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HI, I need some help from the guru Sangat I hope someone can help me or advise me,I live birmgham iv been learning kirtan for many years now but I have a question iv learnt so much shabads about 100-150 and I really want to learn it is my dream now is to do alaap in kirtan I dont know how to do that and I think kirtan sounds really good with alaap I really want to do taans in kirtan too like "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa" you know like the ragis but I dont know how to iv searched online but they are just teaching new shabads no one is teaching online how to do alaap in kirtan I would as my teacher but he died so please if anyone can help me can someone tell me how alaap is done in kirtan or give me notion of sometings please I need help thank you
I just wanted to make my first post here because this has been playing on my mind for a while now. I feel like Sikhi Kirtan does not have the same passion I hear from other religious musical pieces, and as a result its not inspiring young people. I feel like the popular Kirtans are easy, dull, follows Bollywood/punjabi tunes and therefore lacks originality/identity/spiritualism. I have been listening to Islamic sufi music, Christian hymns and Hindu Kirtans - which I find all sound different and beautiful in their own way. With Sufi music drawing me in the most - even Bollywood adaptations like 'Kun Faya Kun' sound beautiful. With young people, I don't expect Kirtan to modernise, it doesn't need to. Indian Classical Music is and will always remain timeless, if played with passion, dedication and training, then you can draw in anyone no matter where you live. This is why Ravi Shankar and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan broke internal barriers. Unfortunately most of the kirtan tunes these days sound like outdated Indian/punjabi pop music It doesn't help that only Sikhs can play kirtans in many Gurdwaras around the world. Collaboration inspires creativity - isn't that was sikhism was about? Openness to all? Here is a kirtan I think is nicely composed -
Bhai Avtar Singh Ji (Ragi) was an amazing gurmukh keertani that upheld the importance of Keertan done in original Raag form. They traveled all around the world to promote and do prachaar on correct Raag Keertan along with their son Bhai Kultar Singh Ji and tabla saathi Bhai Swaran Singh Ji. We have collected their recordings and separated them into "time of day" Raags (Studio type recordings). Hope everyone enjoys this collection. Please follow us on SoundCloud and share these on your personal platforms There are total of 4 playlists: MORNING RAAGS AFTERNOON RAAGS EVENING RAAGS SEASONAL & OTHER RAAGS Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh!
- raag
- bhai avtar singh
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While we r stuck at our homes and trying to perfect the art of social distancing.....and everyone is going around sharing song or movie or web series playllist ................ heres a kirtan playlist for all us Sikhs. Feel free to add ur own favorite renderations of kirtan/katha/bani/paath by posting them on this are some of my favourites: Here Aarti - Aarta from syf camp 2017. aarti - aarta is one of my favourite bani/paath thisis a very beautiful video .....also there is a thal with jot and agarbatti but i myself dont endorse that kind of aarti with jot , dhup,agarbatti,etc but this video is beautiful regardless This one is Asa Di Vaar by Bhai Rajan Singh ji and it is such a soulful and beautiful renderation of Asa Di Vaar.i just love it. this is bhai gurpreet singh ji shimlawaales read along gurbani video....he has a really soothing voice.he has even done other paaths heres the whole playlist of gurbani and paath read along by bhai gurpreet singh ji.....this is a must listen to playlist cos his voice is just amaazing. dukh bhanjni sahib by the same guy (this is in the playlist but i also posted individually) this is asa di vaar by chardikala jatha.the chardikala jatha also do pretty good kirtan. this is Asa di Vaar katha by Bhai Harman Singh ji Basics of Sikhi this is a great series of kathas .this again is a must watch. Another beautiful Chardikala Jatha kirtan video. this is a raag kirtan playlist from Soorma Singhs ( @TheSoormaSingh) channel he just made the playlist and it has some great selections of raag kirtan (disclaimer :he hasnt sung the kirtaan in the playlist) Thats all for this post ,anyways post ur selections of bani/paaths/kathas for the bashing of boredom during home quarantine on this thread.It will be much appreciated. And yes i do sometimes create meaningful thread .... Surprised,eh? Thanks. Fateh
- bani
- aarti aarta
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Taus instrument was created by Guru Hargobind sahib ji. Taus in Persian means peacock. Guru Gobind Singh ji then created Dilruba from Taus. This sounds divine, heard nothing like it before
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- taus
- guru hargobind
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VJKK VJKF Where can I learn raag kirtan from? I want to learn how to play the dilruba which Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj blessed us with. I searched online and found Raj Academy but their classes are all the way in London. Are there any good classes in Birmingham? (PS: I live in the UK) VJKK VJKF
VJKK VJKF Sangat Ji, I would love to start to do Kirtan at kathas I attend. Does anyone know the best place to learn? Vaheguru Ji.
