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  1. I forgot to post this during covid. This is alarming as they are trying to portay amritdharis in such a disgusting way, on a hindi drama! The act isn't being done by an amritdhari, but still a sardar type person and the amritdharis are part of the gang that is watching! I feel like there was some anti-sikh sentiment and is dangerous as it came to air in 2020, during the big farmer kisaan andolan rallies in Delhi! The scene is not graphic and only a few seconds, so kind of NSFW. this is on season 1 episode 3! For context watch from 13:50-18:00 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/video/detail/B08BYZB14R/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
  2. She Told Relatives She’d Been Raped. They Paraded Her and the Suspect. Videos of the girl and her alleged attacker as violent crowds shamed and beat her created outrage in India. By Sameer Yasir March 31, 2021 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版Leer en español The distraught teenager told family members that their neighbor had pushed her to the floor, stuffed a cloth in her mouth and raped her. The relatives, with a number of villagers, found the man she had accused and beat him. Then, declaring that the 16-year-old girl had brought shame to the family, the group tied the girl to the suspect with a rope and paraded them through fields and markets in a village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. Some spectators kicked, punched and spat on her. Videos of the shaming this past Sunday circulated widely on social media, triggering a nationwide outcry over one of the most distressing aspects of India’s rampant problem with sexual violence: victim blaming. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/world/asia/india-rape-paraded.html
  3. Remember watching this on ptc
  4. Why does India and the neighbouring countries have a major rape issue? Doctors raping patients, teachers raping students, 5 year old getting raped, 87 year olds getting raped, women and children getting sexually harassed in Mandirs and Gurdware, Women getting raped and set on fire. It is a major issue in that country, its a crisis. You just need to see the news, its always there. Just around 3 weeks ago some Hindu girl was raped by the sons of a local politician and her body was set on fire. Youtube is full of Indian men asking women to "show me bobs and vagene" Indian men leaving their mobile numbers under the comments made by females? Why is this happening? is it Indian culture? the religions? Why are so many Indian men rapists and paedophiles? why is this happening? Why is the condition of women like hell over there? There is something seriously wrong going on in that country.
  5. Muhammad and the Clinical Definition of Pedophilia From WikiIslam, the online resource on Islam The age difference between 9 year old Aisha and 54 year old Muhammad was 45 years This article discusses the DMS (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of mental disorders and cites sahih hadiths to show that ProphetMuhammad was a pedophile according to clinical definitions. For all related sahih hadiths confirming Aisha's age at marriage and consummation, see: Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Aisha. For a comprehensive refutation of all the claims that Aisha was older than 9, see: Aisha's Age of Consummation. And for all other apologetic arguments, see: Responses to Apologetics: Muhammad and Aisha. Contents [hide] 1Pedophilia 1.1Pedophilia according to DSM-IV-TR 2Analysis 2.1Only pre-pubescent girls were allowed to play with dolls 2.1.1Sahih Bukhari Translations 2.1.2Does the phrase 'little girls' mean pre-pubescent? 2.2Aisha was pre-pubescent when Muhammad consummated the marriage 2.3Consummating the marriage means sexual intercourse 2.3.1Abu-Dawud Book 41, Number 4914 One Two Three Four 2.4Summary 3Conclusion 4See Also 5External Links 6References Pedophilia Many critics of Islam claim Muhammad's relationship with Aisha was a pedophilic relationship, therefore Muhammad was a pedophile. Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) reported: "Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old." Sahih Muslim 8:3310 In psychiatry, the most commonly used diagnostic criteria for diagnosing psychiatric ailments are those from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders. The latest issue is DSM-IV-TR. The DSM classification is a system that classifies and defines all accepted psychiatric ailments and symptoms, with their inclusion and exclusion criteria. The following are the inclusion and exclusion criteria for pedophilia (302.2): Pedophilia according to DSM-IV-TR A. Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger). B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies caused marked distress or interpersonal difficulty. C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A. Note: This does not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old. Diagnostic Critiera for Pedophilia Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Psychiatry Online "According to the DSM-IV definition, pedophilia involves sexual activity by an adult with a prepubescent child. Some individuals prefer females, usually 8- to 10-year-olds. Those attracted to males usually prefers slightly older children. Some prefer both sexes. While some are sexually attracted only to children, others also are sometimes attracted to adults. Pedophiliac activity may involve undressing and looking at the child or more direct physical sex acts. All these activities are psychologically harmful to the child, and some may be physically harmful. In addition, individuals with pedophilia often go to great lengths to obtain photos, films or pornographic publications that focus on sex with children. These individuals commonly explain their activities with excuses or rationalizations that the activities have "educational value" for the child, that the child feels "sexual pleasure" from the activities or that the child was "sexually provocative." However, child psychiatrists and other child development experts maintain that children are incapable of offering informed consent to sex with an adult. Furthermore, since pedophiliac acts harm the child, psychiatrists condemn publications or organizations that seek to promote or normalize sex between adults and children." Diagnostic Critiera for Pedophilia Medem Medical Library In the following article, it will be shown that Muhammad's relationship with Aisha did indeed meet all the criteria to make the diagnosis of pedophilia, and therefore Muhammad was undoubtedly a pedophile.
  6. https://sikhsiyasat.net/2020/03/20/india-2012-delhi-gang-rape-convicts-hanged-victims-mother-says-justice-delivered/
  7. This is a old video. It's an interview with the author of the book "fighting for faith and nation" It's inhumane and disgusting how this brave lady was treated by the punjab police.
  8. A father who used to rape his daughter is finally jailed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6632685/Woman-repeatedly-raped-father-teenager-welcomes-20-year-jail-term.html
  9. Catholic church in the news again https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6546193/amp/AP-finds-long-history-nuns-abused-priests-India.html
  10. Shocking! look at what these apes did to that poor woman. They raped her while she was pleading with her attackers to consider the sanctity of the place. The irony! the masses in India believe Ganga to be pure/pavitar. One of the worst sinful acts committed in a place where people come to wash cleanse their sins, men have gone mad in that country, they behave worse than stray dogs. Women are not safe anywhere in that place! not safe in their homes, not safe in the villages or cities, not safe in religious places, where are women supposed to go then? what the hell is wrong with that country? why are the men like that? They are pigs not men https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6238733/Two-men-turns-rape-film-woman-Indias-sacred-River-Ganges.html
  11. In 2012 there was a gang rape in delhi and whole of india protested against the rape and there were candle light vigils everywhere. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/videos/news/Delhi-rape-Nation-erupts-in-protest-candle-light-vigil-at-India-gate/videoshow/17682632.cms Have indians as a whole protested against the rape and killings of hundreds of sikh girls in 84 ? Have there been candle light vigils in support of the sikh girls who were raped and murdered openly on the roads of delhi in 1984?
  12. http://www.examiner.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/24-huddersfield-men-2-women-12787499 We're usually really quick to share this sort of news when the culprits belong to other communities but now that the issue has come home, we've conveniently brushed it under the carpet. I see that "sikh youth birmingham" (usually the first to share such posts) is all hush hush about this too- yes they've received the article from yours truly. Guess who got the gold medal for groomer/rapist/peado/drug dealer?! Yes, Mr Singh. Names below and in article. Name and shame these dirty scum. Hope they drop their soap many a time in jail. Amere Singh Dhaliwal, 34, of Huddersfield. He is charged with rape (x21), supply of Class A drugs (x4), supply of Class B drugs, supply of controlled substances with intention to engage in sexual activity, trafficking female within the UK with a view to her sexual exploitation (x14), Incite a child to engage in sexual activity (x5), sexual assault by penetration, sexual touching (x3), possession of indecent images of a child (x3), racially aggravated assault and incite a child into prostitution. Raj Singh Barsran, 33, of Huddersfield. He is charged with sexual touching (x2) and rape.
