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wjkk wjkf

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Everything posted by wjkk wjkf

  1. I believe that our mind is not only bad but good as well. Yes we have the 5 chor to fight and maya, but we also have love, compassion etc in our minds. A lot of us probably have more elements of the 5 chor in us then the good elements. I agree that by reading Gurbani, not only the 5 bania but also more Bani when we can, from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and by Japping Naam even as you walk around in the day, then we can overcome our 5 chor. If you're thinking about Waheguru all day then when things like lust come into your mind, it will be unlikely to last long (if it even lasts) because while you think of Waheguru- that power will help you be stronger and think twice (I believe). The more you Jaap Naam and read Gurbani, the less these bad elements will exist in your mind. They will eventually get replaced by the better elements and if in Waheguru's will, bring you closer to Them (I try not to give Waheguru a gender). The mind is a part of us. I hope this makes sense, or I could explain it better. Bhul Chukk Maaf
  2. I totally understand what everyone is trying to say. Bollywood is indeed a big problem but I gotta say, it's not the ONLY problem. It's only in our way because we allow it to be. If we were all kesdhari's (at least) , wearing correct clothing, doing paath etc. then Bollywood would have no case. How can they take the mick out of people, if the people they portray are actually nothing like this? The problem is, most Sikhs I saw in Punjab when I went in October ARE how they're protrayed in the fims. Most believe in caste, go gurudwara once a month (my village gurudwara was always empty except for special occasions) and are more bothered about drink, meat and bhangra then anything else. I went to a wedding, and instead of people going to the Gurudwara, only about 20 people from each side went - whilst the rest were sat getting entertained at the hall! Punjab is getting worst and worst in my opinion and the Western Sikhs are actually getting better. I travelled all over Punjab and I didn't see half the amount of Girls I expected wearing a dastaar. Men are cutting their hair by the day and kids who keep kes are starting to get bullied (including my 5 year old cousin.) This is why next time we go, we're going to do seva in the form of parchaar, it doesn't matter how long it takes. Things like 'how to tie dastaar' days, sikh history lessons, santhiyaa etc. are all very important but majority of the SIkhs today are too busy worrying about Politics and Khalistan then anything else. IF we can do parchaar and be and inspiration for the youth, THEN we can have a leg to stand on when aguing with the media and other representatives out to change/take the mick out of sikhs. I hope I made sense, I know I went on for a bit. Bhul Chukk Maaf
  3. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Loved this...(dunno if it's been posted before)... Sometimes I hesitate before I face the mirror... it's like a game with the friend you know is always right it's like a battle with your ego and your conscience it's like... a playful laugh... "i don't like you..." pause... "i love you." it's like that. me and my dastaar. it's like i wake up in the morning and look skyward... and then i look down... and then left and right and back and forward and all i see is that... that love, that light - omniscient and divine. my dastaar ... Dastaar... i cannot call it mine anything beyond you is not yours - A closed fist can't stop the river flow, A wide open mouth won't drink all the rain, I can't envelope your sunshine I can just embrace it The water I gather in my hands someday slips out... but it is that... that purity, clear and concise nirmal, nirbhau, nirvair, nirlobh, nirlep, nirvaan the dastaar... they call it a crown, a symbol of whose reign? of majestic benevolence - the Almighty And exhibition of grace and dignity of honour and beauty of balance and coordination of direction and dedication of belief and faith of love and truth the dastaar - is all these things - I feel the light of Truth on my face... I see the waves of love overtaking me... I feel the tears of gratitude gracing me... I feel the challenges of life facing me... I feel the rush of Maya chasing me.. I feel the arms of the Guru embracing me ... with each time I tie the Dastaar. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
  4. hahaha thank you jio lol sooooo much revision barely get time on pc! i miss speaking to you guys! waheguruuuuuuu!
  5. lol i was thnkin of wearing a samurai sword...watched killbill yesterday
  6. WAHEGURUUU! That was amazing...stil upset I had to leave at 11 But I'm so happy I made it - thanks to the sangat at Slough Singh Sabha Such an amazing evening, so much pyaar and seva. WOW!
  7. My first rehnsbhai...coventry...all i can say is WOAH. Sangat were chardi kalaa, atmosphere was chardi kalaa it was soooo chardi kalaa
  8. Dad often used to have a one-to-one with us to find out why we did something wrong - he never wanted us to hide anything. The worst thing you could do was lie! He'd explian why what we did was wrong or explain why we shouldn't do it again. We used to get the odd tappar if we did something REALLY bad, but I know my parents felt worse than us afterwards. Punishments that really worked on us were things like sitting in 3 corners of the room in silence staring at the wall for an hour lol we used to PRAY for a tappar instead of that! Also, when our parents would take something away from us for being bad - that worked wonders lol SILENT TREATMENT is the punishment that worked best. lol I used to hate when dad wouldnt talk to me for a day. :H:
  9. WHO ARE U? have u asked that question? what was ur answer? or heck wht is everyones answerr to that? ( sorry for changing the topic but we could start a new thread on this beautiful thought provoking question.) i soo wanna know if we not this body or this mind etc thn who are we? isnt the imaginary self still me? whats the true me? have u found that? =) ur quote is no different thn of Nastangz posts lol but his i understand hahaha that's like a question out of the 'Matrix'...
  10. dhan dhan baba ji! in regards to slough minibus - do we need to register, or can we just turn up?
  11. WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH I found this pretty cool blog thing about Bhai Fauja Singh Ji and the 'Bhai Randhir Singh Ji Sikhs'. I has letters from Bhai Fauja Singh Ji and people who knew him. It also....well...you'll find out when you go on the site http://www.mrsikhnet.com/BhaiFaujaSingh/ WAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA WAHEGURU JI KI FATEH JIO'S
  12. waheguru Question: how'd you guys get your tuks in that format?
  13. A lot of our so called spiritual-political leaders were more concerned with their political power and popularity. I believe that Longowal got anxious because he realised that Sant Ji didn't need the support of the Akali Dal to be an influence with the population. It was a power struggle to him.
  14. wjkk wjkf


