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Disrespect Of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj


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i love the sly implications you make in ure posts and i am not intelligent enough to do the same, if i am honest :)

n yep, i wish i cud do something for my Guru and Sikhi, but i admit too, i am just a moorakh.

enough respect to you Singhs though



Is that aimed at myself, or all-info??

I apologise if I have made any sly implications, the only thing I could deem as such was the use of words in my first post which was in response to your own.

Anyhow, don't put yourself down, you do much for your Guru, with the vast amount of web-sewa and the like, so I can't see why I could be worthy of any respect from someone like yourself who has dedicated so many personal resources for the purpose of Sikhi Parchar.

I hope I haven't offended you with anything, as that was not my aim. My aim, is merely to get something permanent done to resolve this apparent disrespect.

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Both i think??

I didnt think there were any sly implications? Ah well, i guess there must b then.

"n yep, i wish i cud do something for my Guru and Sikhi, but i admit too, i am just a moorakh."

No offence with this line, but seriously, this is the most pointless line> This is not aimed at u nama singh, but just about everyone who uses it as an excuse.

If youve taken amrit and still use this then seriously, its pure pakhand. PURE PAKHAND simply as if you took the steps to take amrit, give YOUR HEAD to Guru Ji, then obviously you must have some quality in you! i think it goes with the name... Amrit?

That above line is widely used as just a coverup statement, offering Nimerta by many, i hear it alot and its crap. No offence as stated but if you see a problem then isnt about time a change was implemented?

Apologies if my post offends anyone, its not intentional, im just tired of the, "i cant do it" card! Gets anoying, if your amritdhari, then the protection of Sikhi comes first. Without offending anyone, but if we are quick to rush to a protest of 84, then we shud be kicking ourselves for not geting to maharaj faster.


i love the sly implications you make in ure posts and i am not intelligent enough to do the same, if i am honest :)

n yep, i wish i cud do something for my Guru and Sikhi, but i admit too, i am just a moorakh.

enough respect to you Singhs though



Is that aimed at myself, or all-info??


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u guys talk about Ik Niwas, you should c the other Gurdwara on the same street: 'Guru ravidass Temple'. Its all gud and they do consider Guru Ji as their Guru but also Bhagat Ravidass as Guru hence the name of the Gurdwrara, but when they do aarti its like watching aarti in a form of Hindu worship...they blow conch shells, ring bells, wave a thali around Guru Ji which is basically set on fire!!

And they do 3 jaikare: one of them is Bole So Nihal: Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ki Jai? no.gif


I know the Gurudwara that you are on about. I've been there a few times. On the birthday of Bhagat Ravidass, they had a celebration day in the hall opposite the Gurudwara and that's where I heard the Jaikara

'Bole So Nihal, Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ki Jai'

I got well <mod-cut> and the main thing was that they only said that jaikara. The commitee members kept on shouting that Jaikara but I made it a point to myself to shout 'Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh' Without Waheguru's grace, none of the Bhagat's or Guru's would have done what they did.

I've seen them do Aarti with a thali but I've never seen conch shells blown or bells rung. Has anyone seen this that has been there recently?

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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Singh jee (not H4RPAL), there were implications and if you wish to discuss them, feel free to PM me.

"n yep, i wish i cud do something for my Guru and Sikhi, but i admit too, i am just a moorakh."

About this line ure on about... i wud rather, in my mind, be a moorakh. If others see GurSikh in me, thats different. I wudnt percieve myself anything other than lowest of the low, because in my opinion, thats a form of hunkaar in itself.

You dont have to agree with my opinion by the way. I dont enforce it on neone. I do what i can, when i can, how i can. Only me n my Guru know that. Everyone has a part to play in life. Its like in the army, not everyone is fit to fight. ITs the team that works - u have chefs, engineers, postmen in the olden days, and without that team structure, there would have been no victory.

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Singh jee (not H4RPAL), there were implications and if you wish to discuss them, feel free to PM me.

"Everyone has a part to play in life. Its like in the army, not everyone is fit to fight. ITs the team that works - u have chefs, engineers, postmen in the olden days, and without that team structure, there would have been no victory.


