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I was going through the posts of this page and literally cannot stop crying. They killed so many young sikh men. How can Sikhs forget this? How can sikhs think Hindus are nice? They burnt our sikh reference library. They killed a generation of young sikh men, raped the women. They do not like us speaking punjabi. How can sikhs like this country? They literally want to finish us. Why are sikhs sleeping?
Marsha Small, a doctoral student, tells she discovered 222 sets of child remains at the Chemawa Cemetery north of Salem, Oregon The graves that had markers showed Anglicized names rather than the children's true indigenous names went to the cemetery and saw several grave markers with 'Anglo' sounding names like, Daniel, Benny, George, Rosie and James 'Obviously a native isn't going to be named Daniel Boone, so how would one start to look for their ancestors if the names are incorrect?' Small said 'It was an atrocity for the United States to take away these children's native names so their parents and ancestors could never find them,' Small added She said there could well be several unmarked indigenous bodies buried there The Chemawa School opened in 1880 originally as an elementary school for both boys and girls, becoming a fully accredited high school in 1927 Today the school is open for 9-12 graders and has approximately 425 students, primarily from the tribes of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
ANOTHER mass grave of 182 children discovered at Catholic-run 'Indian' residential school in Canada as Pope Francis agrees to meet with survivors Latest discovery on Wednesday was made by an indigenous group using ground-penetrating radar at the former St. Eugene's Mission School in Cranbrook, B.C. School was run by the Catholic Church from 1912 until the early 1970s It follows two similar findings at other church-run schools, one of more than 600 unmarked graves in Saskatchewan and another of 215 bodies in BC Pope Francis invited native groups to meet him at Vatican, it emerged Tuesday Chiefs and Canadian government want a papal apology which has not yet come The native group which made the latest grim discovery, Lower Kootenay Band, said Wednesday that the atrocity was akin to the Nazis systematic killing of Jews Another 182 indigenous children's bodies have been discovered in a mass grave at a Catholic-run school in Canada amid calls for the Church to apologise for its role. The latest discovery on Wednesday was made by an indigenous group using ground-penetrating radar at the former St. Eugene's Mission School in Cranbrook, British Columbia, which was operated by the Church from 1912 until the early 1970s. It follows two similar findings at other church-run schools, one of more than 600 unmarked graves in Saskatchewan and another of 215 bodies in BC. Pope Francis has invited survivors of the residential schools to meet with him at the Vatican in December, it was announced on Tuesday. After graves were found last month, Francis expressed his pain and pressed religious and political authorities to shed light on 'this sad affair.' But he didn't offer the apology sought by First Nations and the Canadian government. The native group which made the latest grim discovery, Lower Kootenay Band, said Wednesday that the atrocity was akin to the Nazis systematic killing of Jews. Read full article:
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Waheguru!!! Bodies of 215 children are found in mass grave at Catholic Church-run 'Indian residential school' as ex-student recalls how classmates would vanish and PM Justin Trudeau brands discovery 'shameful' Remains of 215 children have been found at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia in Canada The remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist after long-held suspicions about the fate of missing students One survivor told how children would suddenly disappear from the school without explanation, and sexual and physical abuse was common Many of those killed are feared to have died of diseases including tuberculosis, with survivors recalling how they endured physical and sexual abuse Canada's residential school system forcibly separated more then 150,000 indigenous children from their families from 1863 to 1998 A six-year Truth and Reconciliation Commission into the now-defunct system found in 2015 that it constituted 'cultural genocide' The latest discovery is the first time a mass burial site has been found and is expected to set of a 'wave of litigation' Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has described the discovery as 'heartbreaking' An artist displayed 215 pairs of children's shoes on the steps of the Vancouver Art Gallery to create a space for 'grief, reflection' The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, have been found buried at a former residential school for indigenous children in Canada. Those youngsters were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978, according to the Tk'emlúps te Secwepemc Nation, which said the remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist. None of them have been identified, and it remains unclear how they died. 'This is a tragedy of unimaginable proportions,' British Columbia premier John Horgan said in a statement, adding he was 'horrified and heartbroken' that 215 bodies had been found at the site. 'It's a harsh reality and it's our truth, it's our history,' Tk'emlúps te Secwepemc Chief Rosanne Casimir told a media conference Friday. 