grab never went away. If the west is imperialist, then it is an economic imperialism and not the old fashioned control and repression that Islam still aspires to.
  3. proactive


    Another masterful analysis from Singhavelli! It might actually help if he knew the facts on the ground! Wrong again, Sikhs don't hate Jews and vice versa. Neither do Whites or Christians hate Jews or Sikhs or Hindus or Blacks. I suggest you don't simply rely on buwas such as Socialist Workers and so-called Progressive websites! The only combination is Muslims hate everyone else, simple as. Right wing parties are only doing well because the mainstream parties are refusing to even acknowledge that a Muslim problem exists let alone try and resolve it. Kalyug Singh is quite right. Muslims across Europe are engaged in the same acts as Muslims in the UK. Whether they do more or less than the UK Muslims depends on what percentage they have of the population. In Holland and France they pretty much run no go areas and Muslim only ghettos. The same in the case in some areas of Sweden and Norway. Denmark because they have decided to take the Muslim problem head on do not face the same problems. In fact I read that due to the harder immigration policy in Denmark many Muslims are moving to Sweden. In countries where they only have a small population such as Ireland they are keeping a low profile until they have sufficient numbers to cause some mayhem and start demanding 'rights' such as Sharia law etc.
  4. proactive


    The government deserves all it gets. Firstly it allowed all those rag tag Muslim groups from all over the world to set up shop here and even when other European countries warned them that it was dangerous they used the so-called British tradition of tolerance as an excuse. When 9/11 and especially 7/7 happened when Muslims expected to be challenged about all the extremists that had taken root in their communities the government sent out pygmies like Ruth Kelly running up to Muslim areas like Bradford, Leeds and Blackburn to 'listen' to the grievances of the Muslims!! It then started an appeasement policy by giving millions to organisations working to 'de-radicalise' Muslims or prevent 'radicalisation'. These organisations like the ones featured in the Panorama programme must be laughing their heads off. How doesn't want free money after all! These kinds of things don't work as can be seen from the fact that since 7/7 over 4000 Muslims are under active monitoring by the security services. The government is also paying for roadshows and exhibitions run by Muslims which are nothing short of promotion of Islam. There is now a ridiculous TV campaign paid for by the taxpayer which will show ads on Pakistan TV using Muslim role models from the UK basically saying that the UK isn't anti-Islam and please don't attack us! Only last week the government refused entry to a member of the European Parliament who was to show his film called Fitna about the link between the Quran and terrorism in the house of Lords! This was due to the fact that a Muslim member of the house of Lords had threatened to bring 10,000 angry Muslims to prevent a screening of the film! So what lesson does this idiotic policy of the government give to the Muslims? That they should stop bombing Britain or that if they keep their threats going the government will capitulate before them? Who said terrorism doesn't work?
  5. Are Buddhists being mistaken for Arabs and being shot?
  6. Have you heard the full speech? Obama when he failed to mention Sikhs was not quoting Thomas Jefferson. Its funny how many Sikhs are prepared to overlook the fact that Obama failed to mention Sikhs and look for excuses which aren't relevant. The failure to mention Sikhs is all the more surprising because that when Obama needed Sikh votes his campaign was so fast in replying to the Sikh questionnaire but like a typical politician he forgets as soon as he ascends to power! The reason why Sikhs should be worried are-; 1. More that Muslims, Sikhs have been at the receiving end of hate crimes after 9/11. If Obama had done his homework he would have known that. 2. With the number of people who were watching his speech, it was an ideal opportunity for Obama to given his focus on minorities to have named not just Sikhs but also Buddhists, Zoroasterians and even Bahais. Hey who cares about the Sikh victims of hate crime, after all there's a black president and everythings gonna be alright!
  7. There's no problem with having a different Sikh student organisations but my only concern would be what is the background of the people involved with the BSSF? I hope this isn't another attempt in the academic sphere to compete with BOSS in a manner similar to the way that the so-called Sikhstiudent camp competed with BOSS Sikhi camp. If the people behind this organisation are just trying to create a strong Sikh student organisation then all power to them because as some people said lately BOSS is just an organisation on paper.
  8. Latest news seems to be that it was biological experiment gone wrong in that the terrorists were trying to weaponise the plague and they managed to infect some of the terrorists. There's no doubt that Al Qaeda is trying to get weapons of mass destruction in order to attack the west. There are rumours going around that the CIA or Mossad might have had something to do with this.
  9. Nice propaganda piece. What do you think happens in a war? it's not like in the movies. It interesting how the doctors seem more concerned with the propaganda value of the dead body and ranting about Israel. Aren't we being told that it's a humanitarian crisis in Gaza surely the doctors have wounded to attend to?