Two Words

Sant Siphai


Wear a Bana, then you a warrior, ie u fight, Wear a Chand, then you wearing a Nishani of Justice and freedom. Sikhs fight for justice. The Khalsa is an army of god, here to FIGHT for him and insjustice in the world.

if shaheeds of back in the day took the approach of the amry you speak of, man, we wouldnt be here today.

That once again is not aimed at you, its just a mere explanation of my thoughts of what Saint Solider is... I dont know much, i havent been into sikhi as long as others on here, but thats the one thing i learned from our History.

The great Keertanis, the great Scholars Of Bani, they all fought, hence giving SIKHI its one extra breath.


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This thread is getting a bit personal.. ohmy.gif

Sewa is something that we do not do ourselves by our own efforts but our Guru Jee does his kirpa on us and blesses us with the opportunity to do Sewa. Guru Jee could change his mind and take away the opportunity from us to do the Sewa. Everything is in his hukam.

There is not one type of sewa but thousands and thousands of types of Sewa. We have no right to say to someone that so and so is not doing sewa if they are not performing a certain sewa which we are doing.

Guru Jee says:

saa saevaa keethee safal hai jith sathigur kaa man ma(n)nae ||

Fruitful and rewarding is that service, which is pleasing to the Guru's Mind.


Waheguru Waheguru

har kee thum saevaa karahu dhoojee saevaa karahu n koe jee ||

Serve the Lord; do not serve anyone else.

har kee saevaa thae manahu chi(n)dhiaa fal paaeeai dhoojee saevaa janam birathhaa jaae jee ||1||

Serving the Lord, you shall obtain the fruits of your heart's desires; serving another, your life shall pass away in vain. ||1||

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I agree with kaur1978 - this thread has got too personal.

Seva is something that is blessed to us by Guroo Maharaaj.

We can encourage and persuade people to do seva in a kind way, but we shouldn't force people to do seva. If they do not partake in that seva, then that's their personal loss - they should not be made to feel small because of that.

My humble opinion. Bhul Chuk Maaf.


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I agree with kaur1978 - this thread has got too personal.

Seva is something that is blessed to us by Guroo Maharaaj.

We can encourage and persuade people to do seva in a kind way, but we shouldn't force people to do seva. If they do not partake in that seva, then that's their personal loss - they should not be made to feel small because of that.

My humble opinion. Bhul Chuk Maaf.



True say, Maharaj blessess the seva

But heres one thing i was talking to someone about last night, as i missed a claas this week, he said that Maharaj gives you the opportunity to do seva, and we should take it up!! If we dont we lose out.

The person whos class i missed, i apologised to. He then said its ok, as i had a valid reason for missing. He then said, someone said he will come to class, but never came, he had football instead. That day, he went football. But never played, why? The flood lights would not turn on!!! No matter what they tried, they couldnt get the lights to switch on!!

Another tale, some singhs came on the last protest, they said they didnt want to stay for all of it as they wanted to go home. So they left to go home, BUT since the driver was the one who didnt want to stay, the rest of the car did! Maharaj belated that car by 4 hours!!! If they stayed and protested, they would have been home say by 6pm, maharaj planned otherwise for them, they got home at around 10pm!!!! thats along time to get home!! simply becuase u turned down maharajs seva for nothing more then, "going home to sleep".

My posts are not out to offend anyone, but how people interpret them or take them to their personal ways, i can not be held responsible. Each person is entitled to an opinion, thats how forums work. If you take things personal then maybe its a sign?

no1 is meant to feel small, if they do, then obviously its a sign from Guru Ji. Im not the one making you feel that way, you feel that way from what you have read. I cant change that, only the person feeling that way can.

Say for example, your parents say to you your a failiure coz u got a B and not an A. Most kids would try to do better and get an A* just prove a point. The same thing applies to seva aswel. Yes maharaj blesses us with seva individually, but then he blesses everyone with the opportunity! If we dont take it then that our fault.

The campaign, the singhs saw the opportunity and acted upon it! It was a test. Now their test is done, i think maharaj then decided all those who talk about it on forums should be tested. Therefore when the sangat got involved by contacting the halls, the change was made. Therefore maharaj blessed you with the seva and it was done! The result was positive. - Test passed.


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