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help with kaam

Guest kaam

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Dear gursikhs,

ive always had a problem with controlling kaam. recently, ive started to do amritvela simran and do all punj bania (sometimes more)...but every few weeks i have strong attacks of kaam that i cant put down and i feel relly bad deep within, so i go and do some more naam jap and i feel a little better, though my guilt doesnt go away.

i even try to read shabads against kaam once a week or so...still i get these periodic attks of kaam and i can never control them...anyone have advice?

At least you feel guilty some people don't even feel guilty. By feeling guilty about our deeds we can work on it, to be more good persons. :wub: Do Ardas to Satguru because we are helpless in this, only the Guru can help us cross this worldy ocean.

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Dear gursikhs,

ive always had a problem with controlling kaam. recently, ive started to do amritvela simran and do all punj bania (sometimes more)...but every few weeks i have strong attacks of kaam that i cant put down and i feel relly bad deep within, so i go and do some more naam jap and i feel a little better, though my guilt doesnt go away.

i even try to read shabads against kaam once a week or so...still i get these periodic attks of kaam and i can never control them...anyone have advice?

Sex - Is it bad or good? What is your answer if yes then you are materialistic and if no then too you are materialistic! Sex is neither good nor bad. It is energy- a divine energy. This is the way God wanted human beings to procreate else human beings could have grown on trees like fruits! Interesting just imagine girls and boys hanging like peaches and apples on trees: just pluck them and bring them home! All those who condemn sex are condemning God. All prophets, avatars- divine incarnation, rishi, seers all were born out of sex. The procedure which has been innovated by creator himself how can that be bad.

When we speak for or against sex just shows we don’t know what it is. Sex is just like any other natural force. A child doesn’t has it as the body grows the chemical and hormonal changes brings this natural attraction towards opposite sex body. As it has come, it should go away naturally one day. But it doesn’t happen because people don’t deal with it naturally. It is suppressed, repressed and when energy is pushed or repressed it changes its form and becomes more aggressive and then you have to just fight with it. And can you win from it, the natural force - Never!

Sex is to be understood and lived with open mind. Sex has been considered as a taboo subject and children specially are kept away from this subject but can the adults really do that? No, children will explore other channels to know about it and from here this tussle begins. Body wants it, society says no! and the more it is hidden the more glorified it becomes. Child grows with the repressed ideology about sex and even one day when he or she goes for sex, person carries immense guilt as if he has done something ugly sinfull. So one falls in it and yet wishes not to go in it, cycle goes on. Sex if experienced with awareness soon leads to transgression of sex.

One who is attached to body can never come out of sex, de attachment towards body and deeper experiences of meditation helps person to naturally come out of obsessive sexual behavior

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I don't agree with that Kaam statement that Kaam is wholly neccessary as Rishis,Munis,Avatars,Prophets etc were all married. I know plenty Sikh Saints who were not married and spent their whole life in meditation. Sant Attar Singh Ji Mastuana Wale, Sant Karam Singh Ji Hoti Mardan Wale and Sant Nand Singh Ji Kaleran Wale are some Mahapurakhs who weren't married. Some great souls spend their whole life as celebates. Also it is stated in Sant Attar Singh Ji Reru Sahib Jeewani that he didn't want to get married but since his parents were concerned about this, they married him off. And he had one son. But after he renouced family life.

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I don't agree with that Kaam statement that Kaam is wholly neccessary as Rishis,Munis,Avatars,Prophets etc were all married. I know plenty Sikh Saints who were not married and spent their whole life in meditation. Sant Attar Singh Ji Mastuana Wale, Sant Karam Singh Ji Hoti Mardan Wale and Sant Nand Singh Ji Kaleran Wale are some Mahapurakhs who weren't married. Some great souls spend their whole life as celebates. Also it is stated in Sant Attar Singh Ji Reru Sahib Jeewani that he didn't want to get married but since his parents were concerned about this, they married him off. And he had one son. But after he renouced family life.

I think you've misunderstood. The statement is not saying that it is necessary to get married and have physical relations. But if you read the words again, it is saying that all of the Rishis, Munis, Avatars and Prophets came from Sex...that they didn't just appear out of thin air. Their bodies came to be out of the physical union of 2 individuals just as yours did.

"All those who condemn sex are condemning God. All prophets, avatars- divine incarnation, rishi, seers all were born out of sex."

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Dear gursikhs,

ive always had a problem with controlling kaam. recently, ive started to do amritvela simran and do all punj bania (sometimes more)...but every few weeks i have strong attacks of kaam that i cant put down and i feel relly bad deep within, so i go and do some more naam jap and i feel a little better, though my guilt doesnt go away.

i even try to read shabads against kaam once a week or so...still i get these periodic attks of kaam and i can never control them...anyone have advice?

Sex - Is it bad or good? What is your answer if yes then you are materialistic and if no then too you are materialistic! Sex is neither good nor bad. It is energy- a divine energy. This is the way God wanted human beings to procreate else human beings could have grown on trees like fruits! Interesting just imagine girls and boys hanging like peaches and apples on trees: just pluck them and bring them home! All those who condemn sex are condemning God. All prophets, avatars- divine incarnation, rishi, seers all were born out of sex. The procedure which has been innovated by creator himself how can that be bad.

When we speak for or against sex just shows we don’t know what it is. Sex is just like any other natural force. A child doesn’t has it as the body grows the chemical and hormonal changes brings this natural attraction towards opposite sex body. As it has come, it should go away naturally one day. But it doesn’t happen because people don’t deal with it naturally. It is suppressed, repressed and when energy is pushed or repressed it changes its form and becomes more aggressive and then you have to just fight with it. And can you win from it, the natural force - Never!

Sex is to be understood and lived with open mind. Sex has been considered as a taboo subject and children specially are kept away from this subject but can the adults really do that? No, children will explore other channels to know about it and from here this tussle begins. Body wants it, society says no! and the more it is hidden the more glorified it becomes. Child grows with the repressed ideology about sex and even one day when he or she goes for sex, person carries immense guilt as if he has done something ugly sinfull. So one falls in it and yet wishes not to go in it, cycle goes on. Sex if experienced with awareness soon leads to transgression of sex.

One who is attached to body can never come out of sex, de attachment towards body and deeper experiences of meditation helps person to naturally come out of obsessive sexual behavior

Very well Said Pheena ji.

Accepting hukam is really important .

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Veerji i was in the same problem as u....

I used to have the urge to watch and to do it self kinda thing...

Guru Saheb kirpa everythin is ok now...

One day i couldnt control i went to gurdwara sahib and beged and cry and cry and cry none stop...

I tried control for more than 1 and a half years....

After tht guru saheb did kirpa and now with His kirpa its all fine...

yes you will get the thoughts and flashback..but rememberin Him would give you everythin...

Hope i made sense...

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