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Eating meat is bad for you

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Eating meat is bad for you

There is no longer any doubt about the fact that eating meat is bad for your health.

The list of diseases known to be associated with meat, which are commoner among meat eaters, looks like the index of a medical textbook.

Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians.

Avoiding meat is one of the best and simplest ways to cut down your fat consumption.

Those who still eat beef are, in my view, foolishly exposing themselves to the risk of contracting the horrifying human version of Mad Cow Disease.

Add to those hazards the fact that if you eat meat you may be consuming hormones, drugs and other chemicals that have been fed to the animals before they were killed and you can see the extent of the danger. No one knows precisely what effect eating the hormones in meat is likely to have on your health. But the risk is there and I think it's a big one. Some farmers use tranquillisers to keep animals calm. Others routinely use antibiotics so that their animals do not develop infections. When you eat meat you are, inevitably, eating those drugs. In America, over half of all antibiotics are fed to animals and I don't think it is any coincidence that the percentage of staphylococci infections resistant to penicillin went up from 13% in 1960 to 91% in 1988.

The healthiness of a vegetarian diet is perhaps shown most dramatically by the fact that lifelong vegetarians visit hospitals 22% less often than meat eaters - and for shorter stays! Vegetarians tend to be fitter than meat eaters - as well as healthier - and many of the world's most successful athletes (particularly those who specialise in endurance events) follow a strictly vegetarian diet.

It is the fat in meat that does most harm - and which makes meat eating an even bigger health hazard than smoking - but don't think you can avoid the dangers simply by avoiding red meat because you cannot. If you want to eat a truly healthy diet then you must give up eating meat completely.

There are, of course, all sorts of old-fashioned myths about eating meat.

It used to be claimed that people who didn't eat meat would be short of protein.

But that is now known to be absolute nonsense.

And it is equally untrue that if you don't eat meat your diet will be deficient in essential vitamins or minerals.

Meat contains absolutely nothing - no protein, vitamins or minerals - that your body cannot obtain perfectly happily from a vegetarian diet.

Becoming healthier isn't the only reason for turning green.

Many of those who stop eating meat do so for moral and ethical reasons as much as for personal gain.

Every minute of every working day thousands of animals are killed in slaughterhouses. Many animals are bled to death. Pain and misery are commonplace - for animals suffer from pain and fear just as much as you do.

In an average lifetime the average meat eater will consume 36 pigs, 36 sheep and 750 chickens and turkeys. More and more people are deciding that they just don't want that much carnage on their consciences. It is never too late to stop eating meat.

In addition, more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that hunger around the world could be eradicated if rich westerners stopped eating meat.

Every year over 400 million tons of grain are fed to livestock - so that the world's rich can eat meat.

At the same time, 500 million people in poor countries are starving to death.

Many of those who toy with the idea of turning vegetarian (because they want to be healthier, because they want to stop world starvation or because they can no longer bear the thought of encouraging such a barbaric trade as the breeding and killing of animals for food) worry about what they are going to eat.

Such worries are quite unnecessary.

There are not only many different fruits and vegetables available these days but, if you miss the texture of meat, you can buy vegetarian sausages, hamburgers and pies. Stews and curries can be made with soya and you can buy tofu cheese too.

To keep healthy eat raw foods whenever you can (because vitamins are easily destroyed by cooking) and use as little water as possible when boiling vegetables in order to avoid losing water soluble vitamins B and C. Steam or stir fry vegetables if you can instead of boiling them.

Remember that keeping food hot - or reheating it - can destroy vitamins, try to eat fruit and vegetables in their skins (because vitamins are often stored just below the skin) and be imaginative when shopping! You can get the iron, calcium, zinc and other essential minerals that your body needs by eating dark green, leafy vegetables, nuts, pulses, sunflower seeds and dried fruits.

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Information about being a Vegetarian

This Information was kindly provided by Helen Rosser of Animals Australia

Every day more and more people become vegetarian. Some because they are concerned about the quality of food they eat and the effect on their health, some are concerned about the suffering of animals to produce their food and others, the environmental impact that raising animals for meat has on the planet. Whatever the reason, vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular every day.

Making such a change in your lifestyle, however, raises many common questions and this article addresses the most common concerns and questions asked. It provides you with the information you need to make your own informed decision.

Your visit to this site has already indicated your concern and I sincerely hope that you will make the change.

Becoming vegetarian will be the best decision you will ever make in your entire lifetime, for yourself, for the animals and for the world.

It’s kinder for animals

It seems easy for a child to understand that eating meat is morally wrong because it causes pain and suffering to animals. Maybe this is why parents don’t tell them the whole truth about meat until they are much older; after they have had tradition drilled into their minds until it becomes acceptable that meat consumption is necessary.