  10. It's not highjacking a thread to put an alternative view especially when Sikhs are being asked to attend rallies in support of the Palestinians. For you this might not be political but these rallies are political rallies in that-; 1. Hamas and Hezbollah flags are clearly being flown during these rallies. In the main London rally one Palestinian activist well known for having said that he wished to become a suicide bomber to loud applause shouted 'We are all Hamas!' a number of times. In many places these rallies have resulted in violence or calls for violence against police and Jews. It's not simply a case of whether some Sikhs may attend or not, it is about the perception that non-Sikhs mainly goray will get about Sikhs if they see Sikhs attending these rallies. Due to our physical appearance a Sikh more than others carries a level of responsibility for any actions that he might take which unlike a non-Sikh doing them has greater repercussions. A gora can attend these kind of rallies and even praise Hamas and carry any kind of placard with the most stupidest comment and yet no one will assume that all goray are like him. Put a Sikh in the same place and people will assume that all Sikhs must think the same way. You and your ilk don't help no doubt you will carry banners "Sikhs for Gaza" etc thereby giving the same impression. 2. If these rallies are solely for stopping the violence in Gaza then why is not the whole story being told. If banners call for Israel to stop the attack then surely banners should also call on Hamas to stop the rocket attacks on Israel. But there is nothing about hamas' violence just the Israeli violence. For someone who claims to be an activist and from your previous posts you have attended a number of rallies you are very NAIVE. Asking Sikhs to take sides in a conflict by attending these rallies especially where that side is the one which has been acknowledged as a terrorist organisation is not only stupid but dangerous.
  11. Valli, If stabbing the Panth in the back during its darkest period of persecution is classed as 'seva' then you are right, Santa Singh has to be the biggest sewak of the Panth in the modern period! Although he might at times have to take joint honours with Badal and Longowal. Sorry to labour the point and no doubt people such as you who I suppose were in nappies in 1984 think that we should forget about what happened just 25 years ago. When the history of the Panth is written dispassionately and by people without an axe to grind and without the agendas, I am sure that Santa Singh will be rightly classed with Lal Singh and Tej Singh. It never fails to amaze me how much rewriting of history has taken place in the last few years. No doubt in another decade Badal will become Sher-e-Punjab and Longowal will be referred to in the same breath as Shaheeds like Bhai Mani Singh and Bhai Taru Singh! No wonder the Panth is in such a bad way, if gadars can be transformed into the biggest sewaks of the Panth overnight just because one internet warrior says so!
  12. As for congress party meddling, if that is the case then isn't Balbir Singh just following Santa's example? It's a bit rich complaining about congress meddling when that's all what the Budha dal have been about for the last 30 years or so. Next you'll be complaining that one of the factions is being backed by the Indian government! How quickly we forget or is it that some people don't know what happened just 25 years ago! Valli Singh You might want to read up on history before taking the words of some Nihangs that Budha Dal is 'Panjvan' Takht. For there to be a Panjvan Takht there has to be 4 other Takhts. Akal Takht was the first Takht and during British times various places were given titles of Takhts. Even Muktsar was at one time referred to as Takht. The term Panjvan Takht came into being in the 1920s and has nothing to do with Guru Gobind Singh's time.
  13. Singhavelli, So you weren't at the Toronto rally, I stand corrected, but your attempt to whitewash these rallies as some kind of kumbaya love in between different religions is not borne out by the facts. Muslims have been shouting 'Kufaar' to Police, threatening Jews, praising Hitler etc etc. Finkelstein is a notorious apologist for Hamas and Hezbollah. You are right, he is what Jews calls a self hating Jew. Here is the arrogant so and so criticising the Lebanese welcoming Bush to their country. Arafat is on record for issuing a statement of support for Operation Bluestar in 1984. He was Indira's favourite terrorist. Even some parts of the Indian media at the time criticised Indira for being so close to one terrorist and yet claiming to fight another set of 'terrorists'! These organisations and people are just agitators. They have no real answers to the issues and they know that their views are so looney that no serious attempt will be made to test their views, do it's a win - win situation for them.
  14. Your comments would make sense if this footage was played on all the TV stations in the UK but it was not, it is only available on the internet and how many people from the UK will see it? A few thousand probably. Most media in the UK went out of their way portray these rallies as peaceful.
  15. Singhavelli, You claim to have been to a rally espousing unity between Jews, Muslims and Christians, but this was a rally in Toronto where pro-Israeli protesters were threatened. Check the comment that some of your Islamist friends made to the pro-Israel protesters. One of the things that I find interesting that whereas the pro-Israeli protesters are calling for peace for both Israel and Gaza, the pro-Palestine protesters are calling for the destruction of Israel and a Palestine from sea to sea!
