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Everything posted by SikherOfTheNaam

  1. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! If i was spiritually high enough I'd like to think I'd run classes to educate sikhs as well as people from the community who have a general interest in sikhi. I am so fortunate to have found this path and would like others to discover the jewel and beauty of sikhi. Through these classes I'd like to discuss key topics and questions that many individuals have to help them on their path -whether it is there destiny to follow sikhi or not. I've always thougt too of adopting a new approach of worshipping Vaaheguroo - for why does it have to be confined to keertan? I'd promote the use of poetry and "songs" like those of 'Keep on Walking' - which may appeal more to the youth. Also a room would be dedicated to continuous keertan to be performed by anyone who has wanted to 'perform'. The translation of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee would be projected onto the wall so many people who want to understand the essence of sikhi can do so, which may help them get more into sikhi. An audio of an 24/7 Akhamd Paath would also play in areas of the gurdwara to discourage gossiping and general banter amongst individuals. English signs and posters internally and externally would aid to encourage general members of the community e.g. outside of the sikh community to feel they can approach the gurdwara to aid with their understanding, spiritual search or to eat langar etc. There are many more things I would do, but I think i'll stop there. Fateh!
  2. Sikhism = Energy of life Sikhism can't be confined by the labels of 'Religion' etc. as it isn't something you can not label. I see it as a sound current and a state of being- a radiance of energy. The whole world and every single living organism is a sikh as it translates to the word of 'Student', not a person who wears a kara and goes to the gurdwara every now and then because they have to, or is proud to a punjabi/white sikh etc. - when the 'religion' it is not theirs. The universe and all its creation are students of God, learning new things each second of every day. A christian is ultimately a sikh, a muslim too - students of God, serving God the best they can. How can we classify actually what a sikh is? Is it a person who although doesn't believe in a God, still gives to charity, serves humanity and lives honestly or is it an amrithdhaari male or female? Sikhism is simply a catalyst to evoke the love (Pyaar) of a soul to God- nothing else, for when you enter the court of the lord there are no sikhs - just souls in the highest state of ecstasy. Really hard to explain! Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
  3. I wasn't attracted by any mere 'marketing' campaign but that of God's blessings, will and witnessing the love and humility of his sikhs. Sikhism isn't about size, i'd rather see a handful of true sikhs than a globe of so called followers. For the jewel of sikhi and that of the naam is so precious and so rare - how can it be tarnished? We have witnessed the effects of global religions e.g. Christianity etc. with the essence of truth being distorted, hence the need for sikhi. I would rather die than for this beautiful path to have so many 'followers' it becomes corrupt. Let God stage his player of believers and non-believers - it is amazing! Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  4. 'The irony stings like a giant bee' Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Not being from a punjabi background or that of a sikh family, I don't believe I will be able to ever fully understand or comprehend the misery, pain and anguish many sikhs till this day have to face with traumas of the sikhs since its foundation, whether this relates to the great martyrs of the faith e.g . Guru Arjan Dev Kee Maharaj etc., or to most recently, the atroscities of 1984. However, as a 'convert' and I use that word loosley, one of the things that attracted me to sikhism was the great history of the Khalsa, the strength and love in which to fight for justice, fight against oppression and to fight for what is right. Sikhism equates to love, love for life, humanity and ultimately Vaaheguroo. Without being given the 'gift' of being born and raised into a sikh household - religious or not, I put myself on the conquest by his hukam to find one of the many paths to God in which my soul belonged and through endless searching, through to learn, the tales of the troubles facing the khalsa unfolfed itself, allowing my love for all Sikhism and for sikhs to grow and flourish. My soul feels a deep connection to the horrific tragedy of Operation Blue Star and not from a basic emotional feeling of sadness, but a deeper one - I believe much deeper than your average person outside of Sikhi. Before a 'gora' I see myself as a sikh. I see sikhs as my true brothers and sisters, more so than that of my family. By no means am I overlooking what happened, and by no means am I limiting the utter destruction and pain these attacks caused as I am fully aware of troubles that Sikhs still today with there still being no justice for these attacks, for the many lives lost. I am foolish and not intelligent enough to phrase my meaning clearly - but I simply wanted to highlight that although sikhs face their own problems, we shoudln't simply dismiss that of our fellow brothers and sisters - we are here to serve and fight for justice - as a reflection of the teachings of our tenth great master - Vaaheguroo. I hope I haven't confused anyone, or offended and this wasn't my purpose. God Bless. Khalsa123
