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Kabio Vach Benti


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Gur Fateh!

Not meaning to be rude, but even if it is according to the Akal Thakt, I think it goes without saying that the present day incumbents leave a lot to be desired. Sri Guru Granth Sahib is our Guru, not some government appointed office bearers, even if they may occupy our temporal throne.

The Benti Chaupai does continue further as per:

"Kripa kari hum par Jag Mata... ...Dookh naa tisa biaput ko-ee"

These together with the Arill, Dohras and Savyayae complete the entire Bani as per all puratan Gutkas, Granths and Rehit Namas.

The shortening of the Rehras Sahib, denial of Raagmaala, questioning the validity of the Dasam Granth, alterations of the Rehit Namas are all acts of the Ram Rae we face today altering Sikhi where it doesn't suit their agendas...

Forgive any foolish comments in the foregoing,

-forever at the feet of the Sadh sangat-

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I agree with you (except for the raag mala part) :)   ^_^

Gur Fateh!

M Khalsa Bhai Sahib, I'm happy to 'agree to disagree' however denial of raagmala is prehaps the biggest act qualifying people as the modern day equivalents of the Ram Rae (who changed only one word or Gurbani) here, we have folk willing to cut out an entire Shabd!!!

I don't wish to get into pro and anti arguments about the raagmala, however to look at it humbly, personally I will always recite raagmala, as if it is indeed not gurbani (as claimed by some neo-evangelical Sikh movements and scholars and brethren) then fine, I shall repent on the basis that I have full faith in Maharaj and do not consider myself worthy of denying Gurbani...

...however, what does one do, after spending their whole life denying and speaking ill of the Shabd, upon discovering that it is in fact Gurbani -what are you going to repent for??? Your Manmat...sorry folks...but it's too late...you've sowed your seeds...

Singho, Singhneeo, let us rejoice in

our diversity and retain unity through the central axis of the Universe -Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...

-forgive my foolishness...

-forever at the feet of the Sadh Sangat-

Mod Note: This is not a Ragmala Discussion, this has already been discussed and you may wish to reopen discussion in a new thread, let's stick to the topic at hand (Kabio Vach Benti) please ^_^ .

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as per moderators request I will not say anymore. but I beleive insulting panthic gursikhs is pretty bad as this debate obviously goes back 200 or more years and involves quite a few great gursikhs on either side.

they are still in accordance with akal takht so insulting them is anti panthic.

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as per moderators request I will not say anymore. but I beleive insulting panthic gursikhs is pretty bad as this debate obviously goes back 200 or more years and involves quite a few great gursikhs on either side.

they are still in accordance with akal takht so insulting them is anti panthic.

Sat Sri Akaaal!

Moderator Jee I take due note of your comments and advice, however care to point out that I did clearly state that "I don't wish to get into pro and anti arguments about the raagmala" and nor shall I.

This reference was raised as Bhai Sahib Sardar MKhalsa Jeeo had mentioned it following my points on the Benti Chaupai -on which point, I'd also like to add I wasn't "complaining" about the changes to the rehras, as you alluded elsewhere on this forum, merely presenting an observation...

Moreover I certainly do not wish to 'insult Panthic Gursikhs'...I simply have no reason or ground to do so...and no where have I done this in my post thus far...nor do I intend to...

As I mentioned "I'm happy to 'agree to disagree' "...apologies if I have offended anyone ...

-forever at the feet of the Sadh Sangat-

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