  16. I don't think that you blame all Punjabi Hindus or even the majority. It is one class of Punjabi Hindu usually belonging to the Khatri/Arora/Bania castes which tend to be the most anti-Sikh. This is due to that fact that this class were the ones who supported the Arya Samaj at its inception and have continued to be the most ardent Arya Samajists. The bulk of the Punjabi Hindus who belong to the so-called lower castes don't have an Anti-Sikh in them.
  17. Typical Pakistani mentality. They are lions when it comes to being in a mob but lose their fake bravado when they are alone. Did anyone notice that idiotic dhimmi left wing nutter woman trying to calm the fools? Thankfully unlike our Canadian friends I haven't noticed any Sikhs at these pro-Jihad rallies
  18. Good comments on this thread. For some reason I was banned for a few days for not towing the 'singhavelli' party line of going ape because Palestinians who had voted for Hamas and who call Jews the offspring of Pigs and Dogs got killed. If I don't post on this thread again you will know the reason why. My view mirrors Ranjeet's views. The outrage against Israel's attack on Gaza is a media created issue. Where was the media when tens of thousands were brutally murdered in Darfur or Millions in Rwanda? It seems that for the Liberal Media (BBC, CNN etc) and the Islamist Media (Al Jazeera, Press TV etc) Palestinian Arab blood is more valuable than African blood. I wonder if the Sikh Activist Network has had any protests against what's happening in Darfur? Have you protested outside the Sudanese embassy, Singhavelli? Sikhs and other non-Muslims who are racing off to protests against Israel are taking sides based on the media onslaught to demonise Israel. Have any of you seen the protests around the world especially in Europe? In London Muslims shouting 'Allah hu akbar' attacked Police. In Oslo molotov cocktails were used and a gora who remonstrated against Muslims setting fire in the streets was attacked by Muslims shouting 'Jihad'. In the USA Hijabed women shouted 'Go back to the Ovens' other Muslims were shouting 'Hitler was right' This is the kind of company ignorant Sikhs attending these protests are keeping and the kind of people that Sikhs will be associated with by non-Sikhs when they see Sikhs at these protests. S1ngh makes a good point about countries not accepting UN resolutions, ironically the problems in the Middle East are due to that Arab countries did not accept the 1948 resolution partitioning Palestine and wanted to drive the Jews into the sea. Israel's biggest mistake has been that they stopped foreign journalists going into Gaza and therefore the foreign media has had to rely on Palestinian journalists who are hardly known for being impartial. Google "pallywood" and you will see how many scenes on TV are staged. The Norwegian doctor that Singhavelli has posted videos about is actually a extreme left <banned word filter activated> was stated that the 9/11 attacks were legitimate! This shows the alliance between far left idiots and islamists. The veracity of the video has also been doubted. http://www.theaugeanstables.com/2009/01/10...harawis-rushes/
  19. Here are a few suggestions-; 1. A website or a blog would be very useful. A place where you could place latest info on how the project is progressing as well as some kind of meter (like the sikhnet site) which can show how much money is needed and how much has been collected. An estimate of the running costs should also be provided. After the project is on a surer footing a short video about the project on the website or blog would also be good. 2. I think you should also consider getting volunteer representatives in most UK cities who could disseminate information in their communities. These volunteers can also gauge the level of support for the project as well as give a good idea of how much donations might be forthcoming once it reaches that point. I am sure a call for volunteers from the youth would meet a good response given that they are more aware of how we lack in these kind of media resources as compared to other communities. 3. On the donation side I like the way Punjab radio started, through making memberships rather than just donations. In that way the donations can be recurring and these donors have a sense of having ownership of the channel. As for Gurdwaras some are very forward looking and will give donations but others are not so forthcoming and more like the pardhan's property rather than the Sangats! The volunteer representatives should be able to let you know which category their local Gurdwara comes into. 4. A good idea would be to have the station broadcast on the net when it starts so that Sikhs outside UK can see some of the programmes and with that if the quality of programming is good then there will definitely be support from these Sikhs for the channel to go global. 5. As suggested by other members, "The Sikh Channel" as the name of the channel is a very good idea, Simple and straightforward. Let me know if you require any addition sewa, I know a few people as well as myself who would be able to donate to the channel once they are aware of how the project will be planned and how it is to proceed.