'And it's something that we've always had to fight to prove. To me, it's always been a horrible, horrible history.' Casimir said they had begun searching for the remains of missing children at the school grounds in the early 2000s, as they had long suspected official explanations of runaway children were part of a cover-up by the state. Canada's residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families, constituted 'cultural genocide,' a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015. The system was created by Christian churches and the Canadian government in the 19th century in an attempt to 'assimilate' and convert indigenous youngsters into Canadian society. They were forcibly removed from their families to attend the schools. Many of the children found dead are feared to have suffered deadly diseases including tuberculosis, although survivors say physical and sexual abuse was rife. The National Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches on behalf of state governments from the 1840s to the 1990s. It found more than 4,100 children died while attending residential schools. The deaths of the 215 children buried in the grounds of what was once Canada's largest residential school are believed to not have been included in that figure and appear to have been undocumented until the discovery shared on Friday. Survivors who attended the school say had friends and classmates who disappeared suddenly, and were never spoken of again. A survivor of the Kamloops school, Chief Harvey McLeod of the Upper Nicola Band, said the gruesome discovery had brought up painful memories of his time there. McLeod was taken to the school in 1966 with seven of his siblings, and says he suffered physical and sexual abuse there. His parents had also attended the school, and said it must have been traumatizing for them dropping off their children knowing the misery that awaited them. 'I lost my heart, it was so much hurt and pain to finally hear, for the outside world, to finally hear what we assumed was happening there,' McLeod told CNN. The children whose remains were found were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia (pictured) that closed in 1978 The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, were found at the site. Many area feared to have succumbed to diseases including TB, although abuse was rife at the school Chief Harvey McLeod, of the Upper Nicola Band, said children would go missing from the Kamloops residential school and never be heard from again Children would disappear suddenly from the residential facility, and no one would question where they had gone. 'It was assumed that they ran away and were never going to come back. We just never seen them again and nobody ever talked about them,' he told CTV. Chief McLeod said despite the pain and trauma that the discovery had resurfaced, he hoped it would allow he and other survivors to heal. 'I have forgiven, I have forgiven my parents, I have forgiven my abusers, I have broken the chain that held me back at that school, I don't want to live there anymore but at the same time make sure that the people who didn't come home are acknowledged and respected and brought home in a good way,' he told CNN. Another survivor Jeanette Jules said the news had 'triggered memories hurt, and pain'. Jules, who now works a a counsellor with Tk'emlups te Secwepemc Indian Band, said she was haunted by memories of the guards coming to the children's rooms at night. 'I would hear clunk, clunk...and it is one of the security guards...then the whimpers,...the whimpers because here is the guy who molests people,' she told CTV. The Canadian PM Trudeau wrote in a tweet that the news 'breaks my heart - it is a painful reminder of that dark and shameful chapter of our country's history.' The Kamloops Indian Residential School in 1937. The school was established in 1890 and operated until 1969, its roll peaking at 500 during the 1950s Read more:
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I have heard and read this expression from atheist's who argue you don't need to follow a religion to know the difference between what is right or wrong thing to do or have morals. I would strongly disagree because: 1) Without a good religion (such as sikhi) you could be indoctrinated to follow some other ideology which could tell you its ok to commit murder, rape, robbery against the person who isn't from your group. 2) What is right in one religion/ideology can be wrong in another. E.g.slaughtering an animal in agnosing death then eating meeting its meat such as beef is perfectly fine in judaism/Islam. However in hinduism killing a cow is a sin and wrong and slaughtering animals inhumanely is wrong other non-abrahamic faiths. E.g Its wrong in islam to worship more than 1 God other than arab pagan moon God Allah however in hinduism it's not wrong and you can worship millions of Gods. 3) Evolution theory which atheists look too for existence of everything see's no right or wrong when it comes to genociding/extincting whole species/races of people. Because its the survival of the fittest if your group is not strong enough to out compete those who are trying to undermine or harm you then you do not deserve to exist as per the evolution theory. It is only a firm adherence to sort of civilized belief systems, a religion that has kept humanity from destroying each other to the point of existence as was the case when modern humans fought with other human species (such as Neanderthals) where eventually those others died off due to genocide.
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The unrecognized genocide of Islamic conquests The genocide suffered by the Hindus and Sikhs of India at the hands of Arab, Turkish, Mughal and Afghan occupying forces for a period of 800 years is as yet formally unrecognised even within India. Professor K.S. Lal estimates that the Hindu population in India decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD and 1525 AD, an extermination unparalleled in World history. This slaughter of millions of people occurred over regular periods during many centuries of Arab, Afghan, Turkish and Mughal rule in India. Sample what historians have written on the topic: Dr. Koenraad Elst in his article “Was There an Islamic Genocide of Hindus?” states: “There is no official estimate of the total death toll of Hindus at the hands of Islam. A first glance at important testimonies by Muslim chroniclers suggests that, over 13 centuries and a territory as vast as the Subcontinent, Muslim Holy Warriors easily killed more Hindus than the 6 million of the Holocaust. Will Durant argued in his book “The Story of Civilisation: Our Oriental Heritage”: “The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughters of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period.” Francois Gautier in his book ‘Rewriting Indian History’ (1996) wrote: “The massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese.” Writer Fernand Braudel wrote in A History of Civilisations (1995), that “Islamic rule in India as a “colonial experiment” was “extremely violent”, and “the Muslims could not rule the country except by systematic terror. Cruelty was the norm – burnings, summary executions, crucifixions or impalements, inventive tortures. Hindu temples were destroyed to make way for mosques. On occasion there were forced conversions. If ever there were an uprising, it was instantly and savagely repressed: houses were burned, the countryside was laid waste, men were slaughtered and women were taken as slaves.” Alain Danielou in his book, Histoire de l’ Inde writes: “From the time Muslims started arriving, around 632 AD, the history of India becomes a long, monotonous series of murders, massacres, spoliations, and destructions. It is, as usual, in the name of ‘a holy war’ of their faith, of their sole God, that the barbarians have destroyed civilizations, wiped out entire races.” Irfan Husain in his article “Demons from the Past” observes: “While historical events should be judged in the context of their times, it cannot be denied that even in that bloody period of history, no mercy was shown to the Hindus unfortunate enough to be in the path of either the Arab conquerors of Sindh and south Punjab, or the Central Asians who swept in from Afghanistan…The Muslim heroes who figure larger than life in our history books committed some dreadful crimes. Mahmud of Ghazni, Qutb-ud-Din Aibak, Balban, Mohammed bin Qasim, and Sultan Mohammad Tughlak, all have blood-stained hands that the passage of years has not cleansed..Seen through Hindu eyes, the Muslim invasion of their homeland was an unmitigated disaster. Their temples were razed, their idols smashed, their women raped, their men killed or taken slaves. When Mahmud of Ghazni entered Somnath on one of his annual raids, he slaughtered all 50,000 inhabitants. Aibak killed and enslaved hundreds of thousands. The list of horrors is long and painful. These conquerors justified their deeds by claiming it was their religious duty to smite non-believers. Cloaking themselves in the banner of Islam, they claimed they were fighting for their faith when, in reality, they were indulging in straightforward slaughter and pillage…” The historians and biographers of the invading armies and subsequent rulers of India have left quite detailed records of the atrocities they committed in their day-to-day encounters with India’s Hindus. A sample of contemporary eyewitness accounts of the invaders and rulers, during the Indian conquests. Ferishtha lists several occasions when the Bahmani sultans in central India (1347-1528) killed a hundred thousand Hindus, which they set as a minimum goal whenever they felt like punishing the Hindus; and they were only a third-rank provincial dynasty. The Afghan ruler Mahmud al-Ghazni invaded India no less than seventeen times between 1001 – 1026 AD. The book ‘Tarikh-i-Yamini’ – written by his secretary documents several episodes of his bloody military campaigns : “The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously [at the Indian city of Thanesar] that the stream was discoloured, notwithstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it…the infidels deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming river…but many of them were slain, taken or drowned… Nearly fifty thousand men were killed.” In the contemporary record – ‘ Taj-ul-Ma’asir’ by Hassn Nizam-i-Naishapuri, it is stated that when Qutb-ul- Din Aibak (of Turko – Afghan origin and the First Sultan of Delhi 1194-1210 AD) conquered Meerat, he demolished all the Hindu temples of the city and erected mosques on their sites. In the city of Aligarh, he converted Hindu inhabitants to Islam by the sword and beheaded all those who adhered to their own religion. The Persian historian Wassaf writes in his book ‘Tazjiyat-ul-Amsar wa Tajriyat ul Asar’ that when the Alaul-Din Khilji (An Afghan of Turkish origin and second ruler of the Khilji Dynasty in India 1295-1316 AD) captured the city of Kambayat at the head of the gulf of Cambay, he killed the adult male Hindu inhabitants for the glory of Islam, set flowing rivers of blood, sent the women of the country with all their gold, silver, and jewels, to his own home, and made about twentv thousand Hindu maidens his private slaves. The Afghan ruler Ahmad Shah Abdali attacked India in 1757 AD and made his way to the holy Hindu city of Mathura, the Bethlehem of the Hindus and birthplace ofKrishna. The atrocities that followed are recorded in the contemporary chronicle called : ‘Tarikh-I-Alamgiri’ : “Abdali’s soldiers would be paid 5 Rupees (a sizeable amount at the time) for every enemy head brought in. Every horseman had loaded up all his horses with the plundered property, and atop of it rode the girl-captives and the slaves. The severed heads were tied up in rugs like bundles of grain and placed on the heads of the captives…Then the heads were stuck upon lances and taken to the gate of the chief minister for payment. “It was an extraordinary display! Daily did this manner of slaughter and plundering proceed. And at night the shrieks of the women captives who were being raped, deafened the ears of the people…All those heads that had been cut off were built into pillars, and the captive men upon whose heads those bloody bundles had been brought in, were made to grind corn, and then their heads too were cut off. These things went on all the way to the city of Agra, nor was any part of the country spared.”
Is there any crime or sin in Sikhi that would be seen as unforgivable? I know in the janamsakhis Guru Nanak Sahib Ji is mentioned to have forgiven and reformed alot of infamous evil characters even mass murdering man eaters. So I was thinking if the Guru Sahib can forgive and reform evil doers is there any crime us Sikhs would not forgive? and how would we justify harsh punishment for heinous crimes if our own Guru's forgave mass murderers?
