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Is Kesgi a Kakkar or Kes?


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Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fatah

Word to the moderators

How come we can discuss this and not the raag mala surely this is also a panthic issue and not for us to discuss.

I voted no. People should stop making things how they see fit.

Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi

Waheguru Jee Ka Khalsa Waheguru Jee Kee Fatah

Moderator's Comment : Veer ji The Ragmala issue has already been discussed before and was closed at the request of the members. You can search the forum for Ragmala. Below is a link to the thread from few months back.


We will close topics that become a fighing ground for indviduals and begin to effect the members of the forum. otherwise u can pretty much discuss anything sikhi related. Fateh

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lol how it making it how they see fit?

look at the **oldest** account of vaisakhi from the **most** reliable source available.....bhatt vahis accounts by bhatt sarup singh....and what it is the kakkar...


wot about hte 2nd bhatt vahis account......also preserved from corruption......


bhai chaupa singhs rehatnama?


implied by bhai daya singhs?


what was obviously compulsory for men and women during cunninghams time in india?


how much more evidence do u need? guruji even came to bhai rama singh in a dream and told him it was.......wait for it.........KESKI.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

There are quite a few topics on this subject already:




Including other topics which have dipped into this subject. Since nobody on either side has been able to provide any new evidence, this thread seems pointless. We will leave this thread open for another day to allow new evidence to be presented, and if nothing new comes up or slandering begins, this thread will be closed.

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Guest learner singh

ÅÆ sRI vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]

sRI muKvwk pwiqswhI 10 ]

inswin isKI eIN pMj hriP Asq kwP ]

hrigj nw bwsd eIN pMj muAwP ] 1]

kVw kwrdo k`C kMGy ibdW ]

iblw kys hyc Asq jumly insW ] 2]

hrP hkwieq Asq AjI pMj kwP]

ibdw nMd bwvr n goXm iKlwP ] 3]

hu`kw hjwmq hlwlo hrwm ]

bwrIsy ihnw krd rU isXw Pwm ] 4] 1]

(AsPokt sÍYXy, sRI dsm gRMQ)

“The following five K’s are the mark of Sikhi. These five can never be parted from the body. Kara, Kirpan, Kashera, Kangha, recognizes these as four of them. The fifth is Kesh, without which the other four are useless. There are also four H’s which must be avoided. Understand this without any doubt, no lies have been told. Hukka, taking tobacco (including any other type of intoxicants). Hajamt, removing of hair. Halalo, eating meat, Haram, adultery (sexual relationships outside of marriage). These are the four H’s. Dyeing of beards (including any other body hair), and the wearing of mehndi (including other types of make up) are strictly forbidden.

(Sri Dasam Granth)

Guru Gobind Singh ji gives us gurbani stating kara, kirpan, kashera, kangha and lastly the most important kakar kesh are khalsa's 5 kakars, no other 5 can be subsituted, these are the 5.

Wjkk Wjkf

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

That svaiye is questionable. It appears in the appendix of only the most recently published dasam granth, and only by certain publishers. It does not show up in ANY dasam granth pre 1900s and is refuted universally by scholars.

I wouldn't count that as proof of anything...

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