Yet even many adults are oblivious to the fact that animals are now treated as commodities and bred extensively in mass production such as in factory farms and feedlots. Contrary to what some people believe, they do not live a contented life down on the farm until their day arrives when they will happily forfeit their lives to us for a meal.

The truth is that many animals are kept in overcrowded conditions, are denied the freedom to perform their natural instincts, are fed large doses of antibiotics and growth hormones to make them larger and more productive and are bred continually to produce more and more offspring.

Cows are bred continually so that they are kept in an almost constant state of lactation. Just like humans and other mammals, they must be either pregnant or nursing to produce milk which, in their case, is largely for human consumption. Their calves are then taken away from them (which is extremely distressing for both the calf and its mother) and sent away for slaughter while its mother is impregnated again.

Pigs are highly intelligent and inquisitive animals, yet sows are kept in stalls barely bigger than their bodies, unable to walk or turn around and often forced to lie in their own faeces. They are kept continually pregnant, the physical stress of which causes uterine prolapses. Their piglets have their teeth clipped, ears notched and tails cut off without anaesthetic. After a short, miserable life of around six months they are sent to the abattoir for slaughter.

Hens are kept crowded together in small battery cages. They are denied their natural desire to scratch in the dirt and establish a pecking order - part of a complex social system. At a young age, part of their beak is cut off to prevent cannibalism, caused by the high level of stress they are forced to endure. They are slaughtered at a young age when they stop producing sufficient eggs and usually end up as chicken stock, baby food or pet food.

After a short miserable life, animals are transported from the factory farm to the abattoir. Their well-being is rarely taken into consideration, as they are regarded as mere commodities, not sentient creatures. They are often transported long distances by road train with no food or water. It is not considered worth feeding and watering the animals when they are only going to be slaughtered anyway. Many die or are injured on the way.

The end of the journey is no relief to the frightened animals. They are led to the slaughterhouse in a state of despair. They have no escape and, despite apparatus such as stunners to make the whole process a little more humane, many animals are still fully conscious when their throats are slit. The pig slaughterer who complains that a pig is obstinate and difficult to handle is just observing an intelligent animal doing everything in its power to save the most precious thing he has - his life!

It’s kinder on the environment

With more and more animals being raised on intensive farms there has been increasing concern about the effects on the environment.

Rainforests in Central America are being felled or burnt to provide land for grazing beef cattle. The destruction of such a huge area of land has a devastating effect on the ozone layer. Each animal produces over 300 litres of methane (a ‘greenhouse’ gas) each day and the termites which feed on the rotting trees produce even more methane. The topsoil is eroded by the cattle, which are hard-hoofed, and the ground is doused with fertilisers and pesticides to maximise production. The land and the waterways are polluted with both poisonous residues and the effluent of the animals.

In Australia, the effluent produced from intensive piggeries, battery farms and cattle feedlots is also polluting our rivers and waterways.

It takes around 10kg of vegetable protein to produce 1kg of animal protein. Therefore, it makes more sense to grow crops for direct human consumption, rather than to feed animals which will later be eaten.

Around 70% of crops grown in the United States are fed to animals which are later used for human consumption. At the same time, somewhere in the world a child dies of starvation every two seconds. The world’s population is growing rapidly and, unless our resources are used more productively for a vegetarian diet, there simply will not be enough food to go around!

It’s kinder for you

The three biggest killers in the Western world are heart disease, cancer and stroke. Amazingly, all three conditions can be attributed largely to unhealthy eating habits, such as the consumption of meat and dairy products.

Both heart disease and stroke are caused by a build-up of cholesterol in the arteries. Over time, this can create an obstruction preventing the blood from reaching the heart or the brain, resulting in a heart attack or a stroke. Cholesterol can only be found in animal products and removing all animal products from your diet greatly reduces the chance of heart disease.

Many cancers have been linked directly to a meat-based diet which is high in fat and low in fibre. It was noted as early as 1892 in Scientific American that “cancer is most frequent among those branches of the human race where carnivorous habits prevail”.

In contrast, vegetarian diets contain a higher amount of fibre and anti-oxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E, which are known to fight cancer. Cancer rates amongst vegetarians are up to 50% less than in meat-eaters.

Osteoporosis, a disease in which the bones thin and become fragile, has been used by the dairy industry as a marketing tool to promote its products. However, it has been found that the incidence of osteoporosis is much lower in countries that consume little or no dairy products. It is the United States, where large amounts of dairy products are consumed, that has one of the highest incidences of osteoporosis in the world. The amount of calcium in the bones is controlled by hormones, and increasing calcium in the diet does not necessarily prevent the disease. A high intake of animal protein encourages the loss of calcium from the bones. Eating plant proteins instead, and being physically active helps preserve the calcium in our bones.

