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Ummm, I actually assumed Kurtas did this electronically rather that crafting it himself and thought it was really funny.

But I don't agree with the argument "When you have taken on the ceramic tile wale and others then please come back and let me know". That sort of implies that you think this is disrespectful but not in the league of other stuff currently happening. Obviously there should be maximum satkaar, not in relative terms.

I agree with SSM that eating the apple which has Ek Ongkar on it would be disrespectful but in some instances I start to think where do you draw the line. Like I remember seeing letters that family from India would write and they used to put Ek Onkar on the top of the page. I thought this was great, you should remember God all the time and so what better way to start a letter? However, is that wrong also? because no doubt people would throw the letter away.

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The Gurus as far as I am aware begun Hukamnamas and letters with Ik Oankar at the top.

Unfortunatelywe do throw these letters away but that in itself is beadbi and we accept it but it is done for some good aswell.

Here it was done for the sole purpose of making 'everyone'laugh.

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If people create pictures of themselves with celebraties do you think it is difficult to take an image of a slice of toast and an apple and digitally alter the image to show Ek Onkar ? I bet some of you will now rush for your hex editors to read the headers (LOL, it does not take a software engineer to mess about with headers).

You lot are getting as bad as the mad mullahs who get their underpants in a twist over little things. There are always a few people who latch on to anything so they can make a big issue out of a non issue.

BOSS used to use blatent Hugo Boss style logos on clothing. Hugo Boss (fragrances etc) are a part of Procter and Gamble who test on animals etc. How many of you got your kachere in a twist over that.

How many of you have put a stop to Golden Temple Atta that is openly sold in many shops that sell alcohol. The packaging has a clear image of the Harimandir Sahib.

Then there is Golden Temple products who use an image of the Harimandir Sahib. Amongst their products is tea. Some strict Singh keep away from tea and do not allow anyone who drinks tea to do langar sewa. Baba Karam Singh Hoti Mardaan Wale and Baba Jawala Singh Ji Harkhowaal abstained from drinking tea (I am sure Namstang will correct me if this is not the case). Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji did not consume tea and used to serve visitors Banafsha and not tea. Come on you mad mullahs lets go after Golden Temple Products.

Remember there is One God and he is The Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer. This very God created nature etc from which we get apples. He also can destroy apples in an instant. Same with bread, God created wheat, he sustains it and finally it is harvested and turned into flour. All these things are from God !

You get your kachere in a twist of a few digital images but right in front of you kar sewa wale are destroying your heritage and you sit as mute spectators. LOL.gif

I nearly forgot to mention the pictures were actually created for an altogether different purpose. For a while I have been asking my nephew to thank Waheguru before he begins a meal. But he is a curious little chap and asks why he should thank God when we get our bread from Tesco etc. When I showed him the Ek Onkar bread image he was amazed and recognised the Ek Onkar symbol and now he thinks before he eats and thanks God for his meal. It helped educate him and I will create more such images if it helps to educate and develop a childs ability to learn.

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Lets get it straight Kurtas, YOU love to laugh at other people who want to show some respect to our Guru.

As YOU may not know, I will tell YOU, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji begins with Ik Oankaar, therefore one can see the importance of Ik Oankaar to us sikhs. Very important I would say. And YOU Kurtas?

For any possibility of a beadbhi we speak up and YOU laugh back.

Stop asking us what we have done for Atta packaging and Kar Sewa, the question is have YOU succeeded in stopping all this that YOU are so against? NO NO NO YOU have not.

How do I know? Because it is still happening today.

If YOU did not succeed then do not try to push the responsibility onto others. What Kurtas could not do he laughs at others for not doing!

YOU are a fool to compare us to some mad mullahs who debate over little things. If the possibility of beadbhi of bani is a little thing then YOU are a greater fool than I first thought YOU were. And I'm sure it is worthless to argue with fools.