VJKK VJKF You know how raags were there way before the time of the Guru's? Well, you guys know Raag Tilang was actually made by Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji? The Guru's were such great poets and musicians. The Guru's also made something called Mishti Raag which is basically more than one raag in a bani. Wow, I know the Guru's were out of this world. These facts are really inspiring though so I thought I'd share them. Anyone else have any other facts about raag please do share. VJKK VJKF
waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh Question for the Raagi Gyanis and Ustaads: I am trying to differentiate between the main raag keertan styles. In the big Gurdwaras, the tanti saaj Raagis sing in a sing-a-long fashion (repeating melody, rapid progress through the shabad). However there is another rarely heard style where the singing is very different: substantive vibrato/voice echo, slow progress- once verse may be chewed upon for a very long time with great emotion and improvisation. Listen to the following two clips which demonstrate this (Man Japoh Ram Gopal - 1 in 'sing-a-long' style and 2 in the 'slow tempo' style). -Are there any names to describe these two types of vocalisation? Is it correct to say that the vocalisation of the latter is a genre such as Dhrupad? -In simple terms what is the difference between the two? Do they have the same core basis? -Can all ustaads teach the second type? Sample 1-Raag Kanra- Man Japo Ram Gopal-Prof Surinder Singh.mp3 Sample 2-Raag Kanra- Man Japo Ram Gopal-Ustad Harbhajan Singh, Balwant Singh Namdhari..mp3
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- gurmat sangeet
- keertan
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Can someone list a kirtani(s) who do kirtan in raag. I know the famous ones like bhai balbir singh ji and bhai avtar singh ji. Actually I need something that I can practice my tabla to ( so someone who doesnt speed their rhythm in their kirtan).
- 13 replies
- raag
- gurmat sangeet
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For a long time I been wanting to do kirtan. I really like and listen to a lot of Raag kirtan. I also like purtan reets from the 1980s or older( reets like the ones Bhai Jaswant Singh Hazzori Ragi Sings) becuase its easy to sing and has some raag involved. I looked around the internet and everything I saw of Raag was very hard for me( I don't know too much harmonium). Also all the reets I found, are the filmy tune ones that I'm not a big fan of. So I'm just asking if anyone knows any books or any other resources for easy Raag shabads and notations. Thanks WJKK WJKF
I'm looking into learning how to play raag and obviously I'll need an instrument to do so. What instruments would you recommend for a beginner at kirtan? I'm leaning towards the sitar but im not sure. I'd like to hear your input. Bhagat
It is time to sign up for our 6th Annual Toronto Singhs Camp on June 22 to 26th! *NOTE* - this year the camp is right before the annual AKJ July Toronto MAIN Smaagam! NEW Location, speakers, activities!! Interactive Workshops, Competitive Sports (including PAINTBALLING), in depth discussions, meet new inspiring sangat and MORE! Keep engaged on our Social Media accounts of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more information on our speakers and related camp info. Early Bird Fee is $180 (Fee goes up June 1st!) REGISTER NOW CLICK HERE! Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh! FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER
In Which Raag is this shabad being performed in? The shabad itself is in Raag Soohee but is it being performed in Raag Basant? And does anyone have notation for this shabad on harmonium? I really want to learn Raag Kirtan. I have been doing kirtan in tunes I made myself for about a year now and I only recently realized the importance of raag. I found the four volumes Gurmat Sangeet Sagar on and I'm trying my best to learn from there myself. Currently I am making an effort to learn Basant and Bahar for the spring season from Sangrand of Magh to Holla Mohalla. If anyone could give me another great source for learning gurmat sangeet that would be great.
