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Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehowa Wale

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Is this a joke? Sorry, I'm confused.  :doh: @

But, if you think he's a sant thats your opinion. Again, if you have the video, please post it to back up your statements.


Nothings a joke veer ji. These nindaks are undertaking libel against Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj. Wait till Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj comes to England then these nindaks will repent.

Sorry Veer Ji, I dont have the video of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj in the Hemkunt Sahib sarovar anymore. Even if I did it would not be worth the time converting it and uploading it as all he does is sit in the sarovar.

You could reconstruct this in your mind by imagining Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj with just his kachera on sitting in the sarovar.

To help you imagine this if you are having problems do this :

-get a picture of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj and cut his face out,

-get a Teletubbie and stick the face of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj on the Teletubbie,

-fill a bath tub up and put the Teletubbie in the bathtub for half an hour

(Before anyone calls me a Nindak or send me abusive emails I am in no way comparing a bathtub of water to a sarovar), I am simply trying to reconstruct the video . Similalry you could reconstruct many other events form the life of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj by getting glasses of water and giving them out as Amrit (please do not do at your local Gurdwara as no doubt some true GurSikh will take offence and give you a few shithar).

I also do not have the pictures of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj with the senior (ex??) Punjab Poilce wala who tortured and no doubt killed many Sikh youth.

I too would be interested in seeing the video of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj getting notes out of peopels pockets as I would like to have a go at that and use it as a party trick at weddings.

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe

I just wanted to say that, if anybody out there has any evidence of any dodgy doings or actions by baba mann singh, can they please post it onto the internet, or can they give us a site or anything where we can get this footage or information, if not shut up and stop doing nindya, me personally dont support baba mann singh or am aginst him, but just want to see footage if anyone has any. and can whoever call baba mann singh a brahm giani stop, as some times ppl think its a joke to call anyone a brahm giani, veer ji i just wanted to know are you a brahm giani as im pritty sure gurbani states brahm giani ki gat brahm giani janneh (sos for spelling), anyway stay in chardi kallaa


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Is this a joke? Sorry, I'm confused.  :doh: @

But, if you think he's a sant thats your opinion. Again, if you have the video, please post it to back up your statements.


Nothings a joke veer ji. These nindaks are undertaking libel against Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj. Wait till Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj comes to England then these nindaks will repent.

Sorry Veer Ji, I dont have the video of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj in the Hemkunt Sahib sarovar anymore. Even if I did it would not be worth the time converting it and uploading it as all he does is sit in the sarovar.

You could reconstruct this in your mind by imagining Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj with just his kachera on sitting in the sarovar.

To help you imagine this if you are having problems do this :

-get a picture of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj and cut his face out,

-get a Teletubbie and stick the face of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj on the Teletubbie,

-fill a bath tub up and put the Teletubbie in the bathtub for half an hour

(Before anyone calls me a Nindak or send me abusive emails I am in no way comparing a bathtub of water to a sarovar), I am simply trying to reconstruct the video . Similalry you could reconstruct many other events form the life of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj by getting glasses of water and giving them out as Amrit (please do not do at your local Gurdwara as no doubt some true GurSikh will take offence and give you a few shithar).

I also do not have the pictures of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj with the senior (ex??) Punjab Poilce wala who tortured and no doubt killed many Sikh youth.

I too would be interested in seeing the video of Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj getting notes out of peopels pockets as I would like to have a go at that and use it as a party trick at weddings.


u have waaaaaaay too much time on ur hands no.gif

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vaheguru ji ka khalsa, vaheguru ji ki fathe

I just wanted to say that, if anybody out there has any evidence of any dodgy doings or actions by baba mann singh, can they please post it onto the internet, or can they give us a site or anything where we can get this footage or information, if not shut up and stop doing nindya, me personally dont support baba mann singh or am aginst him, but just want to see footage if anyone has any. and can whoever call baba mann singh a brahm giani stop, as some times ppl think its a joke to call anyone a brahm giani, veer ji i just wanted to know are you a brahm giani as im pritty sure gurbani states brahm giani ki gat brahm giani janneh (sos for spelling), anyway stay in chardi kallaa



Na I am not a Bramgiani and nor do I want to get into a debate about this. If you want start a new thread about who is and who is not a Brahmgiani. I can assure you that Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj de chele will say he is one and me being very stupid and gullible beleive that he is one and is not capable of undertaking the sexual abuse he is alleged to have committed by a few independent people in different countries.

Whats wron with calling Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj a Brahmgiani ? Well thats what his chele said when they sent me abusive emails in the past. I do not doubt their sincerity in establishing he is a Brahmgiani so I will refer to him as Mahapursh Brahmgiani Sant Baba Mann Singh Ji Pehove Wale Mahraj.

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Guest SScom

Think about it - if we removed this topic or locked it, would that not be biased of the administrators too?

Damned if we do... damned if we dont.

Our personal opinions aside, someone has put accross allegations and point and of view some may not agree with and they are more than welcome to defend them.

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