  5. That my friend is not a good mentality to have as well as it being a judgemental comment. As mentioned in my post with a few people saying all 3HO followers are some next monahs who remove their 5k's and take drugs etc - that is not ALL 3HO, just like not all punjabi sikhs are religious, and not ALL muslims are extremists who hate the west - only a proportion. You can't leave Israel to possibly sort out this problem on its own - otherwise it would have sorted itself out years ago. If innocent Sikhs were being bombed by others; would we all simply turn a blind eye and say 'Oh not, lets forget the innocent sikhs living in the area, let them just sort it out whilst many more die' - no we wouldn't. The United Nations is an integral body to help sort this out, and its people who have true emotions for all their brothers and sisters (regardless of caste, creed, colour and religion) will atleast consider how wicked this is - and that something needs to be done. It is important that many sikhs don't just care for their Khaalsaa brothers and sisters but their brothers and sisters of humanity - aka. Seva. Sites like this can help to promote this terrible problem that is occuring and atleast try and do something about it. I hope I haven't offended anyone, as this wasn't my intention. Take Care, Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  6. Thanks 'Singhavelli' for your posts! Although I make odd references to myself being a 'Gora Sikh' I am fed up of people classifying sikhs based on their race - 'That gora, gori, kali etc.' A sikh is a person whos soul is thirsty for the naam - not this physical clay which determined solely by the amount of melanin production our body undergoes and thus our skin tone. I'm sorry if i appear angry, displeased or said something out of turn - as this wasn't my intention. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
  7. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Dear Bro / Sis, Thanks for first of all addressing that you personally feel that you haven't progressed on the path of sikhi. By identifying this; you have progressed! :D - your sould yearns for Vaaheguroo, and thus you want to act upon it and know that each second is precious to you. I'd like to firstly ask yourself 'Why haven't I progressed?' Apart from kaam and the other 4 vices, what do you believe has stopped you? Is it family and public opinion? Is it due to studies or there being other priorities in life? You must see jee, that whatever the concerns or obstacles are, they are simple that. Vaaheguroo has blessed you with being born into sikhi - by already obtaining the naam - which is a gift! Believe me. If you were taken to the court of the lord now, how would you say justify your actions? This is what helps me. We need to get into a situation where there are no excuses, where we actually although live a life on earth - with family, friends, jobs - that we focus our attention upon the one who created us and simply love him - as that is what all religions aid us to do. Your desire to do paath is wicked! :D It shows that you soul is thirsty for it, but the enticement of maya is taking hold and stopping this. I'd agree with the comment above in relaiton to excercise, as this does relieve stress, clears up emotions and release endorphins 'happy hormones' :lol: What I also do suggest is though jee, is to do a sincere ardaas from the heart (although Vaaheguroo knows what your going to ask him anyway haha ) and ask him to provide the sustenance and the support of his name, that as Guruka Singh Jee stated once 'For the one who rotates this very earth can also handle your daily affairs'. Sikhi is like a wave, one minute your up - feeling good, practising sikhi etc. and the next maya takes hold and you feel alone, depressed, and in a rut. By having total faith and love for God - you can gain your inner hearts desires. By his grace we can merge into his name, his light, his being - what a gift! The ultimate gift! No one has said it is meant to be easy! I hope jee that through peserverance, love and humility - that by his will, your affairs are resolved, you gain the ignition inside to push forward, to increase your thirst and love for God, to hold onto the hem of his robe and to constantly feel uplifted. I hope I haven't babbled, confused or offended you - as this wasn't my intention. Take Care, Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! :pray:
  8. SikherOfTheNaam

    This Girl

    Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! I would like to ask yourself jee, if you were summoned to the court of the lord now and your deeds laid bare - what your response would be as to why you wanted to pursue this girl? Being from a non-sikh and punjabi background I am so thankful I have been blessed in this lifetime with with the jewel of the naam as my sword and pyaar as my shield. You have been given the chance already in which to get out of this world of maya and emotion, to merge finally with the one who created you - by understanding sikhi and having the support of his name. From my opinion, to follow the route of giving into the 5 evils - well Kaam in this instance, you are playing your karams, walking on fine ice into having to come into the cycle of birth and death over and over. However, if that is what you want or is inscribed then - Vaaheguroo. I beg you, by not pursuing this and channeling your energy into something else e.g. doing paath etc. you are making that one step to God, for him to make millions to you. I am not here to judge you or criticise what YOU ultimately want to do, as we alone are subject to our own karma and there is no rush to merge with Vaaheguroo - if that is not preordained - for we want to be in a instance where we feel total pyaar for him and thirst for his name. (I hope this makes sense). I hope you get through this and whatever happens - a lesson has been learnt - as that is what both life and sikhi is about - being a student and learning. Take Care Jee. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  9. Not all 3HO sikhs are like that jee - thats like saying all birds are parrots - its only a proportion. Although I am Gora - i'm not into the whole 3HO thing, but the ones I have encountered are amazing and so spiritually high. Although they may participate in 'dancing' and such, I am sure they are still more devout that many sikhs born into sikhi. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Please forgive me I have said things out of turn - this wasn't my intention.