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Sikh separatist leader condemns Kabul gurdwara attack, requests India to shelter minorities from Afghanistan ANI | Updated: Mar 28, 2020 15:15 ISTFounder of Dal Khalsa and UK-based Sikh separatist leader Jaswant Singh Thekedar (File photo) London [UK], Mar 28 (ANI): Jaswant Singh Thekedar, the founder of Dal Khalsa - a Sikh separatist organisation, has condemned the barbaric attack on a historic gurdwara in Kabul and requested the Indian government to shelter the remaining families of Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan. On Wednesday, armed terrorists killed 25 civilians in a terror attack on the 400-year-old Gurdwara in Shor Bazar in Kabul. The Islamic State affiliate in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for the attack, but many experts believe that Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), propagated it to oppose Ashraf Ghani, who was re-elected as the President of Afghanistan last month. In a video message, Singh said, "In Afghanistan, the way the Taliban carried out a barbaric attack on the Sikhs in Kabul's historic gurdwara and killed children and women who were praying for the people affected by coronavirus pandemic is highly condemnable." "The attackers are not religious people and they have no humanity. They have only one motive to call others as 'kafirs' or infidel and kill them. It is also preached in their holy book. This is an unforgettable incident for the Sikhs," he added. The separatist leader also stated that he has requested the Indian government to allow the remaining Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan to get them settled in India. "Our request has been accepted and after the COVID-19 crisis. Whoever will apply for a visa, the Indian government will facilitate them," he said. "We are thankful to the Indian authorities. We are also reaching out to the victims' families with all possible help. We are your brothers. The horrific attack has happened on the entire Sikh community. We all stand together with your pain," Singh added. The Sikh community in the war-torn country that once constituted a vibrant, well integrated and economically active part of the Afghan society has been persecuted and driven away, since the Taliban grabbed the reins in the 1990s. Their depletion has been so rapid that of the once close to a quarter of a million population, only a minuscule 1000-odd still remain in the country, barely eking out a livelihood amid extremely violent circumstances. (ANI)
I've said this before earlier in the month, every time Sikhs help muslims (royinga, kashmir, new delhi) this is the reward from sunni salafi muslims on Sikhs.....genocide. Waheguru is sending a big message and our stupid low IQ so called "Sikhs" dont listen and continue to help the 1.5 billion strong muslim community while letting their most bullied, extremely scared and vulnerable Sikhs in the world get murdered by them in afghanistan. Shame on the Sikh kaum. Afghanistan conflict: Militants in deadly attack on Sikh temple in Kabul BBC•March 25, 2020 Afghan Sikhs grieved for their relatives near the site of the attack At least 25 people have been killed in a militant attack on a Sikh temple in the Afghan capital Kabul. The interior ministry said a gunman had burst into the complex early in the morning, firing on worshippers. He was killed in an exchange of fire lasting six hours with security forces. Earlier reports said a group of assailants had carried out the attack. About 150 people were trapped in the complex in the Shorbazar area. The Islamic State group claimed the attack. IS has targeted Sikhs and other religious minorities before in Afghanistan. The country's main militant group, the Taliban, denied any involvement. Nato in Afghanistan called it an outrage. IS is less powerful than the Taliban in Afghanistan and has lost much of the territory it once controlled - but it has not been part of recent negotiations with the US and retains the ability to carry out deadly attacks, reports the BBC's Secunder Kermani. What do we know about the attack? About 150 people were inside the temple, which houses families and regularly hosts morning prayers, said Anarkali Kaur Honaryar, a Sikh MP in the Afghan parliament. People switched off their phones and tried to hide when the attack began, she said. Security forces surrounded the scene of the attack Another Sikh MP, Narender Singh Khalsa, put the number of people inside at 200. "Three suicide bombers entered a dharamsala [sanctuary area]," he told Reuters. "The gunmen started their attack at a time when the dharamsala was full of worshippers." Photos from the scene show security forces carrying people away on stretchers. Photos show security forces transferring victims of the attack at Dharamshala, a Sikh worship area in PD1 of #Kabul. #Afghanistan — TOLOnews (@TOLOnews) March 25, 2020 US-Taliban deal raises hope for peace Trump hails deal with Taliban to end Afghan war Afghanistan: The long road to peace How vulnerable are Sikhs in Afghanistan? Afghanistan's dwindling Sikh population, now said to number fewer than 10,000, has long complained of discrimination and harassment by the Muslim majority. In July 2018, IS said it had bombed a gathering of Sikhs and Hindus in the eastern city of Jalalabad, killing 19 people and injuring 20. Awtar Singh Khalsa, one of the country's best-known Sikh politicians at the time, was among those killed. Map
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Hi all, The genocide in 1984 is confirmed, thousands of Sikhs targeted and killed, but whats the point of talking about it today?
Seems to me far fetched honestly lol . I mean genocide of all sikh people . This is hard to believe . Is it made up ?
