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Are chunnis made from a particular kind of fabric and in a particular way? I'm trying to find something appropriate for my noggin, but it's tricky since there are so many different kinds of fabric! Is it supposed to be sort of satiny, or stretchy and "clingy", sort of scratchy fabric? See-through-ish or not?

Or does it not matter?


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As long as they stay on your head. Sometimes if you do not wear a dastaar it's best to tie a rumaal under your chuni to ensure your head is still covered, chunis sometimes fall off a lot. Otherwise, just try to find any fabric/material that will stick to your head and wont be very slippery/silky that it'll be a hassle or keep coming off.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

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Aaah, dastaar! *hides under the table* No doubt I will get to that stage eventually, but I don't think I can straight away. I've seen some online videos of how some people tie theirs, but I still don't quite understand. Until I make contact with some Sikhs in the flesh who can guide me, I'm not going to try.

But I have to start somewhere, and I need to find something to wear to the Gurdwara when I get the courage to go!

Now, a rumaal is a bandana, right?

I remember seeing a Sikh / Punjabi performer recently who sang with his daughters. One daughter's chunni kept falling off and she must have picked it up and put it back on at least 20 times over the course of the evening. When she was done singing though, she let it sit around her shoulders instead of over her head.

Well, now that I know it can be of any sensible fabric, I will see what I can find.

Thank you for your help.

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Where abouts are you? Maybe there's a Sikh nearby who would be willing to help you out, maybe accompany you to the Gurdwara?

I've seen some online videos of how some people tie theirs, but I still don't quite understand.  Until I make contact with some Sikhs in the flesh who can guide me, I'm not going to try.

There are a lot of different videos out there and way more different ways to tie a dastaar! The first time I wore a dastaar, I didn't learn to tie it from anyone or anything. I just tied it on my own however I could and off I went! wacko.gif You might have a natural knack for it!

I need to find something to wear to the Gurdwara when I get the courage to go!

Aww! Don't be scared! You'll most likely be greeted by lots of friendly faces!

Now, a rumaal is a bandana, right?


One daughter's chunni kept falling off and she must have picked it up and put it back on at least 20 times over the course of the evening. 

Yeah, that's the trouble with chunnis...always sliding off.

If you gather up the courage to go to the Gurdwara, please do let us know how it goes!

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Sister Ishna, if you don't feel confident right now to wear a dastaar, that is totally understandable. But you can make yourself aware of the history and beauty of the dastaar in all human societies (kings, queens, rajputs, ancient egyptians, modern african women) and try to feel comfrotable with the concept. Then try to keep a bandana rather than a chuni. Chuni is more part of Indian tradition and it is not really practical for covering your head as it falls off (as you noticed with the girl in the performance).

If you are able to go to any INdian store in your neighbourhood (depending on where you live) you could ask them for turban fabric, and cut the proper size of a bandana from there so that you will get comfortable with the feel of the turban fabric.

Then you can also cut a longer dastaar and at home you can slowly slowly transition yourself as you feel comfortable. You can tie a dastaar before going to bed (comfortably) and just around the house so that you feel comfortable with it and identity yourself with it.

Do not feel pressured and at a steady pace you can comfortably progress in your spiritual path. :)

please forgive me for any mistakes above,

vaaheguroojeekaakhaalsaa vaaheguroojeekeefatheh!

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