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what rss wants

Guest SikhForLife

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Yea I think they want to get Sikhs OUTTA INDIA...

and they've done quite a good job :umm:

Anyone know what the Akal TAkhat is doing to prevent RSS? :umm:

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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rss wants one united akhand bharat (undivided india), which plainly defined would be present day india+pakistan+bangladesh. they want all these lands to be under "their distorted version of" hinduism. now let me explain some stuff i have been holding inside of me (dont worry, it IS against them :umm: )

when india was partioned in 1947, it was "supposed" to be a secular democracy. sikhs had 3 options (plzz correct me if i m wrong here) : (1) join india; (2) join pakistan; (3) have their own independent and sovereign nation. what happened was (1). (2) was not possible coz Sikhs had already fought tons of battles with mughals, afghans, persians in the name of religion, and so living under a muslim regime AGAIN was not even given a thought. The surprising fact is that jinnah promised to have a separate state for Sikhs. He, like aurangzeb, couln't have and shouln't have been trusted. All politicians are the same no matter what religion they belong to and they always break or go back on their fake promises.

So the Sikhs joined India. The many promises that were made were not kept. Initially, the demands were simple : Punjab shud not have to share its waters, Sikhs shud be enlisted as Sikhs in the Indian constitution and not as Hindus, and the state language shud be Punjabi instead of Hindi. simple and fair enuff i'd say! but did the leaders think so? heck no!

The main reason rss is after "Sikhs are Hindus" phenomenon therefore comes out very easily. If

they want India to be a Hindu country, every Sikh has the right to say "ok sir, u may have what u want but give us what we want. Khalistan! coz we joined your union as it was supposed to be for all. either it stays a united country for ALL, or u may give us what belongs to us if u want to have it your way. Either India remains a secular democracy FOR ALL or give everyone what they want, no matter what religion they follow.".

This is what they do NOT want! they want the entire land mass under their banner (nothing to do with any religion or community whatsoever). Thus they wanna convince Sikhs that they (Sikhs) are Hindus thereby increasing the number of Hindu population and having a strong fighting force (Sikhs again) against muslims. If Sikhs say "we are hindus", Punjab will forever come in their grip! There wont be any Sikh who will even think of their unique and different identity! The reason why rss is not openly disclosing this "big picture idea" of theirs is coz there are still Sikhs who hold onto their distinct identity and deny being called Hindus. And till they dont have all Sikhs assimilated, no one will ever know of their vicious plans. So watch out! Their intentions are not clean!

Beware! these leaders have not fulfilled their previous promises and so any new promise made by any1 shud not be trusted at all!

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Currently SGPC is controlled by Badal/Tohra.. They are members of BJP which is a sangh organization. Meaning they are puppets of RSS.

SGPC somehow (through GOI) got control to change jathedars at will. So that means if the jathedar does something RSS doesnt agree with, his puppets have him sacked. This is why you see the jathedar only doing limited things as he wants to STAY in power.

Trust me someone a lot worse would take his place. (a true puppet)

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Heres something interesting and definitely ohmy.gif worth reading.. Its by DS Gill the chairman of IHRO.

Denounce Brahminical rituals, not Sikh Scriptures & Akal Takht

I started reading (understanding) Sri Guru Granth Sahib (SGGS) few years ago, but could not do exactly. My friend suggested me to first read Bhai Gurdas’ //’s & Kvit’s (a key to SGGS). I read it twice and then started to read SGGS. Again, before I could conclude, I asked my friend some questions, the reply was that I needed also to read Dasam Granth to get my questions answered. I read it, too, twice to understand it better (Eight volumes of its Steek published by the SGPC). Then I had discussions with some scholars (of Dasam Granth). I also read Hari Ram Gupta, Sirdar Kapur Singh and Dr Trilochan Singh on Dasam Granth, besides others.

Only after all this, I could get satisfaction and conclude SGGS once. Then I read different Steeks on SGGS. It took me nearly four to four-and-half years. You may take less, ’cause you seem more intelligent, at least than me. For you too, it will take six months. I do not mean, at all, that you have not read it so far. But I can say with certainty that some scholars, especially those who are challenging Dasam Granth have not read it even once. Have you, or have you not?

My experience and advice to any one interested to have it, is that

one needs to know or understand Bhai Gurdas (Vars) and Dasam Granth to fully understand and absorb the Godly Word enshrined in SGGS. The order may be any. Unless, you do that: DO NOT participate in any debate of this kind. Rather, I am sure, you will definitely receive answers from the Guru (Word) while remembering God in Simran at Amrit Vela. Thereafter, of course, you can have worldly dialogue with any one. Guru will guide you all the way. You will need no Kala Afghana’s or Gurtej’s. You will be able to ascertain the identity of truth. Because, Truth is God or God is Truth. Moreover, SAT SRI AKAL means the Same thing- the Absolute Truth, Akal Purakh- Waheguru.

Something about Dasam Granth, that I could know, is that it is a Word by Guru Gobind Singh, including transliteration of Hindu’s godly mythologies and narration (collection) of intrigues of women and men alike by the Tenth Master or his associates, against which the Guru had cautioned Khalsa to beware of all this. If there is no Dasam Granth, there will no Khalsa or Khalsa Raj on this earth for which the Guru had taken birth. But the truth is otherwise, there SHALL be Khalsa Raj in this part of the world, no one will be non-Khalsa, meaning thereby all (Hindus) will become Khalsa's.

Hindus are very much right when they say Sikhs are Hindus {all residents of Indus Valley, now known as Hindus}. All were Hindus before they took to Sikhism. Some of them were earlier taken to Islam (during Mughal period), thus then they became Muslims. Earlier to this, some of them embraced Buddhism or Jainism. Now the leftovers are RSS’s, Shiva Sena’s, VHP’s, including individuals like Togadia and Sudarshan, a frustrated lot, who do not know how to react to emerging scenario in the region or whom to join as religionists like their predecessors had embraced different religions.

The better option for them, in the given situation, is to become Sikhs and follow their forefathers. And, the URGENT NEED for the Sikhs is to denounce Brahminical r

ites that had gradually been crept into Sikhism, to save the faith from degeneration.

And most importantly, the so-called Sikh scholars should not beat the Sikh Scriptures, Sikh Institutions, as Akal Takht, and Sikh tenets, with the stick of Brahminical rituals that had unfortunately become, to some extent, a part of the Sikh faith.

The NEED of the hour is to denounce the rituals and not to challenge the authority of the Sikh Scriptures and Akal Takht.


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