La Noche Triste Pav Singh’s 1984: India’s Guilty Secret and the continuing Sikh night of sorrows. Is catastrophe a precursor to genocide or is genocide a spontaneous outburst of violence- essentially a riot? The misnomer of riot to veil genocide is nowhere more evident than in the Indian state’s treatment of the anti-Sikh pogroms of November 1984. Whereas the political-cum-social discourse of the majority community has condensed the event into the misbranded Delhi Riots, for the survivors they were a well-executed genocide. It is axiomatic that justice delayed is justice denied; Pav Singh in his 1984: India’s Guilty Secrethowever goes a step further- on the basis of the survivors’ accounts which he recounts lucidly- Singh contends that November was by no means a riot. It was the culmination of a long drawn out plan to inflict such wounds on the Sikh psyche that the community would never again agitate for civil rights in the Indian union, and assimilate into the greater neo-Hindu political fold (Hindutva). Radical, in scope, 1984 has swiftly dethroned existing analyses of that apocalyptic November and portends change in the global perception of genocide. 1984, from the onset, does not exercise restraint. It is vivid in it’s recounting of the horrors which the Sikhs faced in the aftermath of Prime Minister Indra Gandhi’s assassination. Whereas the mass rapes of Sikh girls and women have often been downplayed in the works of Khushwant Singh and Nayer, Pav Singh elects to focus on how it was employed as a tool to humiliate Sikh males before they were doused in kerosene and set on fire. His almost calm narration of events is enough to render even the most staunch of readers chilled. A fourteen year old boy is forced to witness the gang-rape of his mother; a whole family is hurled out of their residence to witness their daughters being stripped nude, urinated upon and then raped by hordes of mourners (as consecutive political accounts would refer to the culprits). Sikh males are set alight whereas groups of Sikh women are rounded up and held outside Delhi in a semi-concentration camp where they are continually violated. The myth that only Sikh males were targeted is effortlessly effaced by Pav Singh who dedicates an entire chapter to the sexual atrocities suffered by Sikh women. The attitude of doctors, police, and general society towards the victims of rape are also scrutinized. Elements of all three would be instrumental in evicting victims from aid camps and returning them to their prior locii which, in most cases, would be in ruins. The fortunate would escape; the unfortunate would once again fall into the hands of their violators. Another complex facet, of the November pogroms, which has hitherto been obscured is what happened to the Sikh policemen and military personnel in Delhi? 1984 unabashedly substantiates, based on official documentation, how all Sikh serving personnel in Delhi were ordered to take leave in the early hours of November 1st ’84. Most would have had no idea, other than that Indra Gandhi had been gunned down by her Sikh bodyguard duo the night before, of the inferno which awaited them outside their official precincts. Weaponless, they would have walked straight into effective death traps. Military personnel, serving or otherwise, would have fallen prey to armed mobs on the nation’s railway network. Were Sikhs only targeted at train stops? Pav Singh systematically exposes this canard, again relying on official documentation, to evidence that at least forty-six unauthorized train stops were made which allowed assembled mobs to slay all Sikhs on board. For Sikhs, the primacy of Pav Singh’s work hinges on three crucial factors: 1.) It effectively refutes the misnomer of riot. 2.) Whilst paying tribute to the few brave souls who risked life and limb to save Sikhs, it also depicts the callousness of politicians, police and neighbors who betrayed the Sikhs by rendering them defenseless in the face of bloodthirsty mobs. 3.) It refutes the theory of Delhi Riots. Detailed maps provide evidence of sanguinary pogroms executed in Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, West Bengal and Agartala. Candid, impenitent and critical- Pav Singh’s 1984 is radical in it’s approach to the November pogroms. Though sections of the Indian media are criticizing Singh, his work should be judged with impartiality; India’s Guilty Secret not only recounts the atrocities inflicted on the Sikhs, but also exposes the political/social cohesion via which the events of November ’84 transpired. The theory of Nanak Jayanti, an alleged rumor which posits that the pogroms were intended for execution on the birth celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (founder of the Sikh faith) for maximum damage, is also analyzed by Singh. Victim statements are taken into account which depict the conditions outside Punjab in the aftermath of the ill-construed Operation Bluestar. Sikh businesses and residences were often transcribed with a S symbol in the lead-up to November; on the night of 31st October teams were employed to scour several cities in a mission to place this S on all Sikh locations. On the 1st of November the grim significance of this symbol would become transparent as mobs marched on all such identified locations. Nanak Jayanti, caught out by Gandhi’s demise, had been implemented earlier to teach the troublesome Sikhs a bloody lesson. What of the judiciary and the aftermath? Singh, in a brief list, provides an exposition of all the failed commissions which attempted to tackle November ’84 but failed to provide even token justice for the victims. He ends on a poignant note; the survivors of ’84, forgotten by all, are shown as suffering from the trauma of the atrocities inflicted upon them. The state is continually failing in it’s mandate to provide them justice; the social discourse veils their trauma whereas the same ideology which preyed upon them is today gaining ground nationwide. Justice delayed is justice denied, justice denied is justice perverted.