  10. Hi :)

    Can i just ask why your user name is practically the same as mine?! Take Care.


  11. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh :pray: Hope all is well. Jee, I would like to firstly agree with the comments you have stated, but there is one however, which I believe needs questioning. 'Growing worrying trend is befriending the Turk, Sir Gum people (head and facial hair shaven off), alcoholics, people who do black magic. These are all low people and not to be trusted.' Isn't this judging Gods creation - who are our equals? Guroo jee has a reason for the whole world not to be sikh, and for only a small majority of souls to actually submit to his will and reach chardi kala and ultimately Jivaan Mukhti. Isn't it the role as a sikh to serve humanity, to put them before yourselves? To spread its beauty and ultimately aid those; regardless of gender, race, religion, socio-economic status and personal beliefs? Sikhs shouldn't and musn't seperate from the general society no matter how 'wicked' some individuals may appear on the surface - just think, you could have been an alcoholic, mona or black magic practising person in a past life? There are many people in the world who need guidance, love, support and wisdom of the guroos sikhs, and surely we should be there to deliver it. By stating that we shouldn't associate those who cut their hair (who are the majority of the world) - in my eyes is totally wrong - for it is their personality and soul that makes them unique and great people. Hope I haven't offended anyone, or stated something out of turn - this wasn't my intention. Take Care, Khalsa123 aka SikherOfTheNaam
  12. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Hey Sangat Jee, I am in need of your advice and guidance during this confusing time I am currently having. Over the past week I have been reflecting on how fortunate I am, in that I know about Vaaheguroo and sikhi - not being from a punjabi background or born into sikhi. From this I then began to ask myself, how can an all powerful entity/being, that rotates the earth and is the master of all; can show himself to me who is basically nothing. I don't just mean this spiritually and out of humbleness - but also physically. In comparison to him - there is no comparison - if you understand what I mean. Sorry if I have confused or offended you - this wasn't my intention. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  13. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Here's one :D Well still embracing the path - have so for a few years by his kirpaa :WW: Im still in my teens - so all to my own accord. Vaaheguroo! :pray:
  14. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh. Firstly, I'd like to emphasise that I totally hate the BNP and their policies, no matter how much coverage they are given or what they say; they are against immigrants etc and are facist and racist. However, at the same time i'm shocked by those who are willing to 'prank' these stupid individuals. Guroo jee never once encouraged us to retaliate to any of his enemies, and we should follow their example. No matter how evil these people are; two wrongs don't make a right. Surely, Guroo jee alone with administer his own hukam on the whole situation and we know that the BNP will never get into power - so theres no need to worry. Stay in Chardi Kalaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh Khalsa123 aka SikherOfTheNaam. P.S - I hope I haven't offended anyone as this wasn't my intention.