  13. This story should be shared to every sikh and desi female so they can see what kinda evil murderous beasts are laying in wait out there ready to strike if they don't stay clear of dangerous areas and take care of their personal safety. Also its a reminder what the homeless and rough sleepers are capable off. Often we see gullible liberal Sikhs trying to help these guys but they dont realise the danger they are putting our females under as they see us as a soft touch for their sexual assault and other crimes. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3310790/vadims-ruskuls-murdered-pardeep-kaur-convictions-in-latvia/ http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cctv-shows-haunting-moment-homeless-10203512
  14. Homeless Latvian man ‘pounced on hotel housekeeper, 30, as she walked to work then sexually assaulted, murdered and buried her in a sleeping bag in the woods’ Vadims Ruskuls, 25, accused of sexually assaulting and murdering Pardeep Kaur Mrs Kaur, 30, attacked while walking to work at a hotel in Harlington, Middlesex She was last seen on CCTV cameras approaching a bridge over the M4 Her body was found a week later hidden in woods near to the bridge By Joseph Curtis For Mailonline Published: 18:22, 5 April 2017 | Updated: 20:40, 5 April 2017 +3 Vadims Ruskuls, 25, is accused of sexually assaulting and then murdering Pardeep Kaur, pictured, after 'attacking her beneath a motorway bridge' A homeless man is accused sexually assaulting and murdering a woman beneath a motorway bridge before dumping her body in undergrowth, a court heard. Latvian Vadims Ruskuls, 25, was thought to be sleeping rough with his mother beneath the bridge crossing the M4 when he allegedly murdered Pardeep Kaur. He allegedly pounced on the 30-year old hotel housekeeper as she walked to work. Mrs Kaur scratched her attacker as she desperately fought for her life but her screams would have been drowned out by the noise of motorway traffic, jurors were told. Afterwards, Ruskuls allegedly dragged her partially naked body by the ankles and hid it under an old sleeping bag and twigs. Opening his Old Bailey trial, Crispin Aylett QC told jurors: 'This is a truly terrible case. The evidence in this case is distressing and you will have to brace yourself for what is to come.' Mrs Kaur, a mother of one, was reported missing by her husband when she failed to return home from the Sheraton Skyline Hotel in Harlington, Middlesex. Her badly decomposed body was found nearly a week later hidden in undergrowth near Harlington Bridge in Hayes, west London. The court heard that the waste ground by the walkway on to the bridge over the M4 was a 'bleak spot used by rough sleepers, drunks and drug addicts' and was just yards from the busy motorway leading to Heathrow airport. Mr Aylett told jurors that Mrs Kaur was last picked up on CCTV cameras at 6.33am on Monday, October 17, last year as she walked towards the bridge. In a search of the area, a visiting officer from Norway, detective chief inspector Kenneth Berg, spotted a human foot sticking out from beneath a sleeping bag covered with branches which turned out to be Mrs Kaur. +3 Her body was found near this bridge over the M4, pictured, in Harlington, Middlesex A post-mortem examination failed to establish how she died but Mr Aylett said it was obvious from the way she had been found that it was murder. Investigators who trawled through the CCTV images also noticed a man under the bridge at the same time as Mrs Kaur. Less than half an hour later, someone was picked up on CCTV dragging her body away towards the patch of ground where it was later discovered. Mr Aylett said: 'The prosecution allege that the man under the bridge is Vadims Ruskuls and the figure dragging her body towards the woodlands must also be Vadims Ruskuls. 'What happened in the 25 minutes between those two pieces of film? The prosecution allege that the defendant must have pounced on Pardeep Kaur at some point on the ramp, that he then sexually assaulted her and he murdered her.' +3 This CCTV image was the last time Mrs Kaur was seen alive as she walked towards the bridge in Harlington, Middlesex The victim must have fought her attacker as the defendant was seen with scratches on his face afterwards, he said. But he added: 'If she had cried out, her screams would have been drowned out by the sound of the early morning traffic.' Ruskuls was allegedly caught after an officer recognised his image on CCTV to a man he had spoken to the day after the killing. In the early hours, the constable had been called to a house in Hayes to a report of a 'stoned' man trying to open the front door looking like he had been 'dragged through a