La Noche Triste Pav Singh’s 1984: India’s Guilty Secret and the continuing Sikh night of sorrows. Is catastrophe a precursor to genocide or is genocide a spontaneous outburst of violence- essentially a riot? The misnomer of riot to veil genocide is nowhere more evident than in the Indian state’s treatment of the anti-Sikh pogroms of November 1984. Whereas the political-cum-social discourse of the majority community has condensed the event into the misbranded Delhi Riots, for the survivors they were a well-executed genocide. It is axiomatic that justice delayed is justice denied; Pav Singh in his 1984: India’s Guilty Secrethowever goes a step further- on the basis of the survivors’ accounts which he recounts lucidly- Singh contends that November was by no means a riot. It was the culmination of a long drawn out plan to inflict such wounds on the Sikh psyche that the community would never again agitate for civil rights in the Indian union, and assimilate into the greater neo-Hindu political fold (Hindutva). Radical, in scope, 1984 has swiftly dethroned existing analyses of that apocalyptic November and portends change in the global perception of genocide. 1984, from the onset, does not exercise restraint. It is vivid in it’s recounting of the horrors which the Sikhs faced in the aftermath of Prime Minister Indra Gandhi’s assassination. Whereas the mass rapes of Sikh girls and women have often been downplayed in the works of Khushwant Singh and Nayer, Pav Singh elects to focus on how it was employed as a tool to humiliate Sikh males before they were doused in kerosene and set on fire. His almost calm narration of events is enough to render even the most staunch of readers chilled. A fourteen year old boy is forced to witness the gang-rape of his mother; a whole family is hurled out of their residence to witness their daughters being stripped nude, urinated upon and then raped by hordes of mourners (as consecutive political accounts would refer to the culprits). Sikh males are set alight whereas groups of Sikh women are rounded up and held outside Delhi in a semi-concentration camp where they are continually violated. The myth that only Sikh males were targeted is effortlessly effaced by Pav Singh who dedicates an entire chapter to the sexual atrocities suffered by Sikh women. The attitude of doctors, police, and general society towards the victims of rape are also scrutinized. Elements of all three would be instrumental in evicting victims from aid camps and returning them to their prior locii which, in most cases, would be in ruins. The fortunate would escape; the unfortunate would once again fall into the hands of their violators. Another complex facet, of the November pogroms, which has hitherto been obscured is what happened to the Sikh policemen and military personnel in Delhi? 1984 unabashedly substantiates, based on official documentation, how all Sikh serving personnel in Delhi were ordered to take leave in the early hours of November 1st ’84. Most would have had no idea, other than that Indra Gandhi had been gunned down by her Sikh bodyguard duo the night before, of the inferno which awaited them outside their official precincts. Weaponless, they would have walked straight into effective death traps. Military personnel, serving or otherwise, would have fallen prey to armed mobs on the nation’s railway network. Were Sikhs only targeted at train stops? Pav Singh systematically exposes this canard, again relying on official documentation, to evidence that at least forty-six unauthorized train stops were made which allowed assembled mobs to slay all Sikhs on board. For Sikhs, the primacy of Pav Singh’s work hinges on three crucial factors: 1.) It effectively refutes the misnomer of riot. 2.) Whilst paying tribute to the few brave souls who risked life and limb to save Sikhs, it also depicts the callousness of politicians, police and neighbors who betrayed the Sikhs by rendering them defenseless in the face of bloodthirsty mobs. 3.) It refutes the theory of Delhi Riots. Detailed maps provide evidence of sanguinary pogroms executed in Gujrat, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Assam, West Bengal and Agartala. Candid, impenitent and critical- Pav Singh’s 1984 is radical in it’s approach to the November pogroms. Though sections of the Indian media are criticizing Singh, his work should be judged with impartiality; India’s Guilty Secret not only recounts the atrocities inflicted on the Sikhs, but also exposes the political/social cohesion via which the events of November ’84 transpired. The theory of Nanak Jayanti, an alleged rumor which posits that the pogroms were intended for execution on the birth celebrations of Guru Nanak Dev Ji (founder of the Sikh faith) for maximum damage, is also analyzed by Singh. Victim statements are taken into account which depict the conditions outside Punjab in the aftermath of the ill-construed Operation Bluestar. Sikh businesses and residences were often transcribed with a S symbol in the lead-up to November; on the night of 31st October teams were employed to scour several cities in a mission to place this S on all Sikh locations. On the 1st of November the grim significance of this symbol would become transparent as mobs marched on all such identified locations. Nanak Jayanti, caught out by Gandhi’s demise, had been implemented earlier to teach the troublesome Sikhs a bloody lesson. What of the judiciary and the aftermath? Singh, in a brief list, provides an exposition of all the failed commissions which attempted to tackle November ’84 but failed to provide even token justice for the victims. He ends on a poignant note; the survivors of ’84, forgotten by all, are shown as suffering from the trauma of the atrocities inflicted upon them. The state is continually failing in it’s mandate to provide them justice; the social discourse veils their trauma whereas the same ideology which preyed upon them is today gaining ground nationwide. Justice delayed is justice denied, justice denied is justice perverted.