Does anyone know any raag kirtanies who have shabads that are independant ( meaning that not put all together into a Youtube Video or Soundcloud Track). Thanks WJKK WJKF
I was wondering if any of u guys knows a ragi who does kirtan in tunes and at the same time in Raag (Combine both). The reason I want to know is because I like raag kirtan as it was the way the Gurus wanted us to sing Gurbani in. At the same time I want the sangat who is listening to the kirtan to be able to sing along with the shabad. So i wanted an example of a Ragi who does that. Please list the ragi name if u know one. Thanks.
Please do check out our channel KIRTAN SEWA on youtube for hundreds of kirtan recordings by raagis from the past and present. Subscribe for latest updates. Thank you.
ਕਾਨੜਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੪ ॥ कानड़ा महला ४ ॥ Kānṛā mėhlā 4. Kaanraa, Fourth Mehl: ਹਰਿ ਜਸੁ ਗਾਵਹੁ ਭਗਵਾਨ ॥ हरि जसु गावहु भगवान ॥ Har jas gāvhu bẖagvān. Sing the Praises of the Lord God. ਜਸੁ ਗਾਵਤ ਪਾਪ ਲਹਾਨ ॥ जसु गावत पाप लहान ॥ Jas gāvaṯ pāp lahān. Singing His Praises, sins are washed away. ਮਤਿ ਗੁਰਮਤਿ ਸੁਨਿ ਜਸੁ ਕਾਨ ॥ मति गुरमति सुनि जसु कान ॥ Maṯ gurmaṯ sun jas kān. Through the Word of the Guru's Teachings, listen to His Praises with your ears. ਹਰਿ ਹੋ ਹੋ ਕਿਰਪਾਨ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ हरि हो हो किरपान ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ Har ho ho kirpān. ||1|| rahā▫o. The Lord shall be Merciful to you. ||1||Pause||
WJKKWJKF I am wanting to purchase a professional quality Male Tanpura and need some advice. Where is the best place in India to buy them and what is the best type? miraj? Also wondering how many strings would be best, 4 would do but just need a bit of advice on this one. Thanks
WJKKWJKF I was wondering, some Asa Ki Vaar recitations have the second part sung in a different raag (not asa), is it raag bhairavi, or some other raag? The tunes sound interesting so I am wanting to get a grasp of which raag is commonly used in Asa Ki Vaar (apart from Asa). WJKKWJKF
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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh The third annual AKAALI KIRTAN DARBAR, dedicated to the Singhs who gave their lives fighting for the Khalsa Panth. Our benti to the sangat, please attend and honour the Shaheed Singhs who gave up their lives and families, went through torture and hardship for our Dharam, for our Guru and for each and everyone of us. The Darbar will be held on the 13th of December at Peterborough Singh Sabha Gurdwara. Dasem bani ucharan, Katha and Kirtan divans will be 6pm till 10pm. All money made on the day will be donated to Mata Sahib Deva Gurdwara, Hazoor Sahib, for making new baneh and kashereh for the Singh who need them. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
- akaali kirtan darbar
- peterborough
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ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਹਿ With the Kirpa of Kalgidhar Patshah Sahib Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, Tarna Dal and Panjva Takhat Shiromani Panth Akali Buddha Dal Chalda Vahir Chakarvarti will be conducting a Sarbloh Raag Kirtan Darbar on Saturday 15th March 2014 commencing at 2:30pm. All 3 Granths will be Parkash and will also feature talks, workshops and authentic Ranjeet Akhara Shastar Vidiya, all in English. This will be followed by Paath recital from the 3 Granths, and concluded with Raag Kirtan consisting of Dasam & Sarbloh Bani. Location: Baba Sang Gurdwara, 7-9 St Paul's Road, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 1EE. For more information, contact 07453270778 or 07970770782. *WORKSHOPS AND RAAG KIRTAN DARBAR* 2:30PM ONWARDS *WHERE* Baba Sang Gurdwara, 7-9 St Paul's Road, Smethwick, West Midlands, B66 1EE. POSTER BELOW Our humble benthi to all the sangat, please try to attend and share / forward this message. ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫ਼ਤਹਿ