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Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh

Sangat Ji, today I went to a public library and had an experience that I havnt gone through before.... I tried my best to reply but.... neway let me start at the beginning....

Like i said i was at the library and this guy came up to me, old guy, and he said that he found it very offensive that I as a young woman, who seemed intelligent, was carrying a dagger... As I tried to explain to him that this was religious, tried to explain to him what the Kirpan represented, i got the feeling he did not really care, he just wanted to get his point across that other religions offered love and humanity and that a "dagger" should not be a part of a religion. I tried my best to tell my side, however, being in a library and with this persons attitude I was unable to get mypoint across... he actually walked away from me saying, i think we've said all that we wanted to say..... what can i say thats short and sweet and tell these people what a kirpan represents... something short that covers everything......

how is it that we can give someone a quick short answer about the kirpan, that doesnt make us look violent, and doesnt make it seem as if its 'just' a symbol, and that in this day and age we can still use it.

I really felt aweful today after this experience, and it would be good to know, i know this has been spoken about before, but just like 2 or 3 sentances, like i said, short and sweet, please....

pul chuk maaf


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just to add on, when i said you dont just pull it out on people, he said, "the way the police pull out their guns and go around shooting people" ... <_< how do u deal with these people?

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"Sir...our Guru (Messenger) has given us this gift to protect people. When we get baptised, we make a vow to put our lives on the line for ANYONE who is in danger. It is not be feared, it is actually a very noble thing: taking responsibility to defend the good against evil, even if we have to give up our lives for a complete stranger. Where the average person will run away from danger, we are not allowed to do this. We must sacrifice ourselves in order to help anyone in need. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO NEED TO FEAR THE KIRPAN ARE MURDERERS, RAPISTS, AND KIDNAPPERS. I hope you understand why we wear a Kirpan, and that it is not to promote violence, but to abolish it. Thank you for your time sir."


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from your description, it seems to me that the guy was looking for a fight. Why bother arguing with a person that's main objective is to make you feel awful or try and convert you to his side? Don't get too worked up about it. If people have an honest curiosity and wanna know why you wear a kirpan, they wouldn't walk away when ur speaking.

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or you could just smile and say

You'll thank me when i use it to save you or one of your family members from some danger...

then promptly walk away...but don't lose the smile....cuz the smile does one of two things...either it'll pacify them or it'll tick the person off that you can be so calm...hhahaha...either way...it's still funny

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or you could just smile and say

You'll thank me when i use it to save you or one of your family members from some danger...

then promptly walk away...but don't lose the smile....cuz the smile does one of two things...either it'll pacify them or it'll tick the person off that you can be so calm...hhahaha...either way...it's still funny


hahahahaha .. LOL.gif

That honestly made me laugh cuz i was just about to write that ... damn you <_< .... well ya that is the best way. Dont loose the smile .... rolleyes.gif

... or if hes really bugging you and keeps asking weird questions.. be straight up.. sir i dont know how else to explain to you but this is a part of me and it hurts when people like you try to put me down ... but we are Guru Gobind Singh jis children we dont break that easily...

... either he will break and be like ohh im sorry, or he will fall quiet, or he will still be an <banned word filter activated> and keep buggin you.. if he keeps buggin you .. do what JSS said :nihungsmile: ... it always works ...

... and yes the explanation given by surrey singh is perfect !! :e:

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Fantastic replies.

From my personal experience - when people stop me for wearing Kirpan or ask about it:

"This part of the 5K's Sikh Uniform, which exemplifies the Sikh character of being a Saint Warrior.

The Kirpan is not an offensive weapon, dagger or knife. The word Kirpan = Kirpaa and aan.. literally meaning HANDY OF MERCY. It represents:

1) Truth 2) justice 3) freedom 4) righteousness and 5) protection.

Look at lady justice (who represent Law, order, justicw and freedom).


She holds a weighing scale = good and bad will be judged and weighed

Blind fold = justice is blind and indiscriminate

Sword in hand = represents Justice, freedom and soveriegnty.

A Kirpan is very special, worn by Sikhs who take an oath to serve humanity and protect justice. The British Law acknowledges this and by law we are allowed to wear kirpaan"

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