hedge'. The officer found the suspect walking barefoot with scratches to his left cheek and neck, the court heard. Following his arrest for the murder of Mrs Kaur, Ruskuls' DNA was compared to samples taken from her body. His DNA was matched to samples from her ankle, sock, and the left cup of her bra with a probability of 'one in a billion', jurors were told. DNA from the victim's fingernails were also found to be a match, the court heard. Jurors were told that Mrs Kaur had come to live in Britain in 2011 with her husband Rachpal Singh who had a job at Fresh Foods in Hayes. They both worked six-days a week to send money to their five-year-old daughter who lived with her grandparents in India. When Mrs Kaur first disappeared, police suspected the husband because he initially lied to police saying he had seen her that morning when he had yet to return from a night shift. The court heard he had feared they would discover he was working without a permit. It was only after he came clean, that the investigation 'quickly moved on', Mr Aylett said. The defendant, who refused to make any comment in police interviews, denies murder. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4383724/Homeless-Latvian-man-pounced-hotel-housekeeper.html
  15. http://www.therebel.media/sweden_in_the_rape_capital http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/12082366/German-women-report-string-of-sexual-assaults-by-Arab-and-North-African-men.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/norway-teaching-refugees-about-sexual-consent-a6780536.html
  16. who are these clowns? Seems like another group trina shove the blame elsewhere?
  17. Guest

    Sexual Abuse And Opinion

    Hi! I am 21 year old girl and I want to move out from my house. The reasons are my mom had a second marriage and my step-dad (never seen or know anything about my real father) raped me since the age of 7 I was not able to understand till the age of 12 what was happening all I knew was that I didn’t want him to hurt me further. Since my mom did night shifts but when she quit work one day I mustered up the courage to tell her what was happening, around the age of 11. She told me to keep quiet and the same happened again when she returned back to work. But it was worse because since I had told my mom about it and she literally did nothing other than scream at him once. So he continued his abuse openly now and then every week he would kick my mom out of bed and take me from my room and rape me once, twice, or thrice a week as he pleased. My mom would just sleep beside my little sister and watch it all happen in the same room. Somedays it hurt so bad I would get up naked walk in the house and look for ways to kill myself. I am the only child from the first marriage the other two children belong to him even they hate their father for all he has done to me. At the age of 18 when I thought I had hope to go off to university and get far from this horror he didn’t let that happen every time I had an exam in grade 12 he would wake me up and beat me make sure I wouldn’t sleep. I still somehow managed to get a good gpa but he didn’t let that happen. Said there were financial problems so I couldn’t go to university and neither did he let me save up or do any job. I wasn’t allowed to have more than one female friend or even stay after school 5 mins extra for help not allowed to socialize with any family. He isn’t worth calling a monster he has done way more beyond that I was staying in the house so maybe I can could encourage my mom but she isn’t willing to move on. One day it got soo out of hand my brother called the cops while he was beating and I reported him for domestic violence and then he broke that prohibition entered the house and beat my mom with my step-aunt. All this happened just in begining of 2015. I thought this would make my mom realize she isn’t weak she can be independent but all she does is chase him and thinks he will change or has changed I know he hasn’t. He will be able to enter the house in February again all my mother is after is money and what people will say. I cant take these suffocations further I don’t care how he made up fake stories about me wanting to live alone so I can be a <banned word filter activated> that’s what he calls me. I really don’t care if no indian will want to marry me. I just want to have happiness and live a normal life, I know it’ll be hard but I’m willing to work two jobs just to get away from this pain. The only thing is my guilt conscious of leaving my mother but if she doesn’t want help, how can I help her? Knowing she will push me into the same hole. Will God still punish me for leaving my mother or am I too selfish??