  15. Thanks for all the responses. Phenjee, I'd just like to point out if i may that my post doesn't conflict the idea of faith and that as I did state 'Asking Maharaj is the best way in which to understand his univerise, hukam and obtain the answers, however it is also important that the sangat address these 'modern day' problems and through this; maybe by his hukam and kirpaa we will be enlightened.' My post tries to ask these questions which remain unanswered, for they do need to be discussed to be answered. For instance, if a gursikh gains such knowledge to actually get a response, he/she needs to be discuss it with others? Surely. For it is faith that acts as the foundation that we need and our voice and actions need to build upon this. If no one discussed such issuess; it is highly likely they would still be ignored. E.g. Once again in relaiton to Rehit Maryada, it was faith in Vaaheguroo that acted as the foundation and through us, we now know what the actual code of conduct is for a sikh - if that makes any sense. I am just trying to highlight the fact that issues such as whether women can be in the Panj, carrying out kundalini yoga, gay marriages etc. which all affect us in one way or another need to be highlighted if not; try and be answered. I hope I haven't offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh
  16. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! Hi Cyber Sangat. I haven't posted on this forum for a long time but when I can do like to browse and see catch up a little bit. Recently, however, I participated in a discussion on 'TatKhalsaForums' ? which discussed; as to what I believe a sensitive and somewhat modern topic. I decided to raise the issue on this forum also and tried to make the title of this topic as vague as possible in the hope of attracting alot of people to it. This topic of dicussion begged the questuon 'Are women allowed in the Panj Pyaare?' I believe that this is a sensitive topic for many and there are a variety of contrasting views, there are some that may say that it doesn't effect them so why worry and others that say it is all up to God. However, please see below my response to the question that I stated. I am also interested into hearing your own personal views on this. 'I think the question of whether women should be in the Panj Pyaree is a great question in which I believe atleast needs addressing. To me, when Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Maharaj asked for 5 heads, the Panj were not five men, they were five souls. You could argue that it was still men who had enough pyaar to do so. Ok, if I was to agree with that, isn't it wrong to stop women now? Isn't that inequality? Surely a woman who has enough pyaar for Vaaheguroo should be able to represent the 5 beloved ones? A woman who puts God before all else? Who is a gursikh? Again, it is her soul that is thirsty for the naam, not her physical body. I also agree that these questions Sikhs have do need answering. How can one progress on the path if they have many unanswered questions? I do suggest naam simran to gain all the understanding of the world, but doing vichaar is also useful - as it makes more than one person think on a different level; aiding them too. I believe that this can also be related to the Guroos, and as to why they were all male. One may ask 'Why so'? However, I believe the explanation is this. Up to the time before Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee, there was severe inequality between men and women; which many of you know - as equality was one thing Guroo jee preached. It was because of this I believe they were males due to that gender at the time being seen as 'superior'. I personally don't believe that if they were all female during this time many people would have listened to the message - due to their poor views on equality. This can be related to that of the Panj Pyaree in that at that time it may have not been believed by others that those that offered their heads were a combination of both genders. Whatever the real reason for this is; whether it was for what I have stated above or not; this modern issue of today needs to be addressed. If a person is being denied to participate in such an amazing event of someones life purely because of their gender - doesn't this go against equality preached by the Guroos? For a woman can be equally as spiritual and have the same amount of pyaar for God as a man - for women reach Sachkhand too- dont they? This is the same for 'Saints'. Many people say there are no female saints or they are unheard of. This is debateable also! One women could be more spiritually high than any of her male counterparts- for it is her genderless soul that has the thirst for the naam not her body! We can't put physical constraints on a person saying a man is a rubbish 'intellect' or that a women is 'weak and feable' for their souls are the same. By his hukam you die as a man, by his hukam you die as a woman. We did not ask for our gender and thus whether we enter the court of the lord as a "man or woman" it doesn't affect the pyaar of our souls. The trouble today is not many people actually rise up and say 'Hang on a minute.. how about this?' 'Why is this like this?'. With no questions we have no answers. Asking Maharaj is the best way in which to understand his univerise, hukam and obtain the answers, however it is also important that the sangat address these 'modern day' problems and through this; maybe by his hukam and kirpaa we will be enlightened. If we relate this, it was the seat of supreme temporal authority for Sikhs - the Akaal Takht which actually stated to the panth the sikh code of conduct - Reht Maryada. After the death of Sri Guru Gobindh Singh Maraharaj, there had been a lot of questions between sikhs on what actually was the accurate portrayal of the sikh customs and conduct. In addition to this; there were many attempts to define this based on the Guroos principles but many were rejected. It is because of this; if effective communication between individuals didn't exist and everyone refused to ask such questions - whos to say we would have found the answer today? - and not still be unsure as to what actually defines Reht Maryada. When Vaaheguroo gives us such amazing answers through the most unique and beautiful ways it is important that as a sangat; these things are discussed - such as the issue of women in the Panj Pyare. It is important that we don't ignore such questions and say it doesn't relate to us - because the decision affects all sikhs.' I hope I haven't offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Take Care - Stay in Chardi Kalaa SikherOfTheNaam aka. Khalsa123
  17. How I am lucky to be alive and have found such a beautiful path on this special occassion. For we are truly blessed! :vaheguru: BOLE SO NIHAAL, SAT SRI AKAAL! VAAHEGUROO JEE KAA KHAALSAA VAAHEGUROO JEE KEE FATEH! :BOW:
  18. I decided to change my account completely. Is it possible you could send it to my new email as i can't remember my old one either! Thanks, VJKK VJKF
  19. VJKK VJKF Mods i wonder if you could help me please. My other account is 'Sikherofthenaam' and i cant seem to remember my password or my username for this account in order to sign in. Is it possible you could pm me in order to rectify this problem. Thanks, Khaalsaa 123
  20. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! Many thanks for the replies but i am still confused. God must control every aspect of our lives - he controls when we breathe etc - everything! If he do have free will to follow our own egos etc. as many people have stated this denies Gods attributes - doesn't it mean you are saying God isn't perfect, the knower and controller of everything? If you say we have free will to do what we want then this makes God unperfect has he doesn't know everything and thus doesn't know everything because you say its up to us? - Theb you coulsd say oh yeah but God controls our free will - but then we don't have free will do we because he controls it. God must control everything- even our future lifetimes that we don't even know of yet - everything is written. It makes me wonder why we are seperated for life times - beaten, scolded, mutalated by jumdooth when we can't even control our own deeds. Also - i was told there are some souls in the world that'll never reach God? How can this be so?! If God controls us on our actions - he's denying us to ever meet him and join sachkhand and be free from the 5 evils etc- so they have been created for fun?! - Why create something just to never meet you - isn't that cruel? I am soo sorry if i have offended anyone - as this wasn't my intention. - This has really shook me to the foundations. Many thanks, VJKK VJKF!