- Also I noticed the leaked document that caused storms in 2014 is not available in the national archives to view freely even though 30years+ have passed and those secret docs are now widely available in the public domain when they were accidentally uncovered by journalist phil miller. There is a huge coverup going on hopefully the 2 elected Sikh MP's together with John Mcdonal and Tom watson will help unlock those documents hidden away in secret vaults.
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Memorandum submitted to the UN Secretary General, President of the UNHRC & High Commissioner for Human Rights Ban Ki-moon United Nations Secretary-General Joachim Rücker President of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Prince Zeid bin Raad High Commissioner for Human Rights 30 October 2015 GENOCIDE & KILLINGS OF RELIGIOUS MINORITIES IN INDIA Over 1,000 Sikhs from over a dozen countries have today gathered outside the United Nations office in Geneva to mark the 31st anniversary of the November 1984 Sikh Genocideand highlight the continued killings of religious minorities in India. Lack of justice for the Sikh Genocide of November 1984 The Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh in late December 2014 referred to what happen to the Sikhs in November 1984 as Genocide and that justice would be meted out to the victims only when the perpetrators of the crime are punished and that until these persons are punished, victims will not get relief. This is at odds with the recent decision in September 2015 by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to give a clean chit to one of the leading culprits, Jagdish Tytler. UN-led inquiry into the 1984 Sikh Genocide The Indian state ordered the army to attack the Sri Harmandir Sahib Complex in June 1984.The BJP who are now in power in India are on record as supporting and even encouraging and wanting that attack sooner. This was set out by L K Advani in his book My Country, My Life. There is a need for a UN-led inquiry into the atrocities committed in June 1984, the killings and disappearances in the months that followed and the systematic and deliberate killing of innocent Sikhs in November 1984. The UN inquiry should also look into the use by the police of criminals, goons, gangsters and smugglers to impersonate Sikh militants, widely known as Black Cats. Prosecution of police officers involved in human rights violations in Punjab To resolve the political conflict with the Sikhs international admission of the truth around widespread human rights violations by India is essential. For over 30 years UN rapporteurs and independent experts as well as Amnesty International have been denied access to Punjab to investigate widespread allegations of torture, disappearances, false encounters and extra-judicial executions. If India wishes to be taken seriously it must allow the truth to emerge by removing such restrictions, allowing independent investigations followed by prosecutions. Release of Sikh political prisoners There are 84 known Sikhs political prisoners languishing in India's prisons some have been in prison for over 25 years. The list consists of 1 death row conflict, 20 life term prisoners who are mainly in Punjab's prisons and many have served their minimum terms, 8 senior citizens whose health has deteriorated and 55 other Sikhs held in various states around India, such as UP, Haryana, Jammu and Jaipur. One of the first steps for resolving political conflicts is the release of all political prisoners and a general amnesty for those that have cases pending. Oppression of religious and ethnic minorities in India The present Indian Government has clear Hindutva objectives and the current Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, trained with the ultranationalist right wing Hindu group, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). The RSS is a Hindu nationalist paramilitary group that has been involved in extreme violence, including acts of terrorism and been banned several times in India. This includes when RSS member Nathuram Godse assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. The most recent ban was in 1992 after the demolition of the BabriMasjid. The BJP government led by Narenda Modi presents a significant threat to religious and ethnic minorities in India with the declaration by right wing Hindu groups that they will ensure India becomes a Hindu Rashtra by 2021. These groups have an objective of attacking the Sikh faith so it leads to its eventual assimilation and is driving a campaign to convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism by force. There have been numerous examples of forced conversions since Narendra Modi came to power in May 2014. Following Indian independence Sikhs refused to be signatories of the Indian Constitution as Article 25 denies Sikhs exist as a distinct religion with a separate identity. Successive Indian governments have refused to amend Article 25 and various laws concerning the Sikh way of life (i.e. marriage, inheritance, adoption etc.). The current Chief Minister of Punjab burnt a copy of the Indian Constitution in Delhi on 27 February 1984 to press the then Union Government to amend the Constitution. The current BJP government, although supported by the Chief Minister of Punjab is plainly opposed to make any changes. In January 2015 President Obama while speaking in Delhi criticised the Modi led BJP government by making a plea for freedom of religion to be upheld in India, a country with a history of strife between Hindus and minorities. In a veiled threat he also warned otherwise India could break up. Recent attacks on the Sikh faith and killing of peaceful Sikh protesters In recent weeks we have seen the desecration of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sikh Holy scriptures and the eternal living Guru of the Sikhs. Following an incident at Bargari village in Faridkot district tens of thousands of peaceful Sikh protesters pitched their tents in Kotkapura demanding the arrest of those responsible for tearing off more than 100 pages of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In shocking scenes on the morning of 14 October 2015 the Punjab Police used lethal force against the peaceful Sikh protesters without warning while they were undertaking their