    What the ... hahaha LOVE iiiit!!!
  15. Even in Punjab theres the same problem - My little cousin told me that tormenters used to be non-sikh but now non-kesdhari's and even older brothers (as in my lil cousins case) are pickin on the kids. Now my cousin is 6 and took the decision to keep his kes himself - whereas the rest of the family cut their hair. However, the older son told me that he begged lil cousin so much to cut his hair that he threatened to cut his tv time and wouldnt talk to him for a long time. This brought the question to my mind...shouldn't we (especially elders) respect someone else's decision even if you dont feel you can encourage it?? Guru Ji really meant what he said about Kaljug lol iesu kiljug mih krm Drmu n koeI ] eis kalijug mehi karam dhharam n koee || In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, no one is interested in good karma, or Dharmic faith.
  16. Mehtab Pahji you rock! I've missed threads like this
  17. mY kIqw n jwqw hrwmKoru ] mai keethaa n jaathaa haraamakhor || I have not appreciated what You have done for me, Lord; I take from others and exploit them. Thanks and appreciation to all of you guys and to Waheguru although we all know that we don't need posts like this to express thanks.
  18. This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Jap on Pannaa 6 muMdw sMqoKu srmu pqu JolI iDAwn kI krih ibBUiq ] mu(n)dhaa sa(n)thokh saram path jholee dhhiaan kee karehi bibhooth || Make contentment your ear-rings, humility your begging bowl, and meditation the ashes you apply to your body. iKMQw kwlu kuAwrI kwieAw jugiq fMfw prqIiq ] khi(n)thhaa kaal kuaaree kaaeiaa jugath dda(n)ddaa paratheeth || Let the remembrance of death be the patched coat you wear, let the purity of virginity be your way in the world, and let faith in the Lord be your walking stick. AweI pMQI sgl jmwqI min jIqY jgu jIqu ] aaee pa(n)thhee sagal jamaathee man jeethai jag jeeth || See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world. Awdysu iqsY Awdysu ] aadhaes thisai aadhaes || I bow to Him, I humbly bow. Awid AnIlu Anwid Anwhiq jugu jugu eyko vysu ]28] aadh aneel anaadh anaahath jug jug eaeko vaes ||28|| The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same. ||28|| :WW:
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