Regarding the little story about YOUR nephew, thought up a great story YOU did and may I ask you to concentrate on YOURself while you teach your nephew.

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Lets get it straight Kurtas, YOU love to laugh at other people who want to show some respect to our Guru.

As YOU may not know, I will tell YOU, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji begins with Ik Oankaar, therefore one can see the importance of Ik Oankaar to us sikhs. Very important I would say. And YOU Kurtas?

For any possibility of a beadbhi we speak up and YOU laugh back.

Stop asking us what we have done for Atta packaging and Kar Sewa, the question is have YOU succeeded in stopping all this that YOU are so against? NO NO NO YOU have not.

How do I know? Because it is still happening today.

If YOU did not succeed then do not try to push the responsibility onto others. What Kurtas could not do he laughs at others for not doing!

YOU are a fool to compare us to some mad mullahs who debate over little things. If the possibility of beadbhi of bani is a little thing then YOU are a greater fool than I first thought YOU were. And I'm sure it is worthless to argue with fools.

Regarding the little story about YOUR nephew, thought up a great story YOU did and may I ask you to concentrate on YOURself while you teach your nephew.


Ja get off your donkey and stop the Golden Atta walle etc from doing beadbi. You mad mullah types are only good at one thing. That is talking bakwas on internet and jumping on to non issues to create self publicity.

I did not think up the story it is actually true but as normal you self rightous monomaniacs always know better.

Guess what just for you I am going to do similar images on a whole host of other food items. I may even create an A to Z alphabet with each item containing some reference to Sikhi and if I want to Gurbani. If such material helps others learn then I could not care what brahminical fussar panthis think. No wonder our dharam has been held back for the last 20 years. Too many brahmin types want to stop the spread of Sikhi and to help others understand our dharam.

Bhai Gurdas Ji wrote : "He got dug the complete holy tank and here settling down at Amritsar, he spread his light." Come on lets see you fussar panthis now clear amritsar of all manmat activity. Come on lets see you clear the city of Dhan Guru Ram Das Ji of alcohol and tobacco.

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what is Banafsha?

Iran's leader?

ummm, maybe?

but this sounds bit more plausible

Viola odorata Linn. Banafsha/Violet. It is included in family Violaceae as a glabrous or pubescent perennial herb found in Kashmir and temperate western Himalayas often in mountains above 5000 ft. Leaves, roots and flowers are used in Unani medicine for bilious affections, lung troubles, cough, kidney diseases and liver affections. The herb keeps overall expectorant, diaphoretic, antipyretic and diuretic activities and as laxative in bilious affections. With other herbs useful in catarrhs and pulmonary affections.

sounds like quite a funny alternative to cha though? then again I don't like green tea either...

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Lets get it straight Kurtas, YOU love to laugh at other people who want to show some respect to our Guru.

As YOU may not know, I will tell YOU, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji begins with Ik Oankaar, therefore one can see the importance of Ik Oankaar to us sikhs. Very important I would say. And YOU Kurtas?

Well siad, there is a time to laugh and a time to just let it go... the ek onkar symbol should not be used in this way or manner.

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Not tried sherbat of benafsha but apparently it is some sort of flower. I guess it is like the sherbat they make using rose petals.


In many Guru Ghar the committee wale use disco rope lighting around the palki. In most countries flashing lights of such nature are associated with red light districts and discos. How many times have you stopped beadbi of Guru Mahraj in such circumstances ?

Dont beat about the bush and ask what I have done as I am of the opinion that sewa is something you should not brag about.

>>YOU succeeded in stopping all this that YOU are so against? NO NO NO YOU have not.

Have I said I am for or against it. I am simply giving you serious issues of beadbi and ethical issues and asking you the champion of preventing beadbi has done. I guess you have done nothing. Please help me realise that you are more than a fussar panthi who like to show bravado on the internet over beadbi but in reality when it comes to beadbi could not care less and would turn the other way rather than tackle issues.

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