morning prayers. The police initially used batons to attack the peaceful protestors and then resorted to use of water cannons full of sewage water to try and disperse protesters. Later they opened fire with live ammunition killing two unarmed Sikh protesters and injuring dozens of others. In appalling and horrific scenes hundreds of Sikhs exercising their democratic right to peacefully assemble and protest were beaten, dragged away and arrested reminding everyone little appears to have changed since 1984 in terms of a disregard for Sikh lives and police brutality. These shocking scenes have caused global outrage within the Sikh Diaspora. Tough and speedy action is needed against police officers responsible for the killings and brutality and arrests and prosecution of those who desecrated Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our living Guru. Application of self-determination to the Sikhs & demand for an independent Sikh homeland, Khalistan Acceptance by India of the general principle that self-determination is a basic human right founded in international law and it applies to the Sikhs. Withdrawal of Indias reservation at the UN Human Rights Council that self-determination does not apply to the people of India. Internal self-determination by Sikhs since 1947 has been violently rejected and crushed with state terror so remedy via external self-determination is possible. The persecution of Sikhs in 1984 and in the years that followed and the lack of justice is the basis on which the Sikhs continue to raise the legitimate demand for an independent Sikh homeland, Khalistan. A Sikh homeland will not be a sovereign nation just for Sikhs, but will allow all who live there to be respected and encouraged to practice their faith. It will allow us to protect Sikhi, the Sikh way of life and identity given to us by our Gurus across the globe wherever Sikhs choose to live. Equally important is that a Sikh homeland will allow the universal message of our Gurus to be shared and disseminated in a way that has never been possible in the modern era.
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#IndiraGandhi was assassinated today in #1984. Watch this short clip from our #Genocide1984 digital documentary. To view the full video see our facebook page videos section &/or watch it on youtube at This is a low resolution version specifically designed for mobile viewing etc
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Sumedh Saint has been replaced as Punjab Police Chief be a similar person Suresh Arora.
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Abhorrent and laughable news from India, the world's next superpower and the proud nation where people have to be forced to use toilets: Is it any wonder that the Indian state has perpetrated genocides left, right and centre against Sikhs, Tamils, Kashmiris and more, when one considers that they take no issue with snacks, bars and restaurants immortalizing a mass murderer ? Or when her own people exist in such a state of ignorance that they barely even know what the holocaust was, and understand nothing of the nature of genocide? Or when Nazi collaborators like Subhas Chandra Bose are magnified and treated as national heroes?
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾ॥ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਿਹ॥ UK MP John McDonnell says Sikh Genocide of 1984 was similar to the Jewish Genocide in Germany by Adolf Hilter London: On the eve of the premier of upcoming movie ‘Patta Patta Singhan da Vairi’ on April 12, UK MP John McDonnell said that the Sikhs were subjected to genocide in 1984 by the Indian state just like the Nazi regime of Hitler subjected Jews to genocide. Talking about the Sikh Genocide of November 1984, MP John McDonnell said that this was sequel of the genocide of the Jews in Germany by Adolf Hitler. File photo - MP John McDonnell While appreciating lyricist turned singer cum actor Raj Kakra, MP John McDonnell said that ‘Patta Patta Singhan Da Vairi’ movie portrays the tragedy of Punjab. The ‘Daily Ajit’ reveals that the story of the movie revolves around a Sikh youth, whose father becomes a victim and is shot by the Indian Army during the armed attack by Indian State on Darbar Sahib, Amritsar in June 1984. It also demonstrates the tales of atrocities committed by Punjab Police on civilian population of Punjab during the last two decades of 20th century. The movie also elaborates the state conspiracy in rampant drugs abuse in Punjab. It is notable that ‘Patta Patta Singhan Da Vairi’ movie was initially denied clearance by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) but it was later cleared by Film Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT). The movie is set to hit screens worldwide on April 17.
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ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ New Gandhi statue unveiled in London's Parliament Square The British prime minister, David Cameron, and India’s finance minister, Arun Jaitley, were joined on Saturday by Gandhi’s grandson, the former governor of West Bengal, Shri Gopalkrishna Gandhi, and Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan for the inauguration ceremony. During Sikh New Year's day, David Cameron participated in insulting Sikhs by hosting Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan, who is alleged to have incited racial hatred and genocide against Sikhs, for the inauguration ceremony. A leading German historian said Mahatma Gandhi was "one of the greatest friends of Nazi Germany" because the Indian activist and the Third Reich shared a shared a common enemy in Britain. Gandhi's quote on the Children Of Israel "the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher's knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs." Gandhi insisted on referring to Sikhs as "hindus" and said "I read your Granth Sahib. But I do not do so to please you. Nor shall I seek your permission to do so. But the Guru has not said anywhere that you must grow your beards, carry kirpans (swords) and so on". Gandhi attacked Gurmukhi. In a letter to a friend, Amrit Kaur, he wrote, "I wish you would persuade enlightened Sikhs to take the Devnagri script in the place of the Gurmukhi". The UK government aided India in planning Sikh genocide during 1984.