  18. http://news.sky.com/story/1543918/protest-as-sisters-sentenced-to-be-raped Please sign the petition here: https://www.amnesty.org.uk/actions/two-sisters-sentenced-rape-demand-justice-india-womens-rights
  19. Ferozepur: Two minors were allegedly gang-raped in two separate incidents near Abohar in subdivision of Fazilka District, police said on Monday. A 16-year-old school girl was allegedly gang-raped by three youths identified as - Sagar, Mangu and Bansi - at Maujgarh village. They videographed the incident and uploaded it online, police said. The accused threatened her with dire consequences if she revealed the incident to anyone. However, she disclosed it to her parents after the video was uploaded on the web, they said. The accused were later arrested by the police and booked under various sections of IPC besides section 3 and 4 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offence ACT (POCSO), they said. Meanwhile, in another incident, an eighth grade girl was allegedly raped by two minors identified as - Gurpreet Singh (18) and Sher Singh (16) - at Toot village, police said. According to the complaint registered by the victim's parents, both the offenders allegedly abducted the victim from the market on their bike and raped her in the field on Saturday, police said. The girl was admitted to the local hospital and a case has been registered against the absconding accused, they said. Source:http://zeenews.india.com/news/punjab/two-minors-gang-raped-in-separate-incidents-in-punjab_1543852.html
  20. We must watch it and hope they get it right. An Inside Out London special, uncovers the hidden scandal of sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men. Breaking their silence, they speak to Chris Rogers about their experiences at the hands of these predatory men and why justice is being denied to them by their own community and the police.
  21. And this time its a cow!!!!! SHAME!!!!! An Indian man has been arrested for raping an injured cow using coconut oil as lubricant, IBTimes UK understands. Muthu, aged between 50 and 55, was seen raping the animal, which was lying injured on a railway track in southern India. The incident took place in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Speaking to IBTimes UK, local police officer Jayavelu confirmed Muthu, who goes by only one name, has been arrested under unnatural sexual offence act. Muthu has confessed to the crime and is in police custody. The ghastly rape was seen by representatives of Blue Cross of India (BCI), an NGO working for animal welfare. The four-year old cow met with an accident and was lying unconscious alongside a railway track. Officials at the NGO received a complaint about the injured mammal and approached the scene. The BCI volunteers were initially confused when they saw Muthu alongside the cow. Dawn Williams of the BCI told IBTimes UK: "We were initially unsure of what the man was doing to the cow. When we went further and took a closer look, we realised this man was inserting his <banned word filter activated> into cow's <banned word filter activated>. There was a bottle of coconut oil kept beside him, which he used as a lubricant." Williams said the offender attempted to flee the scene and was apprehended by the volunteers. Later, Muthu is said to have asked to be pardoned for the act. The cow was sent to medical examination and the veterinary hospital has confirmed the animal was raped. The animal has died in the hospital due to injuries caused in the accident. Cow is generally considered as holy in India and is worshipped in several parts of the country. The incident is likely to shock many. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/510141/20130930/india-rape-animal-sex-cow-blue-cross.htm
  22. Guest

    I Was Raped

    im an amrithdari nd i was raped a mnth ago while walkin home nd hav been in denial nd jst came 2 terms with this...im 17 yrs old and i dnt know wot to do do i have 2 pesh?? i cnt tell my parents or take him to court as society will look down on me im so broken