Overall, vegetarians have been found to live longer and be healthier. They have less chance of suffering from heart disease or cancer, as well as from obesity, food poisoning, constipation or diabetes.

Common Questions

Won't I suffer from nutritional deficiencies?

Not if you eat a healthy, varied diet. The meat and dairy industry have such strong advertising power that they have drilled into people’s minds the importance of calcium and iron. Sure, they are important. But not any more important than say, vitamin C or carbohydrates! The assumption that vegetarians will suffer from iron and calcium deficiency is due largely to the advertising campaigns of these big corporations. You can get all the nutrients you need without eating animal products.

Don't I need protein to grow strong?

Yes, and there’s no reason why you wouldn’t be getting enough protein. Protein is found in lots of foods, not only in meat. Consider some of the strongest animals you know...bulls, buffaloes, elephants, gorillas... they are all vegetarians and they all obtain plenty of protein from their plant-based diets. Everyone has heard of the saying “as strong as an ox” - another vegetarian! Like these animals, it is better to obtain your protein directly from the source (plants) than to obtain it second-hand from other animals.

As quoted by the Australian Farm Journal (September ‘97) “Chickpeas have the highest calcium level of any legume in the world. They are a complex carbohydrate, high in fibre, and have more protein than beef”. [Emphasis added.

Aren't vegetarians pale and sickly looking?

That really does depend on the person and what they eat. A carnivorous person who merely gives up meat, eating meals which consist of meat and three vegetables minus the meat would probably not be getting their full dietary requirements. However, those that consume a diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains, pasta and legumes would only appear pale and sickly if they never went into the sun and were genuinely ill. Look at the list of famous vegetarians, particularly the sports people. Do you think that any of these people look pale and sickly?

It should be recognised that both a vegetarian and a non-vegetarian diet have the potential to be deficient. It is entirely up to the individual to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods.

Aren't we meant to eat meat?

Let’s have a look at a comparison between carnivores and herbivores.

Carnivores have large canine teeth for ripping the flesh away from their prey, while herbivores (including humans) have teeth suitable for grinding vegetables, seeds etc.

Carnivores have a much shorter digestive tract than herbivores, which is designed to get the meat through the body as quickly as possible, before it begins to putrefy and toxify in the body.

Carnivores have a stomach acid 10 times stronger than herbivores.

What would happen to all the cows and other animals if we stopped eating meat?

To assume that the world would become vegetarian overnight, although a wonderful idea, would be somewhat naive. It will be a slow process. As more and more people become vegetarian the demand for meat will decrease and farmers would, therefore, breed fewer animals. The entire concept of eating meat will, therefore, disintegrate slowly but surely.

Doesn't a carrot feel pain too?

Based on what we know about plants and animals, one of the major things that distinguishes the two is that animals possess a very complex nervous system connected to the brain.

Together, the nervous system and the brain serve as a survival tool, identifying pain, stress or fright as signals that their lives may be in danger and prompting them to take appropriate action.

Plants do not have these mechanisms. They do not have the ability to run away from danger so the presence of a nervous system would not be of use to them.

Isn't vegetarian food boring?

Where have you been?!!!! Have you ever tried lentil curries with brown rice, stir-fried vegetables with tofu and sweet & sour sauce, spicy dahl with pappadams or falafels with hommus and tabouli? There is a whole world of vegetarian food just waiting for you to try. You’ll never need to look at a boring steak or boiled egg again.

What about when I go out for meals?

Vegetarian food is now available in all restaurants. Any establishment that is unable to cater to your requirements is not worth visiting. If you are unsure, give them a call before you arrive to ensure that they can make something up for you. Don’t be afraid to ask whether the “vegetarian” soup is made with a meat or vegetable stock or if they use animal or vegetable oil in their cooking. They don’t all understand that it’s not much good having a vegetarian meal if it’s cooked in beef fat! The more people ask for vegetarian food (and it is so often asked for that it’s nearly always commonplace) the more choices they will have to offer.

We recommend you visit restaurants that cater specifically for vegetarians. They give you a much wider choice of dishes and they deserve your support.

You will often find meat-eaters looking enviously at your more appetising (and usually cheaper) meal, particularly in aeroplanes when your meal gets served first!

Can I eat fish?

It’s amazing the number of people who do not consider fish to be animals. Vegetarians do not eat fish! There is as much cruelty involved in the fishing industry as there is in factory farming and the dairy industry. Being “cold-blooded” animals does not mean that they do not feel pain.

The nerves around the fishes mouth are extremely sensitive, enabling them to fossick for food. To have a hook rip into the side of their mouth, or even through an eye, and then dragged through the water causes extreme distress and pain, as does suffocation from commercial fishing methods.