  21. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! Dear Sangat jee, I have had countless conversations over this subject and if you like to please air your views on the topic. Maharaj controls everything from the way the wind blows to when we are born. However, the question i would like to aks does God give us free will? For example: - This is a bit drastic but say a guy is a serial killer. Due to his deeds he becomes reincarnated over and over again suffering pain and being further and further away from our father, the creator, the lord - Vaaheguroo :WW: Some could say "oh but God controls everything so you couldn't help but do those actions". However, some could counter argue and say "But God gave us the choice". I really don't know how to make a landing on this, if God has given us free will he knows what were going to the bad actions because he has planned everything and he knows everything before time, now and in the future. One could say we are being punished unfairly due to the fact we can't help commit these evil deeds because even if we have free will God has planned what we are going to do. I know it is soo wrong to quesiton Vaaheguroo intentions and that he is soo amazing we will never understand him fully but i am really struggling to answer this question. By no means am I quesitoning God and Sikhi at all - its just i was asked this question a long time ago and i would like some guidance into how to find an answer. I am truly sorry if i offend anyone - this was no my intention and daas is only learning. Take care, Khalsa123
  22. I've always considered trees to be living. If an organism carries out the 7 life processes which all life does - then yeah it is alive. Remeber MRS NERG from high school in science. A tree Moves towards sunlight, it Respirares, it is Sensitive to its surroundings, it requires Nutrition, it Excretes oxygen etc, it Reproduces and it Grows. I believe trees are a life form and it is a bad one because you have to live for 1000's of years in all weathers etc - so years away from Maharaj. Sorry if i have offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  23. Oh! :TH: I am so glad this discussion has been brought up! This topics makes me spend hours with friends trying to understand this concept. I am two sided when it comes to this topic, i think Vaaheguroo must command everything, famine, war, murder, theft etc. as he controls everything and his will is always sweet. However, the counter argument is that maybe we must make decisions for ourselves and we have choices. However! I am stuck because of this... Vaaheguroo commands everything right everything good and bad? But i don't get if we get choices he knows what were going to do anyways because he knows EVERYTHING!! So if we've got a choice he still knows what were gonig to do irrespective whether it is in this life or the next. Then i think well if were going to hell or suffering incarnation after incarnation were being punished for something we can't control over. Moreover, you could say this is his game - but how are we meant to learn when we can't help doing our deeds? Real confusing! I'd really appreciate any comments Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!
  24. Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khaalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh! The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee tells us... lK caurwsIh Brmdy BRim BRim hoie KuAwru ] lakh chouraaseeh bharamadhae bhram bhram hoe khuaar || Through 8.4 million incarnations they wander lost and confused; through all their wandering and roaming, they are ruined. This shows us that there are 8.4 million species of life in the world. Many thanks - Khalsa 123 - Sorry if offended anyone - this wasn't my intention.
  25. VJKK VJKF! Dear All, Scientists have predicted that there are more than 11 million species in the world including humans. I pondered over this due to the fact Maharaj has directly told us there are only 8.4 million species. I was just interested to what you make of this. Sorry if i offended anyone as this wasn't my intention. Many thanks - Khalsa 123 P.S. Happy Bandhi Chorr!
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