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Sikh protesters disrupt wedding

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........they did a good thing, but the means were horrible.


Some people think its not right to disrupt someone's special day - the wedding but you have got to think that if Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji was here today, would taking Maharaj Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to a hall be allowed, would you step back and leave it?

This shouldnt be allowed and should be stopped by any means neccessary.

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wots up wid u all-info, its best not 2 judge bro, u aint even know if we r thiyaar bithiyaar or not so dont speak on that.

i say again:

this is no joke!!!!! stop with the irrelevant talk,

the seva was done and thats it, there will be other seva 2 do so everyone keep yourselves ready.

we have 2 stop being clowns and become soldiers!!!!!

if every singh out there wos strong in sikhi and physically strong, we wud not need a gang of 40 or how many numbers went, all we need is 5

and 2 think that the giani wos not harmed is mash up, u lot can diss us all u want but bottom line is this is our Guru, real singhs wid real piyaar cannot handle maharaj being abused like this and wud not tollerate this issue turned in2 a joke.

this is our Guru not no normal thing, so wot if we went prison 4 this, wot is worth more: our Guru or our lives???????????????

Do ardass 4 this not 2 happen again and 4 us 2 be able 2 do seva if this does happens again, we r put on this earth 2 do seva so lets do it!!!!


Im not judging and its incorrect to assume also.

Obvioulsy you were present so i do apologise for offending you on this matter. Real singhs with real piyaar, paji, if that was the case, then everyone wuda been at the Shaheedi Tournament fighting for the beadbi done to Guru Arjan Dev Ji, OUR 5TH GURU.

Again, as you said to me, try not speak out of line. And as to knowing if you are thiyaar bitiyaar, it dnt mater to me. Not gona do nething for me if you are or not. It has everything to do with maharaj and thats it.

If you think beadbi is a bad thing then get up and fight it with the fullest. As you said, real singhs wudnt care, hopefully, we still have that mentality left in us to do it for the right reason and not just go out to smash up people...

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I think this whole fiasco is turning sour. Can I ask Sangat ji to bear a few points in mind and answer a few questions:

If we want more people to know about Sikhi, and the Guru Granth Sahib translated into other languages does this mean the same rules apply to the SGGS ji?

Does this mean it can't be on library shelve (like the Koran, Bible and Geeta is)?

You get the Gideons putting Bibles in Hotels, I take it we can't do this?

Does it mean, anyone who possess the SGGS ji (like I do in English and Transliteration), have to perform the rituals associated with keeping it (i.e. putting it to bed and waking it)?

Does this mean I cannot have meat in my house (which is not against Sikhism)?

What if I run an off-licence or butchers and live on the premises, does this mean I cannot read Bani on the premises (even though I am earning an honest living)?

Other factors to bear in mind. Our Guru is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, and our living Guru's mingled with and met all sorts of unsavoury charachetrs inunsavoury places, and the result was they and the places were better for it. Should not the same rule apply here?

PS I'm not trying to start a fight, because I am too against this stupid trend of having weddings in Hotels, when they should be done entirely in Gurudwaras.

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How would you feel if some one was holding a pint while being in the presence of the guru jee, during the anand karaj, because thas exactly what was going to happen.

if you feel its ok then thas fair enuff.

but if you have a heart i feel you will feel hurt.


WKWF no.gif

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

The fundemental point is being missed here. The basic fact is that there are corrupt Granthis out there who are selling Guruji & Sikhi Maryada for their personal gains.

This was proved by the fact that 2 saroops of Guru Maharaj were recovered by the Sikh Community.

We have a rot within our community. These granthis are a cancer spreading pandit like advise and rituals. Families are either naive or faithless, in both cases the corrupt granthi makes his money playing on this!

The Granthi who came up & performed the pathetic wedding on Sunday with a Gutka reflects how much respect is out there for Guruji.

The respect given to Gurbani has bee established by Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji & folloing Guru Sahibs aswell as Gursikhs. Gurbani is our Guru, thats why we refer to the "pages" as angs (limbs).

Guru Gobind Singh's horse refused to take Guruji through a field of tabacco, however todays "gursikhs" wish to take Guruji anywhere justifying this with weak arguments.

Please look at reality. Its a farce, its abusing Sikh Maryada. Today weddings are not about parchar, its a ritual that must be done. We have move so far away from the truth we are willing to take Guruji with us.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Now I dont think anyone in their right mind would want to take Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji to a Banqueting Hall. You would feel ashamed to even ask Guruji to go there.

Think twice! Just because a Granthi says its okay it might not be!

Distributing Gurbani with Hotels & to wider communities is far off. Look closer to home first within our community, strengthen our roots with respect, reading & practice of Gurbani. Wouldnt you respect Gurbani without which there is no Sikhi?

We have to stop these bad practices. We are called Sikhs, which means disciple, follower of the faith. Sikhs are now the Guru & Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the Sikh - Kaljug!

I worry when people compare their homes to hotels, banqueting halls and clubs. Do the same things happen in your homes? Do people vomit in your toilets? are drugs sold by security guards? Do prositutes use your home? Do all the lies and immoral acts happening in these places happen in your home?

There is a difference in the homes of Sikhs & hotels. There is a chance to do parchar in someone's house, for them to get love for Gurbani. When Guruji is brought into someone's house than family have a wish, say a illness to be cured, peace between family members, a thanksgiving. When Guruji is taken to hotels etc by Corrupt Granthis funded by So called Sikh Families the only wish here is to do a ritual in front of the world and party on! If that wasnt the case then why is Guruji taken from the site immediately once the "ritual" is complete?

We are a pathetic community, why can we not be like White people.If they dont believe in thier religion they dont even attempt to practice it. Many members of the Punjabi community dont believe in Sikhi but feel they have to practice it, with their egos the want to put their own spin on Sikhi, lets have the Anand Karaj at Hilton Hotel!! The filth that is generated over years within these hotels would make a real gursikh ashamed to even ask a Gurdwara or Granthi that they wish to have a wedding in a place openly serving & consuming alcohol, cigarettes & meat.

Within these hotel weddings people put up cloths to cover the bars. Are we so naive to think that white cloths have specials powers that block Guruji from knowing?

Akal Takht has issued a hukamnama that Langar has to be vegetarian. Now if there is an Anand Karaj which is Guruji's maryada then the food distributed on the day is langar, it must be vegetarian! What gives us the right to differenciate?


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