So you see, eating animals not only hurts the animals and the environment, it hurts you too. It really makes you wonder why anyone would even contemplate a non-vegetarian diet. Make the start today to a life that is more compassionate, more environmentally sound and so much healthier that it could very well save your own life. GO VEGETARIAN TODAY!

Plant Sources of Essential Nutrients

IRON - Green leafy vegetables, breakfast cereals, whole grain bread, soy products, legumes, nuts, mushrooms, seeds.

CALCIUM - Sesame seeds, Chinese tofu, almonds, brazil nuts, soy beans, parsley, green vegetables (including kale, spinach, watercress & parsley), fortified soy milk, tahini.

PROTEIN - Almost all foods contain protein. The richest sources are soy beans, chick peas, nuts, seeds, lentils, baked beans, tofu.

VITAMIN A - Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, sweet potato, apricots, mangoes, paw paw, rockmelon.

VITAMIN B - Whole grains, nuts, legumes, yeast extracts, green leafy vegetables, fruit, wheatgerm, potatoes.

VITAMIN B12 - Fortified soy milk (such as SoGood, Sungold brands). A vitamin B12 supplement is recommended if you do not use fortified soy milk or eat any animal products.

VITAMIN C - Citrus fruits, berries, mangoes, tomatoes, green vegetables, capsicum.

VITAMIN E - Whole grains, legumes, vegetable oils, wheatgerm, nuts, margarine.

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i thought everyone knew that?

loads of documentaries have come about on television (in UK), highlighting:

1) Slaughter houses are not killing animals properly

2) Animals in meat factorys or farms are kept cooped up and the storage space is unsuitable -- resulting in animals suffering and some dying of suffocation

3) Meat which goes off is sometimes brought by dodgey butchers who bleach the gone off meat, restoring the white colour to the meat... hence you have "dead cheap" (no pun intended) meat available in some shops.

4) Vegetarian animals like cows were fed meat (left over meat from restaurants) which caused foot and mouth disease, and also mad-cow disease.

5) So many injections and chemicals are put into meat to fatten them up quickly (unfortunately this is also done to fruit and veg as well)

I think generally it is growing trend of buying "free range" meat and eggs and more english people are becoming vegetarians or exploring non-meat alternatives due to the health scares.

As responsible sikhs we should be aware of "ALL" health issues including the consequences of eating certain food etc...

"Baba hor khana khushi khuar, jit khadhe tan periaey man mahi chale vikar" (SGGS P: 16, Sri Rag Mahala 1)

O wise old man, eating such a food is spoiling your happiness that pains the body and brings evil thoughts to mind.

It is not an issue (or lets not make it an issue) of whether eating meat is ethically right or wrong -- even Guru Granth Sahib ji illustrates that arguing over being vegetarian makes one more religious or whether eating meat makes one more "religious" is a pity argument, which we should avoid.

As responsible Sikhs we should be aware of the Health issues... health effects our body, and our body effects our mind and mind effects our spirituality.

Bhul chuk maaf karnee ji

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:T: What seems to be even worse than eating meat is those wo promote meat eating and those who promote vegetarianism. :)

Here's some lines from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib about this, courtesey of www.srigranth.org:

Page 1289, Line 15 -- Guru Nanak Dev

The fools argue about flesh and meat, but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom.

maas maas kar moorakh jhagrhay gi-aan Dhi-aan nahee jaanai.

Page 1289, Line 16 -- Guru Nanak Dev

What is called meat, and what is called green vegetables? What leads to sin?

ka-un maas ka-un saag kahaavai kis meh paap samaanay.

Page 1289, Line 17 -- Guru Nanak Dev

Those who renounce meat, and hold their noses when sitting near it, devour men at night.

maas chhod bais nak pakrheh raatee maanas khaanay

PEACE! and drop this stupid subject! :)

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:T: What seems to be even worse than eating meat is those wo promote meat eating and those who promote vegetarianism. :)

Here's some lines from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib about this, courtesey of www.srigranth.org:

Page 1289, Line 15 -- Guru Nanak Dev

The fools argue about flesh and meat, but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom.

maas maas kar moorakh jhagrhay gi-aan Dhi-aan nahee jaanai.

Page 1289, Line 16 -- Guru Nanak Dev

What is called meat, and what is called green vegetables? What leads to sin?

ka-un maas ka-un saag kahaavai kis meh paap samaanay.

Page 1289, Line 17 -- Guru Nanak Dev

Those who renounce meat, and hold their noses when sitting near it, devour men at night.

maas chhod bais nak pakrheh raatee maanas khaanay

PEACE! and drop this stupid subject!  :)


:cool: lisun 2 dis fella

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