  20. This is a very good idea and long overdue. The way we differ from other communities is that we have very few people who are willing to take the first step in anything, but once someone makes the first step then you will another 10 trying to replicate the same thing! Take the case of Sikh radio stations, for many years we Sikhs had the suffer the atrocious Sina Radio/Sunrise Radio and their attempt to cater for everyone apart from the Punjabi speakers! Once one Punjabi/Sikh radio started now there are over a dozen! So once you guys take the first step there will hopefully be more stations which is all good. As one of the other members said, the content should be aimed more at the English speaking Sikh youth and most of the content should be English or at least subtitled in English. It's all fine having lengthy katha in Punjabi but the only people who will watch or understand it will be people who are already well into Sikhi. Rather than having new content 24 hours a day, I think you only need to have around 3 hours of new content a day which can be repeated during the day as not everyone will have the time to watch all day. Here are a few suggestions for programming. 1. Sikh Perspectives - a show which examines the latest issues from a Sikh perspective, such as Gaza, Credit Crunch, Iraq War etc 2. Sikh Issues - examining issues around the world which affects Sikhs such as Turban ban, Ethnic profiling, Situation in India etc 3. Sikh Lives - video diary type programme, ask Sikhs worldwide to send in videos of how the place where they live affects how they can practise their Sikhi. 4. Sikh News - News bulletins regarding Sikhs around the world 5. Sikh Achievers - showcasing a Sikh who has made a major achievement in some field. 6. This day/week in Sikh history - a look at the day/week in Sikh history.
  21. If you like UK series then Extras is the best one around. Both series are available on youtube.
  22. The studies of those who have researched this and contrary to your ultra PC view http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/Aisha%27s_Age_of_Consummation The fact remains that one religion provides over nearly four times the number of prison inmates than it should do according to their numbers in the general population. I wrote that everytime I hear of someone converting to Islam I think there's another potential suicide bomber! How does that make my statement incorrect considering that I have shown that many converts have ended their lives with a display of pyrotechnics? You still have shown anything that shows that converts to other religions are also prone to become terrorists. You wrote in your original post that the British army was going around killing and raping the people of Iraq. One allegation does not validate your ridiculous statement. However if you were to find torture chambers and rape centres then I would accept your statement but nothing of that sort has been exposed and is ever likely to be. The torture chambers only exist in some Sunni and Shia mosques in Iraq! Thank you for asking me to contemplate on vaar 8 of Bhai Gurdasji. Rather than google 'postive image, islam, sikh scriptures' and cutting and pasting you would do well to take your own advice. Vaar 8 lists the different types of beliefs and type of people in the world. It then describes the Gurmukh (pauri 24) as ideal for all of these groups. Saint-Soldier Yes I have read it and studied the religion. Have you? I am sure that you can search and find Sikhs, Hindus, Christians as well as Jews committing many bad things. But have any of these ever justified these acts by taking support from their scriptures? Has any Sikh blown up innocent people and then said that the Guru Granth Sahib justifies this act and due to his actions he will end up in Sachkhand? The same goes for the others. Only one group can blow up innocent people and find justification in the Quran and the Hadiths. Trust me when I say that I have met many Kattar Muslims and they have far better knowledge of their religion than any kucha peela PC Muslim who lies when he says that Islam is a religion of peace!
  23. Considering that it is possible for old men to marry underage (under 16 year old) girls in Islam then isn't it possible that Islam would be the religion of choice for a Pedophile? 2.7% of the population yet 9.95% of the prison population appears reflective of the population :lol: Lol you really are the master of turning a blind eye to an inconvenient fact! Show me where a convert to a religion other than Islam has gone on to commit a suicide bombing? You cannot but I have given you examples of people who converted to Islam and went boom! Therefore it is more likely that a convert to Islam will become a suicide bomber than someone converting to another religion. As for previous postings, I lost interest as soon as you chose to use an Iraqi boys allegation of a sexual assault as justification that you were right to make the ridiculous statement that the British army is killing and raping the people of Iraq!
  24. I thought your outrage was over my description of Mohammed's not so saintly life. Can I take it that you have been reading up since our previous debates and have perhaps gained some knowledge and are not so prone to burst a blood vassal at anything which I have written about Mohammed without first finding out whether it was true or not? We live in hope.. As for the nexus of Islam and crime.. Here's a few links http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish...86908-20375133/ Here's an interesting link from the UK prison statistics. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/about-us/free...ion?view=Binary Muslims are 2.7% of the UK population yet they represent-; 9.95% of all prisoners 7.75% of those convicted of sexual offences 14.6% of all those convicted of drug offences are these facts good enough for you? Conversion to Islam and Suicide bombing http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2005/jul/16/july7.uksecurity6 http://news.scotsman.com/terrorismintheuk/...cide.4594760.jp http://www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/ar...ticleid=2374228 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...ticle598536.ece How many converts to Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism or even Hinduism have gone on to commit suicide bombing or even terrorism offences?
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