  23. My sisters are being raped, I am outraged and deeply distressed. What can we do about this? Raise a militia / peacekeeping force? Offer to marry rape victims (Like many a good sikh man did during 1947 partition)? Other? Positive and practical suggestions sought. Haters and muslim bashers please refrain, thank you. ------------------------------------------------ http://www.channel4.com/news/syria-women-rape-marriage-refugee-camp-jordan Thousands of Syrians fled to Jordan's Zataari refugee camp to escape violence at home. But now women and children live in fear of kidnap, rape and sham marriages in the camp meant to keep them safe. Thursday 28 March 2013 Rape and sham marriages: the fears of Syria's women refugees Thousands of Syrians fled to Jordan's Zataari refugee camp to escape violence at home. But now women and children live in fear of kidnap, rape and sham marriages in the camp meant to keep them safe. If agony has a sound, it is the cry to God made by 100-year-old Shatwah, as she sits broken and bereft in the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. In her black hijab, she raises her hands to the sky, almost unable to make sense ofher own distress. "Bashar, Bashar," she keeps crying. "Why are you butchering us?" Shatwah (pictured above) is one of a hundred thousand Syrians whose home is now the sprawling, tented city of Zataari. They fled the fighting to seek shelter and safety. But for many women the camp has offered them anything but. "Three girls in our camp were kidnapped," explains Israa Mohammed. "They raped them. Then they brought them back to the camp. The Jordanian guys, they come to harass Syrian girls from the age of seven or six." Such reports of women being kidnapped, assaulted or raped abound around the camp. Women say security is non existent. They are too afraid even to go to the toilet at night alone. "I come with my daughter, she enters and I stand here waiting for her," says Um Hammad. "There are girls who don't come to the toilet at night. We stay until the morning, holding it in." The marriage market As well as the fear of attack , there is another more insidious assault on the women and girls of Zaatari. Men - usually from Saudi Arabia and other gulf states - are given free rein at the camp. Coming in the guise of benefactors offering charity, in return many want a wife. But these are marriages of convenience - for the men at least. So called "pleasure marriages", they give cover - a sheen of respectability - to what is often wealthy men exploiting vulnerable women for sex. Abu Sanad is the father of two daughters. "People from Jordan, from Saudi Arabia, from Qatar, they come and ask: 'Do you want to give your daughters for marriage?'" he said. "What do they see us as? A market place for selling? Like selling sheep. They see we don't have money. They want to exploit us. 'Give me your daughter for 200,000 lira or 100,000 lira'. It's exploitation." The men often promise the earth. "Lama" says she was told she would "live like a princess." But the reality often means a few days or weeks out of the camp, then they are dumped alone in Jordan, or left to come back to Zaatari, humiliated and abused. Gallery: Inside Jordan's Zaatari refugee camp Um Majed (pictured left) is a Syrian housewife from Homs. She says she understands the refugee families and women who give into the demands of the men from the Gulf offering desperately needed cash. These are "dark days" for Syrians, she offers up by way of reasoning. She has chosen her own way to deal with such bleak times. She has become a marriage broker, offering Syrian girls for sex. "He comes for a coffee and he sees her with her hijab, he pays the 100 dinar and leaves," says Ms Majed, outlining the charges. "If he wants to marry her, he has to pay 1,000 or more. He has to sign a marriage agreement and he takes her and even after one hour they can get divorced. It's none of my business." Vigilantes Frustrated by the authorities' inability to deal with this problem, residents of the camp are forming vigilante groups. They patrol the area, they say to protect their women. They mete out their own justice on the men they decide are the perpetrators. It is one of many problems the authorities now face. Young men, angry, frustrated and bored are running out of control. Several riots have broken out in the camp. The United Nations says it is working hard with the Jordanian government to set up a proper policing structure and have announced a new security initiative. But it may never ease the pain of the women refugees. That will only be soothed when they are allowed to go back to their beloved Syria. Um Majed throws her head back and sighs. "I wish to go back to Syria. I wish to breathe the air of my country. Inshallah, I will go back." But it is more in hope than expectation. She recognises what their future might hold. "I hope we don't have the same destiny of the Palestinians who went out of their country and never went back." The film on the plight of Syria's refugees will be shown on Channel 4 News on Thursday (28 March 2013) from 7pm. It was directed, produced and filmed by Sharron Ward. The editor was Agnieszka Liggett and associate producer was Yasmin Al Tellawy.
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